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Showing most liked content on 02/13/2018 in all areas

  1. Not the YOUNGLINGS. OMG what have we done.
  2. Hey guys, Since I'm officially done with APB level contributions, I'm more or less free to pick up the occasional small tasks. The first thing I've worked on today was an updated Soviet Airfield, since I really did not like the existing low resolution single black asphalt texture that was on it. I've had to make sure not to modify the existing geometry much, else complications may have surfaced in various levels. The screenshots below are 100% material/texture work with no geometry changes outside of vertex coloring. The runway stripes glow, making them easy to spot in night time maps. The runway consists of 11 new textures and ~13 new 3-pass materials. Snow version: Grass version: I may do a desert version if @Pushwall requires it, but keep in mind none of the current buildings even have a desert version. If I end up doing any additional contributions, I'll post them here.
  3. [blurb]Welcome a pirate ship and ballista to the ever growing list of units![/blurb] New Stuff: • Added the ballista, a slow moving weak unit that fires large bolts that do extreme damage. • Added the pirate ship, which is able to catch fish as well as having a powerful broadside cannon attack. Improvements: • Doubled the speed differences required to detect a collision on vehicles, this should help get rid of the random collision damage vehicles take on the server. • Updated the taxi paths so taxies can now pick up players on the new pathways added in the last patch. • Updated how the chinook drop works (doesn’t have collisions anymore) which should help keep them from lagging when they collide with things midair. • Cleaned up the anti-spawn kill script; it shouldn’t print out messages twice anymore. • Optimized the hardened warrior perk, it should be less intensive on the server when the player takes lots of damage. Bug Fixes: • Fixed a floating street sign near the pet shop. • Turrets in the army base shouldn’t appear floating anymore (hopefully). • Fixed a bug with the police patrol job not updating the radar points, something that I must have broke when I optimized that code.
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  4. Treetop jungle made me like I was in Star Wars on Kashyyyk and I was thinking where’s the Wookiees. Treetop jungle would’ve been away better if it had more rampart/bridges. Sorry for the nonsequitor nostalgia
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  6. Cheers @Romanov and @moonsense715. AR Team is best team! <3
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  7. Truly the most important part of APB survival. This should replace the Don't Buy Demolition Trucks radio command.
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  8. https://youtu.be/Lfj8kqGLVWU?t=16m22s easily the best part of the video. good solid advice
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