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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 26 minutes ago, OWA said:

    So I've been thinking about this for a while now and whilst we can probably do ranks, deciding what those ranks should be would be tricky; since you can't have different ranks for different forums because that's not how IPB works. It must be global.

    I've been thinking of a drop down box in the profile settings that will allow you to choose a unit as your favourite and show it off to everyone. That way we can have units from all of the games without leaning a bias towards any game in particular. 

    We do have a lot of other stuff on our plate right now though. :p 


    Fair enough. In terms of ranks, I was thinking the same how it is now honestly with maybe some added to the mix. You post enough times and you are a Engi or a Medium tank. 

    The favorite unit idea sounds great as well and I am a fan of it, at the same time having a unit of your rank on the forums does kind of give it more meaning and APB being the main game on here if the units were that then it would make more sense. If it comes down to it and is to much work then I would suggest just going with RA units.

    I was thinking the ranking system would work easily like

    Technician>Rifle Soldier>Grenider>Rocket Soldier>Flamer>Ranger>Light Tank>Medium Tank>Heavy Tank>Shockie>Tesla Tank>Mammy and so on.


    If you guys need any help with implementation just let me know what I can do to help! I'd love to see the idea come to life and dont mind putting in some work to help.

  2. 3 hours ago, ganein14 said:

    I think this would be an interesting addition to the forum. Though I think we shouldn't have to pay for some icons.

    Agreed. I just thought if we were suffering for donations then it would be an interesting idea instead of charging for the game or something imbalanced/retarded. But if we are good financially then I don't see why we should pay for some icons as well. I don't know the limitations of the forum but I also think you should have the choice of having it remain how it is or going with an icon if you desire it. This would make it so it wasn't forced and everyone would agree on it.

    Apologies for tagging the big dogs but I do not know who is concerned with the layout of this website or the deciding factor on it. Opinions and discussion are also very welcome.

  3. On 8/10/2018 at 9:17 PM, Raap said:

    More like Shallow Gameplay.

    It was the most one dimensional level of older APB iterations. If you thought Siege was repetitive now, then clearly your memory of SG is tainted by rose tinted glasses.

    SG was a circle, literally just a circle, two simple lanes that were always in perfect view of each other, making attacks visible while they were forming up in bases.

    No different than RA_RiverRaid.Mix which people still seem to enjoy. RiverRaid you do get some cover and such but honestly it’s the same concept. I’d like to think if memory serves me correctly SG was just a tech 5 version of River Raid honestly. 

    On a related note and serious question, why did RA_Volcano ever get removed? That map was incredible with stealthy/lucky demos, Tanya rushes and incredible helicopter battles. It was pretty fairly balanced to if I remember. I had no preference for team. 

  4. Good Evening all. A long time ago I came across a website concerned with C&C and there were actual pictures of the Rank that you were given (I wish I remembered the name). Now I know you guys certainly don't have enough on your plate with ECW, APB, and Reborn.... But it got me to thinking and I honestly loved the way it looked. I fixed some pictures with possible image rankings for you all to see and get a feel for.


    Ideas for implementation.

    - The pictures are just to show a general picture or what it would look like. The size of the icons and units can be adjusted according to how you guys see fit.

    - You can go two different paths for ranking. Allied or Soviet Units. You are also able to change your picture (More appropriately icon) to past ranks. So if you really like the Engi you can change it even though your rank is a Medium Tank.

    - If you don't want the rank image on your profile you can switch it to have the current theme or layout.

    - When you rank to max level with the max level of posts you unlock the option of Tanya, Volkov, Phase Tank or Demo etc.

    - Admins are able to access a special rank of missile silo if they desire.

    - Only Staff or Mods can have access to Flame Towers/Tesla Coil Defenses

    - If concerned with Shitposting/Spam you could possibly have the rank image tied into your Rep. which encourages better posting and discourages posting just to raise your rank. 

    - Uploading texture, sound or map files could grant some extra rank somehow. Possibly encouraging more files or download base and customization for the games.

    - Could have it possibly tied to a system where if you donate to the site/server you unlock special icons such as Demo, M.I.G., Forklift, M.A.D. Tank, Spy or a Pink Mobile Radar Jammer or maybe the icons have animations. This encourages donations, gives way to new ideas, and still keeps people who don’t donate relevant with normal units (medium tank, Rifle Inf, light tank, engi) so they don’t get screwed. I would gladly donate $10 to get a M.A.D. Tank for my icon just because.

    - I don’t know the system of this forum and how flexible it is or if this can even be done but its a start.

    - Possibly later if the idea is favorable then you could have Tiberian Sun Icons for the Tiberian Forums and RA 2 Icons for Apoc Rising etc.

    I understand its a little nitpicky but I think it looks great. I would love to help any way I could if the idea goes through as there are more important matters atm but let me know what you think. 

    Finish 1.jpg

    Finish 2.jpg

    Finish 3.jpg

    Finish Threve.jpg


  5. On 8/8/2018 at 4:13 PM, thedisclaimitory said:

    on the cruisers topic if migs and or yaks would counter cruisers would the cruisers have some sort of anti air defense capability's like sams but they would be put on each side just one on each side or aa guns because I don't see how cruiser's can defend against a mig or a yak if migs would be a good counter against a cruiser with its main guns unless it is bigger than the destroyer because it would have more room to fit more weapon's but other than that I think cruisers need a sort of anti air defense against migs or yaks, and the only thing to counter migs and yaks is to use destroyers but for that to happen you  to have a fleet and if you have people who don't have enough money to buy a destroyer or none have one then your cruiser is basicly screwed but with this new lock on feature it takes away and brings the need to have anti air to cruisers

    While true, we must also bear in mind that the cruiser is a unit that can annhilate bases single handedly if left unchecked from EXTREME distances. I think the RA wiki states it’s about 9 Screens or so worth of distance. Further more, while armored it has or is supposed to have zero protection from subs. A trade off could be that it auto repairs maybe but seeing as how much of a annhilator it’s supposed to be, it’s bound to have some weaknesses. I’m interested to see how it will work seeing as it’s supposed to be an artillery with basically the range of a sniper rifle if not further... 

  6. 26 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

    So I just made this mockup of what a new HW might look like vs the current one.


    In order to make infantry more relevant, why not have an ice berg that floats near the enemy base or more likely leads to it so you're able to mount infantry attacks from a stable platform. This would grant infantry a viable option attacking the rest of the base. As of now there is no point using them due to defenses abound the base. Of course this would detract a bit from the whole entire naval warfare aspect but I am not seeing any way of solving this map unless the size is drastically reduced, there are more ways of attacking the base or more land is added with the possibility of vehicles (Which it seems most of these are out of the question).

  7. 2 hours ago, Pushwall said:

    I wanted to do this, so that you can make the choice to have an easier time infiltrating at the expense of not being able to carry on the fight if you lose your phase. But radar doesn't work that way anymore :( Even if I enable the option for passengers' radar markers to be visible, those markers are only visible while the vehicle is unstealthed, unlike back in Beta. So they got a price reduction instead.

    Hmmm. Time will tell which is best. Are we allowed to know when phases appear on radar? 50m, 100m? This knowledge would help me know how far to avoid tanks and such. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

    Hostile Waters: Removed from rotation entirely because it can't be saved. As mentioned in the changelog I may look into an alternate take on the map.

    Siege: Will add a missile silo when I can find the time. As the map currently stands, once we figure out what's "wrong" with Chrono Tanks and where they need to be buffed, they may make the map a bit more interesting once they're useful enough to warrant the price.

    My bad, Just read new update. Thank you. 

  9. Pushwall:

    Incredible update! I love it. Some things though.

    Complex is a great map to have sneak demos, M.A.D. Tanks and Mammoths. Is it possible just to remove the crono tanks from that map specifically or are you going to just see how it plays out for a bit before any decision is made?

    With the Phase tank now being visible on Radar.. will buying a thief allow you to be radar invisible again? 

  10. On 7/24/2018 at 1:32 PM, Raap said:

    Thing is, from a gameplay point of view it logically makes zero sense to be using an anti-personnel vehicle to deal with the heaviest tank in the game.

    But when you have an infantry unit who found enough space on his back for two rocket/RPG launchers, yet somehow didn't think of bringing a basic pistol to deal with very common scenarios, the game starts to get a little silly.

    Just git gud. I don't understand why people keep insisting the RPG Trooper to have a pistol still. He is not meant for anti infantry and if you really try you can kill infantry with the LAW itself. The splash damage after this update actually makes it worth while and with the tracking activated you can get a lucky 1 hit kill headshot.

    By this logic

    - Rangers should have TOW missiles to help deal with Mammoth Tanks.  

    - Tanya (a special commando) should have clearing mines with her C4.

    - The Longbow and Medium Tank should have a 12.7mm Coaxial Machine Gun.

    - Sniper should get a pistol to.

    Honestly, I don't get why this is still an argument. If you get into a fight with a captain, Sarge, Volkov or even a Rifle Soldier then it is your fault if you lose. One has a rocket and the other has an Assault Rifle. End of discussion. If you are that worried about dying (Happens in this game sometimes) then get a Ranger with a Rocket Launcher or a Soviet RS with a Mine Layer/Kaptain Backup. 


    Yes it is.

    Thank you

  11. On 7/22/2018 at 9:18 AM, Pushwall said:


    • If you are equipped with a tracking weapon and aim at a vehicle, you will get a lockon marker showing you what part of the vehicle the rocket will try to home in on.

    One quick thing Pushwall. Is this animation or lock on marker attached to the HUD or Hud.ini? I am using the old school Beta style HUD instead of the current one and I am not able to see any animation or difference when locking on to a tank. I saw a video earlier where I believe you demonstrated it and a red box appeared while you shot a LAW javelin style, however nothing new happens for me currently.

  12. On 7/28/2018 at 7:18 PM, Raap said:

    Delivered art and logic to Pushwall. It is now up to him to decide when this is added to the game.

    Note that I created this building in a way that it is easy to implement in any map, so even if HW cannot be saved with it, it will still be a useful asset for level designers to spice up naval gameplay.

    Will it be possible to dock your ship, jump out, capture it and then get back in your ship? Like with an attack sub or a gunboat?

  13. 1 hour ago, Pushwall said:

    What if a rocket soldier or shocky comes up onto the icebergs around the repair station then. Do you continue to sit there and rapidly burn money and rapidly feed points/money to the enemy since you can't exactly fight back and it'll take a while for anyone else to deal with that guy, or cede your position?

    I’ve never in history of this map been afraid of any player attacking me from the ice bergs while i’m I’m a ship. Almost no one goes up there unless you’re a regular and if anyone goes up there then it’s because you’re an engi and have a pistol. There is no point for any infantry to be up there as there is no way to attack but the occasional hind and gun boat at which point they will just go around you on a longer route (adding to a longer boring gameplay). In theory, yes someone can get a rs or shockie and prevent that from happening but playing on the map it’s highly doubtful unless it’s a solid dedicated good player. In which case it makes the whole point of the SD irrelevant because i’m not going to travel with a unit to go take back this one spot and spend everything I have. Also repairing my ship isn’t an issue because winning battle after battle with sub or ship means I get $ and $ from the silo. I already have a massive cash reserve on coastal influence.mix and that map is attack with your ship, win and return to get repairs. Granted that does have an ore truck I still have massive $ left over. Also a 500 Credit replacement for losing my ship is nbd.


    Also please keep nukes in NBNW. It is the only reason I go out and attack the other teams defenses without camping in my base. It also forces the team to be very alert, makes games not over till the very end, creates a lot of fun tense moments and gives a reason to attack the defenses.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

    You know, at one point Raap teased the possibility of a "naval repair station" being one of the capturable things in the centre of the map. Sadly that never came to fruition - but now that I'm reminded of it I like the idea a lot more than the SD/refill pad which contradict the desire to devalue aircraft and besides the high speed of aircraft means they have no trouble just returning to base to rearm/repair anyway. As long as it's far away enough from the "beaching" spots on the icebergs that anyone in boats deciding to repair-camp has no hope of doing anything to prevent landings, it might not be too bad.

    Trouble is again this is a lot of asset work that I'm sure nobody wants to do because there is no guarantee that this will make the map playable.

    I personally would just camp the repair spot and wait for other ships. Like I said with ship on ship combat being calculated I would be invincible untill I get gangbanged. If someone else captured the ship SD. I would just have to go a very long different route because I would guarantee loose any battle against them.


    Also I’m down with the idea of a missile silo on Siege. Would encourage attacks more at least.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Raap said:

    Could easily replace the Construction Yards (noting the controller ID's before doing so), and updating the scripts referring to a Construction Yard controller ID.

    It would speed up the game in the sense that automated repairs are gone.

    However... I do not know if a Missile Silo is going to add a lot to the game, it'd be like "Tanya for EVERYBODY!!!", and it will just increase the problematic suicide helicopter drops. In fact, there are a lot of spots on the naval buildings where a flare would be incredibly difficult to disarm.

    Can you get rid of Tanya with no problems? Also though I don’t think the CY will fully solve the problem entirely I do think that it would help. 

    Also, is it possible to add a abandoned vehicles leading to an enemy base for more gameplay possibilities and no defenses? The defenses I really do not understand because there is zero hope for mounting an assault on an enemy base through infantry, unless you have Tanya which also just brings to the light how much of a problem she is on this map

    HW style of gameplay is to calculated with the ships and to long to recover or heal your ship/attack. There is no motivation for me to go out and attack

  16. Just now, Pushwall said:

    Ah yes, the thing that made RockTrap and FoI boring. Let's not.

    Raap has made it incredibly difficult to add/remove buildings from the map with his incredibly convoluted gameover scripts.

     I see no other way then. The combat on both these maps (HW especially) does not fit normal combat like other maps. And all attacks take to long with high risk and little reward along with teamwork required which is hard enough to do. There is little places to hide and defenses also need to be taken out which is difficult because both maps encourage camping. 

  17. I’d just get rid of them or implement other ways of winning the game. The main problem with both these map as I said before is the ease of seeing attacks, and then getting attacked with no hope of survival. And when you attack it’s always the enemy base that is being camped. Also these attacks that you set out to do take a very long time with little action in between due to bases being camped. 

    Feel free to mix and match ideas as you see fit. If you must keep the maps these are some recommendations.

    For HW take away the defenses to encourage more fast paced game play, take away Tanya and add a nuke silo. Then maybe a iceberg that has some vehicles leading to the enemy base?

    For seige, maybe add a capture the flag mode instead where there is an objective in the middle you have to hold for 10 minutes and the team that holds it the most wins. 


    As you can see these are both a bit radical but encourage gameplay without making the map smaller which is something that you don’t want to be done. If neither of these work your fancy then I’d just delete it.

    As for 1v1 ship combat pushwall. I don’t think it’s a bad think. It just is what it is. If you increased the distance of combat then I at least would charge and start following submarines ensuring my kill. If they dived and tried to escape I would simply kill them with depth charges.

  18. I’d like to first off say that your work is amazing and do not get discouraged. Ty for making maps for this game and putting the time in. That being said it’s no secret now that people don’t enjoy playing siege and hostile waters. It is what it is.


    Seige: I have not played this map very very often for obvious reasons but when I did I found a couple flaws with it that may have been overlooked. The first being that I have actually never ever seen anyone use the cannons. I’m serious, I don’t know where these games are that people are knocking each others bases silly withthe cannonsbut I have never been in one where it happened. It could be contributed to the fact that new players (which there are a lot of now and days for better/worse) don’t realize or care about using them. 

    The map is huge to an unapologetic level. But what happens is if you don’t get your ass whooped on your way to the enemy base during your attack, you attack the defenses then get rammed by the defenders and die. But when you die you have to spend a good while getting your next attack cornated to do the same thing. So.. instead of attacking people will sit defending the base from the situation I just mentioned. And then it becomes a point battle and stale mate. 

    The map requires a 20 player count. Plain and simple. Then one of the regulars kills a building through some crazy ass way and it gets interesting. Usually however the team that lists the building gets killed with no chance of winning. The WHOLE team defends because if you lose your helipad or barracks or War Factory it’s just one more disadvantage on a map that discourages very heavily to mount any attacks.

    its very hard to convince a player base (unless they are a regular and know the stigma and purpose of this map) that is use to playing a game where you must attack, create different plans and play a bunch of maps like that... to this map which is more specialized and foreign comparatively. 

    I’m just going to leave this here. There are 3 AA guns next to the allied War Factory next to each other. 

    Mounting a rush in the middle is pointless and will always be noticed by a helicopter, then attacked. Once the rush gets to the base they will have to deal with all players alerted kicking their ass and defenses. Which discourages rushes or attacks. There is no way one unit can go in front of the base and attack. It is also very very hard to sneak units in with a lack of entrances and places to hide.

    Tanya helicopter is pointless with mines in place and defenses everywhere that are hard to kill single handily. You can’t sneak into the base quickly with a helicopter due to defenses and if you do then you have to attack a flame tower, then get the mines out, then deal with everyone defending the base.

    Hostile Waters.MIX

    I love the ambience of this map a lot actually. It is very beautiful and pretty. But

    There are only 2 ways of attacking slowing down game play.

    No one is going to capture the middle for upgrades unless it’s a seasoned player and i’m Not fighting Prylye/Totd with a 1v1 pistol match. 

    The map is very big and driving your unit to the enemy base to die then doing the same thing gets frustrating because it’s not just dying but time spent. A lot of time.


    The thing with ship battles is that the winner can be calculated very easily due to how slow ships are, the range of the attacks and dynamics of them. Just use this knowledge and you will always walk away in a 1v1 ship battle I guarantee you. Allow me to explain. If a sub and a boat meet then whoever gets off the first shot will usually win even if they keep firing at each other. If you get off two shots on your opponent and you both keep hitting each other then the opponent is dead. There is no cover like on land. What’s the sub going to do? Dive and get killed by depth charges? The damage is almost the same and when your opponent dies on a 1v1 there is no chance for a infantry killing you. Same kinda goes with helicopters but not as prolific. This means if you have a map like coastal influence it’s great because the sea is short, the ships can repair quickly and hit units on shore so they arn’t useless. But getting a boat, going all the way to the enemy base in Hostile waters then dying in a unavoidable calculated manner is very frustrating. Even if you kill a enemy sub you are still very damamged and will die to a RPG easily or anouther sub with zero chance. And I mean absolute 0 chance of doing anything meaningful. Attacking is pointless because the gunboat damage isn’t good enough , the CY is repairing the enemy base and your gunboat will be finished off easily if the enemy hasn’t bought a sub already.

    The bases have land defenses. Like wtf kinda chinook rush you going to do on a CY or Barracks with that.. it’s hard enough to coordinate with teamwork let alone sneak into the base that is very populated and small.

    Due to SAM defenses (correct me if I am wrong but I believe this map has them) there is zero point of getting a helicopter except to defend or kill/harm ships out in sea. Which goes back to the sea battle equation earlier. If you 1v1 a sub and you have lower health you will loose. There is no escaping from a competent player that is shooting you. So you have to go Alllllll the way back to base and repair your ship. 


    This map like siege stems very different from the gameplay of the game. In the Sence that if you’re getting a boat that is what you’re getting. No infantry battle or anything. Your other choice is if you’re getting a helicopter then that’s what you’re doing and you can’t do a lot with Aa’s. If you’re getting an infantry then you’re going to get an infantry and spend a while to rush the base. Directly directly into a heavily defended area. Better win or you wasted a lot of time. The teams couldn’t care less if you hit the CY or radar dome. 

    A typical game like on KOTG has a lot of different factors going on. Infantry hiding in mountains attacking the base, spys  disabling power plants while the main rush or tanks on the field may get blown up but then have an infantry battle making game play more exciting and in depth. 

  19. 14 hours ago, Coolrock said:

     That probably goes for just about every unit in the game though. It’s a never ending battle with balance. That goes for about every game though :sweatdrop:

    The shock Trooper is fine. In the unspoken reality of things he’s a cheap purist anti vehicle unit that people buy because they are getting destroyed by tanks and have little cash but need to defend the base with. In this “Cheap Pure Tank Defence” roles they will constant refill health after defending the base from the tanks. Spending all this hard earned cash on a infantry unit allows them to refill and be harder to hit instead of in a tank that needs repairs and is easy to target while getting rushed. They will have support from left over defenses and infantry units leaving base to go attack or distract as well, giving them enough time to refill. Watch a long match on under.mix with the soviets loosing for a VERY good example on the usage of shockies. 

    Shockies other role is when the player has a lot of money and is about to roll out in a tank for a massive battle. Having a 5/5 tank battle and having your tank get killed does not put you out of the fight. You can really hurt if not kill the remaining medium tanks or light tanks with a single shock trooper.

    Anouther role of shockies but less commonly used now and days due to reasons was a chinook rush to a building. Shock troopers instant high damage would crush any building quickly.

    Should the concern of anti infantry come to you then get a Kaptain and don’t loose your tank or get a Volkov. 

    I don’t know if you were around for Beta but shock troopers would fucking WRECK your day no matter who tf you were. Imagine the damage to vehicles and the splash of a flame thrower in one uncrushable unit.  

    Shock troopers are real good at infantry if you hit them in the head or hit them. It’s lights out as they say. The only problem is you have to be really precise and hit your enemy with the shock trooper to damage him which most people can’t. So people will run up to infantry point blank to hit them and wonder why they get chopped up by an automatic rifle.

    They are not unbalanced if you run up against a captain. Look at the stats on Captains, they are massive killing machines and in the right players hands will annhilate anything. In the hands of a normal player they are extremely user friendly. They are cheap, have a lot of ammo to spend, quick reload, very high health, and can fire their LMG with ease. If they are loosing they can just move closer which will increase the chance of them hitting you and their high health will help prevent the Captain from dying first. Honestly you just get every single advantage handed to you when you’re a captain and it’s pretty hard to die against anything else unless you get headshotted, just really need to practice on your aim or got into a real bad situation/gangbanged


     Go up against some top player though in any unit and they will hack I mean kill you with a pistol. It’s just the nature of the game. 

  20. [SOUNDPACK] Threve Sound Pack for A Path Beyond

    Good Evening all. Having played for a while I have accrued some sounds from the years that I game with and would love to share it with everyone. Some of the sounds I didn't like and replaced it as such and others I thought could use a little bit of a change or some spice. I hope you all enjoy, add some new flavor to your game and play on!



    installation Instructions are as follows

    Navigate to your data folder by going

    Computer>Program Files (x86)>W3D Hub>Games>APB-Release>Data

    Once you reach the data folder drag and drop the Audio Files into the folder. Should you want to uninstall, simply delete all the audio files I have provided and the game will revert itself back to normal.


  21. Clear Message Hud

    A simple yet effective fix to those who prefer a clear message board. Installation instructions are as follows.

    Navigate to your data folder by going

    Computer>Program Files (x86)>W3D Hub>Games>APB-Release>Data

    Once you reach the data folder drag and drop the File into the folder. 
    Should you want to uninstall, simply delete the file I have 
    provided and the game will revert itself back to normal.


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