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Showing most liked content on 03/12/2016 in all areas

  1. I was actually hoping for something like that but it may not happen. Instead, assuming that the logic for it's been fixed, I can add a keybinding that provides help in the chat box about your current unit, and then just add "press this button to get helpful information about your current unit!" to the autoannounce.
  2. There is way too much must-know stuff for newbies to fit in one server entry popup.
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  3. LOL Feel free to lynch me for this but "Welcome to Soviet Russia! How Soviet are you?" "How Soviet am I?" "Comrade Stalin, I'm so Soviet they named me Soviet twice!"
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  4. Next game will be announced either this Friday or this weekend and it will most likely be scheduled for next weekend, or the weekend after it (but before Easter). It's not gonna be a classic forum game though, but the chat version on our W3D Teamspeak. Specific time for the game will be crucial so I'll let players decide when they are available during the weekend or if we need to make two sessions. Some of you would prefer this version, because it will be short and very simple. You may find the chat version quite different, maybe more challenging too. Here's the main attributes for example: Short 10 minute phases - meaning there will be no place for lurking (quiet players are hammered usually), manufacturing large cases, no way to go back and quote large amounts of texts, backtracking all the time. Players will need to be vigilant, look for slips and leads on the spot and make quick decisions. It's almost as real life! No lore or additional content/objectives - the game is simplified to "find and lynch scum or die trying", there is no time to develop additional content or create a backstory. Game is concentrated on the game-play itself. All actions will have to be typed out in chat still, but the game is truly driven by the players, what they talk about. There are no outside influences or mid-game inventions, bonus stages, anything. Everything has tight rules and simple flow of things. Less Power Roles (or PRs) - to make the game go smooth and make the actions resolve faster (especially PPs), there are less Power Roles. All day actions are one time use for the whole game. PP actions are also semi limited, you will have to be careful with frequency and/or max amount. Voting is more important in this setting then actions, but on the other hand a well played action can make a bigger difference then. More adrenaline - you will notice that while playing a chat game your adrenaline will go high, so most of the players will play either more aggressive or make more mistakes. It needs a bit of a concentration to play casually. On the other hand this tension creates many funny moments and the game can also turn into a laugh fest. Instant resolving - you don't have to wait for the GM to resolve something when he's available, all actions are resolved within seconds. Plan actions are also resolved within few minutes so there is no time to "change plans". Everything done is done and there is no way back, even if a mistake is done. More games - if one game ends too short there is an option to start another one immediately instead if players like to. Next Forum game version will be announced before Easter.
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  5. I would rather see a GP-25 on the rifle soldier than this. I still support my suggestion, and pushwall's further comments help reinforce any doubt I had that the changes I proposed (and that he amended) would be overpowered or underpowered. The point of this thread was to determine whether or not the grenadier had use outside of infantry only maps, doing away with him would change the feel of the game significantly and remove a good portion of nostalgia (which is the reason I came to this game).
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  6. I like the idea of removing the RPG Soldier and merging it with the Grenadier in some aspect. Would give it more use for certain.
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