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Showing most liked content on 10/29/2015 in all areas

  1. I had a super long reply typed out and almost finished when i accidentally hit the "back" shortcut key on my keyboard and lost every bit of it It was so long that most people would not have cared to read. Tell ya what though: get me 10 likes on this post letting me know there's interest in what i have to blab about and I'll retype it all! Until then, use Linux! :
  2. @Isaac, you misspelled "praise" in your avatar :stare:
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  3. Windows 7 definitely. Win XP and Win 98 were great but Win 7 is still better.
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  4. The native support for multiple desktops is really nice. Probably my favorite new feature.
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  5. Windows 10 is my favourite. 8 and 8.1 were OK, but lacked the polish of Win7. XP is just rather dated these days... I've played around with various linux distros over the years but none of them really convinced me that linux is ready for use as a general purpose day to day OS yet
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  6. I'm very fond of Windows XP, but I don't use it now because the support has ended. Windows 7 is great, but Windows 10 is even better for multi-monitor users like myself, so I'd say Windows 10.
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  7. Windows 7, it takes all previous versions and improves upon it without cutting important features out.
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  8. I've been on Windows 7 Ultimate for 5+ years and other than the complete dropping of support, it would be quite hard to convince me to go to a different OS.
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  9. This was totally it for me....I believe he is depicting how some of my customers must act in real life. (for those who don't know, i have a small PC shoppe) That was great Towers, thanks for that
    1 like
  10. Lost to this same :keke: Yup. I've lost to this too.
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