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  1. This is a medium sized asymmetrical map. Several routes lead to a Nod controlled City called "Omega City". GDI needs to capture this city back, by destroying the nearby Nod base. A at the center of the map growing tiberium field is a key gamplay element, as its the only tibfield in this area. Nod and GDI harvesters have to move to this field to gain enough money. Both Nod and GDI have built up outposts (with tiberium dropzones, purchase terminals, vehicle repair ability and air unit ammo landing pad), which are located nearer to this tiberium field, to support control of it. You can get this map here (extract the .mix file to your TSR Data Folder): http://www.file-upload.net/download-10230904/TS_OmegaCity_30_01_2015.rar.html
  2. I still have a huge chunk of work left to post here, including the models I'm planning to donate to Rebarn's cause That being said, here's another project I forgot to add. This is in UDK as well. It's the backwoods of George Washington's Mount Vernon. My in-laws took us up there a couple of years ago and I created a digital version of it for them to have as a canvas print in their living room. Here's the final image: Here it is hanging up in their house, $60 and many months of work later:
  3. Not bad at all, much better than what I see from a lot of people in Renegade. I've included a paintover to illustrate my issues with this that you'll hopefully fix. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. I can explain how to do it.
  4. 2 likes
  5. Granted! You piss yourself. I wish i didn't make minimum wage.
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  7. I'm really sorry to break the chain but this was brilliant. I laughed out loud... variables & comments in arabic!!!
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  8. Still am, but I suppose it doesn't really matter. Congratulations on finding the love of your life, it's a nice feeling isn't it? Reminds me of what I posted back on BHP, the small minority asking for the game(s) to be ported onto newer platforms and when they are told no they usually disappear afterwards. I don't think shoving this onto UDK or whatever at this time will draw in crowds, if anything you risk further fracturing in the community without any real gain. I'm not saying it shouldn't be a possibility, I just don't think it should happen at this point in time. Finish what you start and then consider moving platforms. Another thing I noted was the poor communication to the players, no communication results in the players becoming disillusioned to which eventually they'll stop playing at all. That being said, looking forward to seeing what's in store for both TSR and AR. (:
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  9. Granted. Public transport is now so fast the inertia kills you on the spot! D: I wish the Dutch railway system wouldn't be in complete dissarray just because they announced there may possibly be bad whether...
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  10. Feel free to explain what's wrong with the textures. I'm not going to learn anything from "average.. don't really like the texture work". What specifically is wrong?
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  11. You're welcome. We remain open to working together with BHP to push the boundaries of the W3D engine. Ball is in your court.
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  12. First person my preferred mode. I've tried playing in third person again and again, but for some reason it just doesn't suit me.
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