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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. Makes a bit of sense... Off to play Kane's Waffles. Be back in a while.
  2. BS. You of all people should know that the lynch backed up your cop claim, and delivering a report would have been far more useful regardless of the circumstances. And I'm not taking the shot unless I know it won't be a game ender if I'm wrong. For all I know, I'd kill Retal, and the game would instantly end in a scum victory. Not chancing it.
  3. Assuming I believe your cop claim. Which I did, up until now. So I have to ask, why did you try to kill Retal when the plan was to cop him?
  4. Ok Snipe clarified everything with me. She does, indeed, protect me from party wipes. I protected Jeod in the hopes that we'd have a definitive cop report today. Obviously, he elected to do something else, which puts a dent in his cop claim. Any other night reports before moving on?
  5. Hold up, I don't think Mothra's passive protects against player kills.
  6. Sadly, I could only afford the Special Edition, but it's better than nothing!
  7. Second time someone has been Piccolo. As unfortunate as this is, I think we can pull some good things out of this. It backs up Jeod's claim, so we're back to the trio I mentioned. And with FRAYDO graciously sharing his chakra with me, I consider him town, so that seems to narrow it down to Retal and Sunflower. We'll see what we can dig up tonight.
  8. I suppose if this is the way we're rolling... ##vote NodFan
  9. Jeod fibbing about his cop claim has happened before. If we want to put it to the test by flipping NodFan, I'll lend my vote to that as well. Other than that, I'm leaving my vote on Retal for now.
  10. I'm pretty sure someone's lying anyway. I swear to pancakes, if that's actually true...
  11. Yeah, that's on me, I admit. I figured you were safe between arguing with Jeod and losing your lamp post. And as stated previously, not protecting Shade was a fluke.
  12. *sigj* I've danced around this long enpugh, I suppose. I have a Doctor on my team. Mothra can save people at night. I protected myself, thinking that I could be a scrum target. I forgot Shade had a daykill at the ready, and was probably a bigger target, and I wish I had protected him instead.
  13. How come you brought it up now, rather than when you said Retal was the only one without an alibi? No new information came out between now and then.
  14. Oh I did something last night. I've probably said a little too much as it is, though, unless you want a hardclaim.
  15. I'm not sure. Again, I suppose it's possible that Jeod is lying about his cop ability, but there's nothing but speculation to back that up. I guess he could also be insane? Again, though, speculation, and not something I feel comfortable enough to look into right now.
  16. I can't hunt down the individual quotes at this time, but I've read back through his stuff and he seems to have springboarded off of the D1 debacle to hyper focus on Jeod. There's not a whole lot we know about him at the moment (other than him daykilling Jeod and losing a character in the process). He feels the most likely to be scum out of him, Sunflower, and FRAYDO. Refer back to my big post from last night for why I refer to those three specifically.
  17. I'm a bit busy today, so forgive me for not posting a big analysis. Going off of my process of elimination from last night, between the three my gut is telling me Retal is the most likely to be scum. ##vote Retaliation
  18. Uhh... No, we can't, actually. According to the rules, we NoLynched yesterday, therefore we have to lynch today.
  19. I'm curious as to where you're going with this, Jeod. I don't think we should hold up the conversation on Retal's behalf, seeing as how hammer is today.
  20. Alright, here's where I'm at; -Jeod doesn't right, but not quite scummy either. While his general vibe is off, every angle I approach starts to look more town. It's confusing. I could maybe see an angle where he's fibbing about being able to see alignments, but that's super speculative and I don't feel comfortable enough about it to put a vote down. -Orange feels like town, and on top of that there's a few things that simply don't match up with him being scum. Namely, his willingness to be shot twice, and the fact that he was actually pretty chummy with Shade, who ended up being the NK target. I just don't see scum Orange doing those things. -I can see Shade's death as an attempt to implicate Jeod (I attempted a similar thing in my first game as scum), which initially made me want to question NodFan, but with the discrepancy cleared up, I can trust Jeod's "cop" read on him. -Retal, Sunflower, and FRAYDO read like they usually do. If I believe Jeod is town, and that his cop claim is accurate, then that narrows it down to these three. I have a feeling that the scum team might be somewhere among them. Oh me? I was busy on Monster Island. Probably should have left, though. Pfft. I have THREE passives. Get on my level
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