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  1. ????THE EXPANSIVE CIVILIAN WARFARE SUPER SYMPOSIUM THIS SUNDAY. SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY! BE THERE!???? Expansive Civilian Warfare has been quiet for a few months, but we've been working hard to bring you a new update that'll enthrall and enchant all those who dare walk the streets of the most dangerous city in America. Ladies and gentlemen, cervines and other various woodland creatures I bring you great news! A sizeable ECW patch will be released on Sunday, July 22nd (Midnight CST)! Jerad has been working tirelessly to add 10 new tanks, 2 aircraft and another 2 civilian vehicles to the streets and skies of San Casina. New Features · Added the check in system! Players can check in once a day, checking in requires players to play in San Casina for five minute and (and not be AFK) once the five-minute check in is complete they will receive money. The amount of money given depends on the length of the check-in streak. A one-day check in streak is worth $100,000.00, whereas a ten-day check-in streak is worth $1,000,000.00 (which is the max). If a player misses a day, the streak will be broken and they'll have to start back at a one day streak and work their way up. · Added 13 new records that track who changes the weather with the weather control tower. · Added a new street sweeper job, that pays money when driving, however the most lucrative aspect of the job comes from repairing street signs (just pull up to ones that have been ran over, you need to wait 5 minutes after the sign was run over before you can repair it). · Added another favorite vehicle slot, players now have 3! Improvements · Taxis can now charge your debt card. · Visible infantry in vehicles can now be damaged depending on a new setting. This allows vehicles like the Cargo Truck to only have damageable drivers in the back. · The player will now get a message stating "Sorry, we cannot let you have more than $500,000,000.00 on your person, that is just too dangerous!" if they attempt to pull more than that amount onto their person. This is to protect the player as the game will flip to a negative amount once you get to a certain point. · *Updated the message for withdrawing out money on maps besides San Casina to make it clearer to the player that it costs you an additional amount of money (basically 10x what you're trying to pull out). · PIN now displays as ******* instead of the actual number client side (in case the player is recording the game so they don't give their PIN away). · Removed geometry that kept you from walking up the ramp on the oil tanks in the industrial area. · Removed collision from the for sale signs, hopefully cars would bug client side when running them over. · Cargo truck’s occupants in the back can now take damage, people in the cab are immune. · Hazmat truck occupants are immune to damage. Bug Fixes · Fixed the UFO screen fade effects when its firing, the screen now correctly fades purple when the UFO begins firing. · Massive UFO no longer kills player that aren’t in San Casina. · Aircraft should no longer stall when hitting the boundaries of the map and teleporting to the other side. · Fixed a bug with the player money backup system that would give the player 4 billion dollars if they happen to have a negative amount of cash on hand right before a game crash. · Fixed a money bug with the cell phone that would have prevented the player from moving more than 4 billion dollars from their bank to on hand. · Fixed a bug with the hazmat job that would display incorrect amounts of money. · Fixed the jet reload zone on Hell Island. · Fixed multiple street signs that were floating and added a few missing street signs. Tweaks · Renamed the file that tracks the money players have on hand from BetaRP2PlayerMoney to BetaRP2PlayerMoneyOnHand. · Changed the rose and lion drop ship armor types (was using building armor). · A10 Warthog now moves vertically faster. · Updated credits file New Vehicles Cromwell Medium Tank Cost: $10,000 Armor: 1000 Speed: 40MPH Primary: OQF 75mm Secondary: Besa Machine Gun - Your basic battle tank from the WWII, it's immune to the effects of EMP like all the other World War II vehicles. Ke Nu Light Tank Cost: $19,600 Armor: 330 Speed: 25 MPH Primary: 57mm Tank Gun Secondary: 7.7mm Machine Gun - LARP like a technologically in-advanced Imperial Japan, and bring your Red Alert 3 fantasies into a virtual reality. Just don't get immolated by a Panzer! M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer Cost: $47,900 Armor: 125 Speed: 30 MPH Primary: 3-inch Gun Secondary: M2 Machine Gun - A heavy duty tank destroyer with a powerful co-axial gun. It packs a punch and allows you to bring the hurt to other armored vehicles. M12 Gun Motor Carriage Cost: $41,700 Armor: 650 Speed: 24 MPH Primary: Canon de 155mm GPF Secondary: N/A - A piece of old school heavy artillery that doesn't need to deploy. Use it to rain down fire on your enemies! Mark IV Tank Cost: $5,000 Armor: 2000 Speed: 4 MPH Primary: .303in Lewis Gun Secondary: QF 6-Pounder 6 cwt Hotchkiss - Pretend you're in the trenches just like your great, great, grandpappy with this badboy! A second player can enter this vehicle and act as a gunner! Panzer III Cost: $38,000 Armor: 650 Speed: 25 MPH Primary: 3.7cm KwK36 Secondary: MG 34 - You don't have to hide your power level when you're dispelling death from the Panzer III. Sturmpanzer Cost: $78,600 Armor: 1300 Speed: 25 MPH Primary: 15cm StuH 43 L/12 Secondary: MG 34 - A heavy German heavy tank that packs a surprising punch! Sturmtiger Cost: $118,800 Armor: 2000 Speed: 25 MPH Primary: 380mm RW 61 Rocket Launcher L/5.4 Secondary: N/A - A competent rocket based harassment vehicle that'll bring a great deal of butt hurt to other armor. Of course with great power, comes a hefty price tag! T1K Battle Tank Cost: $350,000 Armor: 1700 Speed: 50 MPH Primary: Proto Plasma Torpedo Launchers Secondary: N/A A extremely powerful tank that'll take your enemies out like the trash they are. With a less powerful plasma torpedo that can fire in salvos of two, this self healing and fire immune tank will allow you to dish out much more pain for longer than an Abrams could ever dream of doing! Kokusan Armored Car Cost: $8,600 Armor: 145 Speed: 25 MPH Primary: 7.7mm Vickers Mk 1 Medium Machine Gun Secondary: 6.5mm Machine Gun - An Anti-infantry wet paper bag that is slower than molasses.This'll help you confirm without a doubt why Japan lost the war. X7-32 Apache Cost: $240,000 Armor: 400 Speed: 100 MPH Primary: Heavy Laser Secondary: Plasma Rockets - It seems Jerad decided we needed the VTOLs from Avatar in ECW. This futuristic helicopter self heals and can extinguish fires automatically. It is an extremely powerful close support aircraft that you'd better hope to not come up against. BF-109 Cost: $12,000 Armor: 0 Speed: 360 MPH Primary: Twin 131 Machine Guns Secondary: N/A Finally, another armed prop plane has entered the skies of San Casina. With its powerful cannons and easy to manage top speed, you'll be able to strafe the ground and own the skies. Will you be the Luftwaffe hero who finally brings down the wretched Ogel cat?Streetsweeper Cost: $40,000 Armor: 300 Speed: 14 MPH Primary: N/A Secondary: N/A - Make a career out of fixing the destruction that other players have wrought on the streets of San Casina with the street sweeper! A base wage will be payed for driving, but the lions share comes from repairing street signs that have been destroyed across the city/desert! Garbage Truck Cost: $60,000 Armor: 1000 Speed: 40MPH Primary: N/A Secondary: N/A - A heavily armored civilian vehicle that gives the Armored Truck a run for its money. Just try and avoid the swarms of bees that'll be following you if you spend too much time as a garbage man. [blurb]With 14 new vehicles and a bunch of new features, is live this Sunday![/blurb]
  2. Wouldn't want to be the guy who gets killed by a street sweeper. But hey at least you'll be a very clean corpse, hooray for bright sides.
  3. It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace. Source: https://multiplayerforums.com/topic/7663-rip-zunnie/ [blurb]It is with a heavy heart that I bring this news. I awoke this morning to the news that zunnie is no longer with us. A well-known gamer and founder of MPF, zunnie was a friend to all persons he had met throughout his life. zunnie has done a lot for the Renegade and MPF community and will be greatly missed. This is a terrible loss for us all. Our condolences go out to his family and loved ones. May he rest in peace.[/blurb] [thumb]custom_thumb_ren.png [/thumb]
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  4. Then I will edit the server! Check back shortly!! Edit: It's done, try now!
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  5. This is with a grenadier though. The point was that the blind spot extends over such a long distance that even the shortest-ranged unit (grenadier) can use it - but people saving their money or driving the truck are going to be using rifle soldiers instead, which have 30m more range and would easily be able to avoid having to enter the positions where they can get splash burned, and don't all have to clump up at the edge of that ridge.
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  6. I like this kind of outside the box thinking.
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  7. Question: What makes a true C&C game? Answer: Tiberian Sun
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  8. At it's core, C&C RTS games were a sandbox. The game gave you a bunch of units and structures along with related mechanics but ultimately it was up to you, the player, how you went about utilizing any of the tools the game gave you. Two or more people, with their own strategies and tactics, fighting each other over bragging rights. The whole concept is truly this simple. Forget e-sports and crazy twitchy micro management. The original games offered a very accessible gaming experience that was very unique at the time, and even till this day there has not really been many games like C&C RTS games. Most RTS games fail to get any traction at all because they always miss one or more fundamental pillars that C&C games nailed down (and perhaps Westwood did so more by chance rather than intentionally). The RTS franchise as a whole has been completely tunnel vision focused on e-sports when there simply is no audience for this. For the onlooker, RTS games are a difficult to follow mess, and for the participant, the barrier to entry is massive because of the huge skill ceiling that comes with micro managing and fast reaction requirements. C&C games in particular had much more success in the hands of "the average player", the casual player that wanted to play some RTS for either story or a match versus some equally skilled opponents, or simply with friends. To most players, the over-designing of later RTS games did not add anything of value. All that really mattered was that factions were diverse and offered plenty of unique and fun units, structures, or mechanics. RA3 was a good example of over-designing, where so much time was wasted on making the units e-sports friendly, that in that process they forgot to focus on everything else, resulting in bland and forgettable units at best, and cringe-worthy units at worst. Naturally, earlier C&C games added upon that in terms of game setting, background stories, and general game character. It resulted that people gained a sense of ownership to these units and structures as they became more immersed into the universe. This isn't something many other games managed to emulate, because the traditional C&C themes were original and strong (until EA absolutely murdered all of this post C&C3). TLDR: C&C games are beautifully simple games. Later C&C games and other RTS games cannot reach the potential of the older games because game developers do not understand what made these games sell.
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