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Showing most liked content on 02/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Another patch has been released, which includes a new map! Get more information and the changelist in the full update! Red Alert: A Path Beyond Update Hey everyone! Another patch has just been pushed to the launcher and server! This one is smaller, but contains the first new map since Delta: RA_Zama. I'm sure the oldies here will remember it. Here is the (not very) long changelist: Changelist GENERAL Armour-piercing bullets (M60, PKM, Ranger, APC, Remington slug) damage to heavy vehicles increased by 6.66% (0.375 to 0.4) Armour-piercing bullets (M60, PKM, Ranger, APC, Remington slug) damage to super-heavy vehicles and boats increased by 10% (0.25 to 0.275) Gunboat/Volkov cannon/Volktillery damage to naval units increased by 20% (0.75 to 0.9 for surfaced ones, 0.25 to 0.3 for submerged). Removed some old scripts from naval units which may have been interfering in spy/thief use. INFANTRY Fixed Allied Sniper bot points for real this time. Engineer C4 damage to naval units evened out; instead of doing 25 when armour exists and 1000 when armour is stripped or the unit is submerged, it deals 500 in both cases, one-shotting everything except destroyers. VEHICLES Ranger/APC magazine size reduced to 50 again. Hind damage to heavy vehicles increased by ~14% (0.175 to 0.2) Hind damage to super-heavy vehicles increased by 25% (0.1 to 0.125) Attack Sub max speed down from 13m/s to 11.8m/s (a ~9% decrease). Attack Sub range up from 110 to 115. AESTHETICS Helicopters in "crash and burn" mode will now explode when submerged in deep water, just like living helicopters. Fixed "In Trouble" music track having vocals that it shouldn't Fixed inconsistent capitalization of "Ore truck lost" Fixed kill strings for Allied Power Plant and FoI secret unit. Fixed barrel recoil on the Artillery which was applied to a part that it shouldn't have been. Sound distance rolloff should be behaving properly now. If your camera somehow manages to find its way out of a VIS sector, all objects/meshes will now be displayed instead of being culled based on the last sector you were in (which created a lot of obvious terrain holes) MAP CHANGES RA_PacificThreat: Reduced size of thief zones by half, and added chainlink fences at certain points around the zones to limit the potential "angles of attack". RA_Zama is back in the game! Here's how it's changed since Gamma: Removed Helipads and added Power Plants, Ore Silos and extra Service Depots. Base locations have been swapped; Soviets are now on the hill like they were in Classic Zama, and Allies are in the opposite corner at the end of the river. Added light posts to bases/landmarks. Allied gem field is downgraded to a mixed ore+gems field. All resource fields except the Soviet gem field have been moved under the mountains. Many of the old "lumpy" hills have been reshaped into cliffs that cannot be climbed. Added a couple of tunnels in the field to assist infantry sneaks. Respawning Supply Trucks have been added to 2 locations far from the bases. Mudslide leading to the top of the Allied cliff (which was previously a pile of hay... sure) is easier to climb now. No-beacon zones added to tunnels/resource mines, out-of-bounds areas, and the Missile Silo basement. Added visibility culling system. And of course, a massive visual overhaul. No secret pictures this time, but I can assure you that this is not the only map that will be released in the future! Until then, you can download the new patch on the launcher and join our server! See you on the battlefield!
  2. Hey guys! For those of you who have been living under a rock not noticed, our friend Raap has been trying his best to finish up a new rendition of a map he made way back in the APB .9935 days - Hostile Waters. While many of the staff and testing team have had a great time thus far playtesting the map, nothing compares to the feedback that can be gained from a public test. Therefore, it has been temporarily added to the regular rotation! If you haven't played it yet, jump on the official server and have at it! When you're done, come back here and share your thoughts. The map is nearing completion and Raap says he's in the final stages of cleaning and prettying it up. If you see something that is really bad out of whack or if you find a bug, tell us about it here. Otherwise, if you have some positive comments, those are more than welcome too. Our developers and in this case, fan mappers, need all the encouragement they can get! Thanks!
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  3. APB is having a Screenshot Contest! Click here for details! Hello Everyone! This weekend, we've got a 3-in-1 special event that we hope you'll all enjoy! Long-time community member and former BHP staff member Raap has been working furiously toward getting his new rendition of his APB .9935 Hostile Waters map ready for use in the public server. Since it is almost ready he feels, he has decided to let the public get a weekend sneak preview of it! Here's a couple development screenshots if you haven't seen them already. Looks great right? It is, I promise. This event will serve a triple purpose. First off, you all get to play Hostile Waters! Secondly, Raap is asking for feedback from the public. After playing, what are your thoughts? Found a bug? Anything of that sort, we ask that you please post it here so that the final version of the map will have all that ironed out already. But wait, there's more! The Allied Ion Destroyer is making a glorious return!!! Kidding Ok, I'm sure you've all noticed the nice loading screens that APB Delta has right? The ones that have awesome screenshots of each map? Yeah those. Well Raap needs one of those loading screens! And he has decided to let you all, the players, get that golden shot for him! So for the third item.... We're having a Screenshot Contest! Here are the rules: Only screenshots taken on Hostile Waters during a live gameplay match will qualify. The screenshot must contain naval gameplay in one form or another. Note that when taking screenshots from a submerged submarine, the image must show a lot of clear content, to compensate for the dark screen. Screenshot must be made with the HUD disabled. (to do this, press F8 and type "hud" to toggle the HUD) Screenshot must be taken with the game on maximum graphical settings. Screenshot must be in PNG quality and unedited, and uploaded at a host that does not reduce quality (imgur.com suffices). Screenshot must be in the highest resolution you can manage. Note that the actual image used in the loading screen is 1024px wide and 352px tall, but the screenshot must be larger than that. A single player can submit as many screenshots as he or she likes. Submit the screenshots in this thread. If your screenshot(s) shows up as a preview or full-size image, put them in spoiler tags please! So we don't bog this thing down so slow it can't be opened! (if you can't figure it out or forget then we'll help you out) The winner is required to have a PayPal account. ...wait...What?!? As extra incentive, Raap has decided to sweeten the deal! The winner of the contest will receive €25 via PayPal! (thats euro-dollars for you Americans, a little more than $25 USD) I have a feeling we'll have some pretty good submissions! If you have any questions, feel free to post them below! Have fun guys!
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  4. Before I start, don't take my post as a negative one. Anything left unmentioned can be considered ok/good enough/great. (Pick whatever you want. ) Potential issues: Capturing the tech structures is far too easy. Not because they're easy to reach, but because they can all be captured by one engineer. This will result in less of a fight on the icebergs and more of a tug-o-war without casualties between engineers. Subs have a far too easy time setting up ambushes or hiding from any dangers due to the icebergs. Due to their ability to pivot and strafe, combined with the excelent turn rate, they don't really have any problems taking down gunboats around the icebergs. Even though the boats are more manoeuvrable than before, they still don't have an easy time turning between the icebergs to bring their gun to bear. Of course, one can brake and reverse but it either takes too much time or the sub will retreat below the icebergs. Suggestions: Adding another naval repair tech structure, this to not force subs and ships back to base after a fight if they want to stand another chance in a direct confrontation, especially on a map like this. Food for thought for other people wishing to provide feedback: Lonbows destroying subs (with the exception of counterstriking missilesubs), is somewhat balanced out by their stealthyness. A sub can get from one point of the map to another while being completely hidden. Ships, however, cannot, and they can be seen from miles away and do not have the luxery to hide beneath icebergs. That's why Hinds are not effective against them. Some naval unit balancing may seem odd, this is not always the fault of the map (see my feedback above), but can have something to do with how subs and boats work at the moment, which we may be unable to fix until later, if at all.
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  5. Thanks for posting this! A quick note; The version used for testing has bugged Naval Yard window frames, so don't bother reporting that - it's a known issue! Looking forward to hearing gameplay feedback!
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  6. However, Ice, you also have to think about the logistical side of things. The Allies are a conglomerate which means that while the countries share their tech, each country still has it's own standing army with it's own entirely independent arsenal similar to our NATO. So while the unit you command may only have the RA1 Allied arsenal, you could also have another commander with other unit's at his disposal such as an M551 sheridan or the F86 Sabre. The same could be said for the Soviet Arsenal as well, as we all know that the USSR loved to make a shit-ton of variants for everything that went into production. So while you as a soviet commander may have only Heavy tanks as your main battle force, another commander might have BMP-1's. Hell, in all likelihood you control a soviet VDV unit because you have paratroopers. Not every commander has access to every asset available to a country. Meanwhile, GDI is not a conglomerate, it is structured international military force with donations from a multitude of countries. While it's safe to assume that GDI has a much larger arsenal than you have access to in TD, it's going to have nothing on the diversity of the Allied Arsenal during the GWWII. The same thing goes for Nod. Nod is an Insurgent force that is given funding through tiberium, and disenfranchised 3rd and 2nd world nations. most of their equipment is developed in-house from existing equipment, to suit their own tactics. Their later-war technology is also going to end up being largely unavailable to un-proven commanders due to the extreme cost of the weapons.Thus, while nod's arsenal is probably much larger (probably larger than GDI's total arsenal), it still wouldn't match the sheer diversity of the GWWII soviet arsenal simply because, while Nod is technically an insurgent (or paramilitary towards the end) force, they still have standardized weaponry.
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  7. I come back and W3D has taken over the world ahahahahahhaha. Anyway it's awesome that APB is still alive and kicking, as soon as I finish downloading the update I'm getting on
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