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Showing most liked content on 01/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their participation in the Games Night. It's refreshing to see so many active players in the server, and I hope to see more in the coming weeks. Now, to get down to business. It should be noted that in case any players are unable to claim their prize, there is a 48 hour grace period before it is handed down to the next player down the line. After checking the scores, I am pleased to announce that we have a winner. Congratulations to @Y2K! You have won a $25 Steam Gift Card for your hard efforts and murder spree. But that's not all. We have a little surprise for those who have been working just as hard. @DMB and @Dghelneshi, congratulations on being runners up! You have won a $5 Steam Card for a job well done! Finally, we would like to give some honourable mentions out to those players who have performed notably. This is where you guys come in. Starting from the second this is posted, a vote will be going out. If you have played with someone who you feel deserves a honourable mention, now is the time to express your gratitude! Please bold your choice, preferably with a reason. You have 3 votes. You're not allowed to vote for the same player more than once, and please don't vote for yourself. Votes end on 24th January, 23:59 GMT. Let's get voting! Votes are now CLOSED. Thank you! Votes so far: Pushwall - 4 Topazjuan - 2 Dghelneshi - 4 Silverlight - 3 SilverShark/TOTD - 2 Alexcuervo has now timed out. @Dghelneshi, contact Fraydo for your new steam gift card! [blurb]The statistics are in, the straws have been drawn, and the bot has been given treats. Check the thread to see who's won our APB Games Night![/blurb][thumb]thumb_apb.b.png[/thumb]
  2. Pushwall - I mean, if you ask for best preforming players and you dont mention Push, you are a filthy liar. Topazjuan - That was some sick flying on HW, i forgive you killing my MIG with yours Dghelneshi - Did way too much to write about. Just look look at stats of games that happened during evend, it speaks for itself.
  3. Congratulations, comrades. Add me on Steam if you don't already have me and I'll send you your prizes. https://steamcommunity.com/id/fraydo/
  4. Interim Apex now fully supports 4k resolutions. The HUD is properly sized and the mouse speed in the Purchase terminals is correct. The game looks beautiful in 4k. Anyone with a 4k display make sure you set your resolution to it for the best experience.
  5. The screenshot competition has been over for about a month now, so it's about time that we announce the winners! 1st Place! In first place we have @SilverShark with his epic screenshot of MiGs on Hostile Waters! 2nd Place!2nd place is @Testament with his Stryker joining a GDI rush in IA! 3rd Place! 3rd place is @URKA with this close call as he tries to defend the Soviet War Factory! Congrats!Congratulations to all of the winners! You all win a poster (that will be in the post soon!) and a copy of the C&C Ultimate Collection on Origin! It was pretty tough to choose 3; as although we didn't get many screenshots submitted, they were all quite good! Thanks for participating everyone! See you next time! [blurb]The screenshot competition has been over for about a month now, so it's about time that we announce the winners![/blurb][thumb]thumb_w3d.0.png[/thumb]
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  7. To encourage screenshotting all year and playing. I suggest this be held again. Every december is the best of the year screenshots.
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