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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 21 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the 54 second long video called 'Title 1'. The claim being made here is that I'm scoping in and still remaining stealthed. My counter to that is that I'm walking. Looking back on the video, you can actually see my character go from an aiming animation to a walking animation. The only way to return to the aiming animation is by shooting, hitting 'C' to crouch or by scoping. You wouldn't return to the walking animation if you were still presently scoping with the ramjet rifle or any weapon with a scope. You can see that at 7 seconds, I crouch not scope in. If the claim is that I was walking and then scoping and then un-scoped, you wouldn't immediately return to the walking animation then. The aiming animation would still linger for quite a long time.

    I never made the claim that I wanted to be silent, but to reduce my audibility and sound. Regardless of the volume in this case, walking footsteps will still be harder to detect than running.


    I do not find enough support in your claim for a couple reasons.

    - When you use RGH you hold down Shift. As noted earlier you did not destealth which means you were not looking down your scope but instead holding shift. You then snap 7 times in the video "title 1". Consistent with how RGH is used while holding down shift (Walking Animation). I have seen people aim before with Rifles and they do not appear to snap multiples times as you did when sniping or lag so much that it looks like what you did.

    - You claim that you wanted to be silent. You also wanted to move around and not be in one location which is fair. But after playing for 17 years as stated above you know as well as I do that crouching makes you more quiet. Why didn't you crouch instead of holding down shift? I decided to make sure I was not lying and tested it out for myself. I went to the rooftop where you were and the walk sounds were the same (footstep concrete). 

    Just to prove that crouching is more quiet, I took the audio and input it into Audacity upon which I found that walking was measuring 31 on audacity playback level (Measured by the blue lines on the top right that show the loudest that noise level achieved that was played back) and 45.5 for crouching. (A higher number indicates a more silent sound) 

    With music (other people have theirs on), the titan railgun blasts, you having already revealed you were there by firing at darius101 earlier, EVA announcements, server sounds I find it a bit hard to believe that you were walking to hide your sound. However if you were that specific about hiding your sound then someone who played for 17 years should know that crouching reduces your sound alot more. It also does not affect aiming up there as i've tested out. If you see an enemy you can stand up (not making any sound) and fire or aim. 

    - I don't buy that you were able to calculate darius101 through measuring how fast he would run while stealthed, where he would go, knowing he would not run zig zagged, knowing he wouldn't go to a building to properly engage a vehicle, hitting him on the first shot for -140 armor. 

    Not incrimidating but for such an incredible shot you didn't even mention it or were surprised by it. Literally made the shot of the year and nothing from your end.

    On 11/5/2019 at 4:23 PM, Guard55 said:

    That is true, I walked so that the enemy could not hear my footsteps. There were people directly below me at one point and I was concerned that they could hear my footsteps if I just ran around on the roof. In the event that they pushed past the Proximity mines and tried to engage me, I was prepared to fight them, hoping they didn't know my direct position.

    - You've shot 3 times before on the roof revealing your position (Using your Firefly Rifle Earlier, Hitting Darius101 in his video and also killing him in Title 1). You have proximity mines protecting you, you are a SBH. yet you're worried about someone finding your position on the rooftop based on your footsteps while they (would be) downstairs running up to go fight you?


    On 11/5/2019 at 4:23 PM, Guard55 said:

    I wasn't scoped though. I was only walking. If this were true, then why wasn't I snapping to people while holding shift?

    - You were in the first 11 seconds of "title 1". You do not have to be scoped in to use RGH. Just holding down shift to whatever you want to target.


    21 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    If the claim is that I'm using a soft aimbot, going back to my previous point who am I locking onto? If the claim is players, how is that determined? The video doesn't show that. 

    - Using RGH (aimbot) allows you to look at players through the map and shows their names on your screen. It was determined by you targeting with the same consistency of RGH in "title 1" along with all the other points I talked about here. It was speculated at first when you shot Darius 101 directly while he was a SBH 13 seconds after he picked something up. 


    This is not Conjecture. This is you telling me that your shot was based on a calculation of where someone went within 13 seconds of being invisible and directly hitting them along with me spectating you immediately afterwards doing things that were in direct connection to using RGH.

    On 11/5/2019 at 3:12 AM, Guard55 said:

     I wish I had video footage to prove to you what I'm saying is true.

    In order to prevent actual conjecture. I would like to unban you and have you twitch stream your games or video them according to what I said above.


    21 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    To accept the offer would be an admission of guilt. If I continued playing on the server with the equivalent of parole, people will look and treat me differently. They would believe I'm a filthy hacker, a criminal. I am not guilty, I am very much innocent in this. I'm not convinced that there's enough evidence to warrant a perma-ban.

    I believe you are guilty still. You believe you're innocent. It would be irrelevant what someone else on the server thinks as you would have your game recorded proving them wrong. If you were to be harassed please notify me and I will take care of it immediately. If you are concerned of this being visible in the future I can talk about having this whole topic hidden or deleted.




  2. 21 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    I am quite limited as to how many videos I can record. Just a 10 minute clip will eat up 3 gigabytes. To record every single match for 5 months would put a serious strain on the already limited hard drive space I have. I understand that I can delete a video after 5 days but if I play multiple matches in a row, I don't know what to do.

    I'm not declining the offer, but I'm just wondering if it were possible to iron out the details. I'm more than willing to come to some sort of an agreement.

    Good Morning @Guard55. I see your concern and what you're saying. I have however noticed that your quality from the video above extends all the way up to 1440p which is incredibly high quality for recording. That being said to help you with your problem

    - I recommend recording 360p. This will significantly reduce the size of your files to something a lot more manageable and (the quality) is fully acceptable by me. Unless you're playing for 48 hours straight I believe this will solve your problem.

    - I'm willing to say you have to keep matches you played for 3 days instead of 5. This will mean every 3 days you can delete earlier footage if you'd like.

    All the other terms otherwise, I do not wish to change (unless overridden by a staff moderator or above).

    *Update* - Would you be open to using Twitch to Stream? This would ensure you didn't have to save videos or bother uploading them to youtube. You can also record in better quality.

    21 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    I appreciate the kind gesture and words. If it's not overstepping in any way, do you think it would be possible if a higher up can review the plan?

    I've notified Pushwall and Chopbam on discord (Two long time staff moderators on here) to weigh in on the options I've given you and give their take. If there is another staff moderator you wish to inform please feel free to tag them.

  3. @Guard55 The images below on my end are on the server. (Fog is only activated on the server due to scripting). I'm going to honest. I don't believe what you're telling me and the claims you're saying do not add up for me. Between measuring 13 seconds and "predicting" the exact location of Darius101 to the holding shift down to use RGH but claiming it's to be silent (You make the same amount/volume of noise walking just not as quickly. You were also walking back and forth.. if you really wanted to be silent then stay still.) I don't buy it.


    You have been very courteous, responsive and kind in your responses and i really do appreciate that alot. As such I think me and you can meet in the middle. What i'm offering here is instead of being permanently banned 

    17 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    I wish I had video footage to prove to you what I'm saying is true.

    - You record every moment you play for 5 months on the IA server. If I request footage from a time that you played in this time frame you'll give it to me no questions asked.

    - You must keep the footage from your gameplay for 5 days. (This means if it's November 13th and I ask for a clip from November 10th. You should have it. If it's Nov 13th and I ask for a clip from November 1st, it's my fault and you don't need to have it/you can delete it if you want so your computer doesn't get massively full.)

    - No weird tomfuckery if i ask for a video or a specific moment from a match. This means no "editing" or "cutting" of clips to mask up a time period. No editing to skip a match you were in or anything of the sort. 

    - After 5 Months are up (April 5th, 2020). You have a clean slate and are no longer required to fulfill any of this anymore. However if I ask for a video of you playing on April 1st, 2020 and you don't have it. You realize this fails to complete your end of the deal.

    - If I ask for a video you have 5 days to produce the video/match requested. The time begins from when I ask you and you acknowledge. The requests from me will be sent from W3DHub.com if I send anything. I will also notify you in-game if I see you.

    - Failure to fulfill any of these requirements/ you cannot produce the asked video (unless special circumstances arise like Server Crash, Corrupted Video) will result in the return of a Ban with full understanding.


    The idea here is that it'll be impossible to use RGH as you do not know if there will be a moment i'm asking to see you play. It will furthermore give you an ability to play on our server without me constantly spectating you or assuming something. It also offers a fair chance for a 5 month probationary period where after which you have a clean slate. Assuming you accept and play, I may ask for a video twice, everyday or maybe not even ask at all for a whole entire 3 months. If "Corrupted Video" excuses seem to happen frequently then that's going to be an issue. I can see you have a video recording program and get pretty good FPS as it is so I don't imagine this will be to harsh on your side. I think that this is the fairest agreement for both of us and I do believe in second chances.

    If you accept my terms and believe it to be fair please type "I agree" somewhere in your response (separately) and i'll be happy to have you unbanned. Do be aware that means from here on out you'll need to record your gameplay or I have the right to ban you.

    fog guard55.PNG


  4. 11 hours ago, Guard55 said:

    my side of the story using the video footage provided.

    Good Evening Guard55. Thank you for your response. Looking over it, I am still left empty with some of the things provided however.


    To let everyone know here as there has been some misconception unto how Renegade Hacks (RGH) works. RGH is a program you start before renegade that allows you to see everyone's name (ESP Hacking) , see radar at all times enemy/friendly (including Spectating Moderators which show up as a gray dot on that persons EVA Radar) , and most namely hold down shift to target someone and hit them with whatever weapon you have. Upon targeting a person you will "snap" to that person almost robotically. It is also possible in some versions to remove fog.


    - You mentioned walking so that the enemy could not hear your footsteps. However that is suspect considering there is a Titan Railgun continuously firing, music, EVA and your general position was revealed earlier anyways after firing a Laser Rifle on the rooftop. Furthermore someone can see you stealthed more so than they can hear your foot steps when they get close enough.

    - The whole walking topic comes up because holding shift down is what's used to target people in RGH (this can be reprogrammed but by default it's shift) Holding shift is also what's used to walk. You walk when you're using your scope in Renegade. When you use your scope as a SBH you revel yourself..  During my video of "Title 1" you were holding shift down, not de-stealthed. This lends credit to using RGH. (In which you hold down shift to auto aim at people.

    - @Guard55 You wanted to hit Darius101 with splash damage in that Area and were tracking apparently using what he picked up. Fair enough. The problems however are that between the moment he picked up an M4 to when you shot him was 13 seconds. There is no way in any reality you could have calculated a Stealh Unit to have moved to that specific spot in 13 seconds especially assuming that he is moving there at the same speed. In addition watching from the rooftop and seeing through the fog is hard to believe at that distance without using your scope. While I want to give the benefit of a doubt and say i'm wrong, the holding shift down as stated above does not lend any credit to a random lucky shot.

    - It makes no sense why you didn't just hit Darius101 when he picked up the M4 instead. His position was right there, the splash damage would have burned him and got you damage along with him being visible.. In the 2nd video "Title 1" you have no problem engaging him 1 v 1.

    - If the MSA detected Darius101 but glitched than the Titan would have shot Darius101 first as he would have an arrow above him. This is irrelevant though because the MSA was next to GDI Base. Furthermore, no mention above in your statement points to any claim of Darius101 being reveled through an MSA. You state that you were tracking him through picking up stuff and hit him by calculating. Saying this you're also admitting that your kill was not based on Darius101 being on Radar at the time you killed him or being on MSA.

    - You wanted to hit Darius101 with splash damage yet ended up getting a direct shot on his body/arm for -140 Armor.

    - As seen in 18:24, there was no GDI MSA present in the Nod Staircase where you pointed out.

    - No one hacking kills SBH on a consistent far away basis (if at all) unless they make a mistake which is what i believe happened here and why you didn't kill SBH prior.

  5. 58 minutes ago, Guard55 said:

    Hey guys! I need some help.

    I just got banned by Threve for RGH/ESP when I was playing on the Interim Apex server. I was on the server when the map was 'Scorpion_Hunters'.

    I'm very confused, as I had played on the server previously after October the 30th. I do not hack or condone hacking.I have never hacked in C&C Renegade and never will.

    I don't know why I got banned.


    Please help.


    Good Evening @Guard55 You were banned by me today for using RGH on October 30th specifically on the map Urban Warfare @ 4:31 pm

    You joined GDI and acquired a Stealth Black Hand and camped the roof tops with a ramjet rifle racking up some kills which is ok. The problem however lies in the fact that on top of the building as you'll see in the videos below is you managed to hit darius101 using a Ramjet. However he was not uncloaked in any way judging by the proof provided to us. 

     The EVA radar leading up to him being shot by you do not show him as a Red Dot which would signify that he was being detected by an MSA (Mobile Sensor Array). The closest MSA (only one as seen in the video) was in GDI Base. Me and KTFF put the MSA there to recreate the situation in another server but our SBH did not show up on the radar. Another theory was that a MSA was hiding in a ditch but again we would have shown up on radar and there was no MSA visible in the tunnels in my video. Any unknown MSA placed by GDI still would have shown a red dot on Darius101's HUD (Meaning he was revealed), of which it did not. (If you would like the videos of me testing out the scenario on the other server using the settings that happened during the incident i will be happy to post them and the results.)

    The Titan in front of Darius in his video was competent enough to also shoot Darius101 when you shot him with your Ramjet Rifle as he was revealed. This leads more credibility to the fact that Darius101 was stealthed as why wouldn't the Titan has just shot darius first.

    Something of note as well is the fact that when you aim with a SBH and your ramjet you never were decloaked (When you aim down a scope with a SBH you're revealed). Yet you're walking and holding shift along with what seems targeting a little erratic. While not directly incriminating it is something of note.


    To everyone here, when using RGH or ESP hacking you're able to see everyone's name on your screen and how far away they are. You also hold down shift to aim at the nearest name. Usually the RGH is programed to aim for the head though it is possible to set it to the chest. The videos here are provided proof.

    *From Darius101 Perspective*

    The video evidence is based off of 18:00 - 18:59. 

    My Video here shows the map layout, MSA at GDI base (Tested, it was to far out to detect Darius101) along with you questionably aiming as if using RGH. 

    Using all the evidence here, I determined that you used RGH to see darius101 from far away on top of the building and accidently shot him (Even though he was stealthed) while aiming at others through the map.


    If you can explain to me how you were able to make this shot against someone who was stealthed and undetected by MSA from the top of a building far away, other than random luck i'll gladly test the given scenario, unban you and issue an apology.

    - Threve

  6. Good Evening all. I am posting the link here and proud to help spread the word about the W3DHub Tacitus! While previously introduced some are finding it hard to access the link. For those that don't know, this wealth of knowledge harbors the Wikipedia for

    - Interim Apex (Unit Guides, Map Specific with Side Specific Guides, Overview and History!)

    - A Path Beyond (History/gameplay)

    - Reborn (W.I.P. with a new version about to render some old info useless)

    - ECW (History, Pictures, Threve's extensive ECW Guide for every single unit, player, stat, location and vehicle)

    - Everything and anything about the W3DHub Engine!

    Currently it's still a work in progress with new massive amounts of information and tutorials being added on a daily basis so please excuse the dust. If you'd like to contribute or add then send me what you got and I'll add it in should the information checks out.

  7. On 11/2/2019 at 8:54 PM, rennan said:


    Welcome to Forums Rennan!


    W3DHub IA Tacitus


    Yes. Interim Apex does have a wikipedia. It's part of a larger wiki tittled "The Tacitus"  on here you'll find information about W3DHub, the engine, how to modify games, terminology, walkthroughs/guides and so much more! While it was conceived last year, it's still in development (Putting the words, time and pictures of old websites, current ones, new methods and tech for modding is extensive). I myself am incharge of inputting information about Reborn, APB, ECW, and IA along with some other stuff here and there that needs to be copied from W3DHub.com. 

    The IA Guide (In the works since last Nov.) as it stands has a plethora of information. You'll find

    Map Specific Guides for Specific Sides as well with what to do Early, Mid, and Late Game. The tips provided are things to do on that map that will help you gain the advantage and are not well known. There are currently 10 finished guides with pictures provided.


    - Unit Guide for Infantry and Vehicles alike. This isn't some basic guide ethier but what special things you can do with the unit and situations it's best used in that may not be immediately apparent. For example. Mendoza Firesuit can run through proxie mines with little damage or the AMX-30mm outranges the obelisk when using secondary fire. It's still a massive work in progress due to every unit having to be put in there. 


    In terms of information, I believe I have the know how due to playing the game for so long since it's release here on W3DHub.com and using every single unit in almost every situation.


    On 11/3/2019 at 8:12 AM, LiMaDo said:

    why threve? he is n00b... Ok  i´ll wait for the link.. VIVA BRASIL

    Helpful contributions on the Tactius are always welcome. If you have any information you want in there, please send it to me. This goes for everyone!


    W3DHub IA Tacitus

  8. 12 hours ago, NodGuy said:

    I just had a thought. It would be cool if skirmish was shared between both games. All the maps available and factions too. Allies vs Nod for example. Throw balance out of the window if you wanted to and have a blast. 

    Recommend this to them while you can!!

    Anything to increase replay value, i am sure that they would love to put in!

  9. Everyone is complaining about this and that on Reddit but it's the Pre-Build and literally the first glimpse we have thus far.

    I love it personally. I do like the suggestions people have made about making the HON door open or the rocket soldier launcher moving up and down when the RS moves.

    I hope there are better options implemented on controlling units compared with the original and yes... a queue option for building units 

  10. 5 hours ago, WNxHeadShot said:

    I got banned by Gavin Chater because he's a little whining bitch that enjoys to abuse his power.


    5 hours ago, WNxHeadShot said:

    I join again with his real name and bans me for 24 hours


    5 hours ago, WNxHeadShot said:

     If not then It'll be my pleasure to take this as a more personal matter since a couple of my friends know their way around a PC and I already know everything about this guy.


    5 hours ago, WNxHeadShot said:

     he muted me. I join again with his real name


  11. 12 hours ago, ShadeHeda said:

    so i followed all the steps to playing online, and when i click play or join server, it takes me to origin and then does nothing. i need help. please and thanks

    I' haven't played Renegade since the WOL Servers were on a while back so this information may or may not be correct but I believe you can download
    Renlist 1.0.9 from our site and connect through there. Other people here will probably have more helpful info with the Origin/Renegade set up honestly but it's worth a try using that program if you haven't already!

    If all else fails join us on IA from the W3DHub Launcher. :cheers:  :p


  12. 1 hour ago, Raptor29aa said:

    I think the request was already answered, either a kill zone or a no flare zone. The main issue is the vagueness of rules, and the lack of enforcement... but really if it can be designed around it doesn’t have to be enforced. I prefer design over rules... Example APB beta vs delta and the no roof flares issue. Roof access removes mods and rules and banning.

    Edit Clarity: (when I said lack of enforcement I mean I have witnessed during a 12v12 match moderators saying yea sniping/shooting from up there is ok. Yet they didn’t mention being up there to flare is not ok)

    I agree.

    Yap has put in a script that doesn't allow beaconing there and is working on it in the test server as of recently to ensure it's working properly before implementation. This we hope will still allow the ledge to be used but not in a manner that you can destroy a building so quickly or there is little counter. If the feedback is received that even then people still don't like it we'll go from there.

  13. 3 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    Check chat logs. The players that did it claimed their interpretation justifies the plants, even after I told them about the rulings. Funny how no one in rencorner breaks the rules even when mods aren't present and what you're seeing here is the tip of the iceberg.


    Let's not play fucking dumb here. The issue isn't "there were no mods around to catch this" the issue is "different mods have different rulings and different rulings persist when they aren't there". 

    No mods were in-game and the only way that your claim has any hold is if any mods were watching IRC at the time which it seems isn't the case. In terms of preventing it in the future I will talk with the people in the video to ensure they don't do it again and if they do they will be punished as such as i've mentioned earlier.

    You do not claim any evidence here in this situation to show that any moderator said "These beacons were justified'. If Roz or Jo_Momma_USA or any moderator for that fact said something after this happened then it would make sense but saying it and not backing it up. I don't know what you expect us to believe or say. 

    You also mention Rencorner and how every player on there is following the rules. That’s great (regardless if true or not), but Rencorner does not have from what I hear as many things going on like new maps, abilities, buildable structures, aircraft and structures like IA does.

    I am legitimately curious as to what action you'd like for us to take here or what is your end goal of this thread?

  14. Ok. Well help me out here because.. 

    11 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    Title says it all. It's getting pretty tedious to have conflicting rulings that change gameplay on a PER MAP basis.

    There was no ruling here in the video as there were no moderators in the server at that time. There have been times where someone has complained to me about something and in order to address the complaint i'll personally ask Yap or Kaskins what he believes should be done about that situation for now and the future. I am not afraid or ashamed to admit it as I typically say in the server and will say here. I am sorry but due to the dynamic nature of this game it's difficult to account for every single issue that may appear from time to time which is why i go the extra mile to see what the producer and creator wanted. Wouldn't you?


    11 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    Wall nuking has not been allowed on this map since before the orca update. Now it seems it's ok?

    I didn't see anything where it was deemed ok from IA Admin/Mod team. To further help I asked Yap personally and he said it was not and will add a death zone there next update. I will talk with the people in the video to let them know not to do it. Had I been in-game (or any moderator for that matter) I would have disarmed the beacon and warned them just as I would have anyone else.


    11 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    It's condescending when you guys decide people you don't like get warned/kicked/banned for these rulings but others not only face no repercussions, they get a pass from administration. 

    It's condescending to be blamed for this right off the bat. If you're implying I should kick/ban the people in the video instead of "Giving them a pass" I will not because no one had warned them, no mods were in-game and I will talk with them to ensure it doesn't happen again. If someone videoed you and said you should be banned or kicked I would give you the same treatment of talking with you instead as it's alot more effective and just plain better in my belief. If I see them do it again then it's obviously fair game from then and punishment will occur.


    I mean be in my shoes for a second and assume that a player posts this topic above. All you know from the video is that no moderator was in-game at the time and it's very difficult to see a ledge beacon from IRC (Assuming anyone was on there or reading IRC at the time). Someone is then telling you that the bias given to these players (where no moderators were) in the video is condescending and that they are getting a pass and should be kicked/banned. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Cjx0r said:

    yeah that command is called !rtc


    yeah thats the point, if it can be done 1 way then what's the issue with keeping the feature? Teams can be stacked regardless.

    Why would we keep a feature that encourages a problem we are trying to cut down on? Especially when we want to revise said feature into something better? 

  16. On 9/20/2019 at 1:57 PM, Cjx0r said:

    People stack teams just by leaving and coming back. That's not an argument but more of a guess as to why.


    Also this whole "complaint" thing is getting out of hand. The difference between "complaints" made in game by the players and "complaints received" by admins show a wide disconnect. It's almost like the ((((admins)))) aren't getting any (((complaints))) at all and it's a tool used to modify the server to their preference and fall back on when the user base complains.


    There are no legitimate ezequiel complaints. There are no squad complaints. People don't go on discord to log complaints and it's just a tool used by administration to modify the server structure for personal reasons. It's pretty condescending that we make complaints in game and in irc about the game, we're told to take these complaints to the forums to actually be heard, we do that as the catalog shows, they get disregarded, but then here come all these "discord complaints" that actually make their way into the game. It's almost like the suggestion box at work. You just toss out the suggestions you don't like, manually put in the ones you do like, then lie to everyone and tell them these are all the suggestions made. 

    It goes from being completely transparent to entirely obfuscated all while the admins ignore several in-game and irc complaints to make modifications based on ones they "received" on discord.


    Again, far be it from me to tell you how to run your server into the ground. I mean come on, people play rencorner for SEVERAL HOURS with ONE BUILDING alive and they come in the dozens. This server maxes that once a day then dies the moment a building goes on a certain map. 

    I am confused by your statement as you mention how easy it is to stack teams by leaving and coming back so I don’t see the problem of removing squads if that’s the case and true intentions. 

    Furthermore the complaints of team stacking (which have been observed by me and the admins alike) are prevalent not only behind the scenes as I’ve said but even in the comments here.  

    I understand you think we’re delusional just about by doing this but just because it’s not as prevalent to you does not mean it’s not a problem to IA development along with what you and the public cannot see. I don’t expect or understand what you want us to do to solve your distrust with what goes on behind the game unless it’s to show every screen shot of our conversations and feedback received. In which case, I personally don’t have time to do so.

    In regards to other complaints or issues like ezikel being OP. I believe they are but it’s something that has not been complained about. Furthermore it’s a discussion where it must be weighed what is fun, a little OP and must be skillfully used and what is just downright OP. I think this is a unit that if complained about enough will be tweaked but currently it’s fun how it is and tweaking a lot more things may result in the game not being as fun as it is now. It is a fine and difficult balance which will always result in some criticism and we (IA development) understand that and really do our best.

    To remedy this whole entire situation, maybe a poll of people’s and players opinions on here would help justify the decision next time you make a topic. I believe that would have a lot more reinforcement to our (or possibly your) point.

    As you can see players here passionate about the command/system are giving ideas and feedback unto how to change it/better the command without the problem. As i’ve also said, just because the command isn’t there currently does not mean it’s being revised right now into something better.

  17. 6 hours ago, Jeod said:

    What are (were) squads?

    !Squads was basically you type !invite to someone you think is cool and if they type !accept then they will start the next match on the same team as you. Furthermore you can see them on radar as a green star and you know what they purchase through BRenBot at all times. You can do this with up to 8 (or I think 5) players.

    @Cjx0r I'm unsure of the exact reason that Squads were taken off although we ended up getting alot of complaints about team stacking through PM and Discord. Matches would turn into 3 unstoppable people against 1 and while not such a problem in 40 to 50 player games it became a problem here because we don't have 40 to 50 player games unless it's on weekends. Furthermore when you added someone on squad you can immediately see them and also see if they are invisible.. so if I added someone on Nod then I (Being a GDI player) can see him on the radar regardless if he's stealthed or not which presents an unfair advantage. Currently squads was tried out and due to feedback didn't work, however just because they have been taken off doesn't mean we aren't still working on it in the background to reimplement it in a better way. 


    5 hours ago, Goliath35 said:

    I'd assume squads were those paratrooper support powers that you could call in if you were either a veteran or elite ranking. 


    That's !support now but good guess.

  18. Interim Apex LONGPLAY Video. 4 Hours of Non-Stop Threvealicious Action!

    The good parts for anyone that doesn't have time to watch IA for 4 Hours.

    0:57:09 - Start of Infinite Isle Match

    1:53:04 - Start of Mt.Pass Match. (Had to get some lunch, Game was underway and Nod lost Refinery)

    2:27:09 - I get fucking RECKT by Eblan

    2:34:05 - HEROIC save and redemption from Eblan

    2:40:30 - Fucking Engi wont die

    2:38:54 - Start of Industrial Strength Match

    3:33:01 - Start of ColdWall Match

    3:42:58 - PS @Cjx0r

    3:58:00 - Heroic Last Stand against Nod.


    Enjoy and happy playing! Thank you to all who participated this Saturday throwing it down on Interim Apex, the server can't be what it is without you guys!

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