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Posts posted by Threve

  1. Author: Threve

    Skill level: 2


    Good Evening all. Ever wanted to change the color of a Tank or create the V2 Missle into a Carola Crayon? This is the tutorial for you! Give me 20 minutes of your time and I will show you how to change the color of anything easily along with giving you knowledge skills in editing APB. I will also be including an advanced tutorial that will show you how to go further in-depth and really create some crazy cool shit if you'd like. I will also do my best to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible so you're not here forever. But first thing is first..


    Part 1 (Introduction and Tools)


    My name is Threve. I've played APB since the start of beta (2010) and have (like you) wanted to modify the files to my tasting. I've been editing APB files ever since and haven't stopped. In a nutshell, there are 4 main types of files in APB.

    1. Coding (Such as Objects.ddb or .dep, uneditable due to possible cheating)

    2. .W3D Files (These are what make the shapes of the things in the game. Also uneditable in APB due to possible cheating.)

    3. .Wav Files and .MP3 (These are what make up the sounds in the game. Every single sound in the game use these two types of files. These are modifiable excecpt for very special cases like the Phase Tank due to cheating)

    4. .dds Files (These are what make up the paint/skin/texture of everything in the game. This is what we will be learning to modify today. Almost all can be modified except some special ones such as the sniper rifle scope due to possible cheating.)


    With this, we need some tools so that we can get down to business. I've taken the liberty of uploading every single thing you need to get started APB_Editing_Tools.7z so that you can rock and roll no problem out of the box. This includes Renegade Ex, all the .dds Textures in APB and Paint.net. However, if you are hesitant here are the official links to everything.

    RenegadeEx (This will allow you to extract every file you need from APB, Tiberian Sun Reborn, Renegade and every other .W3D game)

    Paint.net (This will allow you to edit the .dds files. I prefer Paint.net because it is free and ready to rock out of the box. No need to download any plugins to save .dds files or anything. Did i mention its free btw..?)




    Part 2 (Getting and extracting the shit that we need)


    Now that we have our tools we are going to start out by turning the Mammoth Tank a different color such as pink. To do this we must first get the texture or .dds file. (In my download I have included all the .dds files so if you really want you can just find it in there.) To do this,

    1. Open up RenegadeEx

    2. Click File>Open Archieve and navigate to the W3D Hub Folder by going Computer>Program Filesx86>W3D Hub>Games>APB release>Data>Always.dat


    Now a bunch of files will populate RenegadeEx. These are all the files that make the game a game. Everything from Textures to Sound to the HUD and Music. We are however looking for something specific which is the Mammoth Tank.

    To find it simply Click Action>Find and a window will pop up. In this window that says filename type in Mammoth and click find. It should then populate some options. We are specifically looking for 

    v_sov_mammoth_turret_f (Vehicle, Soviet, mammoth tank, top part of the Tank, Forest)

    v_sov_mammoth_chassis_f (Vehicle, Soviet, mammoth tank, bottom part of the Tank/body, Forest)


    After finding these in the list click on them twice and it will bring you to them in RenegadeEx. Then simply Right click on them in RenegadeEx and click Extract. Extract it to your desktop or wherever you can easily find it. (Note: I have added the textures to my download rendering this irrelevant. However it is still helpful to know and would recommend trying it out)

    Now open up Paint.net and drag these 2 files into Paint.net. You should see something like this.



    Part 3 (Editing the actual file and uploading it to your game)


    Now that we got the file into Paint.net we are going to turn this bad boy Pink to support Breast Cancer. To do this

    Make sure these 3 tools are showing so you can work freely.  


    In the layers box click "Add Layer". This will make it so we can paste and draw over the texture easier.


    Select the Paint Bucket and also the color pink in the Color Palette . 

    Turn up the tolerance to 100%. This will allow us to paint the whole picture.



    Cntrl + A to select the whole entire Texture. Then left click on the texture and it will paint the whole screen pink.

    Go to the Layers Box and select "Properties". Then go to Blending Mode and instead of Normal select "Overlay"

    It should then look like this. 


    Go to the Layers box again and select "Merge Layer Down". This will connect the two kind of pictures and make it into one. 

    Do the exact same with the other Mammoth Tank texture.

    Congradulations! You've made your first texture! You're basically a modder now.


    Part 4 (The Finish)


    Lets see this bad boy in action shall we? We are going to click Cntrl + Shift + S (Save As). We are going to save both of these files as a .dds type file. They are already named so save them respectively. I.E. Save the turret as v_sov_mammoth_turret_f and the chassis as v_sov_mammoth_chassis_f. Failure to save with the same name as you extracted it with will result in the texture not working because the game doesn't know wtf it is.


    You're then going to get a menu asking all these different options on how to save it. Simply copy my settings and save this file type as DXT1. (DXT1 is for normal most textures. DXT 5 is for textures that have stuff that is invisible in it. Like the Fence has holes in it that are invisible as you'll see if you open up the texture. So it must be saved as a DXT5. The HUD has some spots that are invisible so to avoid covering your whole screen it is saved as a DXT5. For now don't worry about it.)


    Now. Drag and drop these two mammoth tank .dds files into your APB Data folder. To get there go to

    Computer>Program Files x86>W3DHub>Games>APB Release> Data. Drag and drop these into here like this.


    See how both of them are in my APB Data folder? Now we are ready to rock and roll baby. Fire up this bish and lets see our work.


    Absolutely beautiful. If it is black or there is no difference then you did not save it correctly. 


    Now do keep in mind that there is an endless world of possibilities to editing textures. If you would like to make one part yellow and another purple you can simply select half the picture and paint it purple then the other half yellow. To make specific part a different color you just simply select that part on the texture and paint it like so. It may be a bit difficult to tell whats what on the file because everything is sort of just exploded so you make have to make a part yellow then test it out in-game and see where it lands or what part was colored. However, working with paint.net constantly will allow you to experiment new things and also do it alot faster. This may have taken you 15 minutes or so but after a while it'll be cut down to 2 minutes. Practice makes perfect.


    Part 5 (After some basic practice. Let's turn it up a notch and make some really crazy cool stuff)


    Now that we have gotten the basics out of the way we are going to go to the next level and as the title saying go hard in the paint.net to create some new stuff. I will not be going through the simple steps like where to precisely click but honestly it's easy to figure out through the pictures and dicking around with the program. If anything just post below and i'll help you out with what you need. Best of luck and lets do this.

    First off we are going to make something gold. I typically find that weapons seem to look best in gold though you can of course extend this out to vehicles and anything else if you'd like to mess around with settings. Lets see what we can do with the MP5.


    To do this we are going to open up the file in Paint.net. The .dds texture is named w_mp5.

    Add a new layer then select the yellow from the color pallet. After selecting yellow I want for you to select the whole screen and paint it yellow.


    After we painted the whole layer yellow we are then going to select layer properties and turn the blending mode to "Overlay".


    Now Merge layer down (Which combines the two layers into a single "Picture")

    Select Effects>Photo>Glow and set the settings of "Glow" to 6, -32, 48, respectively then click "Ok" activating the effect. 


    Select Effects>Photo>Soften Portrait and set the settings to 5, -20, 20, respectively then click "Ok".


    Now select left click yellow on the Color Palette and right click orange. You have selected both of them. I want for you to then select Render>Clouds. Set the blend mode to Multiply and the settings to...

    Scale: 666

    Roughness: 0.50


    Now click "Ok". To complete this masterpiece we are going to edit the levels of the picture. Please go to Adjustments>Levels and set the following (I beg you to look at the picture to confirm you are doing this correctly and putting the settings where they belong.









    Now click "Ok". Your image should look something like this.


    Which after saving it (save this as a DXT1 type file with the same settings as that basic tutorial) will look like this.


    As you can see where the light in game shines on it can make it change the brightness very quickly. The beauty of modifying is you can mess around with this till it's your liking. Honestly! If it is to bright or not bright enough for you then like a chef, mix and match till it is to your taste!


    While making stuff different colors is pretty cool it's also possible to completely change the layout of a vehicle into something groundbreaking such as a Tron Tank. Do be aware that this can take an extremely long time such as 2 hours depending on how detailed you want for it to get and how much detail the model requires to actually make it recognizable. Let us take the medium tank for example.


    We have here opened up in Paint.net the Medium Tank that is originally forest themed or colored.



    To start we are going to Add a new Layer>Select the Line Tool>Select the color Blue, Purple, whatever you'd like in the color pallet and make the brush width 3.

    Then we are going to draw along the main lines of the tank. So it will look a little something like this



    (this is a small example of the whole entire texture. After you are done drawing all of the lines or as many as you want to make the outline of the tank proceed to the next step. I drew all the lines along the tank and it took about 2 hours per texture/part of the tank. So go into it knowing this please. It is possible to cut the time down by skiping out on some details or making the brush width larger to cover more area. Your choice how detailed you want it.)

    Then select paint bucket>Select the color Black>Tolerance 100% and select background on the layer box. Then click and turn the background into blackness. This will turn it into this 


    Combine both the layers into 1 by selecting Merge layer down.

    Select everything (Cntrl + A) and select Glow (Effects>Photo>Glow) and use the settings

    Radius                 6

    Brightness          10

    Contrast              10

    It should end up looking a little something like this.


    It is also possible after all this hard work to easily change the color. Since all the Medium tanks are the same file with different colors you can save this one as the forest, change the color to white and then save it as Snow, Change the color to pink and save it as Urban or whatever you'd like. To change the color select Adjustments> Hue/Saturation and mess around with it till you get what you desire.


    Save both the turret and chassis and put it in the Data folder as shown earlier then fire up the game and try it out.


    I have done my best to teach all I know and help you utilize all the tools that Paint.net has to offer. With all this information and some practice you'll be able to modify things quite easily, bring life to APB and create things you'd never thought of before. If you are confused or need help with anything then don't hesitate to post below and I will do my best not to respond in a year and half. Good job on all your hard work as well. Take a break and grab a beer.

    I also wanted to give a very special thanks to Triattack for introducing me to paint.net and helping out with texturing. 

    Till then, see you on the battlefield. 





  2. 3 hours ago, NodGuy said:

    Okay. With Paint.net how do I only change one colour without it changing others. Like... red, for example? Thanks.

    I will post a complete in depth tutorial on how to edit textures in Paint.Net tomorrow. It will show you how to do all kinds of crazy cool shit for APB and make anything look how you want it. Will tag you when done. 

  3. On 3/4/2018 at 12:32 PM, NodGuy said:

    War Factory looks nice!


    Still going for the blue screens I see. Can someone link to a Renegade tutorial on how to change the colour of the skins? I remember doing this with Photoshop over a decade ago but I don't have Photoshop anymore. Can I use GIMP or something?

    Utilizing Paint.net is best for modifying dds. Textures. It's free, easy and I would highly recommend it.



    Also there is a August 30th meeting about TSR so I wouldn't give up hope just yet. If you'd like to help work on the game to speed up process there are plenty of tutorials to help get you started.

    Nothing, we sit here and we wait and do nothing like statues and pupils!

  4. @Dghelneshi Wow! Holy shit. That was incredible and extremely helpful. Thank you for all of that. I have to ask then, all the information you listed is helpful especially if building a custom computer but if you had $2,000 and knowing what I asked, is there a specific laptop that you would buy? I would use your information to build a custom one if I could but that’s out of the question. Also the HDD has to be at least 500 GB or above. Of course with this price range we will get that I am sure. In terms of noise it’s not a massive concern at all. Multitasking and rendering seem to be the priorities thus far. Also there will be no video games played on this at all (which is lucky for you guys because I wouldn’t suck at APB with a $2K computer). But thank you once again. Extremely helpful. 

    I also read the information over and compared the two contenders (Alienware and the Asus Laptop Enstien posted) it seems that the Alienware has better graphics handling as it should for games but slower task completion, HDD memory and RAM. Idk what to go with or which computers are out there if there are any better. Like I don’t want to pick up an HP for $2K with all the good specs but they are shit reliability.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Jeod said:

    Regarding the first link's GPU, the MX150, I'll refer to the handy website notebookcheck.net. This GPU is definitely something I'd stay away from if your goal is to let your girl play Fortnite when she's not busy doing engineer stuff. While it's not great for high-end gaming, it should work just fine for standard classwork and model design. That is, unless she needs to render hugely detailed environments like in Crysis. If that's the case, get a better GPU.

    The viewing angle isn't something you need to worry about unless privacy is a factor. Google an image of a protractor and imagine the laptop is sitting at the center of the straight line. 178 degrees means if you drew a line to the 178 mark on the curved ruler, you'd be able to see the laptop screen clearly from that point. There are privacy screens you can place on the laptop display if privacy is an issue.

    Bluetooth, yes bluetooth headphones would work. Bluetooth is also used for some presentation remotes (in controlling powerpoint slides for example).

    Yes, 32GB RAM is a ton. The Windows 10 operating system only needs 2GB max to run. At 8GB of RAM, that leaves you 6GB just for software and games. 32GB of RAM would let you have probably a hundred instances of AutoCAD open at once. It's very rare to need over 12GB of RAM.

    SSD stands for Solid State Drive. You'll see a lot of market laptops come with SSD these days in addition to a HDD. SSDs load data a lot faster than a HDD, so when a laptop comes with a SSD, it's usually for the operating system. The tradeoff is a low storage capacity. My desktop comes with a SSD and a HDD. I store all my games on my HDD save for the ones I use most. My desktop is ready to use within 10 seconds of pressing the power button, and load times for my games are always a minute or less.

    Incredibly helpful information. Thank you extremely much to everyone. Will keep you guys posted.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    Exactly. They are "good" but you're actually just paying for a brand, and very unique problems in the future. They have been known to do weird stuff like forcing RAID on a single disk, and other weirdness. And Alienware is purely a "gaming"-geared setup. You want a "sleeper" so to speak. Lots of power and utility, but without the flashy lights and custom drivers that cause issues later.

    My 2 cents :v

    Exactly. I almost forgot about ASUS but if I remember correctly they make some badass computers. Out of the two that you posted the one that costs 1.8K looks pretty hardcore. Would you recommend that one over the other? If I may ask a favor can you guys help define the terms and what they mean and compare it to a normal computer? I have little idea to what this means but I know that it is pretty good. I don't know what the standard or normal is (Normal being like what a $600/800 laptop would have)

    8th Generation Quad-Core Intel i7-8550U 1.8 GHz (Turbo up to 4.0 GHz) Processor (What does this mean and what is a normal computer like?)

     NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics (2 GB GDDR5) (In the world of graphics cards what does this mean. Can it like play Crysis at full settings or something? Does it just mean things will go smoother when modeling?)
    • 15.6" Full HD (1920 x 1080) WideView color rich display with up to 178 degree viewing angle (What does this mean?)
    • 802.11 AC (2 x 2); Built-in Bluetooth V4.1 (Does this mean Bluetooth headphones will connect?)
    • 32GB DDR4 RAM (The computer we have now has 8GB of ram so i would imagine this is a shitton more. What does this do for us though?)
    • 2TB HDD + 1TB SSD (2TB is fucking massive so memory on the computer is good but what is SSD?)

    Thank you once again. Also stacked up against Alienware how do the specs on this compare? Is Alienware's graphics card just better but everything else is just shit? Do they charge more because of advertising or because it has a bunch of lights on it?)


    For comparision, there is a slightly lower priced alien ware computer here. The ALIENWARE 17 for $1,650.


    Processor: 8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8750H (6-Core, 9MB Cache, up to 4.1GHz w/ Turbo Boost)

    Video Card: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 OC with 6GB GDDR5

    Display: 17.3 inch FHD (1920 x 1080) 60Hz IPS Anti-Glare 300-nits- Black Chassis

    Memory: 16GB, DDR4, 2400MHz; up to 32GB

    Hard Drive: 128GB SATA M.2 SSD + 1TB 7200RPM HDD

    For engineering, model design and 3D Graphics it sounds like memory is the most important factor here. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Jeod said:

    If you're okay with waiting for shipping, the HP Omen can be customized on the HP website and it's pretty comparable to the Alienware brand. Sounds like you were looking at Alienware due to familiar territory?

    Exactly. Its the equivalent of having alot of money to spend and saying I want the best sports car so i'll take a Lamborghini. There are better cars out there for cheaper like a Nissan GTR but i'm not to knowledgeable so i have no idea. Likewise, all I know is that Alienware is really good but you can get better if you know what you're doing/looking for. The links enstien posted look really good. The 2nd computer that is 1,800 looks pretty hardcore. I'm talking with the Mrs. now about it. will keep you guys posted.

  8. Good Evening everyone. I wanted to ask for some help from the computer guru's and technical people alike here on the forums. My girl is studying architecture and interior design and needs a good ass computer. The go-to was going to be AlienWare however.. I've been hearing that it is over priced for what it is and there may be some better computers out there. The primary concerns with the computer involve this.

    - Budget is up to $2,000

    - Computer must be a laptop due to Mobility 

    - Not a Mac Computer.

    - The applications that will be used are Sketch-up, AutoCad, Revet, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

    - The most important factor is running multiple programs smoothly.

    - We don't know how to build computers so thats a no-go

    - Preferably, we would like the computer not to have problems or explode within a couple of years....

    - 1 TB of Memory would be awesome but not necesary due to external Hard drives.


    The best computer I ever had was a satellite S55 which kicked ass and I recommended for $1,200. But if there is anything better out there then please let us know.


    Obviously there is a lot of Freedom here with the budget but we'd like to save some $ if possible and also we have little knowledge of good computers/specs. Therefor thank you to all the help and contributions.


  9. I think the Crono Tank has been pretty balanced honestly. But it could be due to not seeing it be used how it was supposed to thereby not giving me or anyone else any problems.

    Mostly 1 or 2 people buy the tank late game and treat it as a scout/glass cannon and don’t really do anything with it and if they do their skill level let’s them get it blown up.

    since intro i’ve only bought it once or twice out of choice to see it in action but really it’s not my style of unit so I don’t bother. 

    The missle damage is fairly potent and great for finishing off anything retreating. The armor is pretty damn good for what it is to. I thought it was going to be some Tesla Tank shit box but it holds up pretty well in my opinion. The speed is very good to because it accelerates like crazy fast. Also the cool ability of teleporting into the enemy base with a Tanya is a very special ability brilliantly balanced with Mines.


    The only time the Cronotank was a threat was on siege when 3 or so were rushed by Silverlight and his gang which almost succeeding in killing our airfield but couldn’t. The cronotank also kills YAK’s pretty good to.

    For the first time in video game history if not APB I think you made a unit that is perfectly balanced and doesn’t need any work. I know other people will disagree and I can see why but the unit has been pretty good thus far I think. Honestly I can’t think of anything else it needs, it could be that it’s a new unit and people are still figuring out their way with it. The tank holds a Tanya that can then blow up mines and teleport into the enemy’s base for Christ sake. What more do you want.

  10. On 8/19/2018 at 3:35 AM, delta said:

    Wait so does the MiG exist in the game code right now? 

    While looking through the DDS. Files there are alot of things that exist that are not in usage currently and oddly enough. There is a Soviet Super Tank.dds file along with some RA2 .dds files.


    Also on topic. The jet tails are the coolest fucking detail ever. I love it and great work. The only thing I would recommend would be a small red and green light that flashes on and off like airplanes have at night time.

  11. Just now, Coolrock said:

    Impressed with the amount of work this probably took. I'd be driven crazy using something like this, though. Nice job either way!

    Tanya scares me.

    Thanks brother. Hope you like it and have some fun. The weapons are a pain in the ass because you have to draw essentially the whole weapon over again line by line. Each vehicle takes about 1 to 2 hours per but it's coming along.

    Me to. Kill them all.

  12. [SOUNDPACK] Threve's MadTank

    This Sound Pack helps to define and add a little bit more drama to the unit that is the M.A.D. Tank. The explosion, Purchase, Deployment and Charge up sound have all been changed. I have provided a video to help show the new sounds. 


    NOTE: In the video, the Charge up sound (0:43) was abrupt and has since been fixed/updated to quickly fade in. It's a much smoother sounding build up to the explosion now.



    installation Instructions are as follows

    Navigate to your data folder by going

    Computer>Program Files (x86)>W3D Hub>Games>APB-Release>Data

    Once you reach the data folder drag and drop the Audio Files into the folder. Should you want to uninstall, simply delete all the audio files I have provided and the game will revert itself back to normal.


  13. Good Evening everyone. If you're looking for something to mix your game, I think I might have the solution.
    In what could be considered one of the most extensive texture collections for A Path Beyond, I am attempting to transform the world into a Tron themed warzone. I am posting on here to help gain insight into any errors that occur, suggestions, checkpointing my progress in case my computer takes a shit and hopefully involve anyone who wants to get some cool textures for their game.
    Out of the 1,209 .dds textures I have been able to get through 484 by opening and essentially reskinning them each individually which is why this is still an incomplete W.I.P. When all is complete and everything is ironed out to look halfway decent I'll be releasing it on the forums hence why this isn't on the official downloads section yet. The colors are all correlated to correspond with that selected for the vehicle, however, the Urban/Black camo tends to be a special paint job such as Purple or Pink. The release will include a folder for transforming everything into Tron, Just the vehicles, Just the weapons, Just the characters or a combination of the previous 3. This will make it so you don't have to go crazy if you don't want to (You should). For now, I'm just trying to gauge interest, find problems and also include the community on the process if you would like.
    Anyways, enjoy everyone. See you on the battlefield!

    game 2018-08-15 22-57-36-17.png

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    game 2018-08-15 23-14-39-21.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-19-01-90.png

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    game 2018-08-15 23-21-58-26.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-23-26-47.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-24-21-73.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-30-14-41.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-38-40-27.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-44-07-59.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-45-26-41.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-46-57-16.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-48-34-12.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-49-57-38.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-51-04-44.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-51-13-79.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-53-25-94.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-57-46-16.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-57-50-74.png

    game 2018-08-15 23-58-10-86.png

    game 2018-08-16 00-00-12-66.png

    game 2018-08-16 00-00-33-76.png

    Silverlight crate.png



    game 2018-08-16 14-09-16-97.png

    game 2018-08-16 14-11-22-59.png

    game 2018-08-16 14-12-07-13.png

    game 2018-08-16 14-13-20-88.png

    If you decide to release any of these files or textures anywhere else I ask that you credit me, if you don't then it is what it is.

  14. 7 hours ago, thedisclaimitory said:

    oh so you were the one who posted that I thought that was another person. See this is why I luv the new modding community group of w3dhub not the community devs the modding alliance I just call them a modding community group of w3dhub anyway id like to think of them as a branch. But anyway I digress what im saying is are you going to reskin this since it does look quite old to me even then I think it was a mod back in the bhp days of apb or in other words bhp's apb but you don't have to im just sayin.

    If a lot of people download it or it's popular then possibly I'll do a remastered version of it.

  15. 6 hours ago, thedisclaimitory said:

    ive seen this in a bhp post some were a long time ago I forgot who made this but pretty cool find. one question though, would you update this skin for kov or just leave it??? 

    I orginally made it a while back and posted it on BHP for Halloween.  Come to think of it, I might have posted it here on W3D forums actually.


    It is for Volkov currently so, I am a bit confused to your question.

  16. 1 hour ago, thedisclaimitory said:

    Will there be a Medium Tank reskinof the beta Medium Tank skin in this file as a choosable skin to buy with the Medium Tank or will this not be included or will it come later???

    If I'm correct, the Delta version medium tank is a whole entire new model entirely which has added more detail and props to the tank. Therefore it would be impossible to seamlessly transfer the Beta version/texture to Delta as they are 2 different models. However, I will look into it and see what I can do.

  17. Classic Beta Style APB hud

    This file replaces your HUD layout into the days of A Path Beyond Beta. If you ever miss the old hud or want some memories from beta this is it.

    For those of you who do not know, the radar is a lot more simplified which means if you take this game seriously do not install this hud as it does not show

    - The star where the enemy base is

    - The more smaller new layout detailed Icons

    - Red boxes when you lock unto a target with the Rocket Launcher (Currently being tested to update)

    However, it does show for the most part everything else except some more specialized details and is what I have been using all of Delta. I personally have not had a problem with it since.

    I am still attempting to "Modernize" the HUD to Delta standards and will release when things are tested and updated. Hopefully, I can get it to a point where this HUD has the same functionality.

    ALL credit goes to the original production team behind APB who developed the game and also the HUD. I have not modified the HUD except to include the mine count and distance of objects on radar. Enjoy!


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