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Showing most liked content on 02/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Whilist the upgraded hp does not apply. The protection against it's weakpoints does. You're making a tank that has really incredible front armor even better right out the gate. So yes, it does make a difference. Asking Kaskins the Microwave Tank apparently only stuns a vehicle if it's at %30 of it's health.. so yeah.
  2. So its been quite a while and I figured I might as well push out a few quality life improvements as well as some bug fixes that have been live on the server for a while to the public. “New” Features · The Status Website for ECW and several of my other Renegade based games is live at http://jeradsnetwork.midcoip.net:10025/StatsWebsite/ (It has been for a while but I’m just now announcing it to the public. · Due to fixes in how the saving code works, stats for the ECW scores are now updated every ~5 minutes to the website. [blurb]Quality of life improvements as well as stats website announcement![/blurb]Improvements/Tweaks · House Auto-Renewal system now keeps renewing your home up to 30 days of inactivity instead of 14. · Save data only saves when someone has been in game or a round ends, this will reduce file writes for the server. · Updated the copyright date because I figured I might as well. Bug Fixes · “Fixed” a bug that allowed players to get 2billion+ when purchasing items, this has been live on the server for a while but I’m just pushing it to the public now. (I fixed it in a super hacky way, it just resets your money if you exceed a certain amount of money on hand). · Fixed a bug that caused phone numbers/player pin to display gibberish when backspacing (I actually fixed this long before the 2019 patch but I guess I failed to push it). As a side note this is my first update from my new laptop, so everyone can rest assured that LevelEdit and everything still works!
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  3. That should be a yes from KY then. No time commitments for duels needed.
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  4. I stated on the Discord that I'm in but forgot to post here too. Hoping to find time for a character sheet soon.
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  5. Next map it will use the correct model.
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  6. I checked. The t-62 does in fact have the wrong model set.
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  7. Microwave tank doesn't supposed to be "The Great Warrior". It's support tank. If Threve really know the truth about disable effect, now it's even more usefull. It just slaying every tank at 30%. For example at Winter assault i used it somewhere near base. With someone else, we destroyed every tank that was trying to ride through. It just works. And just imagine that some tough GDI vehicle successfuly retreating from your team with about 30% durability. It's just time to microwave rip it... Or even steal it...
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  8. the main reason I find the microwave tank useless is twofold. One, it’s gimmick relies on you hitting the same tank multiple times at close range in a tank with very little armor and some hefty weakpoints. Two, it relies on the enemy being exposed and in a position where you or your team can capitalize on its success. Or finding someone solo. Often times you simply get focused down and die before you can shock anyone out of their tank, and even when you manage to shock someone out it’s not exactly easy to do so when they’re in a spot that actually matters against a GDI deathball. It’s incredibly hard to use the tank effectively, due to its design. If it simply acted as an EMP grenade instead, immobilizing the tank when you hit it, with a longer reload time and perhaps a shorter EMP duration to boot, it would be an effective support unit.
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  9. Close topic please. DMB, please shitpost on discord instead of here.
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  10. Oh, ok. Well just stop hacking I guess. Thank you.
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