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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2018 in all areas

  1. [blurb]This update comes with a new event and vehicle as well as many tweaks and bug fixes![/blurb] New Stuff: • Added the new nuclear strike disaster, the longer the player survives they make more money. Note being in aircraft or far from the mainland does not qualify, standing on top of sky scrapers pays less as well. • Added the mobile Flak Truck, a medium sized vehicle with a large flak cannon mounted on the back. Tweaks: • Fishing buoys now pay 2 times their previous amount. • Reduced the price of the dreadnaught from 2 million to 1 million dollars. • Ogel Cat event now pays twice as much as it originally did. • The island with the portal to Mars now teleports to Hell instead. • The armored cars in the armored car even now have a much cooler explosion when they die instead of using the nod truck death. • Calling a player that is outside of cell range now plays the busy signal for the player calling. • Money spawned from the armored cars now have random facing to make the piles of money look more chaotic. • Updated the version of Rp2ServerSettings.ini 18, it will automatically recreate itself next time a game is hosted. Bug Fixes: • Previously Canada was missing collision zones, we’ve sealed it up so the player can’t escape into the void. • Nuke explosions are now sized different depending on the power, nuclear mutant cat’s blast is biggest followed by the nuclear ICBM, finally is the nuke artillery. • Added missing water wake effects for several ships/boats in ECW. • Fixed the gunboat animation, the turret will no longer snap forward for a split second at the end of the animation loop. • Renamed the Apache Longbow to just be Apache Helicopter since it doesn’t have the longbow radar. • Fixed a bug with the AI scud launchers not giving the proper kill messages, now you should see what killed you instead of “X died.” • Fixed a bug with the phone when you go to hell, originally if the player messed around enough they could end up with a permanently disabled phone, this should now be fixed. • Slowed down a timer on one of the PT scripts, it was potentially triggering 100 times a second which is completely needless. • Added some default weapon selection for the AI if their weapon can't be granted (stability fix). • Visiting Mars via areospace vehicles is now tracked. • Added a missing church blurb for the abomination disaster. • Fixed medium money pile model, previously it was using the small money pile model. • Fixed a bug with the armored car event that caused soldiers not to spawn from the car when it died. Note: You will need to re-favorite your vehicles due to the new addition.
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  2. Noted hahah, and...... PROBLEM 100% SOLVED! Case-Closed. Thanks for the given time and help regarding my issue. Tried the game and play for some mins, no problem all smooth. So yeah, 10/10 for the help lads
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  3. That's the header of the .reg file. It should be coped. You don't need to worry about the version number for that line unless you're still on Windows NT or older for some reason.
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  4. If the game runs smoothly and error-free with the registry fix, fantastic! But if you get any crashes in-game, come back in and make a post and we'll turn to this side of things. C++ 2013 wouldn't be installed correctly, which would be the culprit.
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  5. Edit: If you opt for the registry route, it's probably best for future updates to make your game's path the same as the launcher would install it. By default, this is: C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\ I suggest moving your game around to meet the default path.
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  6. The launcher uses the registry to detect installed games. Copy the following text to notepad and make edits for your installation directory, and then save the file as a .reg. Then double click the .reg file to add it to your registry. 1) Replace the version number in InstalledVersion with your game's version, if it hasn't been fully updated before you copied it over. 2) Change InstallDir to the folder where your game.exe is located 3) Do the same with InstallPath After adding this in, the launcher will recognize the game as installed.
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  7. If you don't see Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86) or (x64) in your Programs & Features list, you can try installing these packages separately: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 Once you install them, try installing APB again. The installer might then skip msvc-2013.zip altogether. Other than that, your log shows Exit Code 5 at the end, which means "Access denied". Have you run the launcher as an administrator and then tried installing?
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  8. It would appear that someone did their homework before posting the question. Kudos to you sir Maybe we can get this worked out for you!
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  9. Juicy Chicken Number One and Dr. P it is.
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