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  1. The Cruiser in the cut-scenes of Red Alert is the very same Iowa-Class Battleship, so the RA-lism is spot on in this case. I tried testing out a 1:1 scale Cruiser last month. Let's just say that it would have required a lot of map changes to accommodate it.
  2. CLICK HERE if you just want to see what my work is about: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j5DOoMIdrl60EZIXNjrlw https://www.skorvion.com/ _________________________________________________________________ I've been investing most of my time building up a creative project and team for the past couple of infinities, and I'm very happy and grateful to be able to share some of that if anyone is curious! I've combined my love of games and deep interest in personal development into an active project. This is Skorvion Games, where everything is focused on creativity, play and game development in connection with personal growth, health and awareness. So if someone here finds that interesting or is just curious about it, feel free to check things out for yourself! It's not for everyone, but if you find yourself enjoying this type of content then I hope what you see enriches your life in some way. There are currently three more-or-less introductory videos uploaded, and considering I'm the project lead, you can guess who's presenting the content! I'm very new to being in front of a camera at this stage (which is evident) and I'm thankfully just getting better and better with each experience! It's pretty cool, actually. There are certain more impactful (and larger in scale) things being worked on, but I can't reveal anything beyond the current assortment of videos and other similar content that is already on the way. So just expect more video content via YouTube for the time being if you're interested in following our work. Here's the currently most relevant video for this community: https://youtu.be/FOULGvAy58I The topic of the above linked video is C&C Tiberian Sun mapping in a certain sense, more aimed at enthusiasts who aren't as experienced with it than a lot of you here might be - so watch that first, it could be the most relatable entry-point for you. Just as a starting suggestion. SITE LINKS: WEBSITE: https://www.skorvion.com/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SkorvionGames YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-j5DOoMIdrl60EZIXNjrlw Let me know your thoughts and I hope this type of thing resonates well with some of you. You can like the Facebook page, or subscribe to the YouTube channel if you'd like to be notified of any new stuff (don't count on forum thread updates, it's secondary)! I truly appreciate your support, so have a sincere thanks and invisible cookie! Enjoy!
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  3. Your linked video certainly has relevance here. There is a barrier to entry in regards to creating ideas and bringing them to life on a platform like W3D or Unreal or whatever. The initial steps of entering unknown territory - unknown tools, working environment, standards, and missing knowledge all create a high-pressure situation that most people quickly want to walk out of. This is a perfectly natural human response, most of us don't deal well with such things. The problem originates from stepping into these situations blindly, without assistance, and without support - as you say. The problem is often compounded by other people sharing these negative experiences, which then creates an echo-chamber within your head which basically serves to reinforce that "this is hard, and everyone else thinks so too". You're left with a wish to create, but no means to pull it off. So yeah, you put a different light on an old issue. You speak about it from an angle most people don't really consider, but I think it is a good idea that you try to highlight it. It might, as you say, 'unblock' some people into trying something again... Hell, I know several W3D projects are literally begging for more environmental artists, so it's not like the whole 'job' is unwanted!
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  4. General Fix memory leaks during loading screen, alt+tab and chat history that would eventually crash the game. Fix particles being delayed or not appearing at all on the first few shots of any weapon. Shrunk HUD by 25%. Give it a try, and if it's still not the right size for you, head to the downloads section for a bigger or smaller one. Make sure to only install the small one if you actually have a small screen resolution, or else some weapon text may spill onto other HUD elements. Shortened some weapon names to accommodate new HUD sizes. AP Mines are now a little less performance-heavy. All rocket-launching weapons now have backblasts. Rockets have less gaps in their smoke trails. Rockets have thicker but shorter flame trails. Homing rocket-launching weapons have less ridiculous turn rates on their missiles (except the Redeye/Strela/SAM Site/Phase Tank which were already reasonable). APC Max turret tilt down (60 -> 45 degrees) Gunboat Moved cables to avoid clipping with barrel. Tanya Damage back down to 25. MiG Missiles now disappear from the model when fired. Alt camera is now underneath the middle. Overhauled missile behaviour: They no longer have lock-on, so they will not follow moving targets, but they will still track to the position you're aiming at (just like the Missile Sub's ballistic missiles). So you are not required to mouse over the unit in order to hit it, but doing so is still helpful to confirm that you've entered firing range - you will have to lead against fast-moving vehicles though. Velocity increased (50 -> 100m/s) Turn rate increased 25% Error ratio decreased (0.33 -> 0.2) Range increased (100 -> 110m) Hitbox size increased (0 -> 3m cube) Damage to buildings decreased (50 -> 40) since they can now easily one-strafe and run whereas the slightly more damaging Yak needs two strafes and is slower Missile damage to infantry down from 50% to 5% (since missiles with a large hitbox are much easier to hit infantry with, and coming from above they are basically guaranteed to be "headshots" - the original damage value would be able to one-shot any infantry with basically a 100% success rate) Now fires 2 missiles at once with a 1.5 second cooldown between salvos, instead of 3 at once with a 6 second cooldown. So if used properly it can now use all 6 missiles in one strafe. Under, KOTG Fixed floating trees.
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  5. We knew it was going to be an issue, but it came down to putting the Cruiser in the game now, or waiting months for the possibility of a 3D Artist joining the team again. I decided to act and get us the ship now. In the process, I also brought up getting replacements for the rest of the ships, since the Cruiser was crazy detailed compared to the Gunboat/Destroyer. We decided it was for the best to update everything for now, and always have the possibility to go back later. The team is very limited on what can be done. We don’t have the team size like we did 10+ years ago, and this was the best way I could find to get the ships to the players (especially the Cruiser).
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  6. If I can be frank, I also don't like the Cruiser model. The details and models are good, don't get me wrong. But the problem is the model is essentially a shrunk down version of a real life old battleship, with tiny doors and tiny windows on there as well. I know APB isn't going for 100% realism, but a Ralistic cruiser model with an alternative look that doesn't look like it shrunk on-purpose would have been better. All this is not to say I don't appreicate the work that's been done by the dev team. Thank you so much for making the cruiser happen. I also noticed one cruiser turret equals the DPS of an artillery. Having a fully-manned cruiser is essentially equivalent of having 2 artillery attacking you from the ocean. Lastly, on Mig targeting issues. Has the dev team considered slowing down the Mig (50m/s -> 45m/s) and the Yak (40m/s -> 35m/s) a bit? I feel the slower speeds will help players to aim better while still making them the fastest units in the game.
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  7. I just noticed we don't have a dedicated SS thread for APB, while So many Intern Apes screenshots are posted, yet not a single one from the brand new A Pushwall's Behind... Let's post screens of the new b0tes. Cruiser is my favorite:
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  8. Im sorry AZ- Stalker I will never do it again this is just a data game can you ranke on interim server yes or no? also from red alert a path beyond? You are my new friend im from norway everyone can make mistakes?
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