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Posts posted by Coolrock

  1. 2 hours ago, Raap said:

    Well, there is still an absolute truckload of gameplay logic W3D does that would need to be re-invented elsewhere, from scratch. 

    Perhaps we should list all the things W3D can do right now compared to, say, a stock copy of Unreal 4. 

    Do not get me wrong, in the past I asked the age-old question as well, "Why stick to W3D?". Asking the question lead me to being better informed about the subject.

    Trust me, I’ve been around long enough to have heard most engine talks. The biggest issue being that you’d have to “re-invent” elsewhere. You could sit down and learn something new, or you could stay where you feel comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with either of the two. 

    Sure the W3D engine does what we want right now, but look how long it’s taken our small community to achieve. While there’s only a handful of us here, UE4 for example, has tons of people using it and “re-inventing” new things. That’s just the way the industry works. Most games will always retain a group of people that are dedicated to sticking with what they love. 

    At the end of the day, a lot of fans who have followed the games for years would want to see it remade with better graphics, gameplay, etc. It’s why remakes are so sought after these days. You can’t blame people for nagging about wanting the game to go somewhere that’ll draw in more attention. RenX proved that with the initial wave of people swarming to play. 

  2. On 1/4/2019 at 4:21 PM, Dadud said:

    your maps is bad. But seriously. private testing was a mid 00's thing to do. its freaking 2019. get with the times. abandon W3D, use the tool Saberhawk is making to export W3D models to modern formats, and work on a new, free to use game engine, with public testing. Unity, Lumberyard, Cryengine, UE4, it doesn't matter. W3D is dead and has been for atleast 15 years. you might have to abandon all C&C ties to do so, but im sure you could rename all the units to be compliant and avoid C&D's

    I actually got a UE4 project started up a few months ago, that's being worked on right now. Permission from EA and all that. Most people on that project are people who wanted to move engines a while back, mixed with people who still work on the projects here as well. The people who are still here working on these project have every right to do so. They've had the options to move for years, but feel comfortable here. I know it's frustrating, but that's just what they want to do.

    Didn't want to make it public like this, but just know that things are cooking on other engines.

  3. On 11/13/2018 at 12:56 AM, KevinLancaster said:

    I really liked the old Destroyer design.

    I know the newer one isn't exactly what was wanted, but I don't think the older one compares to it.




    On 11/12/2018 at 11:35 PM, MPRA2 said:

    they just have no color to them

    Most naval ships don't have color to them. It's pretty spot on to what the Type 22 looks like in real life. We went for the closest ship that made sense and was available. Not too modern at the least. Anyone is free to tinker with the texture if they can do better. As I said before, this was a way to get everything updated quickly since we don't have a full time 3D Artist. 

  4. 8 hours ago, des1206 said:


    We knew it was going to be an issue, but it came down to putting the Cruiser in the game now, or waiting months for the possibility of a 3D Artist joining the team again. I decided to act and get us the ship now. In the process, I also brought up getting replacements for the rest of the ships, since the Cruiser was crazy detailed compared to the Gunboat/Destroyer. We decided it was for the best to update everything for now, and always have the possibility to go back later. 

    The team is very limited on what can be done. We don’t have the team size like we did 10+ years ago, and this was the best way I could find to get the ships to the players (especially the Cruiser). 

  5. 18 hours ago, Raap said:

    You're playing a soldier, shape-shifting into a dog feels out of place. I could see it possible as an AI unit that you purchase and it follows you around (until you enter a vehicle, then it goes away), but playable? Too many issues from aesthetics, to immersion, to gameplay. You'd need a whole new infantry controls and physics system to support it properly, such as support for forward-strafing movement animations.

    Further more you'd be crossing into AR territory too much. Personal opinion: dogs are the least fun AR 'infantry' unit at the moment due to all the various issues that come from controlling them as well as their unit role simply not being very fun (especially not on the receiving end).

    Lastly, another personal opinion; I know it is a game, but I never feel good about killing animals. I feel that games which do it go from "funny" to "couldn't they think of anything else?".

    That has to be the silliest argument I’ve seen yet. Shape shifting into a dog? Turning into a female or cyborg is odd also, so I guess we should remove those also? :v

    Crossing into AR? Red Alert has a dog, so I don’t understand this argument :?

    Never thought we would cross the point of animal abuse being an arguement for not having dogs in the game. Better tell @Jerad2142to remove deer from his game while on the subject. 

  6. No deployable infantry in APB. Single point bite instead of an AoE bite should work better here. 

    As far as jumping, this happens with any infantry engagement most of the time. Seems like a poor argument to say the unit isn’t fun. 

    If the Attack Dog gets close enough to kill someone, you can’t blame the Attack Dog. Of course players on the receiving end are going to get upset, but that goes for any single time a lower tech unit goes against a higher tech unit. 

    Units can get into a base without base defenses and “go on a rampage” besides just the dog. If the team allows the dog to get into the base, that’s on them. Lowering the health would again probably help out. 

  7. I think it’s silly to say that the dog isn’t fun because of a lack of an attack animation, or that it is t fun to someone being attacked by one. Since when has being attacked by anything been fun for the other person?

    Anyone who complained that the dogs weren’t fun were probably the ones getting killed constantly. I do agree they had too much health, but it was such a fun experience when you aren’t used to playing something of that style. 

  8. I’ll just add that I agree with it being a glass cannon, but not sure I agree with the one-hit kill. I actually like a DoT attack. Maybe making it take around 3 seconds to fully kill something. Snipers should be more focused on doing the one-hit kill stuff. 

    I’d also like to see it player controlled. Who doesn’t want to run around and take wandering infantry by barking at them to death? I’m thinking of that Call of Duty mission. 

    Cheap and fast would be it’s highlight. High risk high reward. Possibly die in 2-3 shots. Makes them almost play like a Spy by wanting to sneak around. You don’t need to rush into the enemy base, but should prowl around looking for units popping out of vehicles. Helping defend from infantry rushes would also be a good point. 

    They shouldn’t be comparable to a Flame Trooper,  considering they can’t damage vehicles or buildings. This should go for the Starshina also. They’re also tougher and don’t have to worry about being taken out so easily. You aren’t going to rush a base with dogs, but with infantry/vehicles that can do all three.

    I wouldn’t mind the Attack Dog even being able to “ping” infantry/vehicles. Maybe have a team notice that ‘x unit was spotted’?


  9. 37 minutes ago, Raap said:

    I like the axing of the Missile Sub "pods", they always looked extremely weird even by Red Alert standards.

    Taking some artistic liberties with units is always fine in my opinion, when the outcome makes more sense.

    As for the botes, kinda makes me wish we had new water based vehicle physics.

    Edit: I presume the renders will function as purchase icons? Would be nice to have those for all recently updated vehicle units.

    This is just a reworking of the Missile Sub to catch it up in detail to the Allied ships. The pods will be back :v

    I believe someone is looking into new water, but don’t quote me on that!

    Renders would be a nice way to make the Purchase Icons look way better. Will have to address the team on that one!

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