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Timeaua last won the day on August 25 2023

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  1. Cool! See ya on the battlefield tomorrow
  2. Bots also need some routing tweaks on TS_Tiber. GDI bot vehicles get stuck at the tiber river as they walk too close to the cliff wall (Nod base side).
  3. As the harpy isnt lock-on-able anymore, please nerv the range a bit, so it has to move closer to hit a target.
  4. the problem is that GDI has no other option than to defend its base from Nod bike/buggy rush, because GDIs only early vehicle unit is the wolverine and this unit is pretty weak against bikes, buggys and laser turrets. Infantry as a counter is difficult, because they can get crushed easily by these fast bikes and buggys. Maybe buffing the wolverine with more firepower against vehicles and turrets and higher the costs to 500-600$?
  5. Rocket soldiers are quite effective against bikes, as they mostly hit with the lock-on mode. But yeah, at the start of a match, GDI is always on the defensive side until GDI survived the buggy/bike rush and can mass produce titans/hover/juggernauts mrls. My suggestion was to tweak the AAPC to a kind of 600$ early attack unit, to counter the bike.
  6. ok this is a good argument. One other thing which can be considered for change is the power plant. At the monent it disables only high tier turrets (sam sites, RPG turrets and oberlisk of light) when destroyed. But some maps dont have any high tier turrets, but still have a PP (like Grandcanyon, Snow, Cliffs). I didnt like the renegade aproach of increasing the unit prices. But what about disabling all turrets. That would mean, that removing the PPs on TS_Cliffs should be taken into consideration as they serve no purpose there.
  7. Overall the patch included good tweaks/additions. Tanks feel more like tanks now and the EMP Tank has a good balance now with decreasing rate of fire and more splash. Things that can be discussed: - Orca fighter still has only 1 round of missiles. Give them at keast 2. - purchasable grenades are still quite weak - jumpjet trooper deals not enough damage for its price - TS_Dam still has fps issues (maybe hidden objects in the 3dsmax file cause them, I had such problems back then, when Ive constructed the map) - TS_OmegaCity needs more height for proper flying battles (but make the areas on the cliffs no-go areas, so you cant basecamp on them) - Nod early rushs are quite op. Maybe design the GDI AAPC to an early game unit.
  8. It has its pros, as it provides more dynamic to the battlefield. But some vehicles are just not worth buying anymore imo. Slow vehicles with short range like the Disruptor need a proper HP buff.
  9. its not about the amount of HP. Its about the armor tier. In Renegade Westwood established vehicles to have heavy armor tier, mid armor tear or light armor tier. In the current Reborn build it feels like no vehicle has the heavy armor tear checked in the properties. Therefore every unit can deal significant damage.
  10. besides network issues and fps problems on TSDam it was a solid experience. Many good improvements from the previous version. Well done! And yes, bring back the hijacker. And thanks for getting my old map (now TS_Anchorage) ready. Its a fun map and good idea to open up the center by removing parts of the cliffs at each base. Maybe open up the center entrance to the Nod base a bit more. There are too many props (street lights, stone, buildings) infront of this center entrance for the huge GDI vehicles. There is a invisible barrier missing at the canal. You can just walk out of the map there. And the tiberium cave needs some green lighting. Oter than that i like how it turned out. The additions to TS_Dam and TS_Tiber are very good, too. What I dont like are the huge amount of props added in the area outside the battlefield on TS_OmegaCity. Looks too overcrowded with buildings. Regarding gameplay balance issues: - these 100$ extra grenades need a buff. They are not worse the purchase at the moment. - GDI mobile EMP tank needs a huge buff. Let it block Nod vehicles and cyborgs from shooting, too, if hit. Let it disable laser turrets and sams. Maybe increase splash. - give the orca fighter at least 3 rounds with a quite long reload time (like 10 seconds). Firing just 8 missiles and then moving back to ammo station is no fun gameloop. - Nearly every vehicle feels like it gets destroyed to quickly. - some maps provide too much money. Maybe delete silo, if the harvester route is short.
  11. see you on the battlefield!
  12. yes, i have the .max file of the TS_Dam map with the higher polycount version of the dam.
  13. Is there a possiblity to get one map or all of them working? TS_Dam, TS_Tiber, TS_OmegaCity I still have all the files (.dds textures, .max, .mix, .W3D, .lvl) from back then.
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