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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2019 in all areas

  1. Dear Comrades and Commanders, We are pleased to announce that W3D Hub will be 4 years old on Sunday (27th January)! Can you believe it? Time flies quickly in the brotherhood. Faster than some people even think. Thank you all for hanging with us for so long and we hope to continue providing enjoyable games and events for many more years to come! APB Game NightTo celebrate, we are holding another official APB Game Night on Saturday 8:30 PM GMT like last time. The event will be streamed live at https://www.twitch.tv/w3dhub. Additional streamers are welcome to join the streaming bandwagon! Community AMA We're also celebrating our 4th birthday by holding a Community AMA (Ask Me Anything) thread here! Here you can ask members of the team anything you darn well please! Note: If you want to ask a question anonymously, feel free to use our Idea Box found on the frontpage! After the AMA is over we'll take a look at the questions and do a round of answers! Please check the thread for all the details, including the question format! Community Meeting Last but not least, we are hosting a Community Meeting on Discord on Sunday 8-9 PM GMT, on our birthday. Hop on to chat with your fellow community members and some of the developers. Oh and expect a surprise at the meeting too! See you on Saturday and Sunday, prepare for some kickass games and some chill talking! [blurb]It's W3D Hub's 4 year anniversary! Let's celebrate![/blurb]
  2. In honor of W3D Hub's 4-year anniversary coming this weekend, the team would like to open this AMA thread! Anything you would like to ask, ask away! Questions for our developers? For our Admins? All questions will be answered so give us a shout! When asking a question please tell us who you'd like to pose it to! Here are a list of people and what they do! Admins @OWA - Lead Producer of Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising. Dabbles in everything from development work to community management. @moonsense715 - Co-producer of Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising, ingame bot programmer, and also our guy for changes to the website and stats pages. @danpaul88- Lead Developer of our W3D Hub Launcher, our flagship product. @Strike - Our host and webmaster. Any issues with our infrastructure should be directed to him. @TeamWolf - Lead Producer of Battle For Dune: War of Assassins. When not developing, he's off drinking. @Wallywood - Lead Producer of Tiberian Sun: Reborn. Can probably kick your ass irl. Ask him about his War Machine. @Jerad2142 - Lead Producer of Expansive Civilian Warfare. Likes deer. Staff Moderators @jonwil- Head of the code and scripts team, Tiberian Technologies. Avid collector of LEGO. @Pushwall - Lead Developer of Red Alert: A Path Beyond. Loves when people don't like things and proceed to not give proper feedback as to why. @triattack - Our guy in charge of all game servers. Report any server issues to him. @Pyryle - Lead Forum Moderator and A E S T H E T I C S. @Nodlied - Our esteemed Testing Director, tasked with whipping our testing team when things need doing. @Einstein is testing co-director, with equal responsibilities and duties to Nodlied. @FRAYDO - Lead Public Relations & Human Resources. Any ideas you have to engage the community or updates you want shown off to the world, he and his PR team of Coolrock, Testament, FORCE, and Hiramaky will be more than happy to help! Temporary Human Resources until Patricia returns from vacation. @ChopBam - Has been around the community ages making maps and working in 3DS Max. His brother, BattleLaf, is the APB EVA. A further list of staff can be found here. Also, if you'd like to ask a question anonymously, please use our idea box. You can find it at the top of our homepage: http://www.w3dhub.com
  3. @Jerad2142: ECW !setjoin messages when?
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  4. So uhm, shouldn't we be calling the engine W4D now? Based on... Rational non-dubious logic?
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  5. For now, I only have two questions: 1) What’s going on with Reborn? 2) Can we have it so when you right-click in the Attack Submarine it sounds like a bunch of sailors are singing the Soviet national anthem?
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  6. Happy birthday you guys! I've actually been here, at least as a lurker, for the entire time, and what a ride it's been. I'll be sticking around for the next four, and I'm excited to see what comes in that time.
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