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Posts posted by Threve

  1. Classic RA PT Icons

    A simple yet effective retexture of all the PT icons in the game. Makes every PT icon as if it was the original RA 1 game.

    Navigate to your data folder by going

    Computer>Program Files (x86)>W3D Hub>Games>APB-Release>Data

    Once you reach the data folder drag and drop the files into the folder. 
    Should you want to uninstall, simply delete the files I have 
    provided and the game will revert itself back to normal.


  2. Good Evening all. Having played for a while I have accrued some sounds from the years that I game with and would love to share it with everyone. Some of the sounds I didn't like and replaced it as such and others I thought could use a little bit of a change or some spice. I hope you all enjoy, add some new flavor to your game and play on!



    Download Here <-------------------------

    Installation Instructions are as follows

    Navigate to your data folder by going

    Computer>Program Files (x86)>W3D Hub>Games>APB-Release>Data

    Once you reach the data folder drag and drop the Audio Files into the folder. Should you want to uninstall, simply delete all the audio files I have provided and the game will revert itself back to normal.

  3. 1 hour ago, FRAYDO said:

    Likely, though that would be @Jerad2142's call. I have never had problems with the barrel roll myself but I do understand unintentionally double-tapping in the heat of action.

    Yeah. It just always seems to happen when I'm escaping hell, attempting to outrunning police, edging for a perfect position on a skyscraper or in a firefight with the AI, or near the bridge. All of which result in death so you can see the frustration, coupled with random lag/FPS spikes i end up pushing the movement buttons more because the lag makes it look like i did nothing. In short, I end up barrel rolling. With this said my suggestion is to re-map the controls to something else at the very least if not remove it all together. 

  4. Unless I'm missing out on some way to fix this... Can we please take the Barrel Roll feature out of ECW or be able to re-map it. I find myself pushing the movement keys twice by accident or in the heat of things when I'm being chased by the police and then my Character rolls on the ground twice. I've never once found it to be useful. In fact, it usually ends up getting me tazerd or killed. Maybe there is something I'm missing or a big secret on how to use it.. idk. But its pretty annoying. I would personally go as far as taking one of my perks and replacing it so that I couldn't barrel roll on the ground like I'm fucking Sam Fisher or something. Thank You.

  5. 4 hours ago, Einstein said:

    Alright then.

    Try deleting this folder: C:\ProgramData\W3D Hub\Launcher

    If that doesn't work then please post your launcher logs and danpaul will take a look.

    This was the solution. I just reinstalled it and it went through. Thank you guys once again!

  6. 3 hours ago, Einstein said:

    Alright then.

    Try deleting this folder: C:\ProgramData\W3D Hub\Launcher

    If that doesn't work then please post your launcher logs and Danpaul will take a look.


    Alrightski, I was able to pull up the error file associated. This is the Error Log 

    *Tries to update and install the patches*

    2018/01/17 17:59:40
    Application version: W3D Hub Launcher.exe

    An exception of type System.Exception occurred
        Message A game installation of type PATCH failed. Reason: One or more packages failed to download

        Stack Trace;

    This is the error messages that I got. Is it possible for you guys to upload me the Always.dat 1, 2, 3 so I can install it manually? Would I be able to start the game up normally with this method?

  7. 14 hours ago, Einstein said:

    Make sure you aren't out of disk space. You'll need at least a few GB free for the patching to happen successfully. If thats not the issue then there are some other things we can look at too.

    I have enough space on my hard drive. About 300 GB so I think i’m good. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling then updating and it got me no avail. I also tried running in Admin mode. Nothing. 

  8. Good morning all. I'm trying to install the latest and greatest update to ECW in order to play the game however it is not allowing me to install the Always.dat 2 / 3 . zip

    It downloads all of it however it just says "Failed" whenever its done downloading all the content. So it's an issue of installing it. To remedy this I have tried to click "fix" and reinstalling it but to no avail. It was working before I had to update so idk whats included with this update but it isnt' going to compatible with my computer. I will try a couple more things and report back if I find a solution but please help if you know anything. Thank you.


  9. On 14/01/2018 at 8:23 AM, DeviousDave said:

    Fair enough, thanks for the input.

    After dapaul88's comment I'll remove anything that isn't mine from the upload when I get around to it :)

    Ty for the mentions guys. Feel free to upload/reupload/edit anything of mine or content/textures. The TS PT Icons were done by me and they should work still. I dont have them anymore as i haven't played TSR in a while. I'd imagine since it has been updated all you would need to do is update the PT Icon names unless they are the same still. in which case they should still work.

  10. I bring you the rest of them. It took quite a while and there are still a few uncommon vehicles to go through (M.A.D. Tank, Chinook, etc) But I was able to compile most the soviet vehicles and give them a glowing tron theme along with a few custom colors as well. Because there are some common vehicles shared by both sides like demos and supply trucks I was quickly able to make a allied version for a couple of things. Take a look, and as always enjoy! 







    http://www.mediafire.com/file/mhj9g68u096u50m/Tron.7z <----------------------------------- DOWNLOAD HERE


    (Notice: The downloaded file will be a .zip which means you will need a program like winrar to extract it... or if you have windows 8 it should be able to do it by itself. If you need the files themselves just simply ask and i'll upload them unzipped)

  11. This is a CJfeature that I kept because I didn't see it as harmful. But without it we might see a resurgence of actually using the transport vehicles for transport (specifically the APC) and make snipers more useful since infantry will have a harder time hiding among tank legions?

    I'm going to have an off opinion here but I have to say i rather quite like the feature. In the past month of so i've been playing it has been very helpful because in all honesty, the only time it's been used is when i am in a heavy tank and it gets destroyed then i hop into someones mammoth or the like. Now why this is important..


    When your tank gets destroyed you're 80% of the time out in the battlefield so you have 2 options, continue the fight and run towards the enemy or run back to base. Both suck.. but being in your comrades tank heading towards the enemy base after battle is convenient and helpful.


    Honestly I haven't seen anyone do a Tanya medium tank rush or something of the sort.. it's good food for thought but with such a small player base already it has not become a problem in my playing experience. Now if it was Gamma or beta days where 30 Plus players were common, I could see select players getting tactics developed and using this to their advantage.


    Like I said, it's a helpful feature that is blessing convenient. It would be very overpowered in the RTS world but this isn't the RTS realm we are playing in. We can't just click an infantry unit and tell them to run 10 minutes then they get killed and its fine. We have to do the slow running (Shock Trooper) ourselves and well.. you get the point.

  12.  You could do it with phase-snipers, who were completely hidden on radar in those days (phases also could crush infantry while moving at only 1mph which is not possible now)

    For real though. It was not uncommon to see 15+ Kills with no deaths due to this. Added to the fact if the soviets got wind of your phase you could go drive back and 1 hit, no bullet drop snipe them. What good times.. Jesus. The WoodsToday.Mix was basically seeing which exploits and cheap things you could do to annhilate the soviets (Phase Snipers, Med Mech's, Long-Range M60 everything)

  13. I could use some help. I'm using Zipeg and I get [unsupported Method of Compression while extracting item] for all files.


    I take it you have a mac or something? Ether way here are all the files uncompressed. I would recommend getting win.rar as it works for alot of these types of situations https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5pedtsigbwwy6/No_hassle


    btw your signature is fucking halarious hahahahaha 

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