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Posts posted by Threve

  1. 2 or 3 mines kill a normal character depending on how forgiving the burn damage wants to be. In addition the Flame Thrower/Mendoza Fire suit is retarded resistant to mines.. being able to run through about 8/9 or so before death.

    It seems that the mines were being over limited, as you can see in the pictures they start to disappear. 


    I'm willing to bet a couple senerios could have happened as I wasn't in-game.

    1. Where'sMyMedal suicide rushed into your building the whole game till the mines blew up and then killed the PP. After which someone mined it again despite it being dead.

    2. Where'sMyMedal used his apache to clear some of the mines in the door. It's possible to do this with certain vehicles such as the X1A Bernadini by moving the turret alongside the door. After clearing a certain number of mines he went to the left/right side of the door and avoided the mines. Maybe took a hit from 1 or 2.. As i can see in the last couple of photos, the mines were badly placed on the far side and they will not activate if someone runs on the opposite side of them.

    3. Where'sMyMedal called in !support near the door whilist in a vehicle. I do this sometimes as well because the bots will fall on the door and blow up all the mines for you, they then ran outside and died to AGT.

    4. A combination of all of these things.


    I don't doubt he was able to do it without cheating for a second. He does this every game, mainly only doing this over and over and over and over and over until he blows up a building. Only thing that can be done is to just build turrets facing the doors, place mines directly above the doors, and call in !support inside of the buildings along with shooting any helicopter in sight.


    Although this really isn't your fault as Orca_Height.mix is just all over the place with map praised/consistent suicide infantry like this being one such example.


  2. 3 hours ago, notDMB said:

    ORCA Fighters are anti air, anti tank. You're fast enough to hit and run, and durable enough it's really hard to be shot down while doing so.

    Stop loitering in attacker craft. You die to rifle bullets, so the best way to not do that is to keep moving because you're three times faster than anything else in the game. Also yes, ORCA Fighters are not supposed to be able to kill buildings. They did that in 2017 and every game with air ended when GDI got bored and decided to buy three Fighters to level the entire Nod base. 


    On 4/26/2020 at 1:06 AM, Guard55 said:

    Pillboxes are really easy to kill. Aim for the roof. Tier 1 vehicles and infantry and meme on those pillboxes.

    They may be easy. But they cannot be 2 shotted like a laser turret which is where the problem lies for me. Although I'd like to compare the damage from laser to pillbox.. If the laser does a huge amount of damage to vehicles comparatively, then I can see them being balanced. It does not at the moment seem too unequal though in the damage department (Although Laser Turrets will 1 hit headshot and burn damage infantry..)



  3. 11 hours ago, notDMB said:
    • Pillbox Health reduced about 15% (Currently cannot be 2 shotted with a AMX-130)
    • Laser Turret Health increased by about 25% (Can be 2 shotted with an AMX-130, only relevant/reliable normal Nod Base defence)
    • Hind Gunship reverted gun and fire rocket profile to pre patch, except give it about 5m less maximum range, and retain its current health and shield values. 
    • Comanche Escort gun replaced with a Laser Cannon for a nose gun that deals 25 laser_nobuilding and 10 fire splash damage in a radius of 1.0. Rate of fire about 75% of what it. (Comanche Gun can't even kill a husk shell atm)
    • Banshee alternate fire to the primary fire, no alt fire mode, ammo count of 3/6. Increase damage per plasma ball by about 10%. 
    • Melta Infantry reload time increased by 0.4 seconds
    • Sappers/Pioneers receive Repair Gun Mk II
    • Make AGT gun a timed powerup weapon like the Obelisk Gun
      Because it's fucking stupid to have an infinite ammo AGT gun that people use from half the map as some unkillable unit like a SBH or Power Armor Suit then refill/camp the whole entire game with it.This makes maps like Ulake unplayable as any rush is 1/4th to half health by the time they attack, people one shot infantry from across the map, aircraft are rendered useless because the range is 5,000 feet with heat seeking missiles, the gun can be dropped meaning someone killed with it can just regrab it.

      And no, do not put a timer on every single power up wep please. Just the AGT and possibly the ADATS.




    11 hours ago, notDMB said:
    • Combat Engineers receive Repair Gun Mk III and health regeneration (2 every 5 seconds) 

    No. This will make hotwire useless. The whole entire "Demo Timed Bomb" argument makes zero sense as it doesn't 1 hit K/O a building or any defence (Maybe a laser turret but you'll get Headshotted.. maybe 1 hit K/O a Flame Tower but that doesn't matter ethier because that defence kills itself on the regular and no one sees it as a threat worth wasting a hotwire on.) Also !ammo exists rendering it irrelevant against buildings because the (x2) Timed C4 explodes fast than the demo timed. The only thing you can use it for reliably is against tanks I guess.

    The only positives Hotwire has against the Combat Engi is
    - Can swim
    - MK.III Rep gun.
    - Maybe more armor?
    - Desert Eagle. (It's a pistol. Unless your name starts with Where'smyMedal/Guard55/LiMaDo. It's useless)

    -Slightly faster?
    -Kinda useful Demo Timed bomb against tanks.

    With this said, buffing the Combat engi to have MK.III will make hotwire useless. Instead, you should give them more armor or health if you want their role to be more combat tuned or be able to swim. The MK.III means there is zero reason I would ever pick Hotwire.. this is added by your proposed health regen.

    By the time GDI needs to buy a hotwire (To use the MK.III to repair) it's usually mid-game anyways at which point both teams have ample credits. It not an issue of Combat engi shouldn't be buffed but rather Hotwire will have zero point in-game besides being able to swim, throw a anti tank bomb that hopefully won't be diffused/cannot be used against buildings because !ammo exists and auto heal (although you're only autohealed to 75 hp so you're pretty much dead anyways as one touch from burn damage will take away 45 hp in seconds, the auto heal takes quite a bit of time as well so really where's the relevance.)

  4. NYC is fucked currently.

    - U.S.S. Mercy has just pulled in to shore due to hospitals being overfilled. Apparently only 20 patients on board despite there being able to fit 1,000.

    - Everywhere is closed and I mean everywhere. It's a ghost town in NYC which is crazy to say the least. 7/8 people have face masks. Streets that usually pack 100's or 1,000's of people now have maybe 1 or 2 walking their dog. Out of the 78 listed near-by restaurants that delivered Chinese Food on Uber Eats only 2 were taking delivery. 

    - Taking the Subway is suicide at the moment.

    - Store shelves were empty and some still are (although it's returned to normal now for the most part).

    - Everything is online only like school or work. People delivering food leave it at the front door and walk away. 

    - Central Park has become a makeshift major hospital with tents everywhere and medical personal. Looking to add more.

    - Talks are in place about not letting people leave NYC. Florida Gov. has already said anyone from NYC going into Florida will be put into jail for up to 90 days. Same goes with Rhode Island and other places.

    - Talks about issuing Tickets/Fines for not staying at home are in place and i believe have occurred. 

    - Politicians and NY Gov. keep pushing back the time scale of when the virus will reach it's Apex.

    - Everyone 4 blocks there is an ambulance driving somewhere that you see or hear.

    - Stock market has tumbled back to 4-5 years ago deleting some of the strongest gains ever seen in the shortest amount of time ever seen. Banks are on edge, restaurants are pilling up debt, cruise ships and airlines are fighting to stay in business (although American Airlines/Boeing shot themselves in the foot with stock buybacks), Delta Airlines has resorted to building Hospital Face masks to stay afloat, American Airlines are shipping Cargo now as 90% of their planes are grounded, Oil Co. are being hit hard with the Saudi - Russia mess going on and no one is driving or flying.


  5. 48 minutes ago, OWA said:

    Just a quick update from me to say that whilst the COVID-19 pandemic going on in the world right now may put a bleak outlook  on things currently, it's great to see everyone banding together online here on the forum and in Discord to share some good times in APB, Interim Apex, ECW and Reborn. You guys are fantastic and keep us motivated to keep working away on the projects in the way that we do, so thanks for that!

    [blurb]Just a quick update with some small bits of general news.[/blurb]


    Stay safe everyone.

  6. 20 hours ago, TemporaryName said:

    Or stuff like this to be in the same team every game:

    Annoyingly, 90% of games come down to who has the better team. Always love going against Where'sMyMedal, Limado, Elyspain and Roh6 at the same time while my team spends their money upgrading heavy weapons yet didn't purchase the tiberium refinement upgrade.

  7. Spybotics: The nightfall incident (Turn based strategy game that is very advanced for what it was. An all time favorite. The tutorial is skipped unfortunately but it's quite basic. Move your program around and defeat the other program. Click on your program for more info.)

    very old 2002 game from my childhood that introduced me to strategy gaming. A bit childish but I still enjoy it not just for strategic but nostalgic as well.. hard to find now if not impossible. Uploading here for archive purposes. I believe LEGO Media itself went extinct circa 2008 making this free online game hard to find.

    Note: This game can only run on Internet Explorer. After downloading, right click the file and click open with Internet Explorer. Give it a minute and it should work. If not, notify me here and i'll provide the Shockwave flash update to help make it work.



  8. I would say yes seeing as it's not a Tunnel beacon or undisarmable on a ledge like in Urban_Warefare. Looks like Mt.Pass.. that map has helicopters to allow easy trasnportation to disarm stuff anywhere on the map and there is also a flame tower/ob that covers attacks next to Nod base there unless of course you're a spy.

    @Kaskins is the final ruling on this. 

  9. 52 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    So you will need the actual Renegade game as well, as that is where the editor gets the resources. You will also want to grab the latest LE scripts from tiberiantechnologies.org

    @ChopBam and @Jerad2142 and others can help with some of the questions that I'm sure are coming next. I don't know much :P


    But welcome to W3D Hub! Ask for anything you need and we will find someone who can help!

    Can you for instance download APB or Interim Apex and use the Always.dat from from those games only and make a map? Or is Renegade required for all W3D games?

  10. 3 hours ago, 420Slayer said:

    Thank you! That did the trick.. I’m reliving my childhood now lol 

    Anytime, see you on the battlefield! To help get you started if you don't already know.

    ECW - Like GTA, but for Renegade
    IA - Renegade on Crack with 100's of new units and weapons and maps including units from RA1 and TS
    APB - RA1 into renegade
    Reborn - TS into renegade

  11. 1 hour ago, Raptor29aa said:

    Excellent! This is good news especially for Infinite Isle, because from the cliffs the obey gun of the past could one-shot every defense.  

    Well, I believe defenses use Vehicle logic while buildings (like the HON/Ref/ Con Yard) use building logic. As a result, defences (at least as of a week ago) can still be annhilated by the Obelisk gun. In addition, the Ob gun was taken out of Infinite Isle if i'm not mistaken.


    54 minutes ago, WNxHeadShot said:

    I was up on the cliff just above the comm centre. That's weird. I did get the discs from the !weap command though.

    You could have just been hitting the building at a weird angle that didn't register damage. For example, if you shoot the doors of a building it doesn't count for any damage whatsoever. I think the Com Center has some weird places damage doesn't register as well like the antenna/pole or a certain part of the radar dish. You could also have been missing as well or maybe your grenades were bouncing and it wasn't hitting in a finicky way. Renegade is weird like that sometimes.

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