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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 1 hour ago, ganein14 said:

    Then outside of proxies, how would you counter such a thing? Especially if said spy could be lucky enough to pick up a repair gun?

    Let's not forget the ability for them to still use !sup and !wep commands along with whatever else they want while defending a beacon.

  2. While on the topic.

    The 9K22 Tunguska can kill the grizzly with 1 missle to spare assuming you're able to shoot at it for 7 seconds and land every single hit. This problem is only furthered by the long reload time of the Tunguska. I vote that the armor class be changed as well because it can bypass every single defence in Nod existence besides the Obelisk. 

    The Sheridan 105mm (That $700 tank where you can also buy the grizzly) has zero armor. It can be killed with 20 shots from a Mantis Tiberium Rifle. I understand as Yap said it was made by aluminum but it is beyond bad.

  3. 1 hour ago, LiMaDo said:

    Why the spy crate can be detected by MSA. I think it´s stupid, there are not many chances to get it.

    With/Without the spy crate you typically blow up our base anyways so I think you'll be fine.

    As for why it can be detected by MSA idk. I think it's a good feature because 70% of the time, Normal SBH sneak inside the base anyways and take out a building by beacon which no one bothers to diffuse. Goodluck if your team even bothers to proxy mine unless it's a high player game. Also let's not even talk about the fact how half the times teams don't even buy MSA's in the first place.

    I believe it's a good choice as well because there has to be some type of counter to a spy. You're talking about an armed and armored (I believe) SBH that can just invisibly walk past everything, maybe get a kill or two. Under anyone else or the typical player an MSA probably would be overkill and I agree with you.. but with really good hardcore players (such as yourself) a spy is an almost guaranteed way of taking out a building and some kind of counter is needed. (This MSA counter as I said before is bought 50% of the time anyways).

  4. 53 minutes ago, Goliath35 said:

    Cheers for your reply bro. 

    Np. One other question, when you click on your /C: Drive does it show that there is a disk in there? I understand that auto run won't go but does it at least register it in anyway? Also the classic solution, have you tried to restart your computer?

  5. 29 minutes ago, Goliath35 said:

    I've managed to find my old copy of The First Decade so I can play C&C Renegade again, however I can't install it due to the fact that the CD-DVD drive will not read any discs whatsoever. 
    I can't ascertain as to whether the disc is knackered, or it is indeed the component itself as I don't have a spare drive lying around. 

    I will give cookies to any assistance on this :) 

    It’s your disk that’s probably fucked. You’re talking about a CD that’s been in existence for 13 1/2 Years. (2006). Does your computer read other disks? 

    The good news is you can get another disk for like $10 or so online. Also the games it includes are all easily available. Half of them are freeware. Renegade is here on W3Dhub essentially. And while i’m Not supporting or saying it’s right... you can find free copies online of RA2 / C&C generals.

    The only problems you’ll run into (as have I) is compatibility issues. On Windows 7 I was able to play all these games no problem but it was when I went to Windows 8.1 that shit started to lag and get really messed up. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Veyrdite said:

    This is an experiment of uploading a short video clip to the forum.  I'd like to see if it works out well, or causes issues for hosting.  Staff: please comment

    Honestly there are so many factors going into this it isn’t worth worrying or stressing over.

    1. More than likely is internet connection where it registered a direct hit on your computer but it wasn’t for the server.

    2. The armor on GDI Grenadier could be biased against those Shotgun projectiles for whatever reason as this game has over 1000 things going on with it at all times in terms of armor classes, weapon damage and such.

    3. The Shotgun is ultimately an irrelevant weapon as with every other gun but the Lancer, Volt Auto, Railgun/PIC, Grenades, Mantis Tiberium Auto Rifle and Rep Gun. 

    4. The only thing that matters for 90% of Maps/Games is vehicles purchases anyways unless it’s a Power-suit Rush or Spy. 

    As for the Objects.ddb they can be extracted with RenegadeEx in the data folder I believe of IA (though I think these are for all things from finally renegade and not IA). If they’re not there then go to the TTFS Folder and they will be in there. I saw them earlier while editing the strings.tdb. If you still can’t find them just let me know and i’ll Post it.


    Good evening all. I believe the site or at least W3Dhub mobile got updated. However i’m Currently getting a weird message on almost every topic and was wondering if anyone else was getting the same error as well. I tried logging in/out and exiting out on my Mobile App but it’s still there. Thank you for any help.



    Maybe it’s something on my end?

    it says it on some topic titles and some without. Just happened today.




  8. 53 minutes ago, Threve said:

    *Explains in 5 detailed points why Mutants aren’t being used in games currently by players because you’re saying everyone is just a noob.

    7 minutes ago, aaaaaaaa said:

    Those thigs are adjustable and fixable. You can add hub on any map in any place. This is wasy easier than modifying game executable which will get big group of players into trouble of compatibility.


  9. 1 hour ago, aaaaaaaa said:



    I don't see mutants as popular unit now. They are not OP as before. I'd like to say they needs a little "buff".

    They are easy available and cheap units.

    And still nobody uses them... Do you know why?



    You just answered your own question though. They’re not as OP as before to the point you said they need a “buff”...?

    So, of course no one is going to use them. Why would I ever choose (for an offensive infantry) a Mutant Murader (Shit Plasma Gun, low armor, slow speed, $1,100?) over a PIC Sydney (Better more long range weapon, $1,000, upgradable, Berreta 93R, Auto Healing, instant firing projectile, faster unit, more armor with upgrades and possibly without.)


    if you’re talking about using the Mutant Hub when HON or BAR is destroyed... some people do and some don’t. The situation usually calls you to

    1. Save your credits for Vehicles because they will win you the game or give you the most chance.

    2. Your credits are usually low at this point because again you’re being effectively attacked/seiged 

    3. If you lost a building GDI likely has the Mutant Hub along with map control and a free engi isn’t going to last long out there trying to recapture the Hub.

    4. There really arn’t any Mutant infantry i’d want to sacrifice my money for. Most weapons are Tiberium weapons which actually heal Nod Petrova/Raveshaw/Viceroids. Furthermore to really get your moneys worth you’d have to camp in a tiberium field because the armor class and health are all not up to par. It’s the only way to heal your investment.

    5. Maybe i’d spend money on the Mutant Demolisher (1 Satchel Charge, 2 Timed, 2 C4) but even still I can just get a free engie if I want to suicide rush and the enemy team will be compitent enough to lay Proxie C4’s so it’s irrelevant to again... waste my money on them. If my HON is taken out then the game became that much harder for me and I need as much money for vehicles as I can due to loosing them more easily. (I can’t buy a Tank Ace or Techie)


    You keep trying to constantly flail this campaign on every each thread that when people don’t do what you want they arn’t using teamwork or are Noobs when the irony is in the fact that you’re the noob yourself. 

  10. 59 minutes ago, Veyrdite said:

    If these characters are normally "useless", then they might at least be "fun useless" with a few tiny advantages for people to discover in painful situations.

    To be fair

    Riflemen have (Two Types of) grenades and the almighty fist.

    Normal Engis can build turrets, bangaloors and barbed wire along with a sticky bomb

    Shotgun troopers also have an AT-4

    Sharpshooter snipers.. exist. I never use them as I shoot someone and  it doesn't do anything, ever.

  11. Good Evening @all. I'm currently updating the Wiki/Confluence for Interim Apex and have since been putting quite some useful information. However i'm asking anyone and everyone who loves to take photos for some help if you're down. Basically i'm creating a map guide and in doing so will need some sexy photos of every map. If you're good at taking photos and want to contribute then please by all means post below what you got! Good photos may be included in the Tacitus (Our wiki) if you've got the skills.

    All i request if interested is that the photos do not include the HUD and take in as much of the map as it can/a special part that makes the map distinct. Furthermore these photos should focus solely on the map itself and not any units in combat. Happy shooting!

  12. It just needs to be said. The guy used 4chan alot, was online and that could be anyone on here as well. Again, anyone and everyone on here reading if there is something troubling you to reach out for help. The world is full of financial, spiritual and relationship problems but as a community we are here to hear you out and help wherever we can. Money can always be replaced, relationships are hard work and people have been in others shoes when it comes to almost anything. But at the end of the day, everything has a shining light and problems get solved. Whether it is suicide or hurting others, doing something irreversible for what is a temporary problem is just not worth it.

    As a community, as a whole, we can solve anything together.

  13. 17 hours ago, Kickmofo said:

    Simply leave it as it is. Learn how to defend

    It's like you refuse to read any and all conversation about how this problem was brought up and why others (Including @Cjx0r, @ganein14, myself and hell even F00ker) are stating that it is in fact an issue . The only logical reason you're defending it so hard is because YOU are one of the people who do this.


    To recap:



    1. You cannot proxie mine every defense and it wouldn't be worth it if you could. The grizzly tank would just take the damage anyways. At least with main structures you have to go into the mines as a char.

    2. Every other player is battling or fighting in field, or buying vehicles/busy in base. No one can (or more appropriately will) watch every single defense to try and prevent constant suicide spam.

    3. This dynamite suicide spam means that even if you kill someone 8 times for points. They will be awarded a shit ton of points for 1 successful defense kill. God forbid they are able to throw their dynamites on 2 objects.

    4. As said earlier, because this is a thrown object. There are some points where you cannot disarm unlike a beacon (Because you cannot throw a beacon).

    5. Dynamites are unannounced which is a good thing, it would get annoying.. but it goes to show that it's harder to notice should a suicide/dynamite combo go through.

    6. During large games it comes to the point where 2 if not 3 people are doing this shit and it's impossible to stop because the player base cannot or will not stay in base waiting to fight back against this annoyance or they're (the player base) is busy fighting against others in the field. Long story short no one is going to drive back to base because a grizzly was spotted near a defense. By the time they get there it is usually to late anyways.

    7. During small games it comes to a point where you have to forcefully camp your base to prevent the grizzly/dynamite combo from racking up points and getting any defense kill.

    8. There is no motivation to keep a good K/D or any reward for not doing this. That means if you have 2 kills with 34 Deaths in-game, you can have the most points and win the game for your team simply by using the same suicide tactic over and over.

    9. The destruction of every single defense solely from this tactic (which usually happens) means that the game is almost always lost to an Orca/Amphibious Tank Rush, a constant suicide rush into a building using dynamite, you name it.

    10. The only way to halfheartedly prevent this is to get a 9K22 Tunguska ($2,800 btw) and kill the Grizzly Tank with your missiles. The reason I say the Tunguska is because the range allows you to not have to camp your base all day, turret and engine speed is fast enough, the missiles can kill the tank in one go and you also have the 30mm cannons to kill the Tank Commander with the dynamite. God forbid you miss and have to reload.

    11. You can of course buy another (Nod or GDI) tank to try and take care of this issue but typically the Grizzly will outrun your tank or destroy it. Further infuriating gameplay because if you die or even kill the grizzly suicide combo they will just do it again 10/10 times.

    12. The best part about all of this is that if you get a tank and try to attack the enemy base conventionally, your tank will die to an AGT backed up by a Con Yard, an AGT period, or one of the other many defenses. Of course you can get an artillery and try to attack the enemy base with it.. but you'll die to a Grizzly tank that just blew up one of your defenses or is on its way. Further more, a dynamite suicide grizzly tank can just run up on a defense, plant a dynamite, fall back with a rep gun and !ammo to do it all over again while you're busy attacking the enemy base. What all this means is that you're FORCED to camp the whole entire game hoping that you never miss this fucking suicide tank rushing into your base or killing you.

    13. All it takes is one dynamite on just about any building and it will one hit K/O it. There is no alarm or warning then bam you loose your WF or HON. So while proxie mines can prevent someone from running into your building. It ultimately is ALOT more difficult to defend it once they get inside because NO ONE is staring at the MCT and when they throw 1 dynamite instead of 2 timed C4's and a remote C4 (Which triggers an alarm notification to everyone) it makes it that much more difficult to defend. The base crew and ceiling gun stand a chance against a hotwire or Engi but just one throw from a GDI tank commander and the building is completely destroyed 1 hit K/O.



    But the most important aspect of this whole topic is the fact that no one, absolutely no one wants to spend a whole entire 1 hour and 30 minutes constantly fighting back against these suicidal rushes because for some reason this tactic is spammed relentlessly by those who use it over and over and over.


    I challenge you to tag anyone family, friends, whoever that is willing to join this server and continuously guard the base every single game against the same person doing the same tactic for almost every single map, FOR THE FULL TIME and actually find any enjoyment in it at all.

  14. 3 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

    @Threve and @Kaskins

    I believe option #2 of giving it a delay would be the best option. (Granted trying to wait 6 seconds to place 2 dynamite on a 36inch mammoth is very unlikely the tactic is still in the realm of possibility). 

    I don’t want to alter gameplay too much by limiting the explosive potential of the tank commander.

    I would just be happy that flying an orca at a defense/Sam site and being able to Dynamite it before dying won’t be an option. (I’ve seen someone exit their vehicle and throw a dynamite before or at the same time the obelisk hit them. I am still confused how that is possible.)

    Agreed. Like I said, I think we could try it out (A delay feature for throwing dynamite) and see how it goes. In real life you have to light a stick of dynamite anyways with a lighter for all those out there who care about realism. 

  15. 15 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    Just try harder goy, gotcha.

    +1 “Try harder” or “Just defend/camp” is not an answer. Also laying down mines for your building doesn’t matter to someone who (has now killed your defenses) is just going to suicide right into your building then throw a one hit kill dynamite. 



    I like the dynamite and think it’s awesome. However with changes in to how it is deployed you have to be careful with a couple things.

    1. The beacon dynamite means you cannot throw it on a vehicle such as a Mammoth 36Inch

    2. The timed throw dynamite would help midigate the problem some.. however I don’t think it would fully solve it. Worth testing out at least.

    3. Limiting 1 dynamite would make it so couldn’t kill a Mammoth 36 in one go. (Which for me is what I think they should be used for primarily as well).

    I know this doesn’t help solve the problem per say but I think it should be said. Using dynamite against the mammoth 36’s is important in this game I believe and should be preserved. Of course as you see it makes it more difficult to balance the dynamite then.

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