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Everything posted by Furs

  1. View File Remington 870 wooden stock Texture file that replaces original Remington 870 plastic stock and forend grip with a wooden. Unfortunately, I don't know who is the author of this work. Submitter Furs Submitted 02/06/2020 Category Custom Textures
  2. View File Makarov pistol A simple texture that replaces PMM with Cold War era Makarov Pistol that suits APB time period better. Unfortunately, I don't know who is the author of this work. Submitter Furs Submitted 02/06/2020 Category Custom Textures
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Texture file that replaces original Remington 870 plastic stock and forend grip with a wooden. Unfortunately, I don't know who is the author of this work.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    A simple texture that replaces PMM with Cold War era Makarov Pistol that suits APB time period better. Unfortunately, I don't know who is the author of this work.
  5. Looks like XM25 should fit the idea perfectly, it has a wide variety of ammunition, from HE to flechette, projectile is slower than bullet, and its caliber is very close to 20mm listed in game, and of course - autofire. Just change its design of its box magazine to rotary magazine of HAWK MM-1 or Milcor MGL.
  6. You made my dream come true. Will be nice to here Actrazer in next pack if it will be one.
  7. Reminds me of Rogue Trooper series Southers insignia Southers: Norts: But the artist who made this texture maybe tried to replicate tactical markings used on real soviet tanks:
  8. Since Raap told there is another secret, I thought that is some kind of a clue or password.
  9. Hope some APB community members will recognize this character
  10. The greatest APB player of all times has come to
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