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[GAME OVER - TOWN WINS]Steins;Gate - Quantum Mafia

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10 hours ago, Voe said:

Fuck this.

##vote chaos

Just get it over with.

Just a heads up.

On 16.06.2017 at 6:15 AM, TheIrishman said:

Well, I'm not dead anymore but still, guess I'm back on team town. Congrats on the complete mess with the Time Machine by the way. So I suspect that Chaos_Knight is scum considering I "died" N4. And Voe how many members are in your FGL? Also, don't use the time machine yet, I think I have a way to save more town members.

This and many other points where Irish himself confirmed that I have visited him on N4.

Thus I have 0% chance of being scum/killer as we speak.

On the other hand I know for a fact you visited Nodlied last night because I dropped at your place but didn't join your lab.

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Well, I was going to suggest shortening the day to 24 hours, but Nodlied hasn't replied yet. So what I'm going to do instead, is you guys can also vote to end the day earlier. ##earlydayend yes/no The vote to end the day must be unanimous, or hammer will remain to be tomorrow. All alive players must also place a vote in addition to voting to end the day.

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Alright, enough with toying around and let's get down to cold hard facts.

If Voe is scum, we are cooked. He visited me N5 and Nodlied N6. We lynch him today, we all go down in flames. If we lynch Nodlied while Voe is scum, we go down also and in an instant.
If Nodlied is scum, we could win. He was firmly set at visiting himself for the whole time since Jeod died D4. We lynch him, Voe and I will survive, and Town would win.

Now, Voe. Did Nodlied drop into your lab by any chance? Since ya know, you visited him while he visited himself?


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I was kinda busy with stuff. :v (I had a report to write and I was doing some work over at internship today.)

In any case, I was rounder three during the night. I spend all the upas I had on town RNG which has worked (will flip town if I'm lynched).

AC chance is 50%. Also, I investigated Voe tonight who turned up as organisation.

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Also, for some clarification, I've been town for pretty much the entire game. I was still town on D6. But I was rounder 3 on N6. Used all of my UPAs on RNG town and now I'm town again. Does this automatically mean that one of you wankers is now rounder 3?

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2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

I was kinda busy with stuff. :v (I had a report to write and I was doing some work over at internship today.)

In any case, I was rounder three during the night. I spend all the upas I had on town RNG which has worked (will flip town if I'm lynched).

AC chance is 50%. Also, I investigated Voe tonight who turned up as organisation.

Well, here's the thing.

If we lynch you today, we'll create a paradox. If you flip VT as claimed, Voe wouldn't be able to be R3 because, well, he visited you but game-wise you'd be still alive to be locked as today's death.
As a matter of fact, if Voe is town and lynched, the paradox will happen all the same but with reversed roles.

However, sadly, odds aren't in your favor. If Voe is confirmed scum, we are cooked outright.
If you are scum, Voe would die but I might be able to salvage this for the town. Cat5 mentioned an "emergency" action earlier.

Also home come we didn't meet up when you went to Voe? Or meetings don't happen anymore once there's a confirmed Lab Lead? Eh.

2 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

Also, for some clarification, I've been town for pretty much the entire game. I was still town on D6. But I was rounder 3 on N6. Used all of my UPAs on RNG town and now I'm town again. Does this automatically mean that one of you wankers is now rounder 3?

Right now it's you vs Voe as to who is R3.
I can't be one since I visited Irish N4 but he lived to be lynched on D6.


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1 minute ago, Chaos_Knight said:

*how come not home come.

Hell if I know. :v I merely explained what I did. So now it's up to who speaks the truth. How do I know that you visited Voe as well? (Or can rounders not meet up with people?) Or, in case Voe is scum, do we even have access to a time machine to fix this all?

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Just now, Nodlied said:

Hell if I know. :v I merely explained what I did. So now it's up to who speaks the truth. How do I know that you visited Voe as well? (Or can rounders not meet up with people?) Or, in case Voe is scum, do we even have access to a time machine to fix this all?

That is my main concern.

If Voe is confirmed as scum, then I'd die N5 and you N6 through reverse casualty.

This way on D7 start of the final timeline Voe would be alone and Org. Basically Org would win.

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2 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

That is my main concern.

If Voe is confirmed as scum, then I'd die N5 and you N6 through reverse casualty.

This way on D7 start of the final timeline Voe would be alone and Org. Basically Org would win.

Well, isn't Voe the only one with time machine access? If that were to be the case, wouldn't we already be doomed?

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1 minute ago, Nodlied said:

Well, isn't Voe the only one with time machine access? If that were to be the case, wouldn't we already be doomed?

Because until someone is locked in as scum either through lynch or impossibility for anyone else to be scum, they could also be town. And by "could" I mean that there's a chance for that roll basically.

So until the chance is eliminated, anyone can be a number of roles/alignments.

Basically, when Cat5 says that "today you are Rounder #X", it doesn't mean that you become an actual Rounder for a phase. It only means that if you happen to die today, your death would lock you in as a Rounder.

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6 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Because until someone is locked in as scum either through lynch or impossibility for anyone else to be scum, they could also be town. And by "could" I mean that there's a chance for that roll basically.

So until the chance is eliminated, anyone can be a number of roles/alignments.

Basically, when Cat5 says that "today you are Rounder #X", it doesn't mean that you become an actual Rounder for a phase. It only means that if you happen to die today, your death would lock you in as a Rounder.

Hmm, I see. But that does mean I'll flip town today. So it's either Voe or you.

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Just now, Nodlied said:

Hmm, I see. But that does mean I'll flip town today. So it's either Voe or you.

Which as I said is an interesting case.

I visited Irish N4, right after Jeod died as R1. Because Irish got lynched D6, my RC has dropped to 0 (because he survived meeting me thus I can't be a Rounder). Since there's only one Rounder left, Org chance also went to 0. You might've figured it out since your RC and OC went from 25 to 50 after Irish's death.
But this is where it gets interesting. Voe visited you last night. If you are lynched today and flip as Town... there would be no person with R3 chance bigger than 0. That would basically be a paradox.

Something I can't yet figure out how to solve properly.

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Actually. The day post indicates that we must find out who is part of the organisation and act properly. You've provided info on how both Voe and I flipping scum could cause a paradox (how would that work?) or cause instant toast. However if Voe still has access to the time machine, that could be the thing that ''we'' need to use to stop the insta fry that Cat5 was talking about with his ''act properly''. If Voe is scum, we won't have access to the time machine for good guy deeds and we're toast anyway. Thus I believe (if I got it all right) that Voe is town. I know I am town, but what does that make you? 

Is it you?

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4 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

Which as I said is an interesting case.

I visited Irish N4, right after Jeod died as R1. Because Irish got lynched D6, my RC has dropped to 0 (because he survived meeting me thus I can't be a Rounder). Since there's only one Rounder left, Org chance also went to 0. You might've figured it out since your RC and OC went from 25 to 50 after Irish's death.
But this is where it gets interesting. Voe visited you last night. If you are lynched today and flip as Town... there would be no person with R3 chance bigger than 0. That would basically be a paradox.

Something I can't yet figure out how to solve properly.

What if leaving nobody with any R3 chance is the way to go?

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Just now, Nodlied said:

And thus eliminate the organisation? (That is, if I get it right.)

That might be the case.

However, we have to take risks into account. For example if we lynch Voe and he would be locked in as Org, as I said before, we'll both die through reverse casualty and Voe would win the game for Org on D7 start. There would be no way to recover that.
If we lynch you, and you turn up as Org (one of the ways to solve the paradox is to reassign you as R3 for the day) and kill Voe N6. I will be left 1v1 against you on D7 and would have to figure out the "emergency actions" or lose.

Sadly, it seems that for the town to have a chance at winning, we'd have to lynch you.

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2 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

That might be the case.

However, we have to take risks into account. For example if we lynch Voe and he would be locked in as Org, as I said before, we'll both die through reverse casualty and Voe would win the game for Org on D7 start. There would be no way to recover that.
If we lynch you, and you turn up as Org (one of the ways to solve the paradox is to reassign you as R3 for the day) and kill Voe N6. I will be left 1v1 against you on D7 and would have to figure out the "emergency actions" or lose.

Sadly, it seems that for the town to have a chance at winning, we'd have to lynch you.

Can't we ask Voe to use a time machine to redirect the D1 vote onto me so that you guys end up with somebody more useful for this phase? :v

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