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BattleLaf last won the day on May 25 2017

BattleLaf had the most liked content!


10 Good

About BattleLaf

  • Birthday 12/31/2006

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  1. I vote WhereIsMyMedal for MVP, for not playing "pop goes the weasel" with me on Hostile Waters for once. Other nominations include DynoMite for Least Valuable Player, forg0ten1 for Best Bullying of ChopBam While on the Same Team, and ice187dna for Worst Microphone in Existence.
  2. RIP Piñatabox. You were the hero we never knew we needed.
  3. So I'm not exactly new. I've just been absent for the past 6 years or so. The cost of living on the moon is just too high these days. 'Sup?
  4. Trying to change the avatar picture is hard because WHERE IS THE FREAKIN OPTION

    1. ChopBam


      It's easy but not intuitive. While on your own profile page, hover your mouse over your avatar and you should see a "change" button pop up.

  5. What is this "profile feed"? Is this the poor man's Twitter?

  6. (24k views) has been updated with a ModDB profile link in the description and a plug in the comments.
  7. This blarg makes me wish I weren't too busy this summer to test.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, The Dark Knight is the best superhero movie I've ever seen. (And I've seen a bunch.) Needs more O.J. Simpson jokes.
  9. Works for me. This thread contains a direct link.
  10. And it makes perfect sense to land a VTOL aircraft on the Service Depot, as you can in Red Alert. Sometimes it's OK to stray a wee bit from the source, Gummi.
  11. This is very easy to enable in rules.ini, but no unit has it enabled. This is because UC weapons all have the same range. If a Sniper were enabled for entering buildings, he'd have the same range from indoors as the grunts. There's not much of a reason to make this the same in AR.
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