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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Glory glorygloryglory....I'm so THANKFUL for it!!
  2. Oh the laggs...how exactly was this done? alot of work and boredom Next time you need help being bored, let me know
  3. Oh the laggs...how exactly was this done?
  4. Its slowly leaving TT, stay in UK! And save me a bunk!
  5. so im in this witness protection program thing.....and i can't divulge my age....and jk im 21
  6. Not sure how that would be possible lol. Also go get me a cable stretcher! :
  7. seconded! Good work on the editing stuff, looks great!
  8. Care to elaborate racks?
  9. In all seriousness, I'm not making light of the Chernobyl / Pripyat disaster. I just thought the pic was funny. No offense intended.
  10. Thats cool! Except the allies are getting owned....
  11. He's actually in three (!) pics in the first episode! Can't believe i didn't notice before.
  12. Is it the plants?? Will the next episode have weedeaters?? JK But that would make for a fun objective map in TSR.... Good catch! My money is on him/it
  13. Ah, well still a map like that would be neat i think. Also sorry for derailing :/
  14. Ah! Well good work so far! These things, while being short, have managed to make me chuckle each time
  15. This map would be good for infantry only. Maybe add a barracks and a silo or just have it crates only
  16. That chem warrior has a sick sense of humor lol. Also looking closely, i believe he is missing his lego head!!
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