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Showing most liked content on 01/21/2022 in all areas

  1. Ok the name might have too much hype, I got a good idea for a map and can't not make it now. It will be a very small version of detroit with like 1/10 of the stuff in it, basically I will be re using a lot of the assets like roads for example. I decided carnage club is the best map of all time so I will be making carnage club (as it was from 2000 whenever) It will have a custom exterior and will be the center piece for the map in between the two bases with tank paths around the outsides of it. Should be high action stuff. Heres a little teaser as well. Obviously won't be done anytime soon and will be much (somewhat) more polished. You have played this game for 20+ years so whats a coupleweeks to wait for a new map. I can't stop myself...
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  2. Good luck with the map Renegade will never die!
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  3. If it happens again, start IA through the Single Player option in the launcher then go to Multiplayer and Join Official Server to join the backup one. It doesn't show up in the launcher.
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