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Showing most liked content on 08/16/2019 in all areas

  1. The guy who can't be town as town clearly doesn't know how to survive in a game centered on self-preservation.
  2. What you guys need is a machine gun. Good luck! Oh, and happy birthday Cat5!
  3. I send out an unexpectedly over powered Bug Pokemon. It was not a good idea.
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  4. What do you mean cross-alignment? The only consistent goal for anyone in game should be based on self survival? And then you have other players that want to do something like become the King, or get personal revenge.
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  5. Vert games are the Super Mario Maker troll levels of forum games. Important information hidden behind hidden information because why should you be able to plan at all in your detailed RPG?
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  6. Says you I didn't want to kill anybody and yet you voted me off, I will hunt you down Cat5, you are no queen with no one to rule over besides a fruit
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  7. Oh that's true, and some asshole attacked my provisions. I guess that means I'm going to use the NK after all. Bummer.
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