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  1. None can escape the wrath of a rogue Psyduck.
  2. ChopBam is suddenly assaulted by Borg drones! The attacks just phase right through him but just as he was starting to feel comfortable, the Borg Queen appears behind him. She extends her hand across the dimensions and manages to grab hold of him, beginning the assimilation. Soon after a bright flash appears as ChopBam calls down a mighty lightning bolt in an attempt to break free. It struck the Borg Queen, injuring her along with disrupting the assimilation, but ChopBam was barely hanging on as a ghost before. With that last bit of effort, he fades away, as dead as a ghost can get. He was Force Ghost Yoda His alignment and abilities are currently hidden. Jeod voted OrangeP47 iLikeToSnipe voted OrangeP47 OrangeP47 voted Jeod Penalty voted Jeod Penalty voted Jeod Jeod is lynched! He is still All For One Alignments and abilities are still hidden End Game post coming shortly.
  3. You know, one thing I want to know is how these vampire are being active during the day phase?
  4. Your partner/experiment died, you were never able to find a cure. But some say, that to this day Dr. Grout remains in hiding, attempting to bring Drusilla back from the death. He's even going to such lengths as working with the Giovanni to succeed.
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  5. This is great, also see to see the name change! It will be better recognizable for the players too Keep up the good job on the project!
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  6. Dogs could be a cool addition to the meta game, plus it is a unit from RA1. Model a simple Kennel, and add it as part of the Soviet Barracks, like where those barrels are outside of it, left side. So you shoot at the kennel? You're technically shooting at the barracks. When Barracks dies, so does the Kennel's functionality. You go up to the kennel, and its a switch, like in Interim Apex where you go up to the helicopter pad, and it has switches for the various choppers you can buy. So you go up to and aim at the kennel, and a target box appears saying "Purchase Attack Dog $200". Press E to purchase, and an AI controlled Attack Dog spawns, along with green help text explaining how to control the dog, "Press E to have him follow you, press E again to have him guard area." Now you'll need some AI pathfinding routes setup in all maps. I figure, the Dog AI acts just like the bot soldiers you can buy in Interim Apex. When following you, they move at full speed, attacking any enemies they encounter. When not following you, they move at walk speed, patrolling the area where they were told to stay, but going back to run speed and attacking any enemies that come near. They can detect spies, will attack them on sight. In Interim Apex, guard bots will talk when enemies are nearby. For the Dog, have him bark and growl when enemies (including spies) are near. The purpose of the dog is to protect against spies, thieves and other enemy infiltrators. Depending on the map size, you can only buy a certain amount of Dogs. On small maps like Metro, limit 2. Big maps like Keep off the Grass and the one with the AA gun truck, limit 3 or 4. Just enough to have a dog be guarding important structures. So for example, you buy the dog, go up to him, press E to have him follow you, then bring him inside the war factory near the vehicle creation bay. Press E to have him guard that area. You just helped your team by safeguarding against spies. While your team buys vehicles, the Dog will start barking loudly, growling menacingly and run towards who you thought was a teammate, and then attack him, hopefully killing him before he steals a tank. In theory this could be very useful. On Metro, you can bring the dog with you into the alley ways and have him help you kill an enemy soldier. Good dog. The dog's "weapon" should kill standard soldiers in 2 "hits," 2 lunges. So, dog runs up to enemy soldier while enemy soldier is shooting it, dog takes damage but still makes it, Bite attack, second later, 2nd bite attack, and the enemy soldier is dead. If the dog gets lucky and bites the head, headshot damage multiplier should apply. If the enemy soldier gets lucky and has good aim and manages to shoot the dog in the head, he should be able to fend off one Dog with only suffering one bite. Basically: with quick reflexes, a Rifle Soldier should be able to gun down a dog that he sees coming a mile away. But in close quarters the Dog has the advantage. Say the Dog is guarding the War Factory interior? As soon as an enemy soldier rounds a corner, the dog will pounce him without much effort, the soldier doesn't have enough time to shoot back. As for player controlled dogs? Meh. I like the whole AI idea better. As for Apocalypse Rising playable dogs being troublesome to balance? Maybe axe that feature altogether, and instead, regulate Dogs as limited AI companions just like my idea here. What do you think? Playing as a spy, you'd have to be much more careful, and learn the sight range of the AI dogs. Wait till the dog is alone, then silence pistol headshot kill it before it notices you. The AI could be adjusted so that it is not omniscient, although I'm not sure how well you can fine tune the AI's guard logic. Is it possible to sneak up behind an AI player? Does the AI player only see whats in front of it? In Interim Apex, I've seen the AI react to enemy shooting. A coordinated team could distract the dogs by full frontal assault, luring the dog outside of the building, to allow the spy to sneak in. Possibilities would be cool.
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