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Showing most liked content on 07/31/2020 in Posts

  1. So scatter really did exist!
  2. I think you're sort of right--perhaps we've had a few too many "themed" CYORs lately. My CYOR V was meant to get away from all that.
  3. based and nodpilled
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen, if you haven't heard already there's been a complete overhaul remaster of Lego Rock Raiders available for download. This remaster and essentially new game captures everything from the 1999 Lego Media Classic. But wait.. what's Lego Rock Raiders? If you know, you know. For those that don't Lego Rock Raiders was the Lego Company attempt at making an RTS based off of Lego figures that got lost in outer space. The only way to escape death is to mine energy crystals and Ore to build up the base and eventually power back the massive flagship to earth. This is alot easier said than done as the first couple of levels originally start out easy. However as you progress you find yourself having to survive time limits, Lava eroding the ground, Resuce trapped Miners, Air supply running out, Rock/Lava Monsters and Slugs that can cripple your game quickly. Sounds like fun. Why's it important? Admittedly, this is big news for those that played it back then and will appeal most to those as such. For me, it was the very first introduction to RTS style game play during the golden age of the 90's and also is considered one of Lego's greatest games. The atmosphere was also more serious rather than kid like extending a deep feel or connection to the game. For those who haven't played yet, it's a great way to pass some time and the remastered version (Titled Maniac Miners) is a completely new game in of itself that utilizes new graphics and technology. Coming up in an updated you'll be able to drive the vehicles as well FPS style. What's been done? The game Lego Rock Raiders (1999) has been turned into Maniac Miners (2020). Essentially the exact same, Maniac Miners instead offers the experience on the Unreal Engine, Remastered Audio/Textures, actual Physics, MASSIVELY improved scripting, support for modded levels (including the famous BAZ mod) and even a in-game map editor if you want to go hard. The game is so true to it's predecessor/original it even has an option for random crashes if you'd like. That's dedication. So it's completely ready? Sweet! Yes/No. The game in the course of a year has remade 65% of the OG levels Added all vehicles to be used (and a new one not originally in-game due to engine limitations at the time). Added an In-game Level Editor Completely remastered/developed all textures and a lot of sound files. However, the game still is lacking Rock Monsters which are the main antagonist for most levels and where I think the challenge really comes in. Based on reading/the discord they are to be updated soon along with First Person views. That's not all however.. plans are also in motion for even more levels to be based off the original story line and added soon. But the game is still in a development mode with all the little things being ironed out here and there. Luckily for us, it's still very very playable with zero game breaking bugs or glitches. All in all, a really incredible remake and out right damn good game that should be looked at if you have never heard of Lego Rock Raiders and immediately downloaded if you have. In addition the discord of Maniac Miners are full of RTS/Lego hobbiests. So if you're feeling the need to talk Lego or want a chat. This is the place. Enjoy! Download: https://baraklava.itch.io/manic-miners Discord: https://discord.com/invite/85k8JHz (Original 1999) (Original 1999)
  5. If he ever gets around to running it. I think an APB/TSR mafia is exactly the kind of mafia spice we could use.
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  6. Cat5 made scatter up. The failure to roleblock was likely due to his shedding passive.
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  7. We even managed to capture to stubborn insistence in denying to truth right in front of us!
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  8. Oh, wait again... Lol Louis died before it. Orange saves the day!
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