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Showing most liked content on 04/04/2015 in all areas

  1. I was planning on re-rigging (or at least fixing) the vehicles anyway. I'll take a look at the artillery now. Also, I was considering renaming Umagon's C4 to "Anti-Vehicle Explosive Device" since "C4" sounds like it could kill a building, regardless if there is Anti-Vehicle next to it. Need to run that by Wallywood first though. EDIT: Looked at the artillery.. Wheel08 is not properly linked in its subtree. Fixed now, thanks.
  2. Projectile extensions don't change the amount of damage done... and I'm not sure the bikes HAVE extensions in the first place. He already IS radar invisible I think? I'm sure that was added months ago... Just yesterday I think...this is the result of every match played under 1.2 (up until midday yesterday anyway); As you can see, Nod are coming out on top a little too often... Hence the need for this patch.
  3. 2 likes
  4. Easter Patch, showcasing TS Snow:
  5. Kind of a minor issue, but can we get the "I'm taking heavy fire" voices fixed so that they don't say it when you take very minor damage? Just earlier I jumped from the second floor of Construction Yard, took 1 point of damage, and my character started screaming about where the hell the reinforcements were.
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  6. Then the soviets would have to be very careful about using Yuri, unless you're talking about the bot matches against Yuri's army. Either way, Allied players might camp the Yuri while he's taking control too to get a free bot. I like killing the bot when the Yuri clone is killed better, either that or turning the mind control weapon into a "terminate controlled unit" button after control's achieved. Kind of like how C4 works. Since it might be hard to keep the bot alive while you're getting the clone to safety (since I assume the bot would just blindly charge the enemy like bots on Reborn and APB), would it possible to use some kind of chat command or something to force the bot to follow the controller if you don't want it to attack right away?
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