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Posts posted by Coolrock

  1. 6 hours ago, Pushwall said:

    The more ground Tanya has to cover, the more likely she is to die before using the second C4. Going between buildings means having to cross more potential minefields and angery defenders with starshinas and volkovs. If she pulls off a double then Soviets have to git gud I guess.

    And like you said, it requires a rush with a group. It's not something that one goober soloing behind enemy lines can do, like her current ability to kill 1 building that all the Tanya complaints centre around.

    It'd also put a lid on people suicide driving vehicles up to a flame tower/coil, putting one tanya C4 on it and winning.

    But we already have this.

    I’m more than willing to have it tested again regardless. I’m also all for Tanya saying, “Kiss it bye bye” more than once :wub:

  2. 2 hours ago, moonsense715 said:

    Also, nerf Tanya C4, like, right now. Split it to 2 C4s with a 5 seconds reload time so she can still solo a building. 30 seconds instantkill from full hp is absolutely uncounterable once placed. "but get better and mine the base" - did, the mines are 90% of the time killed by tha tanya transport or one single friend and from then on it's gg. No thanks.

    This was actually tried out in testing a long time ago. Problem was that smart players would golden wrench the building just before the second C4 would go off. They changed it back to a single C4 needless to say.

    You know what would help clear a Tanya out of a building quickly, and allow you a chance to save the building? Attack Dogs! :v

  3. 9 minutes ago, moonsense715 said:

    Elevate the soviet base. Sitting at the bottom of a cliff is a sitting duck base. Also totally blind to incoming attacks. Demos can roll it from the clifftop into the base (with gap gens if hinds are present).
    All the while the allies are on a clifftop, very easy to defend, see the whole map from, and it's hard to attack it.

    This has been a problem since always, not Delta specific. Elevate that dang soviet base on ridgewar please.

    Tesla Coil!

  4. Hello everyone!

    We've recently been having discussions among the staff about balance. With the recent high amount of game nights, it’s brought a lot of attention to certain units and maps.

    We’d like to ask our community to participate in giving feedback on anything you feel is off or not performing how you believe it should. This can range from damage not being high enough with a certain unit, to even prices being too high/low. Do you think a certain map has a higher advantage for one team over another? Now is the time to speak up!

    Let’s get to discussing :)

  5. Hello APB players!

    I’d once again like to say thank you on behalf of the W3D Hub staff for another thrilling event! This event was even more successful than the last, and we appreciate you guys making it happen <3

    Congratulations @GaryOak, @SilverShark, and @Guard55! They’re our winners of the main event. We also took the score from only 10 games where there were 40+ players for @ryknow69’s giveaway. This was a very close battle between a few players, and came down to the very last match. Those winners are @forg0ten1, @SilverShark, and @GaryOak! The scores were forg0ten1 - 25910, SilverShark - 25872, and GaryOak - 25744.

    Congratulations to all the winners! Please contact @FRAYDO to collect your prizes! MVP awards will be done sometime tomorrow. Sorry for being late, it’s been a crazy weekend! We look forward to seeing everyone at the next event :)

  6. Hello players!

    We’d first like to thank everyone for joining another amazing game night! We once again want to ask that you reply with a nomination for which players they felt were the real MVPs of the night. After 24 hours from now, we’ll tally up the names and announce the MVP and Runner Up awards!

    What’re you waiting for? Get to voting!

  7. On 2/7/2021 at 9:51 PM, Shade939 said:

    You can certainly give it a shot if you want to.

    Although how much you'll enjoy it is based on your own personality and how much you enjoy playing a post based forum game of Mafia. As for what Mafia is, here's a mostly copy/pasted description for it.


    In its simplest form, Mafia consists of two sides: the Mafia, and the Town. The Mafia's goal is to kill the innocents, while the Town's goal is to kill the Mafia.

    At the beginning of the game, the Game Master Game will secretly send everyone their role. The Mafia will know each other, while (in the basic game) everyone else will only know their own role.

    The game has two phases, the first of which is Day. During Day, the Town must choose someone to Eliminate by a group vote; they are trying to get rid of the Mafia, but the Mafia can lead them astray by casting suspicion elsewhere. Generally, players will vote for someone they think is Mafia (the Mafia will vote so that they seem to be doing this as well, and might even vote for each other to confuse the Town); when a player gets a majority of the votes, they are eliminated. Their role is then revealed by the Game Master, and it becomes Night.

    During the Night, posting in the thread is limited. The Mafia, however, can speak to each other privately to plot strategy and decide who to attempt to murder before the next Day begins. In this way, they can silence members of the Town who are threats to them. At the end of the Night, the attempted murder is carried out and another Day begins with any killed players roles being revealed by the Game Master. In effect, the Town gets to kill someone, and then the Mafia gets to try and kill someone.

    The game alternates between Day and Night until either the Mafia are gone, or the Mafia have killed everyone else (or nothing can prevent the same from happening).

    So sort of like Town of Salem? Okie dokie!

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