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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 22 minutes ago, Kickmofo said:

    You don't have to its a choice you make? Polecat is a very good camper and counters it quite easily

    Nod has the same character so why not employ the tactic yourself?

    Look i understand what you're saying. I really do. I mentioned even earlier that you can prevent this with the Tunguska. The problem is it forces you to camp. i'm going to be honest I really don't want to stay in my base solely for being on the lookout for a tank driving up and planting a bomb for an hour and 30 minutes almost every single match. It doesn't even feel rewarding killing someone who is suiciding on purpose over and over and over.

    I do not find enjoyment in employing this tactic unless of course it's by chance that i am at the enemy base and am still alive. I like driving tanks, fighting against people in the field and attacking the enemy base. Just.. not over and over with dynamite till my K/D is 4 - 28 but I won the match for my team. It is very empty.

    Everyone plays differently and I get that. There are some people that just cannot get enough camping and some that just love to harvest. But being forced to do something for the sake of not losing the game over and over is just beyond annoying. Yes there are some maps where it does not happen but for the majority of maps it's been a problem only elevated when there are little players or multiple players on the same team are doing this.


    I want for anyone to honestly tell me the enjoyment of being forced to camp your base over and over against a fast, harder to hit tank again and again on someone suiciding themselves almost every map.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kickmofo said:

    Simply camp and you can easily defend this strategy.

    Wow. I never thought about staying an hour and half inside my base to prevent this tactic every single map.



    The problem isn't just the ability to kill these suicide rushes. Like I said the Tunguska can handle the situation easily.. It's about the whole entire game being based off having one person (typically me or I assume Ganein as well) constantly just patrolling and camping to prevent this for the whole entire match. God forbid two people do it at the same time. It no longer becomes tank on tank combat with special infantry units battling it out Nod vs. GDI...

    It just becomes a camp fest to prevent a fast, hard to hit and ok armored tank from dropping off himself off and blowing up buildings time after time after time.


  3. On 3/10/2019 at 6:51 PM, ganein14 said:

    I don't think I'm the only one when it comes to complaining about how Dynamite in game is too powerful. I can't begin to count the number of times even a well grouped number of defenses fail to stop one single person from wearing them down by rushing them with a cheap tank and a cheap infantry unit with dynamite. There are even spots where it can be thrown and is impossible to disarm and is guaranteed to kill at least one or even two defenses. Is it possible to change the dynamite from a C4 deploying style to that of a beacon? That way they have to stand still and subject themselves to the defenses attacks and risk dying for nothing gained without the defenders having to constantly be alert and watch for such tactics? 

    Bump and also +1

    I like the idea of dynamite. It helps destroy mammoth 36 inch vehicles and is also fun to throw on vehicles every once and a while so I am not voting personally for it to be removed just like Ganein. However...

    Dynamite currently in-game is or at least has been obnoxiously abused to the point where the tactic is to get a $500 Char and $700 Grizzly tank and suicide yourself at least 15 times to destroy every defense. We're talking a constant rush time after time after time. Normally it wouldn't be such a big deal but it's gotten to the point of annoyance.


    1. You cannot proxie mine every defense and it wouldn't be worth it if you could. The grizzly tank would just take the damage anyways. At least with main structures you have to go into the mines as a char.

    2. Every other player is battling or fighting in field, or buying vehicles/busy in base. No one can (or more appropriately will) watch every single defense to try and prevent constant suicide spam.

    3. This dynamite suicide spam means that even if you kill someone 8 times for points. They will be awarded a shit ton of points for 1 successful defense kill. God forbid they are able to throw their dynamites on 2 objects.

    4. As said earlier, because this is a thrown object. There are some points where you cannot disarm unlike a beacon (Because you cannot throw a beacon).

    5. Dynamites are unannounced which is a good thing, it would get annoying.. but it goes to show that it's harder to notice should a suicide/dynamite combo go through.

    6. During large games it comes to the point where 2 if not 3 people are doing this shit and it's impossible to stop because the player base cannot or will not stay in base waiting to fight back against this annoyance or they're (the player base) is busy fighting against others in the field. Long story short no one is going to drive back to base because a grizzly was spotted near a defense. By the time they get there it is usually to late anyways.

    7. During small games it comes to a point where you have to forcefully camp your base to prevent the grizzly/dynamite combo from racking up points and getting any defense kill.

    8. There is no motivation to keep a good K/D or any reward for not doing this. That means if you have 2 kills with 34 Deaths in-game, you can have the most points and win the game for your team simply by using the same suicide tactic over and over.

    9. The destruction of every single defense solely from this tactic (which usually happens) means that the game is almost always lost to an Orca/Amphibious Tank Rush, a constant suicide rush into a building using dynamite, you name it.

    10. The only way to halfheartedly prevent this is to get a 9K22 Tunguska ($2,800 btw) and kill the Grizzly Tank with your missiles. The reason I say the Tunguska is because the range allows you to not have to camp your base all day, turret and engine speed is fast enough, the missiles can kill the tank in one go and you also have the 30mm cannons to kill the Tank Commander with the dynamite. God forbid you miss and have to reload.

    11. You can of course buy another (Nod or GDI) tank to try and take care of this issue but typically the Grizzly will outrun your tank or destroy it. Further infuriating gameplay because if you die or even kill the grizzly suicide combo they will just do it again 10/10 times.


    I vote that this needs to be fixed somehow through the reduction of damage with dynamite. I still think that 2 should kill a mammoth 36 inch and as such a beacon planted dynamite would be useless (because you have to stand to plant the dynamite and the mammoth 36 inch would just kill you). Maybe make the dynamite less destructive against buildings but the same against vehicles. Limit it to 1 dynamite with a damage Nerf against buildings ONLY. Whatever you guys end up seeing fit.

  4. Discord I've found to be extremely useful for just average, chill messaging on my phone when i'm not on my labtop/out and about. Correct me if i am wrong but i believe you're able to voice chat in Discord? I downloaded it about a year ago and I faintly remember the abitly to do it.

    Teamspeak for me is really where i go on to voice chat. The fact that all the different games are easily listed and shown to join are just appealing to me. 


    Again, I faintly remember being able to use discord for voice speaking but am not %100 sure. If you can't use discord for voice chat then, you also have to understand that alot of society now and days is gearing towards messages as well. Just look at facebook, where most of the messages are sent. Same goes with twitter. I haven't left a voicemail in forever now that I think about it. It only makes sence that Discord is more popular as it's easier to respond in solely text.


    In regards to teamspeak, me , KTFF, Cjx0r , MARCELLIS and Dblaney frequent on there all the time. Join up sometime!

  5. On 2/9/2019 at 12:21 PM, Mesosoi said:

    I play in Renegade approximately since 2009

    Highly recommended you download and play Interim Apex. It is exactly like Renegade except with about +90 more each of tanks, Planes, Battleships/Boats and Weapons. It is how Renegade should have been and is highly enjoyable especially with the high player count recently.

    ECW is a very good game for single and multiplayer. If no one is playing online it isn't a problem. Also if you'd like some help getting started feel free to check out my guide.


    Until then, stay a while and I'll see you in-game. 

  6. On 2/1/2019 at 12:04 PM, FRAYDO said:

    Want a job? The propaganda team could use a man of your skills. I've recently hired on Hiramaky, and the Game Night we held in January was quite a success. We'll be working on organizing more game nights and potentially inviting YouTubers for coverage. Testament and I are also discussing paid advertisement to expand our outreach. The AMA thread has our current PR strategy, and our outreach can only get better as more C&C Remasters updates brings fans old and new in. Stay tuned!

    It would be an Honor. PM and important stuff sent.

  7. All good points here. Though my recommendation was for the Free to play platform. Anything else with how old this game is, would be heritic. (Looking at Fortnite the free download tactics have been working out well which is also worth noting...) Now, in the end all of this is rhetorical but I do believe it would be worth some type of shot at least to have our game be put on steam. Everyone now and days downloads from steam, so it just seems like basic science at this point to expand unto there if possible and we get the go-ahead. 


    Currently (and please correct me if I am wrong) from what i’ve seen our propaganda and downloads come from posting on other chat forums, a little bit of Facebook/memes, and heavily on renegade forums. I don’t believe this is enough and might lose steam in the future. I think the expansion to game stores is the eventual direction to go and is worth a shot/argument with EA. And if not now maybe when C&C Remastered comes out/the time is right. If people still actively play old games such as Rune Scape and MW1 then there is still hope for massive player counts in the future!

    An important note here, if EA does say we can go to steam but need to charge for the game/earn them $ then all bets would be off. Having this game F2P is more important in my opinion. If it’s a one time fee that isn’t to bad to get put on the steam store then I can vibe with that.

  8. 11 hours ago, Eobard said:

    Really great game! Is there a way to check all the possible console commands, and is there a one-stop site to check out all the units/buildings/weapons and other special stuff on the battlefield?

    @FRAYDO as well.

    I have written a guide to ECW after extensively playing it for a while. I am now in the process of cleaning it up and finalizing it for a final version. After doing said i plan to write a guide to IA that will include Veh/Char stats and strategies for each and every map. This will take some time however but it is on my crosshairs.

  9. @FRAYDO


    Would it be possible to add APB or ECW to the Steam store itself? I believe it would MASSIVELY increase player counts as a free game. Of course the big elephant in the room is EA games but assuming they gave the go ahead would it be something anyone would consider?

  10. 52 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

    I dunno, most of those (except FoI and LOLmap) sound like bad things to me. Beta was fun back then, but there was quite a bit wrong with it in retrospect, and the main draw was that players were around back then and that its flaws weren't nearly as profound as Gamma's. Then Gamma came along and said "hey, we can make it so playing as a mechanic requires you to have some brain cells to rub together and non-mechs can't just diceroll their way through things with bluehell, but the law of equivalent exchange demands that we balance it out with some bad. Like gradual tech level unlocking, arthritis-powered M16/phase/pistols, OP autocannon hind, no more kill icons, no more taunts, somehow worse framerate than Delta, helis covered in treacle, RA_Hourglass, C4 for volkov, laggy chargeups for tesla weapons, flamethrowers that can shapeshift into AP mines, snipers not being rebalanced to compensate for the fact that there is no longer a cheat-gate on sniping, MGGs that spew poogas, EVA being vague about what's under attack, and MRJ producing nausea-inducing sounds. And by some bad, we mean all of it. Take it or leave it", drove everyone away, and a lot of people just haven't come back since. I wish we could have just skipped Gamma and gone straight to Delta :p


    Agreed. But the quirks in Beta good and bad definitely come to mind when thinking of earlier versions. Everyone did leave come Gamma as well including me. Gamma as a whole just seem a lot more laggy, weird, the characters seemed abnormally tall, firing a gun was retarded and it just overall was not a good experience to me for some reason or another. Delta is definitely a return to form and dare I say better than Beta. The implementations of new features like hitting the rear armor for more damage, crouching for increased accuracy and being hidden on the radar are small but at the same time ground breaking for a game like this and only add a new factor/tool to the game instead of changing it completely. The direction of Delta excites me and I truly believe there has never been a better time to play APB. Sadly player base is just needed, especially for a game like APB. I hope you guys have a good marketing/propaganda team this year.


  11. @Killing_You



    I believe I have found each and every single note worthy Weapon and Vehicle besides possibly the Portable Ion Cannon from Renegade. If possible could someone check over this and confirm? Also Killing you, yesterday we were playing ECW and I believe you found the ROFLCopter. Correct me if i am wrong but is it behind the portal on the outside bridge of RenHalo? Where did you end up finding it and did it have any weapons or special abilities?

  12. Incredible work. Still believe however that V sniping should be included solely for the fact and remembrance of how far we have come and what we should be grateful for.

    Beta Days were fucking great. Back when you could M-60 or Ranger every soviet defense with no risk, Medium Tank Mechanics (@EvanB90), the Medic had a Pistol, RA_ForestOfIllusion.mix, RA_SovietsAlliesLOL.mix, Bluehell everything, RA_Fjord.mix with the floating tanks, 0 second delay Demo Truck Firing and my personal favorite the good old Sniper+Phase Combo which prevented you from being seen on Radar until some dumbass bought a demo truck.


    Only thing it's missing is the people in my signature. Thanks for this Einstein. We needed it.

  13. @Jerad2142 and anyone else in the know


    There have been rumors that ECW has hit its stride and that there will not be anymore Major updates or that the game is for the most part finished besides an occasional weapon or so. Is this true and/or how do you feel about the current state of ECW?

  14. 29 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

    The portal used to take you to Mars, but Jerad changed it to Hell later. Not sure why.

    Also, good luck finding the damn ROFLCopter. I went over Renhalo several times, wallhugging like crazy to explore every inch as thoroughly as I could. If you find it, by all means, tell me.

    Oh, and speaking of Renhalo, that's where you get the helicopter blades. You have to beat the final boss of Renhalo to get it, though.

     Any Tips on where to go in Rennhalo to advance. I can't get past the first level because idk where to go. And Cat seems to know where to find it as i saw it driving it earlier.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Testament said:

    ROFLcopter is a mystery to me, but I know both the Halo RL and the chopper are SOMEWHERE in Renhalo.

    The Nuclear sub is somewhere cold, take a gander. If you look around you'll find it along with a cool james bond style lair.

    P.S. It's worth mentioning that there are treasure chests filled with money at the bottom of the sea. I found one by a pure fluke near where you buy the seaplane in the bay between the mainland and the desert.

    Oh btw.


    - Mysterious Offshore portal

    Features: A tiny island in the middle of the water with 4 Surface to Air missiles and 1 Hellfire Missile. Also has a massive but blocked off Portal. Still don’t know how to get into it (the portal). I was able however to glitch my way in there using the RC Tank. When I went inside the portal though it teleported me to hell. I believe that the portal will take you to hell until deactivated correctly, however this is just speculation. It may actually just end up taking you to hell after all..

    How to get to location: Go to the Bridge leading into the Desert Military base and halfway through the bridge (middle of the Bridge) go towards the ocean for a while. You’ll then see this floating platform shortly. Be warned the turrets will attack your aircraft. 



    This fucking thing. I actually ended up unlocking the barrier and doing it the correct way and it fucking took me to hell. Is it supposed to take you to hell or am i doing something wrong here?


  16. 5 minutes ago, Testament said:

    Forget is good people, if you see him in APB or IA give him a shout and see if he'll help you with this guide. I can give some feedback on perks as well.

    There should be a few things that should be given a ??? and not gone into detail about. For example, I never knew this game had a incendiary shotgun until a couple of months ago and I hadn't see the Halo rocket launcher for nearly a decade. It's just a nice touch to have a FEW secrets for people to chas


    Those I believe that truly would like to experience the game and enjoy the mystery of things won't look at this guide.

    However someone who is looking for that certain object or really doesn't care will. Furthermore with the amount of time it takes to earn money, the size of the map (Flying for 2 minutes over water and not knowing where you're going), the threat of buying something expensive and the server crashes or a AI blows it up for no reason.. I think it is fair to say it (The Guide) will be used accordingly by those who wish to bypass all of that or are fed up with grinding for something.

    That being said I still am missing some things that I've only seen in death match or heard about such as the Nuclear BattleSub, the ROFLCopter and I haven't seen the Halo Rocket Launcher ethier in-game. So.. while the guide is pretty extensive. There will always be a secret or two to chase. I feel the guide will never be finished due to the depth.. I mean the person with the most perks is only at 60%. So I still have alot of chasing to do myself!

  17. 52 minutes ago, Testament said:

    I could tell you where nearly everything is, but as an insider who was shown where some of the stuff was by the dev I can't in good faith tell you where it all is. It really is a huge part of what keeps people in the server. Once you get to a certain point where you are rich and perked up finding stuff on your own is what makes this game rewarding.

    I look forward to perk lists though. I have always wanted to know what I'm missing or what I can get. The perks people have tend to vary a lot.
    For weapon or combaty? put down "sniper".  to unlock it you need to buy a ton of sniper rifles. Probably around 25 or 50. It's a great perk for people to get as sniper rifles are versatile and powerful guns to use during disasters and in Mutant Assault and with 2 instances of the perk you can run and shoot at the same time.


    Ty. I see. I've found almost every vehicle by now and weapons with a couple mystical and ultra rare ones being elusive. It can be said however that @Forget or the player "forgot" has unlocked %63.73 of the perks thus far. I'll list all the ones I have but of course the perks section will need updating from others with said perks.

  18. 6 hours ago, Cat said:

    4. The matrix portal that takes you to renhalo is manually set up by players. It's for sale for $500.

    5. MadCATS sometimes are for sale at two other locations. Just look for suspicious locked doors at heavily-defended areas.

    This is meant to be a specific guide. Where is the exact location of both of these?

  19. 58 minutes ago, Testament said:

    Renhalo is very much a real possibility to still reach, search high for a special object.

    I mean this in the most respectful way possible to you and everyone else who comment. Is it possible you can tell the exact location or where about's? Of course if you along with another group believes this game should be explored and secrets kept I fully understand as well. Any help is appreciated regardless.

  20. 3 hours ago, ganein14 said:

    This is a great thing to have going Threve, though I think some of the things are intended to be secret. Though that's @Jerad2142's call.

    Though I agree/am aware of some things being kept secret because of the nature of the game. I do also believe that the game is so expansive/old there should be a guide. Anyone reading this thing is probably a old timer or plays the game often and the belief is that this will help find that one object, perk or thing you've always wanted without spending 5 hours doing so. Further more with the server/game crashing on so many things I think it would be fair.

  21. Good Evening all. Due to the amount of things in ECW and no real collection or wiki for it, I am making a user guide that will hopefully shed some light on where to find things or get perks. I understand there will be a group that will say "That's just the nature of the game. You should go find stuff". But I am not interested in spending 2 hours trying to find a vehicle that i've been wanting forever and also have to earn money for in the first place. I hope you find this information well and encourage all with knowledge to post their findings below as it would really help out. I do not have everything unlocked and also forgot some things so do remember this thread will be ongoing as people list things of their own. Again, please comment on anything you have found yourself that isn't included. Thank you.



    Section 1: Vehicles

    Section 2: Perks/Power Ups/Pets

    Section 3: Weapons

    Section 4: Locations

    Section 5: Characters

    Section 6: (City) Events

    Section 7: Server Records

    Section 8: Tips/Tricks for beginners

    Section 9: Radio Soundtrack List


    SECTION 1 (Vehicles)

    *Note: Typical easy to find vehicles such as a Panda or Delorean will not be added*


    - Assault Submarine

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: Passive Sonar when Submerged, (12) Torpedos, Hellfire Missiles (Must Deploy)

    Location: In the bottom of the AirCraft Carrier cargo area.

    *Note: Was able to drive a little bit on land and got stuck. Then clicked unstuck and exploded for no reason. Unsure if it's able to drive on land. Also this thing is really bouncy when not submerged.


    - AC-130 BUFF

    Cost: $150,000

    Weapons: (Individually controlled by each player. This vehicle has 5 passenger slots) x3 M134 Mini Guns, x1 20mm AutoCannon, x1 120mm Cannon 

                      (Driver controlled Tactical Nuke Drop. Press B while flying the plane to drop Mini Nuke.)

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there and there will be a big hanger. On one side of the end of the hanger there will be purchase terminal for a C-130. Click next and you'll get the AC-130


    - A-10 ThunderBolt II 

    Cost: $80,000

    Weapons: 20mm Gatling Cannons (Can only fire where plane is aiming however)

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go to the Mini Air Field located next to it and there will be a couple PT's on the outside of a hanger. One of which will have the A-10 ThunderBolt


    - Apache Attack Helicopter

    Cost: $80,000

    Weapons: 30mm Cannon, (16) Hellfire Missiles, 200 Armor

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a couple warehouses with PT's. Go to the very corner in the base with an H painted on the ground. The PT will be here.


    - APC

    Cost: $27,500

    Weapons: Flak Cannon, 600 Armor

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a couple warehouses with PT's. On one of them (The 2nd near the gate) will be the APC. The PT is next to the T-80 MBT as well.


    - Ballista

    Cost: $45,000

    Weapons: Massive Arrow

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head WEST for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Fly to the top of the mountain and then go down hill following the road. It will take a while but eventually you’ll reach a kind of mini broken down castle. Go inside and you’ll see some PT Terminals. One of them has the Ballista.


    - Boeing 747

    Cost: $50,000

    Weapons: None (Should be noted that crashing this plane will send debris flying that will kill and possible destroy others nearby)

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there and there will be a big hanger. On one side of the end of the hanger there will be purchase terminal for a B-747.


    Bullfrog (Halo Combat Evolved Warthog)

    Cost: $12,000

    Weapons: 3 Player slots (Driver, Passenger, Gunner), 7.62 Machine Gun (Controlled only by some other player standing on turret)

    Location: RenHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then/o to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up and then go back to the beginning where you can buy Land Mines and take the elevator down. Don't deploy your parachute, the elevator is just obnoxiously fast. The PT for this thing will be on the right. Good Luck.


     Ballistic Buck (Mech Deer)

    Cost: $1,000,000

    Weapons: Massive Health (2000, Auto healing), Main and Secondary Weapons determined by the color of the Mech that you buy, Close Combat Infantry shield (Press space to activate, kills any nearby infantry), Sonic Boom (Middle Button) for close threats, Self Destruct (Mini Nuke Explosion)

    Location: This will be located in the sewers. In order to purchase go to the Probe Inn and then go behind the restaurant where you'll be able to see a almost bunker like structure. Go in here and you'll then be able to go inside the sewers. Go fwd down a long ass path way then to the place called "Pump" listed above on the directions. Go down the water way on your left and be sure to jump so you don't die at the very end of it. Then go down the walkway and go south. Then go explore a bit and you'll see an Area with a Red Exclamation Mark, and a Glass Barrier with yellow arrows on the other side. There are 3 ways to get into here.

    1. Go explore a bit and there is another sewer very close by that has a cardboard box you can run inside of. There should be a red key here to unlock the door. If not..

    2. Go to the Police Station and get a Red Key card there.. or it will be in the prison.

    3. It is possible to glitch into here. You'll need an RC Tank which can be picked up for $200 at the RC Shop. Go next to the Glass Barrier as close as you can by the corners and then activate the RC Tank. With a couple tries your character will move into the glass barrier and bypass the lock. You'll then be put into a room where Jazz music is playing, you can buy stuff from a Military Purchase Terminal and also different MechWarriors/Ballistic Bucks. 

    *Note: Gun is able to overheat if used at a cyclic rate. This will shutdown the mech temporarily and possibly damage it.

    *Note: The Blue Mech has ??

                The Green Mech has ???

                The Black Mech has ???

                The Yellow Mech has Gauss Cannons and a very powerful Tesla Cannon.

                The White Mech has ???

                The Purple Mech has Tiberium Gatling Guns and Tiberium Missiles.


    - Comanche Reconnaissance Helicopter

    Cost: $90,000

    Weapons: 20mm Cannon, (6) Hellfire Missiles

    Location: Top Deck of Aircraft Carrier 


    - C-130 Cargo Plane

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: None

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there and there will be a big hanger. On one side of the end of the hanger there will be purchase terminal for a C-130.


    - Cromwell Medium Tank


    Weapons: 75mm Cannon, 7.62 Coaxial Machine Gun, 1000 Armor

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. You will want to go opposite from the air field. You will then see about 4 islands off into the distance. Go to the first one on the right and in the middle of the island there will be a mini tent and 2 pump jacks. On the tent there will be an option to buy the tank.


    - C&C Renegade Humvee

    Cost: $5,000

    Weapons: 100 Round Machine Gun, 100 Armor

    Location: Go to the Nuclear Power Plant and then make your way towards the Docks/Pier. There will be a building nearby with a smoke stack coming out blowing smoke. Go to the building next to it and there will be a garage labeled with the name of WestWood Studios. The Garage will contain some Humvee's getting worked on and a PT for a Humvee. 


    Chinook Transport Helicopter

    Cost: $10,000

    Weapons: None, Vehicle Transport Ability

    Location: Spawn downtown and go near the Power Plant. Now look ahead and go to the building near the docks with the Smoke stack. Upon getting there, there will be a ladder that you can climb. When you get to the top there will be a PT for the Chinook.


    - Desert Patrol Vehicle

    Cost: $20,000

    Weapons: 50. Cal Machine Gun , Dual Mounted Rocket Launchers

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a small garage or underground entrance. Immediately you will see the PT for this after entering along with 2 ceiling guns you need to eliminate.


    - Dreadnought (Battleship)

    Cost: $1,000,000 (Listed incorrectly on PT as $2 Million)

    Weapons: 2000 Armor, Dual Railguns + Nuclear Missile Launchers (25 Round Magazine before reloading), 360 Degree firing capability with almost unlimited range for weapons.

    Location: This thing takes annoyingly long to get. First spawn at the Chalet and get a helicopter or Leopard Spaceship with some heavy firepower. Fly then east until you see some Windmills in the middle of the ocean. Keep flying past them for a while and the game will lag then suddenly while you are ejected forward very rapidly for a few seconds. (This means you reached the end of the massive map and respawned on the other side). You should now see a Massive Tall single Windmill with a Canada Flag on top of it surrounded by a bunch of turrets. Take out the turrets on the bottom. (Took me 3 tries). Then climb up the ladder and immediately there will be a PT icon for the Battleship.




    Dune Buggy

    Cost: $5,000

    Weapons: None

    Location: Behind Probe Inn


    F-15 Eagle Fighter Jet

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: M61 Vulcan Minigun, 4 SideWinder Missiles

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go to the Mini Air Field located next to it and there will be a couple PT's on the outside of a hanger. One of which will have the F-15


    - FP3DM Mobile Flak Truck

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: Mobile Player Controlled Flak Cannon

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go to the Mini Air Field located next to it and there will be a couple PT's on the outside of a hanger. These will have the A-10 and F-15. To get the Flak Truck simply go around to the other side of the hanger and there will be a PT for the Flak Truck and also a flashlight.


     - Ghost Hovercraft

    Cost: $50,000

    Weapons: Laser Gatling Gun, Dual Cluster Missile Launchers

    Location: RennHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. The Rifle will be located inside of the first door in RenHalo so make sure to get those Key Cards or you'll be SOL


    - GT4 Rally Car

    Cost: $27,500

    Weapons: None , Incredible Acceleration and Speed (170 MPH) , 100 HP only

    Location: San Casina Track in between the two main garages.


    - Gun Boat

    Cost: $50,000

    Weapons: (12 Rounds Per Magazine) Missile Launchers and Flak Cannons , 2000 Armor

    Location: Spawn downtown and go to the Nuclear Power Plant. Go into the ocean (North West) until you reach a large oil derrick site. It will be on the left on the first floor where the yellow crane is.


    - Harrier Bomber Aircraft

    Cost: $70,000

    Weapons: 30mm Cannon + Guided Bombs, 30mm Cannon 

    Location: Top Deck of Aircraft Carrier 

    *Note: This thing is impossible to fucking fly. Does not act like a VTOL at all.


    - Hazardous Materials Truck

    Cost: $20,000

    Weapons: None, Does However unlock the ability to pick up Hazardous materials then drop them off for $

    Location: Go to the Nuke Power Plant, go to the smoke stack building then head west. There will be a garage with a PT for this.


    - Hind Attack Helicopter

    Cost: $80,000

    Weapons: Dual 40mm High Explosive Auto Cannons, (12) Hellfire Rockets

    Location: Desolation Island. Head the Hell Island and then go NE. Keep traveling for about 30 seconds or so and look for the Island with Black Smoke coming out of it. Land there and then look at the trees for a hidden PT Icon


    - HoverCraft

    Cost: $30,000

    Weapons: None

    Location (3😞 (1) When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. You will want to go opposite from the air field. You will then see about 4 islands off into the distance. Go to the first one on the right and in the middle of the island there will be a mini tent and 2 pump jacks. On the tent there will be an option to buy the hover craft.

                           (2) When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. This will contain a mini tent that inside has the Hovercraft available to purchase.


                            (3) Spawn downtown and go to the Nuclear Power Plant. Go into the ocean (North West) until you reach a large oil derrick site. It will be on the right on the first floor where the yellow crane is.


    - Hydra Jump Jet Fighter

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: Hydra v70 Rockets, Amraam Missiles, VTOL (Helicopter like) Capabilities

    Location: Top Deck of Aircraft Carrier


    - IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle)


    Weapons: 30mm Autocannon, 7.62mm Machine Gun, 500 Armor

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a couple warehouses with PT's. Near the entrance gate (nearest to the Desert Train Station) will be a warehouse with a PT for the IFV.


     Ion Cannon

    Cost: $50,000

    Weapons: Map wide, Predator Missile Style Guidance Ion Cannon (Takes about 8 seconds to charge up and fire. Is highly noticeable when firing. Will 1 Hit almost anything if successful. You can also be killed while piloting if someone attacks you on Mars. *NOTE* Dropping or exiting the vehicle will cause said Ion Cannon to drop out of the sky and explode violently on the ground you were hovering over. Typically better though more expensive than firing the Ion Cannon itself.

    Location: Mars, easiest way to get to Mars is to spawn downtown and find your way on top of the casino. On top of the casino will be a dropship PT. Buy it and fly your ass up in the air. After a couple seconds of flying the game will lag for a second and you'll find yourself in space, then on a flat plain rock. Simply hop out then walk around mars and you'll find the PT for the Ion Cannon near the edge.


    - Ke Nu Light Tank (WWII Japanese Mini Tank)

    Cost: $19,600

    Weapons: 57mm Tank Gun , 7.7mm Machine Gun

    Location: Head to Desolation Island and then proceed to go east a little bit. You'll see a small island very close by and if you check your radar you'll see a PT Icon (White Square) go to this white square and you'll find this tank.


    - Kokusan Armored Car (WWII Japanese Vehicle)

    Cost: $9,000

    Weapons: 7.7 Vickers Machine Gun

    Location: San Bernardino raceway behind the bleachers/Benches.


    Leopard Spaceship

    Cost: $150,000

    Weapons: 10 Proton Torpedo Lasers, Ability to travel to Mars, 1,000 Armor

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a control tower or building that is taller than the rest. Go inside said building.


    - Little Bird Attack Helicopter

    Cost: $75,000

    Weapons: Machine gun and Missile Launchers

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a couple warehouses with PT's. Go to the very corner in the base with an H painted on the ground. The PT will be here.


    - LS1 Steam Locomotive

    Cost: $60,000

    Weapons: Dual Train Horns

    Location: Desert Train station


    - M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer

    Cost: $48,000

    Weapons: 3 Inch Anti-Tank Cannon, 50 Cal. Machine Gun

    Location: Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head west for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top of it and make your way down the road. The first bunk you see will have this thing on the outside of it as a PT. Be aware the inside of the Bunker has a Ceiling gun that must be destroyed.


    - M109A6 Paladin Arty

    Cost: $50,000

    Weapons: 155mm Arty Cannon

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a small garage or underground entrance. Immediately you will see the PT for this after entering along with 2 ceiling guns you need to eliminate.


    - M12 Gun Mortar Carriage

    Cost: $41,750

    Weapons: M12 Mortar

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there and there will be a control tower with a bunch of PT's. On the very end there will be the option to buy the M12 Gun Mortar.


    - Mammoth HC (Hovercraft)

    Cost: $200,000?

    Weapons: Dual Mammoth Tank Cannons and Rocket Pods , 20mm Explosive round Mini guns (Switchable weapons on vehicle)

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go to the first mini ice berg/island on the right before the Airfield.


    - MechWarrior (MadCat MKII)

    Cost: $1,000,000

    Weapons: Massive Health (2000, Auto healing), Main and Secondary Weapons determined by the color of the Mech that you buy, Jump Jets for hovering, Sonic Boom (Middle Button) for close threats, Self Destruct (Mini Nuke Explosion)

    Location: This will be located in the sewers. In order to purchase go to the Probe Inn and then go behind the restaurant where you'll be able to see a almost bunker like structure. Go in here and you'll then be able to go inside the sewers. Go fwd down a long ass path way then to the place called "Pump" listed above on the directions. Go down the water way on your left and be sure to jump so you don't die at the very end of it. Then go down the walkway and go south. Then go explore a bit and you'll see an Area with a Red Exclamation Mark, and a Glass Barrier with yellow arrows on the other side. There are 3 ways to get into here.

    1. Go explore a bit and there is another sewer very close by that has a cardboard box you can run inside of. There should be a red key here to unlock the door. If not..

    2. Go to the Police Station and get a Red Key card there.. or it will be in the prison.

    3. It is possible to glitch into here. You'll need an RC Tank which can be picked up for $200 at the RC Shop. Go next to the Glass Barrier as close as you can by the corners and then activate the RC Tank. With a couple tries your character will move into the glass barrier and bypass the lock. You'll then be put into a room where Jazz music is playing, you can buy stuff from a Military Purchase Terminal and also different MechWarriors. 

    *Note: Gun is able to overheat if used at a cyclic rate. This will shutdown the mech temporarily and possibly damage it.

    *Note: The Blue Mech has Flak Cannons as its primary Weapon with 40 Hellfire Rockets as its secondary.

                The Green Mech has Phased Projectile Rounds and a Heavy Spiker (Acts like the Spiker gun from Halo CE) as its secondary.

                The Black Mech has an Energy Launcher and Plasma Torpedo Launchers. (This Mech is extremely power yet overheats frequently if not careful)

                The Yellow Mech has ????

                The White Mech has Explosive Machine Gun Rounds and JMS 49T Rockets.

                The Red Mech has Dual Flame Throwers and Napalm Rockets.


    - Messerschmitt Bf-109 WWII German Plane

    Cost: $12,000 (Listed as $25,000 but cost me 12,000)

    Weapons: Dual Fast Firing Machine Guns with Some Splash damage, Plane is fucking fast btw, typical speed of over 300 mph, 100 Health/No Armor however

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. It will be located on the ground floor of Hell Island on a tiny mound with a graveyard next to it near a JTOSS Turret. Directly next to the Air Strip.


    - Normal Fishing and Sea Craft, Sea Doo, Dinghy, Fishing Boat, Fishing Trawler

    Cost: $8,000 , $7,000 , $75,000 , $100,000

    Weapons: None

    Location (Many): When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. This island will contain a mini tent, go there. Now that you're at the mini tent, go to the left a little bit and you'll see a pier. Go there and all of these are available to purchase. 

                                   Spawn Downtown and then go towards the Desert. In the middle of the Train Tracks to the desert and the bridge to the desert near the water there will be a mini Marina. Go here and you'll find all the PT Icons together.


    - Nuclear Missile Submarine

    Cost: $20,000

    Weapons: Dual Nuclear Missile Launchers with Massive Splash damage, Sonar

    Location: Go to Chalet and then head North looking for a close by pancake/omelet looking flat island with a mini dock on it. It'll be to the left of the Island with the 2 pumpjacks. You're going to want to swim underneath the island until you get to the middle. Be aware if you don't have a scuba tank that this will take away your health until you get to 40 to 2 hp. So take your chances. Rise up in the middle of the island underwater and you'll then be taken into a mini cave that will have this to purchase along with scuba tanks.


    Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye (Recon Aircraft)

    Cost: $120,000

    Weapons: 700 Armor, Ability to earn $, 350+ MPH Typical Speed

    Location: Top Deck of Aircraft Carrier 

    Note: *From Vehicle Tips when pressing Y while flying*

    1. Fly to the Red Stars on your radar to perform Recon

    2. Land at an Airfield to cash in on your recon.

    3. Your current recon target is worth $7,500. Your current flight is worth $0 since you just started.

    4. Your current rank is level 1 which is $7,500 per recon flight.


    - Panther Tank (WWII German Tank)

    Cost: $35,000

    Weapons: Flame Thrower, 75mm Cannon, 300 Armor

    Location: Spawn at Ghost Town and immediately head SE towards the windmill. There will be an old shack building and on it will be a PT for a Panther.


    - Panzer III (WWII German Tank)

    Cost: $38,000

    Weapons: 3.7cm KwK 36 , MG 34 Machine Gun

    Location: At the top of Ski Hill. Basically spawn at Chalet and enter inside of it. You'll be taken to Ski Hill where if you go all the way up you'll find this thing.


    - Police Helicopter

    Cost: $10,000?

    Weapons: Spotlight

    Location: At the top/helipad of the Prison/Police Station.


    - Pirate Ship

    Cost: $200,000

    Weapons: Dual Side Cannons (7 Per Magazine, Right click or left click for either side)

    Location: Desolation Island. Head to Hell Island and then go NE a little bit and you'll then see an Island with smoke coming out of it. Next, simply land there and take a look around. You'll quickly find the PT Icon for this.


    - Railgun Hovertank

    Cost: $75,000

    Weapons: Railgun Cannon, 500 Armor

    Location: Go to the Chalet and head NE. It will be on the big IceBerg on a White Box with a PT.


    - Rose (and Lion) Drop Ship 

    Cost: $75,000 or $50,000 (Location Dependent)

    Weapons: None (Able to go to Mars. Just keep clicking to activate jet engines.)

    Location (2): (1) When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go to the control tower and look around and there will be a door. Go into that door and in the control tower room you'll see it. ($75,000)

                          (2) The rooftop of the Casino has a PT for a Dropship. ($50,000)

    *Note: For some reason both drop ships have different names and prices but there is no difference between them


    - R/C Tank

    Cost: $250

    Weapons: 2mm Mini Tank Cannon, Remote Driving Ability, can be exited and picked back up again, can be used to glitch through doors by those knowledgeable.

    Location: Go spawn to the house. To the right you'll have downtown, a little to your left you'll have the church, in front of you you'll have a mini town that has an R/C shop in it. The go inside and go forward and you'll see two PT Icons with it..

    *Note: Goes to your weapons. You will need to deploy it to drive.


    - ROFLcopter

    Cost: $1,000,000

    Weapons: LMFAO Bombs , LOL Rockets

    Location: RenHalo behind the Portal on the Bridge. You'll need to grab the Red Key card before going to Renhalo, though, otherwise the door won't open. Also, wallhugging is necessary to get behind the portal.

    *Note: Special thanks to Killing_You for providing information on this.


    - Snowmobile

    Cost: $2,000

    Weapons: None , *As of Jan. 29th 2019 it is unusable when it spawns. Will just glitch out into space when purchased*

    Location: Ski Lift Hill and the very top next to the M61 Minigun


    - SCUD Missile Launcher

    Cost: $??

    Weapons: Map Wide Ballistic SCUD Missile with Predator Drone above map style aiming.

    Location: ? Unknown

    *Note: Vehicle will fire the missile into orbit after selecting target and then descend within 5-10 seconds unto target. It should be known however the missile can be shot down by missile defense systems.


    - Shilone Aerospace Fighter

    Cost: $240,000

    Weapons: 750 Armor, Laser Machine guns, (100 Round Magazine) Laser Beam

    Location: Head on over to hell island and look for the broken down Airfield where you purchase the V-22. There will be a cave nearby with a small tourch on fire. Go inside this cave and there will be a steel door. Get your gun out because behind the steel door will be a Ceiling Gun.

    *Note: Vehicle has a very slow speed of 150 and the weapons are very difficult to aim with little damage. Not worth buying in my opinion.


    - Seaplane

    Cost: $12,000

    Weapons: Able to release a Virus or Poison Gas while flying in the air, able to land on water, stupid fast (450 - 500 MPH Top Speed)

    Location: Get to the middle of Hell Island and head South West until you see a small little island with a broken dock. The PT will be on the shack.


    - SturmTiger

    Cost: $35,000

    Weapons: 380mm Siege Missile

    Location (2): (1) Chalet. Spawn here and look behind the building up the stairs. You'll then find this beast.

                           (2) Houses. Go up the hill when you're at the houses (Towards the Ghettos) and look inside the garage of one. There will then be a PT icon for this tank.


    - Stuka AeroSpace Fighter

    Cost: $320,000

    Weapons: Machine Gun Laser Beams, Proton Bombs (Fired like a shotgun spread, Does High Damage), Very Very High Speed Aircraft

    Location: Mars, easiest way to get to Mars is to spawn downtown and find your way on top of the casino. On top of the casino will be a dropship PT. Buy it and fly your ass up in the air. After a couple seconds of flying the game will lag for a second and you'll find yourself in space, then on a flat plain rock. Simply hop out then walk around mars and you'll find the PT for the Ship. If you like this thing then it would be a good idea to set it as your favorite due to the difficulty/process of acquiring the spaceship.


    - T-80 Main Battle Tank

    Cost: $42,500

    Weapons: 125mm Cannon, 9K112 Kobra Anti-Tank Missile

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a couple warehouses with PT's. On one of them (The 2nd near the gate) will be the T-80 MBT.


    - Toys R Us Special Edition LightBird

    Cost: $100,000

    Weapons: Pinwheel Machine Gun, Pinwheel Shotgun

    Location: Spawn at the houses and then immediately go west upwards a hill. You'll then see an ammunation and a Toy's R Us building. Go in between these in a small alleyway and you'll find the PT for this.


    - T1K Main Battle Tank

    Cost: $350,000

    Weapons: Massive Armor (1700), 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (They deal massive Damage)

    Location: Desert Military Base (Underground) After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a small garage or underground entrance. Immediately you will see a path fwd and a path to the left. Go forward. Keep going down until you reach a Gate with a camera. To the right will also be another entrance that will have a flame thrower and this available to purchase.


     - Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)

    Cost: $500,000

    Weapons: Tesla/Lighting Scatter

    Location: Desert Military Base (Underground) After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a small garage or underground entrance. Immediately you will see a path fwd and a path to the left. Go forward. Keep going down the pathway until you reach a Gate with a camera. Basically you're going to keep going straight until you reach a room that has 2 mini rooms flanking each side. One of which has a pepsi machine. Before you go fwd, be advised that there will be 4 Ceiling Guns and 1 Hellfire Missile turret in the room fwd. After destroying all this stuff. Keep going forward and you'll see a PT Terminal nearby that has this. 


    *Note: You will spawn in the water with this thing. Be careful if there is a gunboat nearby because it will fire upon you inexplicably. 


     - Urban Assault Vehicle

    Cost: $27,500

    Weapons: Auto Cannon Machine Gun Turret

    Location: Desert Military Base (Underground) After arriving at the military base go look around on the surface. There will be a small garage or underground entrance. Immediately you will see a path fwd and a path to the left. Go forward. Keep going down until you reach a Gate with a camera. To the right will also be another entrance to the right that will have a flamethrower. You're going to want to continue along this tunnel and there will be a mini dip/long path way that will have the PT. Be careful of the two ceiling turrets guarding the area!


    V-22 Osprey 

    Cost: $67,000

    Weapons: 7.62 GAU Minigun, Fires where you aim it

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. It will be located on the ground floor of Hell Island on a tiny mound with a graveyard next to it near a JTOSS Turret. Directly next to the Air Strip.


     - Volare Cervus (Flying Experimental Deer)

    Cost: $250,000

    Weapons: (12) Cervus Missiles, 900 Armor, Very hard to hit/Low Profile, Infantry Crush Capabilities

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. Head South to South East on the Chalet Island untill you're near the water. Almost at the corner you'll see a PT hidden on a tree. It will be here.


    - War Train

    Cost: $120,000

    Weapons: Dual 20mm Gatling Cannons, Train Horn

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. This will contain a mini tent that inside has the War Train available to purchase.


    - War Balloon

    Cost: $10,000?

    Weapons: Dual 20mm Gatling Cannons, Proper message from EA

    Location: This thing takes annoyingly long to get. First spawn at the Chalet and get a helicopter or Leopard Spaceship with some heavy firepower. Fly then east until you see some Windmills in the middle of the ocean. Keep flying past them for a while and the game will lag then suddenly while you are ejected forward very rapidly for a few seconds. (This means you reached the end of the massive map and respawned on the other side). You should now see a Massive Tall single Windmill with a Canada Flag on top of it surrounded by a bunch of turrets. Take out the turrets on the bottom. (Took me 3 tries). Then climb up the ladder and go to where the doors are. You'll then see a ladder to climb. Be aware that there is a ceiling gun you need to take out. Use "v" to free aim and take it out before climbing the ladder. Now climb the ladder and go all the way up into the control room. Take out any turrets and climb the ladder in the control room and on the very top roof of the Windmill will be the War Balloon.


    - X7-32 Apache (Avatar Helicopter)

    Cost: $240,000

    Weapons: Heavy Lazer Chaingun , Plasma Rockets, 400 Armor

    Location: Go to the Chalet then head towards East and you should see some windmills in the middle of the Ocean. Should be the 10th Windmill. Go fly over them and you'll eventually see a white box on your radar signifying a PT. Go on top of the Windmill and there will be a PT Icon to buy this.


    - Zeppelin

    Cost: $75,000

    Weapons: Massive Health, Obnoxious Horn

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there and there will be a big hanger. On one side of the end of the hanger there will be purchase terminal for a Zeppelin right next a parachute PT.


    SECTION 2 (Perks/Power Ups/Pets)


    1. Spending/Profits


    - Cheap Armor

    Effect: You can buy armor for %10 of its normal cost

    How to Acquire Perk: Keep buying armor at the Gun Store.


    - Food Stamps

    Effect: You can buy any food item for free

    How to Acquire Perk: Keep purchasing food throughout the game.


    - Welfare

    Effect: Government will send you a Welfare Check every 5 minutes ($12,000). Check is worth more the more the perk is used.

    How to Acquire Perk ($500,000) : Go to the Green Bottle Night Club nearby downtown. Also known as the ghettos. Across from the Green Bottle is a building. Go inside of it and go inside of the elevator. After getting out of the elevator there will be a blank PT with the Welfare Perk.

    2. Job


    - Conductor

    Effect: Normal Money output plus an additional money trickle even while your train is empty. You also get paid 5x for stopping at stations.

    How to Acquire Perk: Drive the train and stop at stations for a while.


    - Cashier

    Effect: Cashier jobs now have a maximum pay of +150 extra dollars a second for each use of this perk (so $350 per second with one use). In addition your boss no longer cares what you hold while on the job.

    How to Acquire Perk: Stand and be a cashier for a while. Possibly 10 -20 minutes in total.


    - Generous

    Effect: Split 10% of your earning between any passengers in your  vehicle. (Additional %10 for each usage of this perk).

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Possibly by transporting others in your train with conductor perk equipped.


    - Cannon Fodder

    Effect: You aquire a steady $2 per second for being one of the first to play the game when it first came out! Have to be moving around to earn money.

    How to Acquire Perk: Have played ECW when it was first released.


    - Enhanced Pumpjack

    Effect: Pumpjacks now last twice as long!

    How to Acquire Perk: Activate around 50 Pumpjacks.

    3. Swimming


    - Pro Diver

    Effect: You spawn with a Scuba Tank that has an additional 2.5 Minutes of Air for each time you use the perk

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Possibly dive and swim for a while. Or buy scuba tank and dive for a while.


    - Goggles

    Effect: Each use of this perk doubles the range you see underwater.

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Swim for a while underwater.

    4. Health


    - Hardened Warrior

    Effect: You take %5 Less Damage from any Injury

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Take damage and keep playing for a while.



    Effect: You get twice Health Regenerate Rate

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Regenerate you health for a while.


    - The Vagina Monologues

    Effect: When playing as a Female Char. your health is multiplied by two.

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Play as female Char. for a while


    5. Vehicle


    - Insurance

    Effect: If your vehicle is destroyed, you get %25 of its cost back

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Sell your vehicle or have it get blown up for a while


    - Cheap Repairs

    Effect: Vehicle Repairs at a Pay-n-Spray are 50% cheaper

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Have your vehicle get repaired for a while


    - MechWarrior

    Effect: Multiple.. 1. When Mech Explodes (Dies) it will explode into a powerful Nuke Blast , 2. Mech gains heat at half the rate , 3. Mech Min Reactor time is cut in half, 4. Mech Sonic weapon has a 24% Damage increase potential. 5. Me... (5th Effect Description is unfourtantly cut off and is impossible to know)

    How to Acquire Perk: Buy a couple Mechs and kill stuff.


    - Salvager

    Effect: Any vehicle you have will have 25% of the depreciation cut off from it.

    How to Acquire Perk: Sell 50 Vehicles?

    6. Combat


    - Fair Playing Field

    Effect: If you're on foot and the enemy is in a vehicle. You'll get a 25% Damage Bonus against them!

    How to Acquire Perk: ?


    - n00b

    Effect:  All players spawn protection with protection that hurts anyone that attacks them. This lasts 10 seconds. However with 1 use of this perk you get 2.5 minutes. 2 Uses = 5 Minutes!

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Spawn a couple times for a while.


    - Taser Resistant

    Effect: You are now more resistant to tasers.

    How to Acquire Perk: Get Tasered about 50 to 56 times.


    - Ion Cannon Damage

    Effect: Ion Cannon damage increased

    How to Acquire Perk: Pilot and use the Ion Cannon for a while


    - Ion Cannon Range

    Effect: Ion Cannon Range/Splash is increased

    How to Acquire Perk: Pilot and use the Ion Cannon for a while

    7. Death


    - Hoarder

    Effect: You will not lose any ammo upon death when you die. You will still however lose your weapon upon death.

    How to Acquire Perk: ?

    8. Misc.


    Life Lock

    Effect: All accounts are locked. Anyone caught stealing from your account will go to jail.

    How to Acquire Perk: ?


    Pack Mule

    Effect: Your inventory is now 25 spaces larger!

    How to Acquire Perk: ?


    Loan Shark

    Effect: Every use of this perk multiplies the rate that your loans earn interest.

    How to Acquire Perk: ?


    - Stealth Perk

    Effect: On rare Occasions you will spawn with Stealth. (The more this perk is equipped the most chance you have)

    How to Acquire Perk: Use the Stealth Generator a couple of times.


    - Disk Jockey ($100,000)

    Effect: You spawn with a Radio every life. *Widely considered a shit perk since you can just set the Radio as your favorite for $100.

    How to Acquire Perk: Go to the nightclub and look inside the DJ booth. You'll then see a PT icon where you can buy this.



    9. Weapon


    - Karate Master

    Effect: Your melee kicks are far more dangerous.

    How to Acquire Perk: ? Practice using your Duke Nukem Style ?

    11. Pets


    Pets are Acquired typically at the Pet Shop such as a Dog, Squirrel or Cat. Although there are some hidden throughout the map as well.


    - Pet Bear

    Effect: Badass mini bear, possibly soviet trained following you around.

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Find your way unto Hell Island. Going down the mountain there will be a cave containing a PT to buy a Pet Bear. Be aware this will cost $1,000,000


    - Pet Dear

    Effect: Jerad's Favorite following you around.

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Spawn downtown and head west till you're near the ocean. In a park will be a PT that has this bad boy able to purchase.


    - Pet Scorpion

    Effect: Nod's Finest.

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Spawn downtown and go to the Nuclear Power Plant. Go into the ocean until you reach a large oil derrick site. It will be there on a cargo container on the 2nd floor outside.


    - Pet Reindeer

    Effect: It's always Christmas with this bad boy following you around!

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Spawn at the houses and head up to where Canada is. Across from the Canadian store will be a Christmas store. Go inside and then go to the barn/stable right next to it and inside will be a PT icon for this.


    - Pet Moose

    Effect: It's a Moose and he's a bit big.

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Head to Canada and look nearby the plane crash. There will be PT with it.


    - Pet Ant

    Effect: Try not to step on your new found friend.

    How to Acquire ($1,000,000): Head to San Casina Raceway and look inside one of the podiums around the track. At the very top you'll find a PT icon for this.



    Section 3: (Weapons)

    *Please note that average weapons such as the pistol or shotgun will not be listed*

    *Damage will be categorized as such due to different weapon types and categorizing all their damages into one. (Example 100 damage from dynamite doesn’t make sence if it only does a small amount of damage when you’re far away)

    Damage types:

    None, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High, Unsurvivable*


    - AA-12 Automatic Shotgun

    Cost: $499

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: A fully automatic and very deadly shotgun. Comes with explosive rounds for when playtime is over. / 20 (80) [Normal 12 Gauge Rounds] 5 (20) [HE Shotgun Rounds] / Medium (12 Gauge) Medium to High (HE Rounds)

    Location: Go to Coop and then go to the Desert Ammunation. Proceed to go East out into the ocean until you reach the Windmills. It will be on the first windmill inside of it. Also deep underground in the military base if you decide to adventure there.


    - AK-47

    Cost: $499

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Go ahead you communist. / 30 (200?) / Low to Medium

    Location: North side of Hell Island on the bottom of the Island in a cabin.


    Arctic Warfare Sniper Rifle

    Cost: $6,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Has a scope  / 5 (45) / --->

    Unsurvivable (Head shots on other players and anywhere against normal civilian NPCs)

    High (Against other players on body)

    Medium (Against Ceiling Guns)

    None to Very Low (Against most Vehicles)

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. This will contain a mini tent that outside is available to purchase.


    - Barrett M82 50 Cal. Sniper Rifle

    Cost: $8000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Can 1 hit and Gib any Normal Civilian with a nearly infinite range. Can only be fired when standing however. / 10 (50) /

    Unsurvivable (Head shots on other players and anywhere against normal civilian NPCs)

    High (Against other players on body)

    Low (Against Vehicles)

    Location: Spawn in downtown and you'll see an extremely tall building you can enter nearby the Casino. Enter the doors and you'll be on a rooftop immediately. Then look around on the roof and you can then see a PT for the M82


    - Battering Ram

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Can break into homes by firing at doors. / 1 (Infinite) / Low

    Location: Spawn at Coop and you'll see this immediately to purchase.


    - Dart Gun

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Fires a dart.. may contain poison. Also gets its own First Person reload animation! / 1 (50) / Low to Medium (Infantry)

    Location: The easiest way to get this is the San Casina Raceway. Go spawn where the houses are and look for the tall yellow construction crane. There will be a garage with red arrows nearby. Go here and you'll be taken to San Casina Raceway. With this said go to the middle of the bleachers and then look on your radar for a nearby PT that will contain this.


    - Deployable Defensive Turret/Ceiling Gun

    Cost: $1000?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Just throw it on the ground and sit back / 1 (???) / Low to Medium

    Location: Go to the Chalet and look around. There will be a Island with an Airfield off in the distance and on the opposite end of the Chalet will be 4 mini islands off in the distance. Go to the first mini Island on the left. On the very top of the Island will be a PT.


    - Dynamite/Suicide Bomb

    Cost: $300

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Can be planted immediately or armed on oneself as a suicide bomb. Both take 30 seconds to explode in which case a slow beep will occur letting you know you have limited time. / 1 (3) / Very high to Unsurvivable (DIRECT HIT ONLY)  Low to High (Nearby Damage Only, Dependant On Distance)

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see you must enter *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you. After killing the ceiling gun go inside the bunker and head downstairs and to your left when you get down will be a room that will contain a PT to purchase this.


    - Energy Thrower

    Cost: $??? free

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Fires slow yet explosive shells. / 50 (250) / Medium (Infantry) Medium (Vehicles)

    Location: RenHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then/o to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up and steal this thing from them. It will be a blue alien that has this. If you can't find one then go down the elevator and start going ham on the lower level.


    - Handheld Proton Torpedo Launcher

    Cost: $5000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: An extremely powerful bomb launcher.. Takes a second to charge up. Takes a couple seconds as well to fire again if firing in rapid succession. / 5 (35) / Very High to Unsurvivable

    Location: This thing takes annoyingly long to get. First spawn at the Chalet and get a helicopter or Leopard Spaceship with some heavy firepower. Fly then east until you see some Windmills in the middle of the ocean. Keep flying past them for a while and the game will lag then suddenly while you are ejected forward very rapidly for a few seconds. (This means you reached the end of the massive map and respawned on the other side). You should now see a Massive Tall single Windmill with a Canada Flag on top of it surrounded by a bunch of turrets. Take out the turrets on the bottom and climb the ladder. Be aware there is a ceiling gun up above so you'll need to take it out using a Barret M82 Sniper Rifle while holding down "v" (Free Aim) or something equivalent. Once you climb the stairs you'll see a PT icon in the corner for this gun. 

    Also possible to get this downstairs all the way in the underground of the military base. It will be in the final room where you can play darts. 


    - Handheld Flak Cannon

    Cost: $800

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: A Mobile Flak Cannon. Retarded High Splash/Area of effect, great for taking out Ceiling Guns in another room / 6 (60) / Very Low to Low (Against Infantry), High (Against Aircraft and Helicopters) 

    Location: Multiple. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see you must enter *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you. After killing the ceiling gun go inside the bunker and head downstairs and to your left when you get down will be a room that will contain a PT to purchase this. Also inside the AirCraft Carrier on the 1st Deck Command Center. Can be found more easily as well in the outside of the Military Base right before the underground entrance.


    Incendiary Shotgun

    Cost: $2500?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Imagine a Shotgun that shoots out explosive shells everywhere that burn you. Yeah.  / 6? (48?) / Medium to High

    Location: First spawn at the Chalet and get a helicopter. Fly then east until you see some Windmills in the middle of the ocean. The shotgun will be located in one of them. Uses the radar to look for the white boxes that indicate a PT. When searching a windmill land on it and utilize the sliding door to climb into it.


    - Invisible Stealth Generator/Cloak

    Cost: $200,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Firing will make throw a pulse on the ground that makes you invisible until you die. Does not work on vehicles. / 1 (1)  / None

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see you must enter *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you. After killing the ceiling gun go inside the bunker and head downstairs. You will see a room to your left and another hallway that leads further down. Keep going further down and then look to the room to your left. There will be the Invisible Cloaking Device along with an Ammo Box

    *TIP* Favoriting this weapon will cause you to spawn with it. Upon spawning you can then go sell it and earn an immediate $20,000.

    *Note* Using Vehicles with the shield on or a Parachute will increase your chances of your game crashing for some reason.


    - Jury-Rigged Tactical Nuclear Bomb

    Cost: $2000?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: A very crude hand held Nuclear Bomb. / 1 (1) / Very High

    Location: This can be purchased at any Military PT.


    - Laser Pistol

    Cost: $800

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: A very fast firing laser pistol. Right click to fire all 15 rounds at once. / 15 (225) / Medium (Infantry)

    Location: RennHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then go to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up. Then go down the elevator where you can buy the Land Mines. You're going to want to then explore the tunnels around Rennhalo until you find it.


    - Liquid Nitrogen

    Cost: $1500

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Shoot out liquid Nitrogen that will freeze enemies in their place. / 100 (200) / None (Freeze/Taser Effect)

    Location: Go to the House Spawn point and then look for a beaver gift shop with a bunch of Canada Shit. Go inside and you'll be in Canada. Then look in the middle of the map for an Igloo. Go in the Igloo and go downstairs.


    - M-61 Vulcan Minigun

    Cost: $9,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: High Capacity Fast Firing Minigun / 200 (400) / Medium

    Location: At the top of Ski Hill. Basically spawn at Chalet and enter inside of it. You'll be taken to Ski Hill where if you go all the way up you'll find this thing.


    - M249 SAW

    Cost: $4,087

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: High Capacity Machine Gun / 200 (400) / Medium

    Location: Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see will have this available to buy on a PT. *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you.


    - M-72 LAW

    Cost: $1025

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: High Splash Damage Rocket Launcher / 1 (5) / High to Very High

    Location: Go to Coop and then go to the Desert Ammunation. Proceed to go East out into the ocean until you reach the Windmills. It will be on the 4th or 5th Windmill. Also in the Military PT.


    - MA5B Halo Assault Rifle 

    Cost: $200

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: The Assault Rifle from Halo in its glory / 60 (360)? Low

    Location: You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. The Rifle will be located inside of the first door in RenHalo so make sure to get those Key Cards or you'll be SOL


    - Mechanic Wrench

    Cost: $1000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Can very slowly repair a vehicle by hoping out and fixing it. Can also be swung and used as a melee weapon by right clicking. / 1 (Infinite) / Vehicle Healing Powers (Left Click only) Very Low Melee Damage (Right Click Only)

    Location: When spawning, first go to the Probe inn and then go behind the building. There will be a Tool Box that is red. Press e and you'll get a wrench. There are also alot of PT’s located around the map with this.


    - FIM-23 Stinger Missile Launcher

    Cost: $3000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Can seriously knock out almost any aircraft it meets. / 1 (4) /

    Aircraft (Very High)

    Infantry Direct Hit (Unsurvivable)

    Infantry Splash/Nearby Hit (High)

    Vehicles (Medium to High)

    Location: Aircraft Carrier


    - Military PT (MP5, M82, LAW Rocket Launcher, M82 Barret Rifle)

    Cost: Free

    Features: You can purchase a lot more heavy weaponry here along with some extra characters.

    Location: Desert Military Base (Outdoors), After arriving at the military base go to the Mini Air Field located next to it (Says 69 on the Tarmac) a hanger with a couple PT's on the outside. Inside this hanger is a Ceiling Gun. Destroy it and then go to the wall and you'll see a hidden Military PT.


    - Particle Projection Rifle

    Cost: $3000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: High energy laser rifle. Sounds pretty cool when reloading. Sounds even cooler when killing. / 5 (20) / High (Infantry) Medium (Vehicles)

    Location: RenHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then go to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up, go down the elevator (where you can buy the Land Mines) and go forward. You're going to want to then explore the tunnels until you get to a room with 4 electrical power generators and a couple aliens. Kill these aliens and there will be a PT Icon near the beginning with this.


    - PPSh-41

    Cost: $1,150?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: 71 Round Magazine Soviet submachine gun. Cheeki Bleeki / 71 (400?) / Low to Medium

    Location: This will be located in the sewers. In order to purchase go to the Probe Inn and then go behind the restaurant where you'll be able to see a almost bunker like structure. Go in here and you'll then be able to go inside the sewers. Go fwd down a long ass path way then to the place called "Pump" listed above on the directions. Go down the water way on your left and be sure to jump so you don't die at the very end of it. It should be nearby in another pump room such as this.


    - Remote C4

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Renegade copy of the Remote C4 / 1 (1) / Medium to High

    Location: Go to the Chalet and head to the big ass Iceberg out in the distance towards the East/North East. It will be hidden on a PT here.


    - R/C Tank

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: 2mm Mini Tank Cannon, Remote Driving Ability, can be exited and picked back up again, can be used to glitch through doors  / 1 (5) / None to Very Low

    Location: Go spawn to the house. To the right you'll have downtown, a little to your left you'll have the church, in front of you you'll have a mini town that has an R/C shop in it. Then go inside and go forward and you'll see two PT Icons with it.

    *Note: Highly unreliable to drive. Often glitches out into space*


    - Renegade Grenade Launcher

    Cost: $1000?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Grenade Launcher / 6 (48?) / Medium

    Location: This will be located in the sewers. In order to purchase go to the Probe Inn and then go behind the restaurant where you'll be able to see a almost bunker like structure. Go in here and you'll then be able to go inside the sewers. Go fwd down a long ass path way then to the place called "Pump" listed above on the directions. Go down the water way on your left and be sure to jump so you don't die at the very end of it. It should be nearby in another room such as this.


    - Rubber Duckies / Paper Windmill Spinner Toy

    - Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: (Duck) A small yellow duck you can squeeze to quack and annoy others or throw as a projectile. (Windmill) A colorful paper windmill spinner that you can attempt to hit someone with. / Negligable (Irrelevant) / Using these against anything as a weapon will get you killed to very very low. 

    - Location: Spawn at the houses and then immediately go west upwards a hill. You'll then see an Ammunation and a Toy's R Us building.


    - S-037 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle

    Cost: $6,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Has a scope  / 5 (45) / --->

    Unsurvivable (Head shots on other players and anywhere against normal civilian NPCs)

    High (Against other players on body)

    Medium (Against Ceiling Guns)

    None to Very Low (Against most Vehicles)

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see you must enter *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you. After killing the ceiling gun go inside the bunker and head downstairs. You will see a room to your left and another hallway that leads further down. Keep going further down and then look to the room to your left. There will be the Invisible Cloaking Device along with an Ammo Box.. Keep going down then head to your left again and there will be a room with a Generator, Ceiling Gun and a PT to purchase this.


    - Sensor Crossbow (Also Explosive Crossbow Ammo)

    Cost: $1500

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Able to sense nearby enemies on your radar when shot at the ground and deployed.  / 1 (9) / None to Very Low

    Location: Hell Island. Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head West for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Go to the very top and make your way down the road. The first bunker you see you must enter *Note* Inside the Bunker is a Ceiling gun which must be taken out or it will kill you. After killing the ceiling gun go inside the bunker and head downstairs and to your left when you get down will be a room that will contain a PT to purchase this.


    - Spiker (Needler from CE)

    Cost: $??? free

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Fires very slow yet explosive shells. / 20 (100?) / Low (Infantry) Very Low (Vehicles)

    Location: RennHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the Oil Drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then go to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up and steal this thing from them.


    - Timed C4

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: An exact copy from C&C Renegade / 1 (1) / Medium to High

    Location: RennHalo, You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the Oil Drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here. Grab the key cards and then go to the bridge and activate a switch somewhere on there. Afterwards kill all the Aliens that wake up and steal this thing from them.


    - Unknown Technology

    Cost: $60,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Fires a pulse like projectile, mini splash damage / 5 (50) / Medium to High

    Location: Mars, easiest way to get to Mars is to spawn downtown and find your way on top of the casino. On top of the casino will be a Dropship PT. Buy it and fly your ass up in the air. After a couple seconds of flying the game will lag for a second and you'll find yourself in space, then on a flat plain rock. Simply hop out then walk around mars and you'll find the PT for it. Should be nearby the Mars House that Ganein14 owns. Make sure to rob said house.


    - X3 Flame Thrower

    Cost: $800

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Satan called, he wants to see you. / Infinite (Infinite) / Low (Infantry) Very Low (Vehicles)

    Location: Hell Island on top of the Mountain in the Bunker. Can also be found in the first deck of the Command center of the Aircraft Carrier.

    *Note: Use it too long at one time and you’ll get burned a little. It also makes your char. highly noticeable.


    - The Levitator

    Cost: $3,000

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Makes damn near anything (vehicle wise) levitate and start to hover for 3 to 4 seconds. Very funny to use. Vehicle dropped on person will kill them however so be careful. / 60 (Infinite) / None

    Location: Spawn where Coop is and go to the bridge. In between the bridge (below where the train drives and above the water.. the sides of the track) you will see a PT for it hidden at the end.


    - Boomerang

    Cost: $1000?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Returns back to you after 4 seconds of firing / 1 (0) / Medium (Infantry) None (Vehicles)

    Location: Desolation Island. Go to Hell Island and then head NE for a little while until you see a small island with smoke coming out of it. Land there and look around for the PT.


    - Spear

    Cost: $300?

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: It's a Spear. / 1 (Have to buy more) / Medium (Infantry) None (Vehicles)

    Location: Desolation Island. Go to Hell Island and then head NE for a little while until you see a small island with smoke coming out of it. Land there and look around for the PT.


    - Proximity Land Mine

    Cost: $250

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Proximity Land Mine. Activated by running over it at high speed. / 1 (Must Buy More) / High to Very High

    Location: RenHalo


    - Toxic Nuclear Waste Barrel

    Cost: $0 (Free)

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage:  A Toxic barrel that when deployed will slowly take away health from anything nearby / 1 (Depends how many you pick up) / Low to Medium (Depends on how many are deployed

    Location (2) : (1) Nuclear Power Plant

                            (2) Near the coast of the Desert/Ocean. Look for the shack with the windmill and then just head down near the beach/coast and there will be some barrels there. Be careful, theft of the barrels will trigger the police.


    - Portable Handheld Helicopter Blades

    Cost: $???

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Your char will hold Helicopter blades in their hands and press together on two metal wires when *Firing* to activate it. This thing will fucking annihilate anything it touches. Extremely close range. / Infinite (Infinite) / Very High to Unsurvivable

    Location: Renhalo after killing the Mini Boss.

    Killing_You commented: "Acquired when you defeat the RenHalo Mini Boss"


    - Whinny Sign

    Cost: $0 (Acquired from fallen protesters)

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: A protester sign against the Jerad Power Plant. Multiple sign exist all proclaiming things describing anti Nuclear Power or energy. Abnormally strong when used in melee. / Infinite (Infinite) / High

    Location: To acquire the weapon you're going to have to wait until the Nuclear Power Plant protest event occurs. You can then easily get one of these signs from the multitude of protesters.


    - WHAT ORGANS? (M16/M203 Model)

    Cost: $0 (When purchased as a set favorite weapon) True Initial Cost Unknown

    Features / Magazine (Ammo Reserve) / Damage: Everything about this gun is retarded including the damage/range. The gun fires a person that when hits the ground explodes into body parts. When firing the weapon your char. arm breaks from the recoil. The shells on this weapon are also Pizza.  / Infinite(Infinite) / High

    Location: Unconfirmed. However I was shown and told by Alexcuevro that this weapon comes with the SeaDust char. perk ($1,000,000). Apparently you spawn as the char and also get this weapon. However I was able to find the weapon off of someone who died and save it as a favorite.


    Section 4: (Locations)

    *Please note that Spawn and Average Normal Locations will not be included. This includes the Desert/City/Air Craft Carrier*


    - Air Field

    Features: Alot of PT Icons, Special Vehicles and also a Run Way that will repair your plane when you pass over it.

    How to get to the Location: When spawning, first go to the Chalet and then look around on the Island. You should then see another Island that looks like an Airfield. Go there.


    - Canada

    Features: Wide open area. Dune Buggy PT and an Igloo where you can buy a weapon. Some animals run around as well randomly.

    How to get to the Location: Spawn near the houses district and take a look at the shops nearby. There will be one that offers for you to go to Canada disguised as a shop about Canadian beavers.


    - Canadian Owned and Heavily Guarded Ocean Windmill

    Features: Plays the start-up music to ECW while at location. Has a massive battleship you can purchase, War Balloon, a PT for Blazer58 Char. Perk and also a Proton Torpedo Launcher that is stupid powerful. The location is also VERY heavily guarded by hellfire turrets outside and 2 maybe 3 ceiling guns. Canada flag is on top of the Windmill also.

    How to get to the Location: First spawn at the Chalet and get a helicopter or Leopard Spaceship with some heavy firepower. Fly then east until you see some Windmills in the middle of the ocean. Keep flying past them for a while and the game will lag then suddenly while you are ejected forward very rapidly for a few seconds. (This means you reached the end of the massive map and respawned on the other side). You should now see a Massive Tall single Windmill with a Canada Flag on top of it surrounded by a bunch of turrets. Take out the turrets on the bottom. (Took me 3 tries). Then climb up the ladder and immediately there will be a PT icon for the Battleship.


    - Ghettos

    Features: Welfare Perk, Purchasable rooms and a good place to tell people to go to.

    How to get to the Location: Go spawn in downtown and on the outside near where the houses are, there will be a place called the Green Bottle Nightclub. Go there and then across from the building you'll see another with yellow arrows to enter it. Go inside.


    - Hell

    Features: You can buy a Fire Ax and then get fucked because a lot of Viceroids will try to kill you no matter what. Don't fall into the Lava or you'll die. Don't wait around to long or you'll die.

    How to get to the Location: Do a lot of bad shit and kill alot of people. When you die after your rampage on society (Typically for above 1,000,000 Bounty) you will spawn here no matter what. It's possible to escape if you can avoid everything trying to kill you and not lag off the rocks (Fat Chance). I'll see you there!


    - (blue)Hell Island

    Features: Tall Mountain, alot of unique Weapons and also Vehicles, alot of caves to explore inside and outside the mountain, a Massive Battleship constantly patrols outside the island however and will kill you if it sees you, alot of Ceiling Guns that deal high damage if not taken care of, it is also possible to release a Kirov Devil Airship that passively will kill everything it sees by 10 hp a second. This will seriously fuck up a game to the uninitiated. 

    How to get to the Location: Spawn in downtown and head out to the ocean in a helicopter. You're going to want to head west for what may seem like forever and then out of nowhere there will be a Big Island Volcano. Land here. Look out for the battleship.

    *Note: The battleship is invincible to everything except the JCOSS Turrets. Don’t bother shooting at it with anything else. 


    - Mars

    Features: Purchasable house, Special Vehicles and Weapons

    How to get to the Location: The easiest way to get to Mars is to spawn downtown and find your way on top of the casino. On top of the casino will be a Dropship PT. Buy it and fly your ass up in the air. After a couple seconds of flying the game will lag for a second and you'll find yourself in space, then on a flat plain rock. Simply hop out then walk around mars. Nearby you'll see a Mars House that Ganein14 owns. Make sure to rob said house.

    *Note: Hopping out of the drop ship will hurt you a bit when you land. Deploy your parachute!


    - Mysterious Offshore portal (Portal to Hell)

    Features: A tiny island in the middle of the water with 4 Surface to Air missiles and 1 Hellfire Missile. Also has a massive but blocked off Portal. In order to deactivate go to the chalet and look for a tent nearby on an island (Not the airfield tent/island). This tent will then have a clipboard inside with a code. Get the code then go to the train tracks in downtown.. Go underneath into the tunnel train tracks nearby the ocean. Eventually there will be a red laser door to your right and a keypad. Type the number into the key pad, grab the key and go back to the Portal. You'll then be transported to hell. See you there!

    How to get to location: Go to the Bridge leading into the Desert Military base and halfway through the bridge (middle of the Bridge) go towards the ocean for a while. You’ll then see this floating platform shortly. Be warned the turrets will attack your aircraft. This place also takes you to hell if you haven't noticed already.


    *Note: This place used to take you to Mars in earlier patches. However this has since been dismissed and discontinued.


    - Renhalo 

    Features: Special Weapons and Vehicles, Modeled after the first level of Halo CE, possible to go underground and continue the adventure. 

    How to get to the Location: You're going to want to spawn at the Casino and then get a helicopter and head West to North West until you see an Oil Derrick with 2 Cranes. Upon seeing this hop out and climb (or land) on the top of the oil drill. You'll then see an option to purchase a $500 Network Upload link that upon deployment will take you here.


    - San Casina Track

    Features: A nice racetrack for you and your friends! An older version of the now new Raceway

    How to get to the Location: Go to downtown and then head to the Ghettos. More specifically the Green Bottle Nightclub. Look around and there will be a convenience store with red arrows on it. Enter here and you’ll be teleported there.


    - San Casina Raceway

    Features: An even nicer racetrack for you and your friends! The race track does keep track of your lap times. There are also a couple Pump Jacks here to earn money along with alot of Vehicles to purchase/drive around.

    How to get to the Location: Go to the Homes location and look for the Yellow Construction Crane. There will be a garage near by with Red Arrows. It will be there.


    - Ski Lift Hill

    Features: Broken Ski lift, Dune Buggy, some Pump Jacks and M61 Vulcan

    How to get to the Location: Spawn at the chalet and enter inside the door with yellow arrows. You'll then be taken to Canada. Eh.


    - Santa's Workshop

    Features: It's Christmas here 24/7! This place has a couple pump jacks along with a lot of renegade clones of weapons that are textured in Christmas colors.

    How to get to the Location: Spawn near the houses district and take a look at the shops nearby. There will be one that offers for you to go to Canada disguised as a shop about Canadian beavers. Directly across from that will be Santa's workshop.

    Section 5: (Characters)


    It is possible of course to change your character through Purchase Terminals. However there are also special characters that people have played as throughout the game including

    - Bozo the Clown

    - Bio Hazmat Suit

    - PLECTOs Master

    Some Characters such as these it should be noted are available to buy as a perk. Once equipped you will spawn as the Char. and possibly a special weapon to go with it. This section will be updated when more info on each char becomes available. Typical Char. purchases are $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 along with an apparent fee to spawn with said Char. around $5000-$15,000.

    Section 6: (City Events)


    This list is of the city events and all the information on how to deal with them, what causes them etc. Typical things such as a building catching fire or weather change will it be listed. The format for all the events will be as follows


    - Event (Description - How it's caused - Counter/Counterattack)


    - Asteroid Shower (A lot of random Meteors will fall from the sky and set buildings on fire. - Randomly - Can't avoid it but you can put out the fire on the buildings if you're a good person.) 


    - Alien Drop Ship (A Massive Alien spaceship will descend upon the City. Very hard to not notice. I believe it will start to attack shit at random. - Randomly - Just shoot at it. Leopard Spaceships work better than most things. Another spaceship named TK something will come out of nowhere and engage it as well eventually)


    - Alien Abomination (An Alien has escaped from that dam military base! Will kill almost anything nearby through telepathy and has a lot of health though typically stands out in the open. - Unknown, Believed to be randomly - A War Train will make quick work of it from distance. Destroyed through force.)


    - Bank Convoy (A convoy of armored trucks that typically start in the desert will make their way around the map and eventually to a bank. While on their way you can destroy the trucks to eventually rob them of their cash. The trucks not only have a lot of Armor but also spawn future soldiers when attacked so be sure to bring your best weapons. Not for the faint of heart.)


    - Cult of Deer Attack (A bunch of deer will appear out of nowhere in San Casino City after an announcement that there is a Cult of Deer Truck. A bunch of deer including ones with suicide vests will try to kill you if you see them. - Random - Take shelter and stay away from the city until it's over or find the Propaganda truck hidden in the city and destroy it.)


    - Kirov Devil Airship (An abnormally big Kirov Airship will head towards San Casino City and absolutely kill everything in sight by 10 hp a second simply by looking at it. It will be very obvious and apparent this thing has appeared real soon after it spawns. - It is caused by going to Hell Island and deactivating the 3 Generators located on the Island. While deactivating them alarms will start to go off, the battleship will get pissed and a massive hellish portal will appear Mid-Air that eventually unleashes this thing - I have tried to shoot this thing down but it is unknown if it can be destroyed through conventional means. Furthermore the unavoidable -10 hp per second makes it near impossible to attack it. To destroy this thing dial the number (555-0463 The number of the Church) and then press (3).


    - Mech Warrior Attack (A Steiner Dropship will descend from the sky and drop off a Mech Warrior that will start to fucking annihilate everything. There will be some Radio announcements as well preceding the event. - Randomly - You're just going to have to go old school and destroy this thing through brute force. Break out your best weapons.)


    - Mobile Defense Turret (A truck or tank with a turret will go around wrecking everything in sight - Randomly - You're just going to have to go old school and destroy this thing.)


    - Nuclear Power Plant Protest (Just about every civilian will form up at the Power Plant and declare a protest. However nearby will also be taser weapons along with handcuffs. You are invited to arrest said protesters for money. Be aware that they may attack with their pickets and signs so use caution. Also available is the choice to just execute them all.)


    - Shit Storm (Typically 2 Tornadoes will descend upon San Casino City or the Desert and annihilate everything. If caught in the tornado you and your vehicle will be thrown up in the sky randomly - Random.. almost every 10 to 20 minutes - Take shelter indoors or away from the tornado(s).

    Section 7: (Server Records)

    *Will constantly need updating*

    *Updated Last Jan 28th, 2019*


    Holding a Server Record will allow you to have one more inventory space per record and hold more things. They and the format are as follows.

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player


    - Most Drugs Taken in one life - 553 - Threve

    - Pump Jacks Activated - 101 - Threve

    - $ Lost - Number - Player

    - $ Donated - $110,240,000 - Trollek

    - Time Sat Idle  - 7930.7 Minutes - Alexcuevro

    - Gun Boats destroyed - Number - Player

    - Train Stations stopped at - Number - Player

    - Interrupted Playing on No Plectaomos No! - 7 Times- Alexcuevro

    - Highest Average Ping on No Plectaomos No! - 800 - Alexcuevro

    - Highest score on No Plectaomos No! - Number - Player

    - Most amount of times someone hurt the Alien Abomination - Number - Player

    - Deer Killed - Number - Player

    - $ earned by sorting through Cult of Deer Artifacts - $4,544,400 - SarahNautilli

    - $ earned by sorting through Trash in Jail - $2,906,134 - Flareon17

    - $ earned through Slot Machines - Number - Player


    - Highest Bounty - $14,600,000 Worth @alexcuervo

    ** I cannot untag you from this for some reason. My apologies. If a mod could please untag Alex it would be appreciated. **


    - Players Killed - 100-180? - Testament

    - AI Players killed - Number - Player

    - Surveillance Recon Flights Conducted - 10? - Testament

    - Longest time spent flying Hot Air Balloons - Number - Player

    - Fainted from Heat - Number - Player

    - Killed the Invading MechWarrior/Drop Ship - Number - Player

    - Changed the weather using the WTF weather machine - Number - Player

    - Spent Driving Trains - Number - Player

    - Highest Speed a Civilian Died Jumping out of a Taxi (Unattainable) - 65,209 Miles Per Hour - Unlucky Retarded Civilian

    - Caught stealing from others Credit Cards - Number - SarahNautilli

    - Consecutive Days Checked in - 107 - Alexcuervo

    - Locked their Account - 66 - Wallywood

    - Most Spots Patrolled in a Police Car - 8,275 - TommyRazor

    Changed the Weather to Clear Skies- 15- TommyRazor

    - Changed the Weather to Medium Rain! - 5 - TommyRazor

    - Killed the Spawn Room Cat - 13 - Alexcuevro

    - Strip Danced - 543 - Cat

    - Ogel Crates Destroyed - 1 - Jerad

    - Intruding into Homes - 41.03 Minutes - FogBot3

    Quadrupedal Abominations Killed - 205 - TommyRazor

    - Sent to Hell - 137 Times - Alexcuervo

    - Total Laps Completed at the Raceway - 51 Laps - ClaweranceRed426

    - Total Best Times Held at the Raceway - 63 Times Best Lap Achieved - Alexcuevro

    - Operating Turrets - 171.33 Minutes - Cat

    - Killed by the Giant Spirit Deer- 30 Times - Alexcuervo

    - $ spent on Slot Machines - Number - Player

    - $ earned returning Credit Cards - $4,466,900 - WallyWood

    - HellFire Turrets Destroyed - 939 - TommyRazor

    - Been Tasered - 447 Times - Cat

    - Renhalo Aliens Knocked Out- 130 - Alexcuevro

    - Piloted HoverCraft - 562 Minutes - Rabbit

    - Fainted from the Heat - 36 Times - Alexcuevro

    - Fires Put Out - 9,825 Fires - Cat

    - Fainted from Hunger - 2 Times - Korninja

    - Destroyed the BWP Maintenance Craft - 52 Times - TommyRazor

    -  Items gotten from Home - 1,529 - Cat

    - Caused hot weather with the WTF Weather Machine - 2 Times - Y2K

    - $ Earned Driving Ambulance - $20,026.43 - Fluffy

    - Controlling Satellites - 117.3 Minutes - TommyRazor

    - Caused a Nuclear Meltdown with the Power Plant - 8 Times - Alexcuevro

    - Caused Tornadoes with the WTF Weather Machine - 1 Time - Y2K

    - $ made while running a Checkstand- $4,413,000 - TommyRazor

    - $ made from turning in weapons to the Collector - $276,500,000- Y2K


    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    - (Server Record) - Number - Player

    Section 8: (Tips/Tricks for beginners)


    While the game is pretty straight forward, there are a couple tips and tricks that can help give the edge over others in-game. Here are some of mine.


    - (Earning Money) -

    By Train: ($15,000 to $200,000+ every 5 minutes depending on Perks Equipped and length of time Driving Train)

    - When earning money there are many various ways. However my favorite is driving a train. You'll start off with a couple thousand but after 25 or so train stops you'll get the conductor perk. The conductor perk allows you to start out earning 25K per train stop all the way up to 50K... all while getting a slow $ trickle as well the faster you go. If you get people inside your train while driving with this perk you'll also start to earn about 100 to 200 per second plus the Train Stops. Combine this with the Welfare Perk and you'll make about 500,000 to 1 Mill every 10 minutes. If there is a double $ event you'll make enough in one day to be set for a year. If people keep killing you on the Train Tracks just get the War Train to sort them out.


    By Weapons Collector:

    By delivering weapons to the weapon collector you can make bank. However finding the weapons is another story.. The record for collecting is about $164,500,000 so someone is doing something right!


    By doing nothing: ($500,000 - for Perk. Then +24,000 every 2 minutes.)

    Equip yourself twice with the Welfare Perk and don't die. You'll be making $24,000 every 5 minutes by just chilling out and having fun. If you want to increase your $ you can even stand at a cash register and make $200 a second along with cashing in your checks immediately.


    By (2) PumpJacks: ($100,000+ Passively every 20-30 Minutes of so)

    You're able to click E when you see a pumpjack and it will immediately start pumping and earning you money. Be aware it will announce to everyone you have activated it and malicious players may try to steal it. With this said you can find Oil PumpJacks were the windmill shack is in the desert and go to the left where the beach is. You can also find them by going to the chalet and searching the main Island in front of the Chalet. (Don't go the direction of the Airfield. Go the opposite way.) There are over 25 pumpjacks located all over in San Casina so get searching!


    - (Combat) -

    Taser Shotgun:

    Often forgotten in favor of high and rare damage dealing weapons.. remember that tasering someone will cause them to go immobile and is an automatic death sentence for you to do whatever you want. You don't have to have the most expensive weapons to defeat someone.


    Train on Train Combat:

    The War Train is incredibly destructive. It has a massive range, can be repaired for free 3 times as fast as normal at a train station, forces the battle to predetermined locations, has 500 rounds, reloads in seconds and can 5 hit K/O almost anything it targets with splash damage as a bonus. However for those savey enough, you can hide at the Desert Train station and buy the LS1 Train when it stops. It will spawn the LS1 on top of the war train and destroy it. This can however be countered by always firing at the Train Station with the War Train before arriving.


    Free 500 Shield:

    Location: Go to any PT and click on the furthest left option on the menu that says Unavailable (Or just click 5). You'll then get 500 Shield for free.


    Stealth Generator/Stealth Shield:

    Consider favoriting the Stealth Shield to acquire it for free when you spawn. Then utilize it to sneak upon your enemy. Your enemy not being able to see you clearly if at all and will be a massive advantage and will be the difference between winning and loosing.


    Get some friends:

    Gang up on someone.


    Force the battle to where you want it:

    Forcing the battle to the military base will make it more difficult to attack with Aircraft. Forcing the battle in the water or on an Aircraft Carrier will severely limit the places to hide.


    - (Random Beginner Tips) -

    - Tornadoes can derail and pick up trains out in the open. Just because you’re on a railway does not mean you are safe.

    - If your parachute is about to run out, land in the water. You will not take any fall damage and be able to survive.

    - The weapons collectors can typically be found underground in the garage where the downtown spawn is. Also in the Garage of the apartments/motel in the desert.

    - If you are about to die and can help it, die in the ocean so someone cannot steal your card. If someone does, activate life lock perk Asap

    - The Drug Dealers give out detox pills to help if you take drugs.

    - If you find a really good weapon set it as your favorite! Not only will you have it available when you want it, but may even spawn with it if you have nothing else.

    - Check in Streaks are only good up to $1,000,000 (10 days).

    - Devils Airship? Call 555-0463 (church’s number) and then press 3.

    - Save up 10 Mil when you can for the Extra Perk slot so you can make even more.

    - Server resets will also reset the defenses you have taken out in that map (Such as the Defiant Class Battleship)

    - To steal from a cash register you need to have a bounty on you. To steal from a Safe at an ATM you need to have a very high bounty on you. Safe will typically give around 50K depending on bounty.

    - Discovering new locations will give you $250,000 - $1,000,000! Don't forget to look around!

    - Enrolling in school is always a good idea. Unless it's PLECOS State University.

    - Your pets can attack enemy's as well.

    - Flak Cannons have a massive splash. Good for taking out ceiling guns in other rooms.

    Section 9: Radio Soundtrack List


    Track 1: ?

    Track 2: ?

    Track 3: ?

    Track 4: ?

    Track 5: ?

    Track 6: ?

    Track 7: ?

    Track 8:

    Track 9:

    Track 10:

    Track 11:

    Track 12:

    Track 13:

    Track 14: Mr. Trololo Song

    Track 15:

    Track 16:

    Track 17:

    Track 18:

    Track 19:

    Track 20:

    Track 21:

    Track 22:

    Track 23:

    Track 24:

    Track 25:

    Track 26:

    Track 27:

    Track 28:

    Track 29:

    Track 30:

    Track 31:

    Track 32:

    Track 33:

    Track 34:

    Track 35:

    Track 36:

    Track 37:

    Track 38:

    Track 39:

    Track 40:

    Track 41:

    Track 42:

    Track 43:

    Track 44:

    Track 45:

    Track 46:

    Track 47:

    Track 48:

    Track 49:


    *NOTE* This is still being typed up and edited. Not to be considered an Official Version.

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