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[Game Over] Game of Thrones Conquest Mafia RPG


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10 hours ago, Jeod said:

Verti saw his shadow, 6 more months of winter.

At this point, the delay is mostly my fault. I thought my actions were being forced, so I didn't think I needed to submit anything. Then I needed to ask questions once I found out I actually needed to do something.

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 qs5GiTD.png?1 The Final Battle Results, Winners and Awards qs5GiTD.png?1


Two White Walkers and the Night Queen attacked Winterfell, defended by staged Rubeci's Free Folk forces at Winterfell, assisted by armies from Riverrun (OrangeP47), Storm's End (Shade939), Highgarden (Category 5) and the Royal Army.


Undead's combined army consisted of:

mn3lxFo.png?1 Sunflower: 100 troops attacked Winterfell  (-1 FP) and used Undead Dragon (x6) (-33 FP). Enemy Army's morale tonight was lowered by 60%. Used Winter is Here (costs same as the current WIN: 151) on Category 5: no result.

mn3lxFo.png?1 TheIrishman: 13,000 troops attacked Winterfell  (-130 FP).

mn3lxFo.png?1 voe: 6,520 troops attacked Winterfell  (-65 FP). Used Fog of Death (x2) (-65 FP): enemy army's morale was decreased by 25%.


The Living Alliance consisted of:

20?cb=20170108163035 Royal Army (10,455) is defending Winterfell using Dragonglass (x2 x2) weapons (-105 Provisions, -523 Gold, -523 FP).

20?cb=20170108163035 Category 5 Hurricane joined the Royal Army with 1,600 troops (-16 Provisions) and used Full Grown Dragon (x6) (-48 Provisions -480 FP). Army's morale tonight was boosted by 60%. Used Special Action of the Dragon Army Booster: Dracarys (200 FP) - If you win engagement with your army using Dragon, you can burn the owner of the enemy army (or one of the owners). If your army is defeated though, you will loose the Dragon. Chance of Success: 50%

KlvsGec.png?1 rubeci joined the defense of Winterfell with 4,640 troops, 1,160 from Casterly Rock (-12 Provisions). Used Warg Army Booster (x2)  (-47 Provisions -464 FP). Used Boost Army Morale (100 FP): Army's morale tonight was boosted by 30%.

KlvsGec.png?1 Shade939 joined the defense of Winterfell with 82 troops (-1 Provisions). Used Warg Army Booster (x2)  (-1 Provisions -8 FP). Used Boost Army Morale (100 FP): Army's morale tonight was boosted by 30%.

20?cb=20170523040648 OrangeP47 joined the Royal Army with 991 troops (-10 Provisions).


Battle Result:


2nd wave (Night King passive action):




Voe has lost all of his army in this battle. 


Súvisiaci obrázok

TheIrishman was destroyed by Enemy Dragon's Dracarys action.


Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt shadow demon game of thrones

Shade939 was assassinated by Shadow Assassin.



20?cb=20170108163035 Category 5 Hurricane - 1st place for ending on Iron Throne

mn3lxFo.png?1 Sunflower - 2nd place for holding the biggest army

20?cb=20170523040648 OrangeP47 - 3rd place as survivor

KlvsGec.png?1 rubeci - 3rd place as survivor


Winner of the Game of Thrones:



Special Reward goes to House-Lannister-Main-Shield voe for accomplishing hidden objective: Joining all Factions in the game (Loyal, Rebel, The Night's Watch, Free Folk, Army of the Dead). Regardless of failing in every faction, still, it was still an interesting adventure for the poor old Tywin!


Honorable mentions:

House-Arryn-Main-Shield Retaliation for excellent Lord Commander and best Night's Watch member!

House-Greyjoy-Main-Shield Jeod for ending the Rebellion 

House-Stark-Main-Shield Shade939 for performing the Jon Snow rotation

House-Baratheon-Main-Shield TheIrishman and House-Martell-Main-Shield Louis for destroying the Dragon Queen and Hand of the King


Note: All of you mentioned can claim a special prize:


PM me your shipping info so I can send you these metal key rings/key chains based on your House.

Winners of the game can also claim a bonus: Sword Dragon necklace!




 qs5GiTD.png?1 Players' Docs, Roles & Characters qs5GiTD.png?1


Final Player Status:


Click Here for bigger picture


Game's Documents:


YBpbyOle_7j9d8sbR_5Yj-v56hXTWp_mHcbB-XT0CkR-6DSWkQ4O-AhL4LBU_E-qLf4vbFuk13oAGbnKqJi7SV6k0KMLsVSTfR1ScjZRG3zzUSinvnWrRmKDV601Z_yTSabnmTA Royal Docs:


n4vU2V9GBNk23rGrKIFzkbg6LdUO3kuB0gyRavNWqsE6i4IXmnAq0TgNaKiLTIfReSIO_YrhCi2NjQK6l5O-E1pfxIEbM091t0OGcD4Sgm4ZV9VJup_5KrGEJ3E8o04SyHVGgHkRebel Docs:


m6bDccw6wUeAsLSLrdSQ-bsn730qmzVtuZM2RACWhK1YYO1TuAdCE0-bhL2XZ-u7h00CZaHW4utpjzbB_ytWTUYxysr7A59clqUb_-kOWxaRqnXxKwwHk-ERwEwSS9eXfgzfRNA Alliance Docs:


jnSyPCB4dg4lU7grv347RYRf6Iyboj9lXM5GY0EIUJW5hXCJB1sK0lum32lZFGhq3Kq0Q0FAB3PZUyDn9CbZTO5ptx5FyR6tw0FSAa-zFlfHXodAoRWbA6W2drF1DcWpzH8osuE Wall Docs:


KlvsGec.png?1 Free Folk Alliance

KlvsGec.png?1 jnSyPCB4dg4lU7grv347RYRf6Iyboj9lXM5GY0EIUJW5hXCJB1sK0lum32lZFGhq3Kq0Q0FAB3PZUyDn9CbZTO5ptx5FyR6tw0FSAa-zFlfHXodAoRWbA6W2drF1DcWpzH8osuE Negotiations

r_HuL2jUnL8lLtqnPedlcLrNinNmWx9V57jJt1vnXQHuMCq8y2hSptdo226rapt_sGirZ4lbqIlNHA6-y65kMwyNfv8JiN-A3YS0qCHKvZaCZtJJaVAJkWv93XLz1IEa5iXwDXM Army of the Dead

98CjCC0ZuYOgM8s0yFbN2gb4gqpH8MFtd_c5BE8D8d_BTc4YzSA57DXFpdffD-45-LUjQ2JD0jNxa0IDRgaam-IGfo1xKxWnL2x6kJy0XOew7I15lRHaPRJMuuvLFbBKDdB9pJk  Trading: Golden Company


(If any of the docs above don't work let me know to fix it)


Night Actions

There were a lot of Night Actions done this game, and as this is a conquest RPG there is no simple system to track them via simpler charts. I will start giving permissions to all players to see the PMs themselves although I don't normally do this. If you did not play this game and would like to peek, please let me know so I can add you to the conversations. Players can also request that their PMs will be either held private or you can go yourself and edit the conversations (but please not the actions themselves).



 qs5GiTD.png?1 Game Info, Mechanics and Actions qs5GiTD.png?1


Game was divided into three phases: The 1st War, The Great War and the Last War. During the 1st War players decided themselves which will end up being Kings, Hands, Loyals, Rebels, which will end up on the Wall or under ground. The Great War started when WIN reached 100 points, at this point it only matter who survives the Winter. The Last War was a possible phase to decide the winners if there was a need.

The game had a big variety of actions based on your Houses, Holdings and Religion, even combinations of those. Plus as extra, some game docs that you unlocked also contained several actions that you could use (check for those in docs).


Religion Action Tree:


Click Here for bigger picture


House Actions and Capitals:


Click Here for bigger picture


WIN mechanics


Winter Indication Number started counting after 1st King was elected and the 1st Rebellion was formed. Once reached 100, it triggered the Great War Phase. If it remained high above 100, certain Winter restrictions were in effect (e.g. Provision upkeep for troops), and visa versa, if it dropped back, some restrictions were nullified, and some introduced to the Undead (e.g. FP upkeep for troops). There was no possible way to remove the Winter/Great War Phase once activated though, even if the WIN reached 0 again.

WIN as you may have guessed, was influenced by the dead body count, and also some of the actions (mostly those that were adding in more body counts).

The exact formula is as follows:

WIN (+daily increase) = old WIN +10 - Night's Watch Members + WINMOD + Special Actions

WINMOD  (WIN Modifier) =100 * (Current Dead Body Count - Current Wall's Army) / Total Population

You might have noticed that the WIN jumped up more when there was a certain increase of dead, and visa versa, jumped down when the Wall got reinforcements and the Dead Bodies were either converted too much or burned up by the Wall's Stewards.


Mechanics that didn't make it in the game

The original GoT RPG I had planned a while back was pretty much bigger and more complex game. However, either due to lack of players/interest or lack of my own personal time to do it, these mechanics didn't make it into the game. Because of this the game also had to be re-balanced and some mechanics had to be put in place to keep the pace of the game as planned or to avoid longer stalemates.

These are few examples of mechanics that didn't make it:

  • Champion System: For each House, you would also have your own personal champion (e.g. Hero Unit) that could either be used as extra army booster, infiltrator, or duelist. For example, if you were chosen by daily vote to go to the wall, you could have used your Champion in the "Trial by Combat". Other players that voted for this player would then have to choose their own Champion to fight yours, and the result of the battle would be pretty similar to the Jedi vs Sith Mafia. Champions would have their own items, actions and skill tree.
  • Banner men System: Each House would have a certain amount of banner men and more locations that would either join you based on your reputation or could also be conquered and assimilated.
  • Capital Development: Each House Capital Holding would have their own "KAR" doc, which means you would be able to develop your House by building and doing some policy actions as well. This would also influence your status to the Kingdom, not just unlock more actions/army boosters.
  • Reputation System: As I mentioned earlier with banner men, your House would uphold and maintain a certain Reputation by any action you would take. The reputation would also influence your alliances and even your own affiliation (Loyal or Rebel). Rebels and also certain House mechanics had more actions to influence the Reputation of other Houses.
  • Dynamic Open Trading: Trading would be more open and prices of stock and equipment would be influenced by the Market. You would be able to hire more permanent sell swords to replenish your armies instead of just renting them as it was in this game (although still possible too).
  • Bank Loans and Bounty Hunts: Everyone in game would be able to make a proposition to Iron Bank. Iron Bank would then collect it's debts by signing up Bounty Hunts on players that didn't payed up their debts in due times.


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11 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Let this prove that I don't always backstab the obvious target.

To point out the obvious, but the only reason you didn't backstab Category 5 was you had another way to technically become King...

So what's your point again?

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10 hours ago, VERTi60 said:


 qs5GiTD.png?1 The Final Battle Results, Winners and Awards qs5GiTD.png?1


Two White Walkers and the Night Queen attacked Winterfell, defended by staged Rubeci's Free Folk forces at Winterfell, assisted by armies from Riverrun (OrangeP47), Storm's End (Shade939), Highgarden (Category 5) and the Royal Army.


Undead's combined army consisted of:

mn3lxFo.png?1 Sunflower: 100 troops attacked Winterfell  (-1 FP) and used Undead Dragon (x6) (-33 FP). Enemy Army's morale tonight was lowered by 60%. Used Winter is Here (costs same as the current WIN: 151) on Category 5: no result.

mn3lxFo.png?1 TheIrishman: 13,000 troops attacked Winterfell  (-130 FP).

mn3lxFo.png?1 voe: 6,520 troops attacked Winterfell  (-65 FP). Used Fog of Death (x2) (-65 FP): enemy army's morale was decreased by 25%.


The Living Alliance consisted of:

20?cb=20170108163035 Royal Army (10,455) is defending Winterfell using Dragonglass (x2 x2) weapons (-105 Provisions, -523 Gold, -523 FP).

20?cb=20170108163035 Category 5 Hurricane joined the Royal Army with 1,600 troops (-16 Provisions) and used Full Grown Dragon (x6) (-48 Provisions -480 FP). Army's morale tonight was boosted by 60%. Used Special Action of the Dragon Army Booster: Dracarys (200 FP) - If you win engagement with your army using Dragon, you can burn the owner of the enemy army (or one of the owners). If your army is defeated though, you will loose the Dragon. Chance of Success: 50%

KlvsGec.png?1 rubeci joined the defense of Winterfell with 4,640 troops, 1,160 from Casterly Rock (-12 Provisions). Used Warg Army Booster (x2)  (-47 Provisions -464 FP). Used Boost Army Morale (100 FP): Army's morale tonight was boosted by 30%.

KlvsGec.png?1 Shade939 joined the defense of Winterfell with 82 troops (-1 Provisions). Used Warg Army Booster (x2)  (-1 Provisions -8 FP). Used Boost Army Morale (100 FP): Army's morale tonight was boosted by 30%.

20?cb=20170523040648 OrangeP47 joined the Royal Army with 991 troops (-10 Provisions).


Battle Result:


2nd wave (Night King passive action):




Voe has lost all of his army in this battle. 


Súvisiaci obrázok

TheIrishman was destroyed by Enemy Dragon's Dracarys action.


Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt shadow demon game of thrones

Shade939 was assassinated by Shadow Assassin.



20?cb=20170108163035 Category 5 Hurricane - 1st place for ending on Iron Throne

mn3lxFo.png?1 Sunflower - 2nd place for holding the biggest army

20?cb=20170523040648 OrangeP47 - 3rd place as survivor

KlvsGec.png?1 rubeci - 3rd place as survivor


Winner of the Game of Thrones:



Special Reward goes to House-Lannister-Main-Shield voe for accomplishing hidden objective: Joining all Factions in the game (Loyal, Rebel, The Night's Watch, Free Folk, Army of the Dead). Regardless of failing in every faction, still, it was still an interesting adventure for the poor old Tywin!


Honorable mentions:

House-Arryn-Main-Shield Retaliation for excellent Lord Commander and best Night's Watch member!

House-Greyjoy-Main-Shield Jeod for ending the Rebellion 

House-Stark-Main-Shield Shade939 for performing the Jon Snow rotation

House-Baratheon-Main-Shield TheIrishman and House-Martell-Main-Shield Louis for destroying the Dragon Queen and Hand of the King


Note: All of you mentioned can claim a special prize:


PM me your shipping info so I can send you these metal key rings/key chains based on your House.

Winners of the game can also claim a bonus: Sword Dragon necklace!




 qs5GiTD.png?1 Players' Docs, Roles & Characters qs5GiTD.png?1


Final Player Status:


Click Here for bigger picture


Game's Documents:


YBpbyOle_7j9d8sbR_5Yj-v56hXTWp_mHcbB-XT0CkR-6DSWkQ4O-AhL4LBU_E-qLf4vbFuk13oAGbnKqJi7SV6k0KMLsVSTfR1ScjZRG3zzUSinvnWrRmKDV601Z_yTSabnmTA Royal Docs:


n4vU2V9GBNk23rGrKIFzkbg6LdUO3kuB0gyRavNWqsE6i4IXmnAq0TgNaKiLTIfReSIO_YrhCi2NjQK6l5O-E1pfxIEbM091t0OGcD4Sgm4ZV9VJup_5KrGEJ3E8o04SyHVGgHkRebel Docs:


m6bDccw6wUeAsLSLrdSQ-bsn730qmzVtuZM2RACWhK1YYO1TuAdCE0-bhL2XZ-u7h00CZaHW4utpjzbB_ytWTUYxysr7A59clqUb_-kOWxaRqnXxKwwHk-ERwEwSS9eXfgzfRNA Alliance Docs:


jnSyPCB4dg4lU7grv347RYRf6Iyboj9lXM5GY0EIUJW5hXCJB1sK0lum32lZFGhq3Kq0Q0FAB3PZUyDn9CbZTO5ptx5FyR6tw0FSAa-zFlfHXodAoRWbA6W2drF1DcWpzH8osuE Wall Docs:


KlvsGec.png?1 Free Folk Alliance

KlvsGec.png?1 jnSyPCB4dg4lU7grv347RYRf6Iyboj9lXM5GY0EIUJW5hXCJB1sK0lum32lZFGhq3Kq0Q0FAB3PZUyDn9CbZTO5ptx5FyR6tw0FSAa-zFlfHXodAoRWbA6W2drF1DcWpzH8osuE Negotiations

r_HuL2jUnL8lLtqnPedlcLrNinNmWx9V57jJt1vnXQHuMCq8y2hSptdo226rapt_sGirZ4lbqIlNHA6-y65kMwyNfv8JiN-A3YS0qCHKvZaCZtJJaVAJkWv93XLz1IEa5iXwDXM Army of the Dead

98CjCC0ZuYOgM8s0yFbN2gb4gqpH8MFtd_c5BE8D8d_BTc4YzSA57DXFpdffD-45-LUjQ2JD0jNxa0IDRgaam-IGfo1xKxWnL2x6kJy0XOew7I15lRHaPRJMuuvLFbBKDdB9pJk  Trading: Golden Company


(If any of the docs above don't work let me know to fix it)


Night Actions

There were a lot of Night Actions done this game, and as this is a conquest RPG there is no simple system to track them via simpler charts. I will start giving permissions to all players to see the PMs themselves although I don't normally do this. If you did not play this game and would like to peek, please let me know so I can add you to the conversations. Players can also request that their PMs will be either held private or you can go yourself and edit the conversations (but please not the actions themselves).



 qs5GiTD.png?1 Game Info, Mechanics and Actions qs5GiTD.png?1


Game was divided into three phases: The 1st War, The Great War and the Last War. During the 1st War players decided themselves which will end up being Kings, Hands, Loyals, Rebels, which will end up on the Wall or under ground. The Great War started when WIN reached 100 points, at this point it only matter who survives the Winter. The Last War was a possible phase to decide the winners if there was a need.

The game had a big variety of actions based on your Houses, Holdings and Religion, even combinations of those. Plus as extra, some game docs that you unlocked also contained several actions that you could use (check for those in docs).


Religion Action Tree:


Click Here for bigger picture


House Actions and Capitals:


Click Here for bigger picture


WIN mechanics


Winter Indication Number started counting after 1st King was elected and the 1st Rebellion was formed. Once reached 100, it triggered the Great War Phase. If it remained high above 100, certain Winter restrictions were in effect (e.g. Provision upkeep for troops), and visa versa, if it dropped back, some restrictions were nullified, and some introduced to the Undead (e.g. FP upkeep for troops). There was no possible way to remove the Winter/Great War Phase once activated though, even if the WIN reached 0 again.

WIN as you may have guessed, was influenced by the dead body count, and also some of the actions (mostly those that were adding in more body counts).

The exact formula is as follows:

WIN (+daily increase) = old WIN +10 - Night's Watch Members + WINMOD + Special Actions

WINMOD  (WIN Modifier) =100 * (Current Dead Body Count - Current Wall's Army) / Total Population

You might have noticed that the WIN jumped up more when there was a certain increase of dead, and visa versa, jumped down when the Wall got reinforcements and the Dead Bodies were either converted too much or burned up by the Wall's Stewards.


Mechanics that didn't make it in the game

The original GoT RPG I had planned a while back was pretty much bigger and more complex game. However, either due to lack of players/interest or lack of my own personal time to do it, these mechanics didn't make it into the game. Because of this the game also had to be re-balanced and some mechanics had to be put in place to keep the pace of the game as planned or to avoid longer stalemates.

These are few examples of mechanics that didn't make it:

  • Champion System: For each House, you would also have your own personal champion (e.g. Hero Unit) that could either be used as extra army booster, infiltrator, or duelist. For example, if you were chosen by daily vote to go to the wall, you could have used your Champion in the "Trial by Combat". Other players that voted for this player would then have to choose their own Champion to fight yours, and the result of the battle would be pretty similar to the Jedi vs Sith Mafia. Champions would have their own items, actions and skill tree.
  • Banner men System: Each House would have a certain amount of banner men and more locations that would either join you based on your reputation or could also be conquered and assimilated.
  • Capital Development: Each House Capital Holding would have their own "KAR" doc, which means you would be able to develop your House by building and doing some policy actions as well. This would also influence your status to the Kingdom, not just unlock more actions/army boosters.
  • Reputation System: As I mentioned earlier with banner men, your House would uphold and maintain a certain Reputation by any action you would take. The reputation would also influence your alliances and even your own affiliation (Loyal or Rebel). Rebels and also certain House mechanics had more actions to influence the Reputation of other Houses.
  • Dynamic Open Trading: Trading would be more open and prices of stock and equipment would be influenced by the Market. You would be able to hire more permanent sell swords to replenish your armies instead of just renting them as it was in this game (although still possible too).
  • Bank Loans and Bounty Hunts: Everyone in game would be able to make a proposition to Iron Bank. Iron Bank would then collect it's debts by signing up Bounty Hunts on players that didn't payed up their debts in due times.


End Post is up.

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What a long game, but I admit I had fun with it. My only feedback is to find a way to make it shorter, but then again if real life hadn't caught up with you Verti60 it probably would have been.

I don't need a GoT prize, since I'm not a fan. Give it to my hand @Sunflower. It'll go well with her Daenerys figure.

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