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Showing most liked content on 09/22/2019 in all areas

  1. "Huehue I'm liking this post because I am clearly town and support this statement when town wins"
  2. Leaving it tied up at 1/3 vote. What a cliffhanger that was.
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  3. I am confused by your statement as you mention how easy it is to stack teams by leaving and coming back so I don’t see the problem of removing squads if that’s the case and true intentions. Furthermore the complaints of team stacking (which have been observed by me and the admins alike) are prevalent not only behind the scenes as I’ve said but even in the comments here. I understand you think we’re delusional just about by doing this but just because it’s not as prevalent to you does not mean it’s not a problem to IA development along with what you and the public cannot see. I don’t expect or understand what you want us to do to solve your distrust with what goes on behind the game unless it’s to show every screen shot of our conversations and feedback received. In which case, I personally don’t have time to do so. In regards to other complaints or issues like ezikel being OP. I believe they are but it’s something that has not been complained about. Furthermore it’s a discussion where it must be weighed what is fun, a little OP and must be skillfully used and what is just downright OP. I think this is a unit that if complained about enough will be tweaked but currently it’s fun how it is and tweaking a lot more things may result in the game not being as fun as it is now. It is a fine and difficult balance which will always result in some criticism and we (IA development) understand that and really do our best. To remedy this whole entire situation, maybe a poll of people’s and players opinions on here would help justify the decision next time you make a topic. I believe that would have a lot more reinforcement to our (or possibly your) point. As you can see players here passionate about the command/system are giving ideas and feedback unto how to change it/better the command without the problem. As i’ve also said, just because the command isn’t there currently does not mean it’s being revised right now into something better.
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  4. I noticed only you and MARCILLES doing it so far. rencorner had squads and they removed it because of team stacking which causes empty server very fast. personally I refuse to discuss at this level of absurd.
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