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Showing most liked content on 05/23/2019 in all areas

  1. A small golf-themed map with infantry-capturable turrets in the centre, intended to dominate the field against vehicles. May contain visceroids. This map is a Work In Progress: I'd like to see what people think of the overall map concept and layout before I attempt making things pretty. Many maps follow a "two path" design, where the infantry can weave in and out of both paths but the vehicles can only use the larger one. This map is an attempt to make obtaining vehicle 'control' of the major route more complicated (and affected by the minor route). Various curiosities: A chemsprayer that doesn't shoot "through" the terrain visually, and a general appreciation of projectile (ammo) elasticity. Objects with curious physics. A minified airstrip. Absolutely zero secrets I wanted to name the map C&C_Golfcourse, but it turns out ACK beat me to it. In the tradition of my username I named the map something difficult to spell until you pay particular attention to the order of the letters >:D Thankyou to scripts authors: namely Danpaul88 for dp88_AI_Turret, Blaney for DB_capturable_object, and Jonwil for helping me with my long lists of LE/W3D issues. Known problems (1) Airstrip drops do not drive out as far as expected. I'm not sure if this is due to a hardcoded timeout (slow vehicles are more affected) or the sudden drop. (2) WF has a few glowly-yellow decals floating above it where the chimneys normally are. (3) Bad meshing of the two golf greens (note the dark areas). I'm fighting Gmax when it comes to cuttings and small polygons. Requirements The turrets on this map need scripts 4.x to work. Scripts 4.x is not bundled with this map, download it from TiberianTechnologies.org. License AKA "oh god, I've never thought about how licensing for community maps works." This .mix file contains original artwork, 3d models and other assets. This material is under a Creative Commons BY SA license, copyright William Hales 2019. Use a tool like XCC mixer or RenegadeEx to identify and view this content. This map uses and references material from C&C Renegade, Copyright 2002 Electronic Arts Inc. You need a copy of this game+data to play the map. This map uses scripts from TT Scripts 4.x (GPL, source available online). This map, as far as I can tell, only references ("links") to scripts, however I may be incorrect. C&C_Goldcourse_WIP1.mix.zip
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  4. A new update is now available for the W3D Hub launcher, which contains a few small bug fixes and one major new feature. For the first time ever, parts of the launcher UI have been localised into new languages as part of efforts to make the launcher more widely accessible. This first implementation does not cover all parts of the UI, as not everything currently supports localisation, but I intend to gradually expand this to cover more and more of what you see in the launcher. As of today, translations are available for; German Russian Turkish Croatian If your Windows regional settings are set to one of the above languages, the launcher should automatically apply the appropriate translations. Thanks to @NoSoldier, @__nEmPoBu4__, @Sheila and @AZ-Stalker for their help in providing translations Localisation Help If you spot any errors in the translations, or would like to help us translate the launcher into more languages, please drop by our translation spreadsheet (created by @Jeod) and update it with your new entries / corrections. Alternatively you can contribute via the localisation forum topic.
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