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Showing most liked content on 09/06/2020 in all areas

  1. Now do i add a signature like my rank to this post? Edit: Don't worry i figured it out!
  2. Attention, all combat personnel: Please report to your action stations. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.
  3. The USS Fraydo and its escorts The cruiser under attack by Soviet MIGs EDIT: Sorry for the double upload, I couldnt upload them all at once due to file size :((
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  4. @Anon_Kat AP is Armor Piercing - It does more damage against vehicles than HEAT but it has no splash damage. It does less damage to structures than HE or HEAT. If you direct hit infantry, you can one shot them 9 times out of 10. Generally, it has a faster projectile speed than an HE shell. HE is High Explosive - It has great splash damage and is good against infantry and structures. If you land a shot on a tank with HE, you can still do some good damage but it'll be less accurate than an AP shell from a Main Battle Tank or a Tank Destroyer. HE shells are generally slow moving projectiles that have an arc. HEAT is High Explosive Anti-Tank - It does good against everything, a jack of all trades, master of none. Good against Vehicles, Infantry, Structures, and, hope and dreams. Depending on the vehicle, it can have a drop over range. It does not have as much splash damage as HE but still very useful. It doesn't move as fast as AP, but its not as slow as HE. The projectile speed also seems to vary between vehicles using HEAT. APCR is Armor Piercing Composite Rigid - It does more damage against vehicles than AP but it has no splash damage and does very little to structures. The downside is an inaccuracy penalty, a reload rate penalty, and range reduction. Its recommended to use it in extreme close ranges and aim for the weakspots of a vehicle. HESH is High Explosive Squash Head - It does a good amount of damage against vehicles, has splash damage, but has a more significant drop over range, and takes longer to reload. I'm unsure if it has an inaccuracy penalty. I recommend using it if a vehicle is at almost point blank range. The way I remember it is, if it has High Explosive in its name, its good against buildings, Infantry, and has splash. If it has Armor Piercing, its good against vehicles and infantry, but only direct hits as it has no splash. HEAT is an all-rounder, good against everything shell. Other ammunition types include HEI - High Explosive Incendiary: This deals damage against infantry and can cause burn damage. APFSDS-T - Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot: I think this type only appears on the Stryker MGS. Not the AGM one. Its acts like a hitscan AP shell for the Stryker. ATGMs, TOWs, and other missiles - Really good against pretty much everything. I'll update this when I hop back into the game and check the vehicles for more ammunition types. If anyone would like to make a correction to what I've written above, feel free to contact me.
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  5. Game Night Approaches! To kick off the first off the month, let's have some APB fun! This weekend, starting September 5th, join in for a Game Night! 7 PM BST. Featuring the latest update, this game night is sure to be a blast! We will be collecting footage from this event to compile a new trailer to show off, so if you want to help produce this or want to simply appear in the trailer, this is the time to play! Get the Game! Make sure to get the W3D Hub Launcher and install the game so that you can play: PrizesPrizes will be awarded to the top 3 players based on the event scoreboard. No MVP prizes this time around, although expect to see this come back another time! 1st Place - $20 Steam Gift Card 2nd Place - $10 Steam Gift Card 3rd Place - $5 Steam Gift Card So prepare yourselves for this weekend! Get your friends in, spread the word on the media, and do not forget to update to the latest version of APB! Do so on your launcher now! Stop reading this! Go! See you there! Have I missed anything? Let me know in the comments. Otherwise, ready up! and keep the Reds from breaking through! [blurb]To kick off the first off the month, let's have some APB fun! This weekend, starting September 5th, join in for a Game Night! 7 PM BST.[/blurb]
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  6. Cool! This will be my first time participating in a Game night!
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  7. It would be cool to have an ant map where you have to defend for the first 15 minutes, after which the difficulty gets turned up, but you get access to gas trucks to exterminate ant nests before they exterminate you.
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  8. I wonder if one day fissure would be repurposed as an ants vs humans map
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  9. Hello everyone, newest member here. Fan of the whole Westwood franchise and Frank Klepacki's work. Composer here for a multitude of different styles. I worked previously on the soundtrack and sfx for this Dune mod if anyone remembers it lol https://www.moddb.com/games/dune-war-of-the-spice Also a fan of beer and a certain cliche game franchise that has been memed into the gold standard of difficulty. Hope everyone is doing well and happy to be here.
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  10. Hi all! I've been around for a while and I have one son that plays W3d games too. I've found myself a bit more active here so I thought I would officially introduce myself. I have a life ( a good one) that includes gaming but not 24/7. I am mostly on in the USA evenings but you might see me idling on TS, IRC but never in game lol. I really have no clue on a lot of the maps so I am a total n00b and proud of it so your patience learning and help is appreciated. Anyway blah blah blah Hi see you in game although you will never see me coming...... lol (I'll be the one dying a lot) Wyld Edit: I would love to be a tester.
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  11. Ive been playing APB for about a week now but I figured I should get back on the forums. In game I go by the tag GDIrish. I started playing APB back in... .9934? .9935? I have a memory of playing the map "A Path Beyond," and being introduced to a bunch of folks, some of which are still here! Looking at you, ChopBam. I think I joined literally a few days before One Winged Angel did. Sadly a lot of folks are gone, or I cant remember them. Coolrock? Was that one of them? V0lk0v? TruYuri, pointlessambler....I dont remember. Anyways, I also was a conceptual designer for the mod for a short period, working on doodads, the service depot, the silo, and the power plant. I left after college got too busy (and I only had a mac), and have since gotten married, and have 3 children and one on the way! Its good to see all the progress and the community still alive. It does my heart good to see it. And Ill be around for a while!
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  12. Hey everybody, new guy here. Just leapt back into the game today. I used to play APB back in the mid-2000's, around the time air units were first being introduced (05, 06? Eh, can't remember.). At any rate, had a blast! Great playing with a few guys and seeing just how far the game has come. Definitely happy to be here!
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