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Showing most liked content on 01/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Excellent. We're going to need such a device for our full-frontal attack on the Pentagon.
  2. Clearly we need to rely on our freedom-loving Anglophiles to bail us out on this one. Get SammyD on the line.
  3. *puts moderator hat back on* Lets not continue to hurl insults at each other in public. It will only make things worse and derail this, drag it out longer, you get the idea.... Thanks. *takes moderator hat back off* Since you elected to start this in public, and air out everything where the whole world can see on this forum, do you not think it would also be a great idea to let the whole world see how we solve this? I really think hiding the discussion at this point is a very poor move.
  4. Everything please, thanks!
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  5. Currently, we're using resources recycled from APB and Renegade Beta. We're also attempting to contact the developers of The Brotherhood to see if they have anything we can use, though we've yet to get a definitive response. The SAM Site will be pop-up, as it was in TD, and just like the laser turrets in TSR. We're definitely looking into adding them in post-release. It's entirely possible. The Temple of Nod, in particular, is going to have it's own map dedicated to it (It's too big to balance as a main structure, and having it small enough to be balance wouldn't do it justice.) That's still undecided, however the current plan is for them to not have interiors.
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  6. I feel that W3D games (and renegade) have their own niche, and that niche should be catered to rather than making mechanics like most other games. While it's true that sticking too close to the roots can be a bad thing, not honoring them is likewise a bad move IMO. That means by default I'm skeptical of changes, but I'll also acknowledge there's probably room for improvement. On the specific items on the table: Aim down sights - fine, as long as it doesn't remove secondary fires. Right click is kind of the "king" for both those functions, but assuming one or both features were rebindable there's really no problem. Bullet damage dropoff - The current range system isn't perfect, but I think it's one of the things that make these games unique and I'd want it preserved. Recoil - It's fine as long as it's not overdone. Doing it too much would be changing things too much. Advanced reload mechanics - Hard to comment without more specific examples. Partial reload of a shotgun is probably fine. If something's creative an ADDs to a weapon/unit, then sure, but I'd take it on a case by case basis. Maybe something like the captain "double charging" the M60 by linking extra ammo with a second reload. That could be fine. It really depends on the specifics though.
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