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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. This lot is probably the assholes that smash all the lightbulbs "looking for clues hidden inside".
  2. No I'm pretty sure I said it could fail for another reason, such as hitting the hand. It's unlikely it failed because it hit me or Jeod, because then scum would just be testing schmuck bait.
  3. If you could get that clarified, that'd be great.
  4. No, I'm actually trying very hard, for some reason. TBH I was going to half-ass it, but for reasons that are beyond even myself I've been trying to help Jeod.
  5. Not all of it is out in the open because some of it is in my doc with sunflower, but we got confused about when the 700-->600 happened. We thought it happened last night, but that's not the case, and wouldn't make sense as Retal's holding was supposed to be redistributed. Seeing as it happened earlier, I'm back to thinking a conversion happened, and I ALSO think it's Voe, given how big a chunk of Rebel that is compared to the comparative change due to Retal's wall sending (even if that's only a fraction of 10k). Voe's rhetoric doesn't help either.
  6. The income dropped from 700 to 600 on Day 3, which would indicate conversion then.
  7. Oh, and point I left out from the above: I'm not sure if rebel actually changed last night specifically, but due to indie changing, it just scooted over, but as I said, I don't know how to actually measure a circle
  8. Actually measuring the pie chart in any of my graphical programs is beyond my abilities, so I can only eyeball it, but I think what changed last night was Retal's forces got split with some staying loyal (royal army) and some going to the wall (increasing indie). Verti said this split would happen. I suppose one real, valid question would be how many troops are at the wall (important for if the zombies invade), and also important for knowing if it came with any troops to begin with, and as a side effect, knowing how many troops rubeci has. Also I'll actually ping @Retaliation so he doesn't miss it, but do you get to keep your Religion stuff at the wall?
  9. Fair, but it's not like rebels have risked it so far apparently
  10. Oh really? I think if we surveyed everyone (not that I'm necessarily advocating for that), we'd find most people have abilities that are useful to both sides, and don't need a second ability) However the fact that I was attacked yesterday for needing it, and you remained quiet, when you yourself need two abilities does not speak well for you. Before I forget. ##Vote Voe
  11. Nah, 30k vs the whole kingdom isn't enough. Even ignoring the royal army for a second, the income suggests 6 loyal houses. That's like 60k. 60k is more than 30k. Royal army significantly tilts it still in royalist favor.
  12. I mean, that was the same argument used against me at one point. What's your power if you're rebel? At the very least you're hiding something.
  13. If you meant house capital, I've already mentioned that in the thread. I'm immune to night actions while loyalists (aside from conversion). So if anyone got my holding they could gain that immunity, aside from conversion. The conversion is the actual house ability. But since you've clarified your language, we're back to my point. You're claiming your house ability only works if you possess the capital, and are assuming that's the kingdom capital? I find that... hard to believe...
  14. Unless you mean just a standard holding bonus, which is different than a kingdom capital bonus.
  15. So you're actually claiming your bonus requires you to be king, and this king bonus nonsense isn't just some D1 misunderstanding caused by not reading the rules? I find that very hard to believe. I don't have a capital held bonus. I highly doubt anyone has one, which is why I've consistently argued "king bonuses" are BS, but now you're doubling down on it?
  16. Like, if it's your house power, why would it matter if your loyalist or rebel, you could use it as either. You'd have access to it all the time. That's a dumb question.
  17. I mean, you pretty much are. You can't wrestle in the mud without getting muddy yourself. Because your army is yours no matter what alignment you are? That statement doesn't even make any sense, unless you're claiming your army would desert you when becoming rebel.
  18. Maybe I could say the same thing about your troop increase affecting the rebel graph, eh?
  19. Also Retal, are religious actions taken away at the wall? I know it says House actions, but it never really specified religious actions, leaving that a grey area.
  20. No I meant the income. Why don't you address the fact of the pie chart changing hmmm, and the fact that it was such a big jump, and that recruiting 20k sounds just about right for that jump given we have a comparison of sending Retal to the wall. I expect @Category 5 Hurricane to do more with this too. I can't address your theory because it's literally nonsense.
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