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Showing most liked content on 07/28/2017 in all areas

  1. [blurb]Good welcome, citizens! More reports on Tiberian Sun Reborn 2.0 have surfaced! Intel indicates the team has received assistance from an outside source, and additionally a view of alternate vehicle cameras, a new Nod building, and something else our agents have yet to decipher.[/blurb] <<< Incoming Transmission >>> Good welcome, citizens! More reports on Tiberian Sun Reborn 2.0 have surfaced! Intel indicates the team has received assistance from an outside source, and additionally a view of alternate vehicle cameras, a new Nod building, and something else our agents have yet to decipher. Timeaua's Contributions Renowned fan mapper, Timeaua, has collaborated with the Reborn team and has provided his map source files for 2.0. His maps, if you are unfamiliar, were Tiber, Dam, and Omega City. Expect to see these maps updated and shipping out with release! We thank you for your maps and assets Timeaua! Alt Cameras Pushwall happened to find time outside of developing APB and brought alternate vehicle cameras over to Reborn. GDI Wolverine GDI Titan Nod Attack Buggy Nod Attack Bike Other vehicles may receive alternate cameras, although it is yet to be determined which if not all vehicles will receive this. Nod Repair Station In order to repair their vehicles, Nod has had to resort to assigning a soldier to man the Mobile Repair Vehicle. In order to free up manpower, Nod has designed a Repair Station that will be included in Nod bases across the globe. Concept image by Ice. Expect more updates on this and how it will fit into existing bases. Corrupted Data Regarding the last part of the intel we have received, it appears to be garbled. Our agents are attempting to unscramble this visual feed and see what information we can get out of this. Until it can be deciphered, this is all that we have. And that does it for this update! Tune in next time for more to come as we continue on the road to release!
  2. Finally the Cruiser makes it into Rebarn!
  3. [mechanical man intensifies]
  4. GRAND THEFT AUTO 2 http://www.myabandonware.com/game/grand-theft-auto-2-3w7 Grand Theft Auto 2 has been free off of the Rockstar Social Club Classics for as long as I can remember but that site has since been taken down. It's a really fun top down open world shooter. Great music and original radio stations with very few licensed songs. There is also a fart and a burp button. BATTLEFIELD 2 & 2142 + Expansions https://battlelog.co/ We should really get a W3DHub clan going on this, seen a lot of players in the middle of the night in North America.
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  5. EA Los Angeles - The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth series (2004-2006)
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  6. Raven Software - Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force (2000) FASA Studio & Cyberlore - MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries (2002) Monolith - No One Lives Forever (2000) & No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way (2002) Blizzard - StarCraft (1998) & StarCraft: Brood War (1998)
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  7. Awesome. I needed something to do between dinner and a 9pm game on TV tonight, heh. Nostalgiaaaaaaaaaaa!
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  8. Very nice work. Would you mind if we used this as the TSR menu music? We will give you credit of course.
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