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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 6 hours ago, delta said:

    Huh, so I was playing Weather the Storm on hard difficulty, and dealing with all that horrible artillery the hard way. I slowly made my way across the map, captured that one stealth generator up on the northern hill, and I was about to try to attack the main Nod base when all the sudden...the ion storm ended. I don't remember, is this supposed to happen? Does the ion storm resume again? Or could I have just sat in my base, waited out the storm, and then used Orca Bombers to pound those Nod fools into dust?

    I don’t know but the answer is always spam more units.

  2. Sorry i'm late to the party but to everyone here if you haven't already head on down to The CnC Com Center to not only download TS for free but also check out alot of rare Westwood Photos from back in the day. Seriously worth a look, it's like a museum for Westwood!



    No matter how cool you think you are.. You'll never be playing Tiberian Sun Beta in Westwood Studios Las Vegas on a TS Apocalyptic Chair/Computer in the 90's cool.

  3. Good Evening all. Just tonight my computer dropped again and it's about 5 seconds away from being Thanos'd out of existence. I made a thread almost a year ago asking which computer should be bought for work and received alot of great help/links while what i wanted. This is going to be a little different however as this will be my personal Gaming Laptop. Main games I play are Company of Hero's, Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun and of course Interim Apex. To help out here are some things.

    Computer I have now is HP Pavilion - 15z Beats Special Ed. Touch Laptop with; 8GB DDR3L System RAM.

    This peice of shit has a micro penis like 1.7 GHz, 800 GB Worth of Storage, AMD A8-5545M (idk what the hell that means but ok) along with a 15.6 inch screen. I have more trust in a live hand grenade than the quality of this HP Trash. It cost $599 when new.

    The computer i'm thinking about getting is a 2015 Toshiba Satellite S55-B5280 High Performance Laptop Intel Core i7-5500U(up to 3.0GHz), 15.6-inch HD Display, 12GB DDR3L, 1TB HDD for about $500 (Used). I used to own this thing and it absolutely kicked ass for everything i needed. The build quality was also very nice. Only problem is after a year the headphone jack broke so i couldn't put in my headphones. I sold it shortly afterwards.


    - As much Storage as possible. (750 GB and above is where i'm liking)

    - Able to run programs without lagging or just being stupid.

    - Budget of sub $800 (Cheaper the better)

    - No HP Computers please. High Quality keyboard/build is really preferred. I've just had bad luck with HP since.

    - A normal or good sound card. I got a $200 computer once and it had such a horrible sound card I had to go out, return it and buy a Beats computer because I DJ'd music and also could barely hear anything properly.

    - 8GB RAM or better (More preferred but bias given to price at the end of the day.)

    - Large Screen (15.6 or better) , labtop



    Thank you very much to any and all who respond. I'm thinking of going with the Toshiba Satellite S55 but idk if anyone has heard horror stories from it, if there were any better options etc. I think i also heard that toshiba stopped making laptops? Ty all regardless.

  4. Just now, Goliath35 said:

    I swear I played a game before that had building restore on a map with a construction yard.... that great under map, the one that takes place in an abandoned allied naval base 

    Winter_AssaultE053.Mix? Has a bunch of ships and tiberium in the middle?  

    Apparently through coding it shouldn’t be possible.

  5. On 8/18/2019 at 11:06 AM, Threve said:

    *Gives page long explanation of the match, all the factors that lead to our victory along with food for thought that this situation could happen on other maps so that users can base their own opinions on how they feel in this topic.


    1 hour ago, TemporaryName said:

    Its funny how you are manipulated by Threve.


    As i've said earlier. Building Restores are not a problem overall due to the fact they are random based and placed on maps Randomly as well. Furthermore a winning team should have map control to prevent anyone from the opposing team from getting it. Even better is that if a losing team gets the building restore and the winning team blows that building up it gives massive points to the winning team furthering their victory. If an enemy team comes back from it then it's the winning teams fault for not finishing them off. It (Building Restores) helps diffuse situations not just like the one mentioned above (Kill Whoring) but also if the winning team kills ref early on. I can see the double edge sword to them, but to me (and i believe alot of people) they help more than they hurt.


    Now as i've said as well..

    On 8/19/2019 at 7:43 PM, Threve said:

    Maybe a poll would be a good idea to gauge people who did and also did not comment in the IA community.

    This would be the most fair way of judging what the community and player base would like/think about Building Restores wouldn't it? @TemporaryName

  6. On 8/18/2019 at 12:57 PM, gammelon said:

    All mods hosted here don't have any single player campaigns and maybe it's because of technical difficulties or it's just not worth creating a new and different single player campaign.

    Just wayyyyyyyyyy to much shit along with little benefit. To make a campaign you have to

    1. Write out the storyboard and see if it will follow the original game by copy or be a completely new story.

    2. Make, texture and develop scripts for new models/things that will be unique to help tell the story. 

    3. Make the map itself and also play test it through alot to ensure there isn't a game breaking pause or crash.

    4. To continue the story you'd have to then make multiple maps or have one large massive map (not recommended due to lag depending on how advanced you get and texture loading elements).

    5. Get the Hype started and keep up morale to see it through even through it's for a specific audience (Not alot of people play this game as before.. Furthermore alot of people just play online instead).

    6. Record new sounds, voice audio and acting depending on how deep you want your story to go and feel. Possibly make cutscenes depending on how detailed you want. Can be skipped to save time but really completes the single player campaign feel.

    7. Rally people to help test, build with you and keep it up which is very difficult.

    8. A big thing is making the campaign actually playable. The problem with Renegade is the AI just typically runs straight at you.. alot of reviews on Renegade single player said that it was dry, you could tell WestWood had never made an FPS before and the AI was just lackluster compared to other games. This unfortunately is still true as it's just how the game is hardcoded. You can't exactly make this game like F.E.A.R. AI where they could duck. shoot, move to cover and fire behind walls along with communicate with each other. While yes it would be a single player campaign at the end of the day it would just be a reskinned version of the renegade campaign because the AI doesn't and cannot offer anything new. The only thing new you'd be getting is running around to different locations shooting dumb AI in a Soviet Tesla Tank or defending a location from Soviet Rifle Soldiers. While cool in practice and thought despite this handicap it still would be what... You just play the mission and you're done. That's it. 

    With such a small team compared to the original Westwood studios W3DHub is focusing on the multiplayer because that is where this game really shines. 


    The closest i've ever seen to a user made campaign would have to be Jerad and his "Colony Z142" something something map. It basically was a port of Halo into Renegade where you had to mount an assault unto a mining facility and do a bunch of shit like fight an end boss and kill aliens. Bear Hunt is also a great example of a single player campaign mission or something that has come close. Join IA and ask for these maps and i'll put them on for you to try if you'd like!

  7. 1 hour ago, Jerad2142 said:

    Maybe someday after I finish porting Renhalo to 4.x, although by then it might be time to move to a whole new engine, hard to say how many players would be left lol.

    If ever you do, count me the fuck in! 

    Thank you once again for this map, I promise you it’s got a massive cult following on IA! 

  8. 27 minutes ago, Jerad2142 said:

    Roughly 5 years ago Bear Island was first released (roughly because I didn’t use an SVN back then so all I have to go on is the first commit to the scripts .git), since then many have claimed it was their favorite map; so, for its 5-year anniversary I’ve decided to do a massive number of bug fixes and major improvements!

    MA_Bear_Island.zip 207.48 MB · 0 downloads

    GOD BLESS YOU YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU

  9. 4 minutes ago, TemporaryName said:

    ty @dblaney1for your response, could you remove unfair building restore powerups on all maps

    I think he’ll review the facts/opinions of ALL players here on this forum before coming to his conclusion as to what should be done. Maybe a poll would be a good idea to gauge people who did and also did not comment in the IA community.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Goliath35 said:

    Building restore annoys me because it means the enemy has a chance of a comeback, which means the fight will be going on longer. 

    Which is good because it means I can spend more time making love in my Mammoth Tank 36 Inch. 

    While I see the argument there as well, it can also be said that sometimes *cough* mt.pass.. there will be a ref rush in the first 5 minutes and a Restore is needed to bring it back quickly. Or a really good game that doesn’t have to come to a close because one building died. I do see how it can be a double edge sword sometimes. I think the balance comes from both teams can pick them up

  11. 2 hours ago, TemporaryName said:


    Again ignoring every argument. I’d like you to tell me why building restore should be taken away after this match because of these points here (why you lost).

    - Your team killed every building of Nods besides HON. So your team decided to kill whore with you yourself buying 2 Zippos..

    - Your team after destroying the whole Nod base (besides HON) had the man power, money (GDI had silos) and vehicles to destroy Nod base but did not. I mean your team killed Nod PP, REF and Airfield so you obviously had the capacity to.

    - The 1st building restore was the power plant.. then the ref (particularly irrelevant because Nod had no Harv and also did not have silos.) this continued until 10 minutes left in the match. In other words you guys (GDI) had 11 players and all the things to take down Nod but refused to work together. Having the PP and Ref back is what I would hardly call game winning or ground breaking. In fact if Nod had lost those buildings again during the 1 hour we were defending then your guys point lead would have annihilated us beyond hope. Furthermore a building restore would have went to that building again. It’s basically free points to a dominating winning team.

    - Again, Xfrozen donated me for replacement Helicopters for my anti tank Comanche, Voe and Cj threw EMP grenades at the 1-2 vehicles that would actually attempt to hit Nod base. The rest of GDI was doing god knows what. Hell people on GDI were rushing orca fighters against a team that didn’t have an Airfield. A literal meat grinder for Nod to gain points.

    - GDI having all their base then should have had field/map control. I mean you guys had the tiberian machines, the money, the infantry and the vehicles while Nod had... Basic infantry with a few special infantry on a mainly defence front. The map (hidden valley) is small enough that you had zero excuse for not having map control besides your team not following through. 

    - Voe grabbed a spy crate and beacon’d your war factory.. You’re not gonna say anything about this? 

    - You claim that it’s unfair that Nod won because of building restores when the irony is your team had a whole entire base and the Tiberium machines the whole game. The reason I say this is that after Nod got the Airfield back.. 4 Ezikels managed to hit GDI base and destroy the PP, REF, and the Barracks. If we could do all of that... why couldn’t your team do that to us? It’s not because of building restores, it’s because your team had zero coordination, map control and morale.

    - You claim a stealth black hand grabbed the Building Restore and it’s unfair that that happens (presumably because SBH is invisible). But... you guys allowed a Spy to go upstairs in your War Factory so who really was at a loss here for not deploying Mobile Sensor Arrays or paying attention?

    - While yes the Con Yard does focus a team to pay for a building, the Building Restore is available to both teams for free. I refuse to believe it’s nod fault for grabbing it first (*Cough* 3 Times) on a map you guys were dominating, a map you can see the whole field and shoot at it from almost any place and a map where you grabbed the Tiberium machines.Seriously Hidden Valley is one of the smallest non-unique maps on the server.. if not the smallest. (by unique I mean Urban Warfare an infantry only small map or Close Combat, a specifically designed small map)

    - Nod also got a Orca Lift truck mid game which allowed my anti tank commache to refill, and repair in front of Nod Base. It should be noted a Comanche can fire 8 Missiles which can single handily take down an almost full health Mammoth Tank Railgun. In short, you guys kept feeding me tanks 1 at a time that then got Emp’d and I killed them.

    This match was the result of better morale on Nod’s side, an Anti Tank Comanche piloted by me and EMP Grenade’d GDI Vehicles being sent in one at a time, Voe Beaconing GDI War Factory, GDI thinking they could kill whore Nod and donations from Nod going to crucial things such as helicopters or a last minute vehicle rush.

    The best part about this is Nod would have won by points at the end anyways if we didn’t rush with vehicles because of GDI meat grinding 1-2 vehicles at a time instead of a focused rush like we did.

  12. 17 minutes ago, TemporaryName said:

    you constantly ignore the fact that first we destroyed your 3 buildings. we did it, not random power-up found in base/field by sbh, do you understand it?
    you got 3 FREE buildings for nothing. its unfair. thats all. so simple.

    You constantly ignore the fact that if you destroyed all 3 buildings you should not have kill whored and instead finished off the last one. HON. Simple. 

    You and your teams lack of field control lead us to pick up 3 building restores in the span of an hour. To make it even better 1 person would constantly come in with a Railgun Titan or mammy trying to win and it turned into a meat grinder because GDI had zero team work.


    tell me, please tell me how Nod within 30 seconds of getting air field back can organize a 4 man ezikel rush and destroy your guys base. I’ll answer it for you, teamwork against a team that has quit.

  13. 13 minutes ago, TemporaryName said:

    what xD what a retarded logic🤣
    first we killed your 3 buildings so we deserved for victory. its as simple as that.

    “Deserved” LoL. Get over yourself. 

    Points will dictate what is deserved/earned at the end of the game.

    The Nod team was rallied and focused. Which is why (coincidence..?) when the Nod Airstrip was repaired we (Me, CJ, Vor and Xfrozen) bought 4 Ezikels and steamrolled your guys base in a matter of 3 minutes. Amazing what teamwork can do.

  14. On 8/17/2019 at 10:05 AM, TemporaryName said:

    @dblaney1ignores me so I have to create this topic.
    "Building Restore" must be removed immediately because its extremely unfair.

    L O L

    @Cjx0r @Voe @KTFF

    First a little background for all the readers here. Every building was destroyed on Nod besides Hand of Nod and with 1 hour left, GDI continued to whore out Nod for all they were worth with Roz here personally fielding a Zippo Flame Tank (twice) along with multiple snipers coming from GDI. While it is true Nod picked up enough building restores to restore Nod base, it was in the order of Power Plant then Refinery which I would hardly call ground breaking for a game. In addition the Airfield Restore was picked up the last 10 minutes of the game. What all this means is that GDI failed to defeat a team with only a HON and Captured Helipad, for 20 minutes and then failed to repel back a team with HON,PP,REF for the whole match until 10 minutes. Also what is not mentioned is that in the last 15 minutes Voe got a spy crate and beacon nuked your war factory to which it also helped rally Nod in morale and points. 

    In regards to building restores on this map and others... this match was the result of your team (GDI) kill whoring and complete loss of morale/coordination. I then joined and helped to rally Nod to not give up. IN ADDITION, your team had zero field control which allowed us to grab the building restores.. If you had been busy gathering a competent rush, holding field and not kill whoring with a Zippo then maybe the game would have turned out differently.

    Building restores are in place for a event like this and I am glad because GDI deserved it for what they were doing. *If anything else, the points of another team should dictate an easy victory so long as they don’t resort to kill whoring and instead focus as a team.*

  15. On 8/8/2019 at 7:00 PM, cncfan59 said:

    Simple Spam artillary. artillery is the answer to everything playing red alert? Nod artillery. doing exams? Nod artillery. playing tiberian sun reborn? Nod artillery. getting bullied? Nod artillery. the answer to life the universe and everything ain't 42 its not artillery

    This is the most truthful post about any game there ever was. The fucking artillery in Tiberian Sun locks unto your unit no matter what. You could be halfway across the map and if your unit was shot at there is a 100% chance the shell will hit it. I've edited the rules.ini so that both teams can only buy one artillery at a time because as much as I love losing every single tank to a unit i can't hit hidden behind base defences, I really don't.

    On 8/8/2019 at 8:18 PM, FRAYDO said:

    it's all fun and games until you get to Firestorm, then the Artillery is no longer the devastating weapon it once was

    Idk what version of Firestorm everyone has but the artillery in it still locks on and is just as devastating as before.

  16. Devils Tounge. From a game perspective the unit was average at best.

    From a real life perspective everything about this fucking tank is Satan reincarnated. Dual Flame Throwers, surprise ability, and a giant grinder in front of it makes it one of the most menacing and psychologically terrifying units ever created. To see this in real life would put a stake through the heart of any morale. If I could I would gladly field a couple of this in a military and see what someone says when people are being lit on fire inside their own base before a conflict. Absolute UNIT to think about in real life.


  17. 5 hours ago, LucasSK said:

    Thanks :) I hope you will like it.

    Fun fact: I was thinking about adding this Valves remix into the mod. Author already agreed, so maybe...

    I say go for it. Though I prefer to have the original music as it will make the mission feel alot more of a mission rather than a mod, that is just me. Seeing how many people liked the video it seems to get good vibes all around and also will help breathe some new life into the game (something hard to do).

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