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Blog 9 - Still Alive

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Guest C0de_man

Im just saying.

Most of the fans dont get to hear anything at all in regards to development these days, somehow REDACTED gets trough tough.

Thats kind of strange, isnt it?


EDIT: I dont wanna point fingers, but you know something is wrong when such a thing is actually deemed acceptable at all.

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If we had something new to tell you about it would be in a new blog, not on page 4 of the comments thread of an old blog. The wheels are slowly turning and things are happening, which we will tell you about when we're ready to do so. Having a PR person, or lack thereof, has no impact on what information you get since they would be subject to the same rules everyone else on the dev. team is subject to.

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Guest C0de_man

Yes but why even bother with REDACTED? Why bother making such a circus for a game that is free, especially now that reborn isnt competition anymore?


Look i understand you dont want to be distracted with 100s of questions regarding stuff that isnt even sure to make it in in the end.

Just say you dont wanna talk about it now or "more info comming soon", but dont pretend bogus secrecy.


God knows most of the fans here deserve some infos here.

Edited by C0de_man
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Guest Zeta1125

There really is not reason to hide things, it's not like you have something revolutionary on your hands, hell the game it's based off of is more than 10 years old, as is the engine.


Keep hiding information (for no good reason it seems) and by the time you release this "information" you'll be the only ones celebrating, cause everyone will probably be gone.


To have a good game going you need atleast 32 people interested in the mod, for the moment it seems all this time and silence has made it so servers will be with about 8 people or less.


And let's be honest here, "the wheels are turning slowly" was something that should have been happening about 6 years ago, not now. Just say what you're doing with the mod before it's too late.

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Guest surendre91

Hey all, I've played this game for some months in the Infantry Beta back in 2007 or 2008, can't quite remember.

It had great maps, music and the gameplay was just awesome. I wish I could go back in time and play it again!

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Guys, I assure you....things are happening. I think everyone will be very surprised at what is in the making. Keep in mind it's not just as easy as throwing a bunch of stuff together. The game has changed a lot since the old team had it. We are adding things that were never planed before. This is a whole new game, with a lot of fun new things. We have some of the best people in the W3D community working on this project around the clock. Trust me when I say I got woken up the other night at 4 am from Skype messages and calls about this. Just hang tight and believe me when I say TSR is closer then you all think.

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Guest Generalcamo

We are not complaining about a lack of progress (Well, we KIND OF are). We are complaining about a lack of updates. Perhaps you could show us one of these new features?

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We will have something to show very soon. I'm not looking at this as complaining. You guys are right we should be updating you guys a lot more then what we are. It is our responsibility to not leave the fans guessing. My job has been demanding a lot of my time recently. But i will make sure that there is an update with something really cool to get you guys interested in TSR again. And again sorry about the lack of updates.

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To be fair, Reborn's wheels have been "slowly turning" since 2002


It seems like a curse


I think Wallywood and his team can break this slowness curse, just as quickly as four ten-year-olds drinking energy drinks can beat Halo 4 in one night and brag about it.

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Guest Generalcamo
To be fair, Reborn's wheels have been "slowly turning" since 2002


It seems like a curse


I think Wallywood and his team can break this slowness curse, just as quickly as four ten-year-olds drinking energy drinks can beat Halo 4 in one night and brag about it.

Uhh, you aren't helping anyone with this post. Ten-Year-Olds piped up on Energy Drinks playing such a game will probably break the controller or console before finishing it...

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Ok I do apologize, but what I am trying to say is that The reborn teams at work.

I hope I don't get canned from the testing team for this info but... Since late January a new scripts build, for a tweak or a fix or a new change in code, have been posted every 4-6 days. I won't reveal contents of them, but it shows how close and how hats the team is working.

I am looking forward to not either during blue helling or lagging up when deploying or deploying in a cloaking field.

I am looking forward to a jump jet actually flying not walking. I am looking forward to a burrow system that does just send you down to another plain/terrain. I look forward to actually being able to use a cyborg repeaper without during or glitching through the terrain. Same goes for the hunter seeker unmanned system. Or the APC being able smoothly transition from water to land.

I was part of the reborn testing team two years ago. And I hope the new team has the Nod attack cycle fixed. The thief system fixed and the Ai for the mammoth mkII fixed (one stolen it still gunned down your team mates, I was like holy crap its killing my team in my base and then my base buildings.)

And lastly I think the majority of the mentioned above are either fixed or are 90 percent there.

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Guest Succubus

I dont mind the time it takes so much since its pretty obvious that it take alot of time creating something like this. I was asked to be a dev for a source mod like a year ago and I didnt understand a thing that I was supposed to do :p


I also think its pretty amazing this is still being worked on. I looked around 6 months ago and could not find any info on this. When I saw that the infantry beta was unsupported I thought that everything was over...


After browsing deeper I found a link to this forum. Simply amazing :D


I have myself waited for alot of mods and games that have released very little info on when and such. Like Black Mesa. I saw that mod being in development back when HL:S had just been released and it took a long time but it still got released even tho it was not the full version but whatever :p


I think the key is patience in a situation like this.


Also when it gets released I will try to get my gaming community interested enough to play it and even host a server in it.(Many of them are young and have not played the old C&C like some of us has).

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I can't give details, but I promise that progress is being made in Reborn.


Give this kid a promotion!


I can't give details, but I promise that progress is being made in Reborn.
That's mah boi!!! :)




Ok I do apologize, but what I am trying to say is that The reborn teams at work.

I hope I don't get canned from the testing team for this info but... Since late January a new scripts build, for a tweak or a fix or a new change in code, have been posted every 4-6 days. I won't reveal contents of them, but it shows how close and how hats the team is working.

I am looking forward to not either during blue helling or lagging up when deploying or deploying in a cloaking field.

I am looking forward to a jump jet actually flying not walking. I am looking forward to a burrow system that does just send you down to another plain/terrain. I look forward to actually being able to use a cyborg repeaper without during or glitching through the terrain. Same goes for the hunter seeker unmanned system. Or the APC being able smoothly transition from water to land.

I was part of the reborn testing team two years ago. And I hope the new team has the Nod attack cycle fixed. The thief system fixed and the Ai for the mammoth mkII fixed (one stolen it still gunned down your team mates, I was like holy crap its killing my team in my base and then my base buildings.)

And lastly I think the majority of the mentioned above are either fixed or are 90 percent there.






just quietly i should be getting something to play with in the next week or 2.

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I can't give details, but I promise that progress is being made in Reborn.


Give this kid a promotion!


The power! The absolute power!!


Actually, I don't know if danpaul has mentioned this or not, but we were thinking, perhaps our project (Total Annihilation: Extinction) could be promoted to a BHP project. Thoughts?

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I can't give details, but I promise that progress is being made in Reborn.


Give this kid a promotion!


The power! The absolute power!!


Actually, I don't know if danpaul has mentioned this or not, but we were thinking, perhaps our project (Total Annihilation: Extinction) could be promoted to a BHP project. Thoughts?

you'd have to present that to a producer

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