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Showing most liked content on 12/23/2019 in all areas

  1. Thats right I am still alive and kicking, I haven't been on the forums for years now so I thought I would update everyone on my status. What have I been up to? Not much really but I finally got my first ever gaming pc (well its more of a starter gaming laptop). I have an HP Gaming laptop with an AMD Ryzen 5 processor, a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 Video card, and at least 8GB of RAM, it was pretty cheap one too I got for only around ~$550. On my new laptop I have an have been playing games like ARMA 3, Ground Branch, Wargame Red dragon, and just recently got addicted to an Airsimulator called DCS World. Thats basically it really, im just happy to be back on forums again and you will expect to see me active more often. Thank you very much everyone. PS: I also heard APB has a throwback event tomorrow.
  2. Hello! Welcome to the Help and Support section of our forum. We the staff are here to help. But in order for us to do that, we need some vital pieces of information from you first. So before posting a thread stating that "AHH MY GAME CRASHES HELP ME", or "AHH MY LAUNCHER ISN'T WORKING HALP", please check the help threads in this forum pertaining to the issue that you are experiencing. AFTER you have done that, if your problem persists, then make a new thread here, and calmly and clearly provide us with the following information for the issue that you are experiencing: For Launcher related problems: For Game related problems: Additionally, we need the following from you: Any extra information. Please tell us anything at all that you can think of that might be relevant to your issue. We are not magicians , we are nerds . The ONLY information that we have available to diagnose your issue is whatever you provide us with. Patience. We will do the best we can, but sometimes it takes a little while to figure out exactly what is going on. Please be patient and realize that we are helping out in our free time and for no compensation. So, do this for us when you ask your questions, and we will do all that we can (within reason) to help get you back into the action! Cheers!
  3. I would agree on the tick tank, because it has enough armor to take a beating. Most people have to shift their strategy now that 3 ez wheel tanks can’t charge a GDI armor column like they used to. Stealth should be a quick hit and fade or slow armored ambush... in-between is overpowered. Nod shouldn’t just be about stealth, and I know people don’t like rethinking strategy, but Tick tanks, goliths, T-62, V2, artillery, and super tanks do have roles too.
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  4. You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads. Einstein and co. will have the server and files ready for Saturday so you may download and play! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! [blurb]You read that right, folks! We would like to present to you an early Christmas gift of APB Beta! This 21st of December, jump into our Beta server and relive the good ol' days with the lads.[/blurb]
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