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Killwhoring Discussion - Split from TSR Blog


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I think killwhoring happens because Nod often doesn't have a good way of finishing off a crippled GDI base short of a mass Tick Tank rush. Whereas with GDI it's a simple matter to just get a Titan or Disruptor and then driving over to Nod base to pound it to rubble, Nod vehicles aren't anywhere as efficient at demolishing base structures...and they have much thinner armor to boot, making them vulnerable to being whittled down by Officers and Jumpjets, or bombed to death by Disk Throwers. So, if your team isn't coordinating a mass Tick rush, what's a Nod player to do? Get a Stealth Tank, Buggy, Devil's Tongue, or Reaper, and try to kill enough of those Officers and Disk Throwers until GDI runs out of money. Hence...killwhoring.

Yeah Nod needs a proper rushing anti building tank. Just buff the damage to buildings by tick tanks. And GDI componenttowers need proper hitbox, so rockets can hit them properly (the hitbox just needs to get longer. It should start from the ground to the turret.)

Edited by Timeaua
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Aren't always available... last game of TS_field I had, it took NOD 4-5 Tick Tank rushes to finally break GDI and this took ages to set up as NOD had lost their PP and one tib silo


Map design might also contribute to some of the issues being raised here, NOD in particular gets shafted on a few maps where GDI can trollololol into their base via the Yolo bus and choose to strike at several targets with almost no warning for NOD and very little reaction time.


Again I'm going from experience here, TS_Crossroads - roughly 25 - 35 seconds into the match as NOD sets off in buggies to harass GDI, a player screams (types) INCOMING AAPC! At which point all hell breaks loose as people start asking 'where?' and 'where is it heading?'


Anyway to cut a long story short, about 10 seconds later the dreaded AAPC comes hurtling up out of the water and crashes into the side of NODS PP releasing a bunch of engineers and officers who tear the PP down so fast the NOD defenders had zero chance of stopping them, literally it took them maybe 6 seconds to reduce its health to zero. Afterwards they suicide charged into the WarFactory and killed it too by bouncing around with their briefcases out (engineers do way too much damage to buildings)


To sum up, the rest of the game was NOD trying desperately to gain money to counteract the tidal wave of GDI Ruptors and Titans that stomped into the base and proceeded to murder everything that tried to move (and the game folded as most of NOD left)

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Arties still break bases for Nod. They melt structures insanely fast.


With Crossroads meta I could have told you PP was the AAPCs target and we are on the forums :p. It is the shortest distance to travel, has the least resistance that a AAPC can drive past, and does the most long term damage. Yes I agree that an engineer is OP as fuck on buildings.


Nod Meta on that map would have been tech to Arties and bomb the WF from across the map.


Yes the Arty isn't always available because of how good it is at killing structures and how great it was at killing titans. Perhaps now that the Juggernaut is making it to the game we can nerf the health of the titan back to what it was and bring the Arty to the maps it was taken away from. It has insane range to the point where it can literally sit over half if not the entire map distance away and do crazy amounts of damage to structures.

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See these AAPC rushes are very unbalanced vs. Nod SAPCs rushes since AAPCs are way faster and more effective, while SAPCs are super slow and if there is pavement everywhere in the GDI base it's almost impossible to bypass the defenses.


Although this issue could get fixed by a good map design that would take into account SAPCs (creating shortcuts only passable underground), right now Nod would do much better with the KW's Nod fast & deployable APC.


ATM the only way to stop the GDI rushes there has to be one or two reapers guarding the base/building entrances.

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If killwhoring is happening because a war factory is lost, then can it not be solved by making the wolverine/buggy available if the barracks/HoN is still alive via air drop? Possibly make it even more expensive because of the added air ride?

It would still give the losing team a chance to fight back if the map is somewhat vehicle dependent. (and if they still have a cash inflow)

If you manage to lose both the war factory and the barracks, and you have 5 technicians repairing the power plant... then the technicians should realize a lost cause and move on to a new start on a fresh map, because otherwise they would just be soliciting kill whoring (pun intended).

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Again I'm going from experience here, TS_Crossroads - roughly 25 - 35 seconds into the match as Nod sets off in buggies to harass GDI, a player screams (types) INCOMING AAPC! At which point all hell breaks loose as people start asking 'where?' and 'where is it heading?'


Anyway to cut a long story short, about 10 seconds later the dreaded AAPC comes hurtling up out of the water and crashes into the side of Nods PP releasing a bunch of engineers and officers who tear the PP down so fast the Nod defenders had zero chance of stopping them, literally it took them maybe 6 seconds to reduce its health to zero. Afterwards they suicide charged into the WarFactory and killed it too by bouncing around with their briefcases out (engineers do way too much damage to buildings)

lol, I think I was on Nod team that game. I grabbed a Stealth Tank early on specifically to counter an AAPC, but since nobody responded when I asked "where's it headed?" I went to guard Ref. They went to PP...

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Again I'm going from experience here, TS_Crossroads - roughly 25 - 35 seconds into the match as Nod sets off in buggies to harass GDI, a player screams (types) INCOMING AAPC! At which point all hell breaks loose as people start asking 'where?' and 'where is it heading?'


Anyway to cut a long story short, about 10 seconds later the dreaded AAPC comes hurtling up out of the water and crashes into the side of Nods PP releasing a bunch of engineers and officers who tear the PP down so fast the Nod defenders had zero chance of stopping them, literally it took them maybe 6 seconds to reduce its health to zero. Afterwards they suicide charged into the WarFactory and killed it too by bouncing around with their briefcases out (engineers do way too much damage to buildings)

lol, I think I was on Nod team that game. I grabbed a Stealth Tank early on specifically to counter an AAPC, but since nobody responded when I asked "where's it headed?" I went to guard Refinery. They went to PP...



Yeah, I was at the PP with a rocket soldier to try and stop them but failed...


Whoever was driving that AAPC was good, they came in at an angle that made it look like they were going to go for the Refinery then at the last second turned to hit the PP giving us almost no time to warn anyone. I was halfway through typing 'AAPC heading for Refinery' when they turned to hit the PP and had to quickly delete what I was typing while also trying to avoid getting squashed by an angry Yolo Bus.


Shame everyone quit after that :sigh:

Edited by DeviousDave
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