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  1. As you may have noticed in the recent update, a Kennel was teased. Of course, a Kennel would also mean dogs being included. This was quickly covered up on account of it being meant as a joke before getting to the real update. The Kennel icon alone did spark some interest, though we did not intend for that to happen. This is not to say dogs in APB are impossible. Chrono Tanks, MiGs, and Cruisers were impossible before, and yet here we are. What it really boils down to is how can we best implement dogs into APB? After some internal discussion, we have thought it best to ask you, the players, for your input. If you could put dogs in the game, how would you define them? What role would they play? How do we ensure the dogs do not overlap the flamethrower/starshina too much? How would we encourage field use since dogs cannot reasonably damage buildings? How would the attack work? Should dogs even be playable or be AI-controlled bots? These are the questions we're asking, and we would like your response. And yes @des1206 we can easily give the dog a bark on the alt-fire. [blurb]Dogs in APB. A possibility, though we would like your feedback first. More details in the thread.[/blurb]
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  2. I agree I guess it's a matter of perspective and what players prefer. Dogs are also something new (relatively speaking) so perhaps it's also because of that.
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  3. I think it’s silly to say that the dog isn’t fun because of a lack of an attack animation, or that it is t fun to someone being attacked by one. Since when has being attacked by anything been fun for the other person? Anyone who complained that the dogs weren’t fun were probably the ones getting killed constantly. I do agree they had too much health, but it was such a fun experience when you aren’t used to playing something of that style.
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  4. Cheap scouts, fastest non vehicle unit, anti infantry, cannot attack anything else and are very vulnerable (no armor) to explosions, shells, fire, shocks, etc. Available for both sides for better balance. Dogs would have a special vision detecting enemy infantry (call it a "smellvission", e.g. enemy infantry would appear red on hud). This way dogs would be able to detect spies but also other enemy infantry from certain distance and/or possibly even through obstacles. Another alternative is that they would have special radar only for detecting enemy infantry (which would always work even if radar was down or not available). Flamethrowers and starshinas can attack buildings and vehicles, they have armor. Dogs would not be suitable for frontal attack due to low health and no armor. Mostly for defense, scouts ("smellvission"). They might be good to clear enemy buildings from technicians and engineers or support vs mechs, doctors, spies, and other support infantry so a potential support for small group tactical attacks. Potential threat to commando infantry if they are unaware of a dog nearby. Very close melee/aoe attack affecting single infantry health. It could work with a possible jump trigger (left click while targetting infantry = jump attack). Low and middle tier infantry should die instantly. No AI unless it's a special map feature. Player controlled dogs are fun as seen in AR, they offer something unique in regards to gameplay. They shouldn't be hard to balance since they have limited use and no long range capabilities. If anything it would make infantry rushes more interesting/challenging.
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  5. Dogs should be player controlled scout and ambusher. Scout - If coding allows, let him to see all on foot infantry in a large distance by direct sight (maybe use green arrows on top infantry heads?). Let him also "see" phase tanks and mines too (he can smell/hear them), and be able to mark them for teammates. Also buff the spy a little more, and to balance out dogs in base. Ambush - Give him no radar signature (he's a dog). If you see him coming, he has no chance with so little hp. But if he can sneak up on you for melee, one hit kill. That feeling of hunting and being hunted will be great for gameplay. He can be made very useful with his own battlefield niche and his price doesn't have to be too cheap.
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  6. The water bowl receives extra damage. I think dogs will remain an AR exclusive. I think they'd be an odd fit for APB, gameplay-wise.
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