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Everything posted by Pushwall

  1. An "average MVPs" scaled by game count would basically be the same thing as total MVPs. I like the idea but not sure of a good way for scaling to weed out "1 game 1 MVP" types.
  2. The RPG has a terrible splash damage and splash radius (it's an anti-armour weapon, it's not meant for this), plus the Engineer has bonus resistance against explosions, and that one probably had some armour left (it's very likely as it's pretty hard for lower skilled players to stay alive long enough to get several health regens off on that map). Judging from the distance of those explosions and all the resistances stacked against you, you were probably getting about 2-3 points of damage per RPG explosion, compared to the 7.5 of the initial grenade explosion. I don't know if that footage was shot after the latest patch or not but that's caused explosion damage to drop by another 25% against infantry with armour left (except explosions caused by C4, flame/tesla weaponry, artillery/V2 and grenades). The RPG's potential maximum splash damage is 17.5, but that assumes a direct hit (or what the server believes to be a direct hit, as can be seen in that earlier APB Madness video where your rocket barely missed someone and exploded well outside the blast radius, but still did splash damage to them. A between-the-feet hit is not "direct" enough and knocks about 20% off this) against an armour-less infantry that isn't an Engineer. And with an actual direct hit, the rocket itself is delivering the brunt of the damage anyway
  3. Or go to wherever your Documents folder is, then Documents\W3D Hub\games\apb-release\debug. There should be a file named crashdump<numbers>.dmp, or multiple if you've had multiple "Renegade has encountered an internal error" issues. Zip the latest one and upload it so our scripts department can see what's up.
  4. Every vehicle spawner already has ApplySpawnMaterialEffect ticked, is there something I'm missing here? It certainly works for powerup crates, though those also have the "retooled chrono spark" spray...
  5. Forum got rolled back a few days.
  6. I might just expand the entry zones for them even further so you can enter them from above, i.e. if you eject from a helicopter and land on top. Whether that's worth sacrificing the hindbow you need in order to actually do that is up to you.
  7. I just tested this on LAN and managed to get stuck despite being inside the Destroyer. Surely an unoccupied vehicle would just not get nudged by the gate at all, and remain stuck in the gate at water level, since unoccupied vehicles don't get physics'd until they get bumped by another vehicle? The issue is that the gate trigger zone doesn't actually overlap with the gate itself, so if the stern of a boat is touching the gate area and not touching anywhere inside the dock, the gate will rise. And sometimes it will push boats up instead of out. Even if you could open the gate from the outside it would be impossible for submarines to get in anyway. Every below-sea-level part of the NY is shrouded in a collision mesh that I'm pretty sure you put there for that exact purpose (plus making it impossible for attack sub torpedoes to "miss"). I suppose there would also be the issue of LSTs being able to go into the dock just enough to block Destroyer purchases, but that's easy to solve. Pretty sure it's getting stuck on this thing I have highlighted here. i.e. the collision mesh with two parts, one of which prevents boats from turning around in the purchase zone and the other I guess stops helicopters from blocking the purchase zone? The latter part is the problem and it doesn't need to block all vehicles to do that though (see also: how the water surface heli blocker works). So all I need to do is: Expand the gate trigger zone so that it overlaps the gate, and also extends about 1m above the gate itself just in case boats still get lifted by it. Extend the boat blocker in the dock so that it runs all the way up to the gate. That way, in the rare instance that LSTs manage to block the gate, they at least won't be able to go far enough into the dock to block Destroyer purchases. Separate the aircraft blocker from the boat blocker so that it can be made to block only aircraft, and not block boats if they still happen to get lifted. I've done this and have failed to get lifted by the gate afterwards so I'm not sure if it's even possible now, but even if it is, it shouldn't pose as much of a problem as it did.
  8. Another thing I could try - not sure how well it'd work - is giving naval units' worldboxes a damaging material that hurts ground vehicles. So if a ground vehicle's wheels touch the LST, the vehicle dies instantly. Kind of like how the water surface works against aircraft. Would have to make sure this doesn't affect units that try to ram LSTs though. If this doesn't work I'll probably just leave the "feature" as it is as the methods involving blockers are too constricting and the cheese is too time-consuming to be very useful.
  9. I'm sure I did apply the fix correctly, but regardless, I fail to see how that would result in FPS being higher than it was before the bridge's draw call saver was broken. Hell I just pulled out, the initial release, to make sure I'm not misremembering. The bridge smoke disappears in that version. And that's the version that was out when people were in this thread saying the map doesn't perform well.
  10. Considering that the performance complaints were before I implemented the repair nerf you suggested (which is what broke the scaffold's performance-saver) I doubt much will change...
  11. There'd still be that issue. Also destroyers and gunboats are much taller than LSTs so in order for them to not hit these walls there would have to be enough clearance that LSTs would still be able to lift low-profile vehicles like artillery around anyway.
  12. Those beaches already have a smorgasbord of blockers around them from the land side. It'd just look silly if they were completely surrounded.
  13. I think they're not getting pushed into the water because it's flat terrain which means the worldboxes of the vehicles are also flat. Since unflattening the water runs the risk of getting boats stuck due to their rigging, it looks like we may ultimately have to return to ye olde method of having fuck-you invisible walls in the water. Once the scripts team makes a collision group that collides with ground vehicles but not with naval/beaching/air units, that is. If I were to add vehicle-carrying LSTs (which we currently lack coding/scripting for anyway) the vehicles would have to be unable to function while being carried. Tesla Tank LSTs would be far superior to both types of submarine, MGGs being able to impact naval combat would enforce use of TTLSTs even further since TTs are now the de facto counter to MGGs, and MRJs being able to function on water while outside of V2 range, even deploying and continuing to float around once the LST leaves... yeah... And even then Under would need some work as that one is definitely not balanced around it. Many of the beaches are meant to be outright inaccessible to vehicles to prevent B2B artillery abuse while conveniently also providing more mine-free places for Allied infantry to land.
  14. This happens even while the bot is there though. I have to stop it and start it again to get the server to show up.
  15. Oh you mean the mine-clearing. In that case, here's the magic. Once again armor.ini is the bane of our existence. Except the change back then was intentional and I gave you a fair warning about it
  16. Just put up a hotfix on the launcher (not really worth its own thread): Destroyer/Missile Sub warhead works properly now. RA_CanyonRiver: Fixed rainbow trees. RA_Siege: Destroyed scaffold bridges should now properly reach their final death state. Destroyed scaffold bridges no longer set off an invisible nuke; mine-clearing event now only hits mines and has a much smaller radius.
  17. Armor.ini is a very fragile creature. The destroyer's warhead somehow became invalid just by adding a tabbed comment on it (which is there to help out modders) even though every other warhead is perfectly capable of working with a tabbed comment attached. Nevermind I'm an idiot, thanks Saberhawk
  18. And you know just as well as I do that it's useless for what we're talking about and shouldn't count
  19. Fair enough. I'd rather not have them in a position where they'd get in the way of tanks and therefore encourage them to blow them up though, so that still limits their placement a little. KOTG: The big northeastern plateau of nothing (i.e. the opposite side of the map from the house), or possibly the gem field. Pipeline: The shack by the central oil derrick, or possibly expand the nearby partisan cave to have shelter for a truck? Ridge War: Central bunker (between the heavy/mammy corpses), or possibly the far west map boundary. Siege: Anywhere around the castle courtyard. Possibly two, one on each "side". I thematically like the idea of having them be damaged. Many of the supply truck spawns are around ruins anyway. It might inhibit their use a bit though, making them less likely to reach their destination if attacked. So if I were to do this I'd have it be random and only down to 180/250 health (i.e. just enough for them to start smoking)
  20. And both teams were almost identical, with the only truly noteworthy differences being that one team gets a stealth tank/stealth infantry while the other gets a big points sponge and a better rocket soldier. Not the most interesting dichotomy. If we make technicians/engineers into omnirepairmedics here then that means we basically have to rebalance the game from scratch again because the unit balance is currently built around only one team being able to repair tanks in the field and heal infantry in the midst of a firefight. And it'll likely boil down to both teams becoming identical again save for availability of phase tanks/mammoth tanks and become a Renegade clone and that's not what this is supposed to be.
  21. Know of any places to put them? Pretty much every landmark on large maps that's at a roughly equal distance between both bases (so it's not a clear advantage to one team or the other) already has either a supply truck, cargo truck or mobile AA gun, except for Siege (I should probably put a truck or two on that map) and they all respawn on a 30 second timer. And as I mentioned in the thread, you also have the option of using a minelayer for 2-man transport - a no-brainer for Allies to bring to the field since that's where you want to lay mines, and not a bad option for Soviets either if you can pin down any places in the field that Allied snipers/rockets like to strike from. Or places you want your infantry to strike from while being safe from Tanyas. And rangers and APCs for the Allies, so if they have at least one of those in the field, taxiing should not be an issue for them. Sounds like a delightfully obtuse gameplay mechanic that will just confuse everyone who hasn't read this thread. Alternatively we can just bump the sprinting speed up a notch.
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