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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. @Voe, stop influencing players in games you're not a part of and just sign up you wanker!
  2. I'd love to know where you're getting your conclusions.
  3. I suppose the second time in a row will put the lynch to RNG or the runner-up. Good to know for the first time though, thank you.
  4. There is much you don't know about me, friend.
  5. Are you suggesting I'd never get sloppy drunk?
  6. I was about to quip that @FRAYDO was probably town due to rng never making him scum, but then I noticed he never signed up. Probably because he saw that roles would be determined by rng and got triggered.
  7. Interesting take. So at the moment, with 8 players alive, only 5 votes on a single player are needed to cause hammer. Assuming the classic 3:1 ratio for town to scum, we probably have two scum to deal with. In essence, only 3 town votes are needed. Best not to vote willy-nilly, then.
  8. I never watched the Netflix series, but I assume it's just flavor. You did mention a basics game after all.
  9. Ah, didn't see that. I'll miss the start of the game if it's tomorrow night, but I have the weekend off fortunately.
  10. They’re not regulars if you have to ping them.
  11. Doesn't LAN mode use a different network system than Online mode, like tcip vs udp? I feel like there was something significantly different about the way those two modes worked.
  12. It's indeed a website issue. Clicking "view image" shows the favicon to be correct, but the alpha channel is overwritten due to the forum software.
  13. It already was, and it had an alpha channel to boot. Not sure what software you used Theve, but GIMP made this easy.
  14. Hmm...basics games usually last 2-3 weeks. That sounds like a good warm-up for whatever ghosts and ghouls game Verti has in mind.
  15. Actually, we may be ready for a redux of APB VI. @VERTi60?
  16. I don't know who's doing the next mafia game, but I really want to play a CYOR game.
  17. I'm certain you weren't in Steins;Gate. You'd have stood out a lot more in that game.
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