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Posts posted by Threve

  1. On 1/13/2019 at 9:09 PM, KevinLancaster said:

    Since this seems like enough of a general maps suggestions thread, would it be possible to do an air raid map? As the amount of planes available to players on the maps they are present is fairly limited, a map where they are the focus could be interesting. Allies try to defend like in Seamist.

    Almost any map is possible here in APB. There has been a lot of crazy shit I've seen happen in maps here in the past couple of years. But creating a new map (especially an air map) is a huge development due to the fact it takes

    - Creating the actual map

    - Planning/Blue Print

    - A committee agreeing it's a good idea

    - Testing/Balance

    - Making sure it is aesthetically pleasing

    - A lot of time spent which is diversion from other projects/maps

    - With the introduction of Interim Apex, APB player count is not as high as before therefor creating anything new for it has not been as top of a priority/some support has been lost.

    With this said and in an honest answer from seeing how things go here I would highly recommend you draw up some blueprints if you want the map to have a chance of coming to fruition. If you start to develop said map/learn how and start a thread then people will definitely help you see it to completion and you'll get support for it to be put into game.

  2. Good Evening all. I am attempting to play ECW but in order to do so I need to sign unto my W3D account.. However when I click login and type my shit in it is saying that the password/username is incorrect. I am %100 positive I am typing in the right credentials as I type the same username/password on here and it logs me in. I have also tried every other password I typicaly use just in case and absolutely nothing. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


    EDIT: I have also tried restarting my computer but I have not had any luck still.

    EDIT#2 : I didn't install updates. Trying to install updates now and will update if it works or not for future people reading this.

  3. On 12/31/2018 at 12:27 PM, Mattix1 said:

    Hi! Thanks for your reply  - and sorry for my late ones... It´s not that i wanted all the items like tanks and weapons in german but the taunts. For example when i type !comeout it says "Ich hab dich doch gehört- zeig dich!" or !property it comes through my speakers as "Verschwinde von meinem Grund und Boden!" I don´t know who are the people translating these taunts into german, but they do it great! =D I´m a n00b at PC things, but maybe it is possible to put this sound folder into the apex interim somehow (on my pc)? Another question that concerns me is if apex interim is paid by donations?

    Regards and happy new (ren) year!


    So the files you're referring to/want to put in are .wav or actual sound files? Not text based?

    As for donations I am not sure. IA and all mod projects here are created in free time and the artists/mods here are not paid. Everything is done by heart/soul. However the servers to host the game and allow people to play are paid for by donations. I do not know how much it is a month however donations are always graciously accepted. 

  4. On 12/18/2018 at 2:34 PM, Pushwall said:

    Another idea that came up on discord, that I've considered in the past, was "Volcano but with the map boundaries turned into water".


    Here's an example of that which is just lazily taking the original map, deleting a bunch of the terrain and making the outermost edges all dip to the same elevation. A real version would be a bit classier than this. So we get our first full combined arms map - infantry, tanks, helis, planes and naval - and isn't particularly big, so in addition to travel time not being a concern it could even be suited for low player counts.

    100% down for this.

  5. 19 hours ago, KevinLancaster said:

    Maybe the build time could be dynamic based on vehicle cost, like in the original games?

    In general not a fan of extended wait times for vehicles as I don’t see it as that much of a problem. I’d probably just buy a Kov than wait at that point. Though if it had to be implement I would say this would be the best way. 

  6. 6 hours ago, des1206 said:

    Would implementing a reasonable respawn time and/or vehicle build time help solve this problem?


    Putting a build time for vehicles (such as 15 seconds) would also disable vehicle rushes or make them painfully slow. Imagine building a mammoth tank, a spy steals it and you can’t even get anouther to defend your base. Also it would give more time to said defenders to learn about a sneak attack. The time limit in game also constitutes a problem with this making last minute rushes to win a near impossiblilty. 

  7. On 11/9/2018 at 12:41 PM, des1206 said:

    I still can't believe we are at this point, that we have functioning Chronotank, Migs, Yaks, Cruisers! Thanks a million to all the devs whose hard work make it happen.

    So what else is left? Chronosphere, Iron Curtain, dogs, Badger Bomber, spy planes, para-troopers. That's all right? Are we finally close to the finish line as far as full unit implementation is concerned?

    Like Renegade, the Final Evolution would be implementation into a newer engine such as Unreal Engine. But with the almost dead community of Renegade, lack of RTS titles to bring popularity to this genre, amount of work required, lack of artists/modelers to work for free on a project of this scale, the whole dev team here having to learn the in's/outs of a New Engine.. I don't believe it would happen or at least anytime in the foreseeable future.  The only way it could is advertising to make it worth it and paying artists but I don't believe anyone here wants to invest that amount of input and i don't blame them. For APB in its current state it is incredible what has been done with what we got. When and if this game reaches a finalized completed state i'd still rather play this than a new era graphics version due to the aesthetic. There's something about the quirkiness and pixelated block characters that give this game a certain charm in my opinion and connect a little better with the Old Schoolness that is RA.

    A Path Beyond as it stands is an incredible game and compared with most titles (much less mods) is very well balanced and unique. The only irony is that such a great game requires players to really make it shine as of which it is difficult to accumulate 10 much less 20 at a single time. This type of game was made for high player count and it stands out when played as such.

  8. 42 minutes ago, thedisclaimitory said:

    Oh wait no Jesus is back: you still dont know why your in here??? No... thats it I'm calling Santa your not only getting nothing but your gonna be his slave for the rest of next year!!!        but really what did I do??? Alright i'l tell ya, you drove a guy to a taco bell dint have a license, and not only that you accidently shaved your mustache and it looked like a Hitler mustache. and then went to Germany. Whaat was I drunk or high??? drunk. OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! &$%#@!!!!!!!! some ones at the door: boom boom boom FBI OPEN UP. Dont run disclaimer ya thanks for the update, see later you may be a savior but you dint save me back there. I wasn't planning on it. I jumped out the second floor window into a truck with open flat bed with mattresses on it, and ran away....  if your reading this I'm at a local Mcdonalds using there sucky wifi, hiding from the German Government.

    Are you ok?

  9. On 12/5/2018 at 3:54 PM, Mattix1 said:

    Hello! Is it possible to get apex interim Renegade with german language files? At the moment i only got them when i start the game with the tiberian  technologies launcher...If i start the game with the w3d launcher it´s all in english   <.<

    Regards Mattix1

    It can be done. A while back I changed the strings (Names of things) on APB for my WW2 mod. Making the medium tank be called the Pershing and Light tank called Sherman and such. I simply found the strings.ddb file or whatever it was called and edited all the names. Saved it and put it back in the data folder. So it would be entirely possible... All I would need however is the translation for things and since there are alot of things it would require quite a bit of help from the translator on their end.

    This means I would need translations for every weapon, vehicle, building, Character, helicopters and such. If you can look in-game provide me with such a list of translations then I should be able to make it happen. I would do it myself but i'm

    1. Not about to google translate everything.

    2. I'm sure some of the google translation wouldn't make any sense as they don't have any direct translations.

    Let me know what you think. Unless of course you cannot do the translations yourself?


    EDIT: You said you use the Tiberian Technologies Launcher. Can you get the Strings.tdb from the data files in this launcher? I think you can just grab the Strings.tdb from the Tiberian Technologies version and just put it into the W3D Hub data files.  

  10. 55 minutes ago, Hee said:

    When I was in tests, the Orca fighter seemed balanced (I did not test in vehicles), you could also feel its weight, a weight of a real aircraft and not a static object, I'm not talking about them anymore from what I've seen, they're doing a good job, they're trying very hard.


    Edit2 - As for the release date I have hopes it would be in the next two weeks.

    Sounds exciting. Ty for the update!

  11. 20 hours ago, Threve said:

    I understand that it has been said there is a major update on the way. However I was wondering is there a release date for said update? The reason for this post is the Orca Fighter ($2500 one) is retarded Overpowered and this update has been said to address it. Thank you.


  12. I understand that it has been said there is a major update on the way. However I was wondering is there a release date for said update? The reason for this post is the Orca Fighter ($2500 one) is retarded Overpowered and this update has been said to address it. Thank you.

  13. 16 hours ago, TemporaryName said:

    @Threvein current version orca fighter can be destroyed in 1 second by M6 Linebacker+AA specialist combo

    The only thing that would be destroyed is morale. Any player will pop over a mountain and have the M6 waste it’s missile crashing into the mountain then 1 hit (use 8 missiles) to kill your linebacker and ethier crush you or simply then literally 1 hit your inf with a missile from said Orca.

  14. 14 hours ago, cooldude7 said:

    Tonight I was in the IA server playing a good game - about #2 or #3 on my team - and was bitching about how OP some tanks are versus others. I was in a Phase tank and killed in 1 shot by some GDI tank. Similar scenarios happened all the time and others were even complaining about how X tank was OP vs some other tank.

    - Whole IA community is rabid and will attack at any indication of not enjoying incredibly unbalanced gameplay :)

    I played this game with you last night. I won't comment on the ban because that is KTFF and IA Mods decision however that "some GDI Tank" was a $6000 36 Inch Mammoth tank being piloted by me ($1000 Tank Ace). You drove out from a tunnel in an up hill field while sideways in a massive box  ($1600 Phase Tank) firing 2 missiles at a tank with two 360mm cannons, almost full health, aiming your way and a clear view of you. I'm not exactly sure what you expected to happen.

    Besides utilizing Team Work to destroy me (Which I will admit almost never happens in the game) you could have used a $950 Goliath, drove up the side of the mountain and landed on me or waited behind a rock and I would have been toast because I didn't have any cover. Why does this matter you ask? 

    If you kill me with a $950 Goliath I just wasted $7,000 I cannot get back. Directly ramming a 36 Inch Mammoth will 1 hit kill it. You wait till the 36 Inch Mammoth tank fires and then you strike because the reload time is 5 seconds of grace. The turret also moves slow so wait till it's aiming away from your direction then ram the mammy and blow up.

    You can also use a $1,250 Melta Infiltrator Cycle to Ram me.

    You can use a Tank Commander in said melta cycle to plant dynamite and also ram/attack me. The Advanced Guard Tower was down so it was a perfect op. I had no backup/cover. Also the infiltrators are hard as hell to hit. 

    A surface to surface missile hiding behind rocks would also kill a Mammy 36 inch. 


    In other words if you play the game using this knowledge or strat then the Mammy 36 Inch becomes a hinderance to GDI if handled with properly. Hell if you think it's so OP then blow it up near your base and capture the Husk/Tank Shell to use. 


    The only major noteworthy imbalance I find with the game is the Orca Fighter ($2500) which is..


    - Hard as fuck to hit, Lock unto with 9K22 Tunguska AA Gun

    - Comparatively Cheap for what it offers ($2500 vs $2800 9K22 Tunguska)

    - Fast, Highly Maneuverable

    - Can unload 8 Missiles in 2 seconds flat due to right and left clicking at the same time.

    - Can hide behind mountains, fire then pop back out granting 9K22 Missiles useless.

    - Can just squish whoever they kill

    - Can actually reload and repair at the same time on VTOL Pad.

    - 600 HP and Armor to start out. God forbid you go against upgraded armor research and MORE ammo capacity combined with Veterancy.

    - With stealth crate the unit becomes absolutely unstoppable.

    - 1 hit kill with a missile on infantry

    - Belongs to a building that can never "truly" be destroyed.

    - Nod has zero counter aircraft. The AA units other than 9K22 Tunguska don't have the range or damage and get killed. Even the 9K22 Struggles with Missiles because the reload times means you must kill the Orca the first time or you get fuckt. Any tank with AA cannons against an Orca Fighter is useless as the damage is minimal and the ORCA will run away or kill you.

    - Missiles are lock on, giving a fire and forget (or hide behind mountain) ability.

    - A single Orca is laughably able to kill almost every Sam Site on every map in the hands of a veteran player.

    - Hawkeye view, speed and things listed above ensures there is no chance for any tank to escape in any situation when encountering a Orca. 

    - Practically almost every Nod Vehicle can be killed in 8 missiles much less the 24 that comes in a standard load out.

    - Due to the Orca's nature it will almost always act as a support unit coming in to an already engaged battle. What this means is any Nod Unit fighting with GDI ground units will get raped on a 2v1. While seemingly fine in concept, the Orca is incredibly difficult to deal with for reasons above on a 1v1 much less 2v1. Nod Banshees while balanced in my belief and good, don't fire as many missiles at once, are less maneuverable and also are larger. Apaches are a joke and the Chinook is laughable at best.

    - Though admitted rarely used in-game, Orca Lift Truck.

    This was posted and brought up on the forums in which I was told that the Orcas and Air combat in general was revamped in the next release. Though, the only thing I have been told so far is that Orcas will be larger. If this is the only change i don't believe it will be enough but we will see.

    Every other unit can be countered some way or somehow. I find it hard to believe that a game with over 30+ Vehicles for each team would have a way to not counter other units.

  15. 8 hours ago, Kaskins said:

    Hi Threve.

    You may go into options ( Esc ) and under extended options. Look at Drop and Drop all, you can customize your custom keys. I was inform by Dblaney about this and here you go.

    I will still have to discuss to Dblaney about AGT and Obelisk gun ( Obelisk gun has a cool down ).

    Orca Fighter has been rectified in the next build. I do not have the changelog as I may have lost tract in the 2 years development but rest assured the following build after the next build will have.

    I'll take a look and go through each map for the 36 inch mammoth tank.

    For those who ask and wish to bring up comments and stuff, I thank you as you care for Interim Apex and I appreciate it. I and the W3Dhub team hopes to provide a wonderful and enjoyable experience for you all.

    Thank You and you guys very much. The game is great!

  16. 6 hours ago, Kaskins said:

    Hi Threve, every build I made and release there WILL be and DELIBERATELY I will break 2-6 stuff in making something of an overpowered. But this thing of preventing player's from abusing it it will be patch out bi-weekly to monthly before player's adept it. Unfortunately it has come to my understanding the player base in w3dhub IA launch are different from the one I played in Renegade, In Renegade all the player's finally adept and learn all the units after playing the same build for 3 years straight, for them to finally find something overpowered and abuse it. 😶

    Trust me when I said after 3 years later they finally get Phase Tank + Melta Combo, but before that always get technician and stealth tank and complain. 🤣

    There is a reason I started doing this since the build of G ( Gamma series ) and continue on to E series ( Epsilon ).

    EDITED : Forget about orca aircraft thing,  I think your refering to Orca Fighter? Yeah the aircraft battle has been overhaul in the 2018 build.

    I guess I'll have to find other solutions to this.😘

    Most of the things that you brought up has been rectified in the 2018 build which I set to be release roughly 9 weeks from now.

    The T-35 super heavy tank is bugged has been rectified but I haven't made any update to here.

    The Pioneer repairgun I may have to take a look, it should be Mk.I Improved instead of Mk.II

    The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it.

    The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p".

    The visceroid spam is something if raveshaw mutant, or harvester dies spawn a neutral visceroids, depending on how you use it. It can be a potential allies for one moment and an enemy after that. Due to how the old map was design I do not have tiberium flora for the visceroid to grow or appear so I make it spawn out of thin air, yes I know it maybe cheap in 2018 but hey is a 2001-2002 video game.

    On some maps, visceroid can be a nuisance to the player team after sometime if that particular team do not take out the nest. So this give choices to the player, take them out risk yourself enemy fire or let it be?

    Horn and Charge was removed due to many complains of how annoying it was and I think is for the best.

    Umm No, the reason I design the big weapon factory is for the 36 inch to be able to build from it, in E1.0 all aircrafts will NOT be able to carry anything as big as a mammoth tank, only certain vehicles can be airlifted and in a restricted way due to how abusing and game breaking they can be.

    Grizzly Tank

    Pion Nuke has a very large splash radius which causes many uproar by the players before, I decided to reduce it splash damage as many player's find it overpowered.


    Grizzly Tank = Fair enough

    The current drop weapon can be use !drop command or press "o" or "p" = There is no way to turn it off from the hotkey p. Everytime I type !wep fast i accidently hit p which drops my weapons. Can you reassign this key away from p or make it customizable?

    The obelisk and AGT gun is currently can be a random powerup pickup, it has been in for many years and I would need to bring up to dblaney and reconsider this, but is a reward for player who has proficiency to use it. Sometimes 1 man army can wipe out the entire base defenses if he/she knows how to use it. = The other 39 Players in game (particularly me) find it annoying to not be able to do jack when a competent person has it. There is nothing fun about someone hiding in a cave taking out 3 vehicles in the span of 30 seconds.

    Orca Fighter = I was refering to this thing. It can 1 hit inf, hard as fuck to hit, strong ass armor, annihilate any vehicle

    Mammy Airdrop. The reason I bring this up is the map with the classical music in a cave. I forgot what it was called has the 36 inch mammoth getting stuck out of the War Factory. 

  17. @Kaskins

    a couple things about interim Apex I was wondering if would be addressed. I understand a lot of things are out of balance but for a very weird reason I like it a lot like that and it’s interesting to counter things. The 36 Inch mammoth is incredibly OP but it forces your team to come together and get creative and also makes it more important to not lose. With that said the stuff below are things i’m Really not liking with in the game

    - The Orca is incredibly hard to kill and the rockets absolutely rape anything. There is ZERO negatives about it besides it’s $2,500 which can even be seen as a positive. 

    - The Nod Super Heavy Tank main cannon is balls out useless unless you’re ramming into something. The secondary shot also doesn’t make a lot of sense. Compared with the 36 Inch Mammy it’s a hard buy for me..

    - The Pioneer has an upgraded Repair gun and the sapper does not. Mk. I vs Mk. II

    - The obelisk and AGT guns just need to go away. 

    - Please change the “drop all your weapons” key to something other than P. Whenever I type in !wep really fast I sometimes drop everything. 

    - Viceroid Spam is annoying.

    - horn and charge should be added back to chat sounds

    - Airdrop all mammy 36 inch please

    - Grizzly tank damage is laughable

    - ZS7 Piony Nukes should have a bit more spread or do a bit more damage against 36 inch mammoth tanks. Currently they are in range of the 36 inch mammoth and killed easily for 6000. 




  18. For those who are unable to open it or want to read here ——————

    “Fellow Command & Conquer fans,

    My name is Jim Vessella, and I’m a Producer at Electronic Arts. Ten years ago I had the pleasure of being on the production team for Command & Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3, along with being the Lead Producer on Kane’s Wrath. During those years, some of my favorite moments were interacting with our passionate community, whether at our onsite Community Summits, on the forums, or while attending various events such as Gamescom.

    As most of you may know, we recently announced Command & Conquer: Rivals, a mobile game set in the Command & Conquer universe. Following the reveal of Rivals, we heard you loud and clear: the Command & Conquer community also wants to see the franchise return to PC. And as a fan of C&C for over 20 years, I couldn’t agree more. With that in mind we’ve been exploring some exciting ideas regarding remastering the classic PC games, and already have the ball rolling on our first effort to celebrate the upcoming 25th Year Anniversary.

    We are eager to hear your feedback to help influence our current thoughts for PC and what comes next. Over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to fans in a variety of ways. In the meantime, please share your thoughts here on the OpenRA forums.

    As a long time C&C fan and developer, I am just as passionate about the C&C franchise as you are, and look forward to hearing your thoughts as they help us shape the future of C&C at EA!

    Jim Vessella


    I think it’s interesting to see what EA will do (if they do anything at all) as they are talking about the cream of the crop classic games. However what games they will restore is debatable as well and a couple things should be taken away from this statement. “Upcoming 25th anniversary” EA is WELL KNOWN for rushing and forcing to meet deadlines which makes me worried but remastering Classic Westwood games (Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Tiberian sun) alone will require quite an extensive amount of time. Forget adding Renegade, RA2 and Generals to that list.. I’m worried about all this. But, I am also highly interested to see what and how they will be remastering..

    COD4 was remastered using higher graphics which is what it needed and it looked awesome because it was the begging of modern era graphics as well. However Ra1, TS, TD and all the other RTS games have their graphics as part of their charm. So i’m very interested to see how and “what” exactly they will be remastering. At the end of the day though, even if everything faulters... at least it will put some life into C&C and will allow modern computers the chance to play C&C without problem.

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