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Posts posted by Threve

  1. Besides the obvious of what was mentioned above it would simply have no practical usage in today's modern day era. Say it was built however and ignore all the logics and whatever along with Maus history. Problems would arise before, during and after development.

    1. There is no point due to there not being a world war going on. Many battles today are not major nation wide but more so proxie wars fought by militant groups. The only country that could build something of this magnitude (the correct way at least and have it working) is a superpower. Russia has the Typhoon Class submarine which is the world's largest sub. They have since retired almost all 5 of them. Bigger simply just isn't better as well. The caliber of guns is irrelevant with the development of missiles, artillery and railguns. Now that I say it even artillery is going out of fashion.

    2. Actual Tank on Tank warfare is extremely rare now and days due to the fact only superpowers would really be capable of doing so. It doesn't make sense to have a super tank go up against an old soviet tank fielded by some group that just found it when you can use a less costly tank (abrams) to do the same job. It's the equivalent of buying a semi with two trailers to go pick up groceries when you could just buy a Truck or SUV.

    3. During production it would take alot of money, time and resources to develop this, not just build it. The design may be there but you have to figure out how to make sure this thing doesn't over heat, how it aims and such along with testing. You could forgo this but you dont want to do that in battle.

    4. Besides the fact we've used enough money here to build probably 150 Main USA Battle Tanks due to research, contracting, development of parts/tech.. we now have our mammoth tank. Now we have to go find a battle to get ourselves into...

    We find ourselves in Iraq, as is typical, we are going for a patrol.

    Our mammoth tank has now held up traffic due to how slow it is. We could make it faster but it would wear out the parts faster as well and put it in the shop for another 8 months (These parts have to be custom made btw and shipped). Well fuck it, we put a Nuclear Reactor inside of the Tank and it's now faster along with being efficient at letting out heat. Driving along the sandy road (and hopefully not getting stuck) we managed to hit an IED and our tracks are blown. We now require two recovery vehicles due to the weight of our tank. The nuclear reactor is also in danger of going critical and killing us all but the professional inside mechanics help mysteriously maintain half of your tanks health. You're stuck here for a day or two in the hot sun much to the dismay of the rest of the 200,000 Marines you're supporting.


    5. We had a hiccup but we're going hard still. We have just pulled up on our village and there are enemies in there which means we get to get some. Command just called and told us we can't use our 60mm missiles to level the place because there are civilians and it would level a football field worth of property. Furthermore your wide Mammoth tank would destroy the streets due to the weight, and the buildings due to the length of the turret. The threat may also hit you from above the buildings, use an IED or hide in a occupied building with children. Our nation also wants some prisoners captured alive so we can get intel. So infantry dismounts and we cover our APC's as the infantry clears the village. A predator missile falls from the sky precisely destroying the high value target as we guard our APC's. Victory is at hand but you spot an enemy vehicle from ahead. As your team loads the 120mm cannons you get ready to fire. You lock in and the target explodes... you didn't fire but your teammates M1 Abrams that uses the same 120mm ammunition scored a hit. You wanted to use the dual cannons but your friend seems to be more than enough to blow away a 150,000 mile Toyota with a M2 mounted on back from 3 miles.. You scan the air for targets with advanced sensors but fail to find anything other than a $35 ISIS drone from Walmart watching the battle unfold. Lacking any machine guns your team takes practice shooting at it with M9 Berreta’s for fun while you’re waiting for the village to be secured.


    6. Your team then decides to let you become a mobile base defence because command figured out you suck at patrolling. After sitting at base for weeks on end you see a convoy coming and fire up the engines, the enemy is out 5 miles and you're preparing to give them hell. All of a sudden 5 F-35 Jets fly over head as the lock unto the tanks/APC’s with missiles as an apache helicopter kills any infantry higher than you can see. Command is high fiving themselves as you take off your tank suit depressed and tell your team to get some sleep.


    7. 15 Years later and you're about to retire until russia attacks trying to take back the middle east in the midst of a world wide fuel crisis. The world is at war and it's coming down to the last couple of drops as humanity struggles with themselves. Everything is to be used including your X-1 Mammoth Tank Prototype. You fire up the tank, smell the coffee and ready the guns. As you embark on the battlefield, brushing the dust off of your museum quality tank,  a missle hits the top of your tank (Weakest Armor) from a drone high above. It seems being so unique has made the enemy focus everything on you (like the worlds largest battleship Yamamoto in WW2). The tank is hurt as another missle from a javelin strikes the top severely destroying your optics. Your sensors however built inside pick up a strike force ahead of Russian Main battle tanks. Now that you’re in an open field you can use the tank effectively for tank/tank combat. 3 out of 5 manage to fire at your frontal armor and 1 round makes it through with the round exploding a specialty HE Copper shell killing 3 crew inside. You take aim and fire your cannons. You then ignite 2 Russian tanks using your 120mm cannons. and directly hitting them while the other 3 Russian Tanks hit your treads and engine. A fire has started in the cockpit from the abuse and with your tank on fire you run away before the nuclear radiation gives you cancer or the rounds explode. The fire extinguisher system works but your tank is also missing half a tread and stuck due to the intense combat. American M1 Abrams in your squad manage to cause some serious damage as well and both sides retreat with Russian hackers wirelessly hacking into what is left of your tank to get any info they can. To ensure a special operations team doesn’t save/repair  your prize, they EMP the tank 4 times and fry any and all electronics that still work.

    45 Years later as humanity looks back on the war, a Russian GrandFather leans into his son and tells him "A long time ago, the world used tanks in battle." as his son wikipedia's what a tank is on his Iphone 27xS. The Mammoth Tank Prototype in front of them at the museum is nothing more than a husk shell with 2 kill crosses scratched into its armor. 

  2. On 6/9/2019 at 2:17 AM, GraYaSDF said:

    If you give me the necessary textures (PT, gameplay objects, units, signs, etc.) with empty strings and with english strings, I can do it for russian people as well. I have Photoshop with DDS and TGA plugins installed, I used it in far past to make Chemical Tank and other features, it is still working.

    That sounds awesome and would really help out. I’ll talk with Yap about getting you the template (if he still has it) if not we will figure it out. 


    not a problem! Thank you for your very hard work. I can put the changes in there to have our first IA language version. As for the PT Icons. Basically i’m Going to get a template/picture of the original one, retype it all in Turkish and paste the tanks on it so all the Icons are in Turkish. The icons are basically pictures (a texture) as where the language translation is a different file. So I have to do them desperate. Again, awesome work and feel free to change/update as needed.

  3. I think the toxin tractor (I never used it before so idk how op or retarded it is) should function like the GDI Zippo. That would give nod the ability to kill Power Armor suits easier and other infantry in hard to reach places.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Kitsune Youkai said:

    If social aspect will be "regulated" at some point. 

    The only social aspect regulated is I ask everyone not to use racial slurs in-game. I kindly warn if someone doesn’t know. 

    Other than that have fun and do whatever. I just ask as well you don’t start 3 hour political or religious debates (always fun). If there’s an issue with the game that involves paragraphs of explanations than post on forums so it can be documented and something be done. There are a lot of units which brings a lot of things that can use balance but posting for an hour in-game about it becomes tiring and ultimately fruitless when forums will be able to document it (there are discussions in the background that happen based on feedback from forums that directly influences the next build! I can say that we appreciate and love the help that the community gives back based on concerns about different units and something is being done about all of said units/issues. This game is quite expansive however so please be patient.)

  5. 7 minutes ago, Kitsune Youkai said:

    On VHS cassette

    Your shitposting abilities are godlike but please stop.

    49 minutes ago, Goliath35 said:

    Your avatar disturbs me. 

    Your avatar disturbs me.

    10 minutes ago, Goliath35 said:

    Holy shit what happened to the old Commando ''Yo'' whenever a new reply was made to a thread? 

    The website was updated recently. Should be fixed soon(ish) and coming back. Resets after every update.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kitsune Youkai said:

    Thats quite a huge leakage out of thread.

    The translation may be wrong but i don't exactly understand this part..? Sorry. Can you rephrase it.


    "I am a bit out of this and offtoping, so don't take me too serious, but... for example talk/argue with administration to improve/add/tweak rules..... (on server)"

    I do agree. And we will be adding more clarity to the rules for things that should be more obvious like no Team Hampering and such. There are new maps coming as well to help with areas that shouldn't be accessible that are now.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Kholdiel0x said:

    Aww, no bloodbath. Boring.

    It's a good thing. You guys are all good players and everyone here knows how to play the game, I don't think the drama needs to escalate to 24hr banning if it can be avoided. Just let the feud go and if someone is team hampering then video tape it and don't TH yourself.

    Next person I witness that team hampers will be kicked.

  8. 1 hour ago, WNxHeadShot said:

    So for the entirety of the game, this guy called KholdX has been team hampering our team



    1 hour ago, Kholdiel0x said:

    [18:02:53] RandyMarsh: its alright
    [18:02:57] RandyMarsh: ill fuck gdi up now


    [18:05:29] [Private] JO_MOMMA_USA: everything ok whats going on over there
    [18:06:11] [Private] KholdX: just randy blocking AGT with shield



    I was not in-game at the time all of this went down. However when I joined all I saw was Kholdx TH to player RandyMarsh. This seems like someone did something to the other and it escalated every match from there till it got to this point. So..

    Khold. Can you please not Team Hamper anymore on purpose to Randy or Headshot(SilverSmurfer)...?

    RandyMarsh. Can you please not Team Hamper anymore on purpose to Kholdx..?

    Everyone listed above was team hampering to each other as proven by logs and what I saw when I joined game. Instead of banning all three of you guys or mass punishment I think a warning to everyone would just be better if you can all come to an understanding that someone fucked up and it got out of hand. If you're pissed off and want to team hamper as a result just PM me, Video tape it or chill out a bit.

    When I'm in game I will watch both to ensure neither of you guys are causing any harm on purpose and the game is played fair so that that way you don't have to worry about any of this BS. If either of you join and team hamper each other on purpose and I am in-game watching you it will just get stupid and we don't want that. It's a game, just play it. If you're worried about being team hampered by each other then just record when either of you are playing so that you can post on here. I think what I said is fair but if either of you object then let me know why/what I can do to better help you guys.


    I will also be telling RandyMarsh (Rohiemm) this so that we're all on the same page. As for JO_MOMMA_USA I'll talk with him and get his point of view as well so I can have a better understanding of what went down in his mind.


  9. On 5/12/2019 at 1:26 AM, Raptor29aa said:

    I hope to see the discussions these ideas generate.

    I love your suggestions and fully agree with all that you talked about in terms of their weakness's and strengths. I will say as a whole that it's (the Forg units) are just lacking in general but great post! I think you're unto something here.

  10. 11 hours ago, erickgch said:

    I can help translating into Spanish and Portuguese. I'm not a professional translator (I am a scientist), but I've worked in several translation projects over the years.


    That would awesome. As Jeod posted earlier, I transferred everything above into that google document so you can work on it that way if you’d like. (It’s a lot more organized way of translating imo).

    Muito Brigado

  11. 3 hours ago, dblaney1 said:

    This is simply not possible to realistically accomplish with the ways IA is set up. The PT icons have their text on the image themselves, the kill messages are generated server side, and there are many other ingame textures that contain text as well. 

    It is possible albeit a very big pain in the ass. As Yap said earlier he is cleaning up the strings file which will help out and it should be noted that since the kill messages are generated server side they may not display correctly. However.. "Player left the game" , every unit name and basically the whole game can still be modded so while it's not a %100 translation I think people can settle for 98%. In addition I will edit the PT Icons when a fully translated string file presents itself as I will know it will be worth the time/effort.


    16 hours ago, GraYaSDF said:

    I think, this is pretty readable when you install fonts with cyrillic letters, I have no problem with it. The only thing is... can the new engine broadcast those through Internet as usual? As far as I know, the original Renegade can do it, and people can easily go and play multiplayer games with cyrillic letters. There are few translations of Renegade already available, and I bought one from a shop over 12 years ago, it is still in my collection of CDs and DVDs.

    I'm unsure. Those servers may have been custom servers. To my knowledge and understanding here is how it works and hopefully this will clear up any confusion anyone has. (This will also be aimed at @Kaskins who asked earlier about fonts ).

    So, the strings can all be easily changed with the string editor I've included in the file download from another topic. When people post their language up I will edit the string files in IA to reflect it and in-turn every single vehicle/text based object will be displayed in said language. The language translated will have to be (at the moment) in these characters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=_+[{]};:'"<>,./?`~!@#$%^&*()

    Basically the standard english keyboard layout. This results in a couple of things that do not work in our favor.

    The languages translated will have to be using these characters otherwise they will not load on the server or work. The reason for this is that the server uses scripts to determine what characters can be utilized. As said earlier for most servers they are using the letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890-=_+[{]};:'"<>,./?`~!@#$%^&*()  Another problem that we run into is that you can only use a certain number of custom lettering. As pushwall displayed in another topic for APB and in the picture shown you can only use about 40 or so custom letter "Spots". 

    So say you replace the custom lettering spots with Chinese lettering and then set the server scripts (by convincing the server owner to update said scripts) so that they display them. You probably don't have enough "Custom letter spots" to display all the chinese characters and you also don't have any leftover to add Russian Lettering/Any other language you fancy. The result of all of this is that IA at the moment cannot display custom characters other than listed above and even if we added custom letters there is not enough "room" on the font file to make every language work. 

    However what can work is changing the strings to match other languages that don't use alot of custom lettering and also change the PT icons as well (which I will do myself).



  12. Good Evening all. IA has boosted over 40 players daily and has become quite possibly the last hold out for Renegade in the world of today. What originally started as a prime game played in the United States has become a game modded and loved by those worldwide. With this said, there are many players that come from various countries and would like to enjoy a game in their native language. To date and to the best of my knowledge there is no translation files supported for IA, however with your help we can change that and in-turn create multiple language supported versions of IA. With the popularity of the W3DHub Language translation topic taking off I believe we can implement it into our games.

    I have pulled the string files from IA and have all the names of the various weapons, characters and vehicles as typed below. I am asking for the help of anyone to translate from their language to the game. I would preferably like to start off with Spanish and move on from there. Before posting translations below I would like to note a couple things.

    1. I have provided numbers and different sections. When posting your translations simply post it in format like this. Also provide the language you're translating please as I will have multiple languages that I will be typing into files. The idea of breaking it into different numbers or sections allows different people to work on the same language (Like spanish) at the same time on different parts. Before translating I would post ( I am translating section 2..) and then edit it to include the translations so that others know to leave that part alone.


    ENGLISH ORIGINAL                                                  TRANSLATION


    Visceroid (Adult and Small)                                           Visceroideo                                     

    Forgotten Service Depot                                                 A Coisa de Forgotten



    If you would like to type it in Word or already have some data typed up then please attach it by file and don't worry about formating or posting it into this topic. The formatting on the forums isn't the best for something like this anyways so I would recommend using google docs if you'd like.

    Edit: Any language is now supported. Please post your translations below.



    And now.. The translation list. (This will be updated from time to time. I still need to input weapons.) Again please post what language you'll be translating first and take your time if need be. Thank you @ everyone. 

    IA Language Translation




    ENGLISH ORIGINAL                                                                               TRANSLATION


    Improved Weapon System

    Reinforced Base Defense System

    SERE Training Program

    Improved Small Arms

    Mechanical Reliability

    Genetic Modification

    Improved Ship Belt Armor

    Increase Payload

    Nano-Fiber Suit

    Improved Aircraft Armor

    Improved Tiberium Refinement

    Will of Kane

    Improved Heavy Weaponry

    Improved Small Arms

    Gizmo Repair Gun Standardization

    Alloy Armor

    Lend-Lease Act

    Composite Armor

    Improvised Base Defenses

    Improved Grenade

    Increase Payload

    Carapace Armor

    Interceptor Body Armor



    Visceroid (Adult and Small)

    Forgotten Service Depot

    Forgotten Raider

    Forgotten Siege Tank 200mm Gun

    Zeppelin Airship


    Gun Boat


    RAH-66 Comanche

    ORCA Fighter

    ORCA Assault Craft



    Service Depot

    GDI V-TOL Pad

    Nod Refill Pad

    GDI Supply Base

    Naval Yard

    Tiberium Silo




    Melta Cannon Emplacement

    ADATS Emplacement

    Splitfire Emplacement

    Autocannon Emplacement

    Machine Gun Emplacement

    Dragon's Teeth

    GDI 13.5 Inch Coastal Defense Gun

    Defense Turret

    Land Mattress

    Type 4 203mm mortar

    30.Cal Browning Machine Gun

    BGM-71 Tow

    DHsK Machine Gun

    DShK Sentry

    GDI AA Gun


    Anti Tank Traps


    Stealth Generator

    Tesla Coil

    Nod Gap Generator

    Vanquisher Turret

    Camo. Pillbox

    Turret 88mm Gun

    GDI Autocannon Tower

    Obelisk of Light

    Nod Laser Turret

    GDI AS-2 Watchdog Sentry

    Gun Tower

    Advance Guard Tower



    ISU-152 Self Propelled Howitzer

    Koksan M-1978 170mm Self Propelled Gun

    Six-Wheeled Armoured Recovery Vehicle

    Six-Wheeled BRDM Twin MG

    Nod Black Eagle 125mm Gun

    2S9 Nona 120mm Mortar

    ISU-152 Self Propelled Gun

    Hetzer 75mm Gun

    Stridsvagn 103 105mm Gun

    T-35 Super Heavy Tank

    Infiltrator Splitfire

    T-90 Twin 12.7 mm DShK


    Centurian Tank 105mm Gun

    2 pounder Gun 40mm

    Mobile Sensor Array

    M110 Howitzer 203mm Gun

    Tesla Tank

    SA-8 Gecko

    Supply Truck

    Six-Wheeled BRDM Split Fire

    Heavy Tank 105mm Gun

    Nod Tiberium Harvester

    Black Hand Flame Tank

    Devil's Tongue Flame Tank

    G6 Self Propelled Howitzer

    Nod Mobile Repair

    Recon Bike Twin Tow

    Surface to Surface Missiles MLRS

    Tick Tank 90mm Gun

    Ezekiel's Wheel Stealth Tank

    Stealth Tank

    Light Tank 75mm Laser Gun

    M2 Bradley 120mm Gun

    Fast Attack Vehicle



    Mammoth Mk.I Recovery Vehicle

    M1132 Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle

    PT-91M Pendekar 125mm Gun

    Land Mattress

    Bofors 40x2mm Mk.1

    MIM-72 Chaparral

    M551 Sheridan 152mm

    M1A2 Abrams TUSK 105mm Gun

    M104 Wolverine Heavy Assault Bridge

    Merkava III 120mm Gun

    Centurion Mk.5 AVRE 165mm

    Wiesel 20mm

    Tortoise (A39) 32Pdr

    M8 Howitzer Motor Carriage 75mm Gun

    Mk.I Archer Tank Destroyer 17pdr

    M579 Fitter Repair Vehicle

    Shield Generator

    M1064A3 120mm Mortar

    Mobile Sensor Array

    Mobile Gap Generator

    M107 175mm Self Propelled Gun

    Daimler Armoured Car Mk.2 40mm

    Mirage Tank

    CH-47 Chinook

    Grizzly Tank 105mm Gun

    GCT 155mm Self-Propelled Artillery

    M109 Paladin 155mm Gun

    XM3 Disrupter

    Orca Lift Truck

    M1134 Stryker ATGM

    Light Cruiser

    M163 Vulcan Air Defense System

    Gunboat 2 Inch Gun

    Prism Tank

    ORCA Assault Craft

    M113 Armored Personnel Carrier

    M24 Chaffee 75mm Gun

    Hover Mobile Launcher Rocket System

    M270 Mobile Launcher Rocket System

    AN/TWQ-1 Avenger

    Mammoth Mk.I Tusk Railgun

    HMMWV TOW Missiles



    Gate Switch

    Automated Teller Machine

    Tiberium Machine

    Dragon Breath Turret

    Forgotten Hub

    BGM-71 TOW

    Base Gate

    GDI Shield Bearer

    Tank Commander

    GDI Vanguard

    Red Tide Machine Gunner

    GDI Ranger

    Nod Tank Ace

    Nod Female Commissar

    Lieutenant Adriana

    Nod Pioneer

    Nod Sapper

    Nod Shock Trooper

    Black Hand Chameleon

    GDI Special Forces

    GDI Designated Marksman

    Mendoza Firesuit

    Raveshaw Mutant

    Black Hand Elite

    Nod Sharpshooter

    Nod Tank Crew

    Home Guard

    Red Tide Infantry

    Nod Field Engineer

    Nod AA Specialist

    Designated Marksman Soldier

    Nod Fanatics

    Anti Tank Rifleman

    Military Police

    Petrova Mutant

    GDI Grenadier

    GDI Spy

    Chemical Sprayer (Backpack)


    Delta Force Soldier

    Black Hand

    Combat Engineer


    Assualt Rifle

    Ballistic Sniper




    M1919 Browning Machine Gun

    Tiberium Sniper Rifle

    Beretta 93R Improved

    Mk.19 Desert Eagle

    M1A Socom 16 Scope

    DP-28 Machine Gun

    M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle


    Satchel Charge

    V3 Venom Chemical Sprayer (Backpack)

    FG13 Dragonfire Thrower Backpack

    FG13 Dragonfly Backpack

    Fake Timed C4

    AR7 Condor Chain Gun Broken

    Vervack R59 Pierce Sniper Rifle Broken

    AST (Anti Structure Tandem-warheads)

    Lee Enfield No.4 Mk.II

    Improved Hawkeye Ramjet Rifle

    Improved Vervack R59 Pierce sniper rifle

    Mk.2 Black Widow Volt Auto Rifle

    Anti Tank Rifle Improved

    Improved SDT-B Vulture Shotgun

    Improved SVD (Dragunov)

    Improved Firefly Laser Rifle

    Improved Talon Tiberium Flechette Gun

    Improved Portable Tesla Coil

    Improved Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle

    Improved Tarantula Laser Chaingun

    Improved_Gizmo Repair Gun Mk.III

    FIM-92C Stinger

    Improved Melta Gun

    Mk.2 Merlin Personal Ion Cannon

    Russian Machete

    Khukuri Knife

    Rapier/Espada Ropera

    Military Machete

    Imperial Hand Cannon


    Nuclear Strike Beacon

    Ion Cannon Beacon

    EMP Grenade

    Hawkeye Ramjet Rifle

    Mantis Tiberium Auto Rifle

    Scorpion Railgun

    XM301 Rocket Launcher

    Centipede Mines

    C.M4A1 Carbine Suppressor


    M15 Anti-Tank Mine

    Pancor Jackhammer Mark 3-A2


    Cobretti AR-70 Raptor


    Demolition Timed Bomb

    Sticky Bomb

    Anti Tank Rifle

    Incendiary Grenade

    Explosive Disc

    Chemical Grenade

    Throwing Knife

    Plasma Gun

    Combat Knife

    Tiberium Chaingun

    Melta Gun

    Suicide Bomb

    Mk.7 Desert Eagle

    Designated marksman rifle (DMR)

    Liquid Tiberium Transport Truck

    Stealth Tank



    Rebuild GDI Advanced Power Plant

    Rebuild GDI Com. Center

    Rebuild Airstrip

    Rebuild Weapon Factory

    Rebuild Nod Refinery

    Rebuild Hand of Nod

    Rebuild GDI Barrack

    Rebuild GDI Power Plant







  13. For anyone reading or desiring for now or the future... Here are the String files for almost all W3DHub games as follows. Furthermore included in this Zip is the String editor I use made by Tiberian Tech. 

    @__nEmPoBu4__ This should help out with your efforts in-case you decide to translate it to another language without special characters or are able to figure something out yourself.


    -APB, IA, Reborn and ECW String Files

    - String Editor

    *Please note that IA has about 10 string files.. This has been discussed with Yap and he is working on it. However to edit the strings in IA involves some (alot) of trial and error to see which string edit works on which file.




    Strings for W3D.zip

  14. 3 hours ago, __nEmPoBu4__ said:

    Considering everything said, we will make the localizations of IA and ECW, leaving APB and Reborn alone. We still will be promoting them, but with another technique - guides.
    Thank you for explaining everything and for understanding!

    I might have some good news for you then comrade.

    I have created an EXTREMELY extensive guide to ECW already (Maybe it can be posted or translated into russian?)

    And I am currently in the process of creating a Guide to Interim Apex on our Tacitus (Basically the W3Dhub Wiki for everything W3D based engine. This means tutorials, tools, and guides along with history or W3DHub and games.) http://tacitus.w3dhub.com/

    We have however had some drama happen with the Tacitus so it's currently not up and running unfortunately. When it is I can notify you if you'd like. Hell, maybe you could even help write the guides unto the tacitus with me about the games?

  15. 4 hours ago, __nEmPoBu4__ said:

    Thank you for noticing this, we're looking forward for this cooperation!

    I’ll get you the strings.tdb files and post them here. However Pushwall does bring up a couple good points.

    i don’t think APB can have cyrlic (Russian) characters. APB can only handle a limited amount of custom characters/letters (like 40) and currently out of those 40 about 38 or so are being used for Icons when you kill someone. What this means is it’s impossible unless you want a Russian letter to show up when you kill someone or the game says you got killed by a Russian letter. 

    as for ECW and Interim Apex, they do not use the custom kill icons so you might be able to make it work on these games because you’d have the room (those 40 characters I was talking about that can be replaced because they’re not used in-game). In regards to changing to  the scripts to read the new characters (your Russian letters) and input them. I have no idea how. 

    Now that i’m Thinking about it (and I think Pushwall said this if i’m Not mistaken..) it might be impossible all around with these custom Russian characters. The reason being is in English the game will say

    ”player has left the game”

    if you made the game in Russian it would say 

    “игрок вышел из игры” (google translate so maybe it’s correct but you get the idea)


    Anyways, you would have to replace the letters p l a y e r h s l f t  and etc. then tell the server itself that a Russian letter replaces said English letter. This might be a bit confusing so long story short...

    if you’re translating English to another language without the use of special characters then it’s easy and smooth. If you input custom characters (like Russian) you have to have the server apply that for EVERYONE who plays otherwise the custom characters will not work/be activated. The server can only use one set of scripts at a time. This goes for every game on Renegade..IA, ECW, Reborn.

    The only solution to not make people who don’t understand Russian be able to play would be to create a new server where Russian custom letters are applied. This of course is counter productive.


    At the bottom of Google translate, it also says “igrok vyshel iz igry”. Does this also mean “Player has left the game” in Russian? If it does then you can simply replace the text with that and it’ll work smoothly since they are “normal” English characters. 

  16. 13 hours ago, __nEmPoBu4__ said:

    Hello there, I'm from Russian Renegade community. We mostly promote Command and Conquer news in our segment, but when it comes to convenience and trouble free gaming experience, we take it with all the seriousness. We would like to cooperate with W3D Hub and contribute to the common goal - making the Renegade great again. If speaking more precise, we want to make Russian translations of W3D Hub Launcher and all games it provides, so our players would not face the problem of long game learning process ever again.
    Surely, it would be much better, if there would be more languages support, so that's why this thread now exists - if you want to contribute to the Renegade community by making the games more accessible for non-English speakers, don't be shy to begin from here!
    Waiting for the answer from W3D Hub and its community members, who are wishing to help!

    Good Evening, I do not represent the official response of W3DHub. (I'll leave that to @Pushwall or @FRAYDO) however I think I could help you with your project should you need or want it. I do not know Russian but I can get you the Strings.tdb for APB, Reborn, and ECW. (Strings are/is basically the text for everything in the game. Tanks, Weapons, anything)

    For IA there are about 13 string files which makes it more complicated... for example I change the strings in one string file and it works for maybe one thing in-game. This means that all 13 string files have to be changed so that they all match up into the game for some reason. @Kaskins Yap if you could make it so the strings are from 1 string file that would make this alot more do-able...

    As for the W3DHub launcher you'd have to ask one of the admins about it. I can't remember who was in charge of it, but this shouldn't be as difficult to modify or extensive as the games i'd imagine. I would recommend modifying the Launcher, APB then IA in that order as those are the most popular things people use so far.


    This might be a weird question but do you (or your team) know how to use the Strings.tdb editor? Do you know what to do? If not I can write up a tutorial to help you guys in modifying the game to different languages. I will show you where to download the tools you'd need and how to use the program (It's beyond easy).


    Finally, when and if you're done with your translations we (W3DHub) would be happy to keep it in our downloads section so that everyone here and on your site can download it. Who knows, maybe we can make the launcher select languages as well. 


    Also, Renegade is still great! Big welcome to the community and hope to work together soon. - Threve


    4 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

    Wow, I did not know Command and Conquer  games were popular in Russia 🇷🇺 

    Considering how it's just about free to play I can see it.

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