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Showing most liked content on 04/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Funnies has actually been renamed to "Rehab", which seemed more fitting at the time. Get yourself too many warning points and you'll end up in "forum rehabilitation"
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  2. I don't know what the "funnies" group is, but I think whoever it was that suggested SEM be added to it had a point.
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  3. I thought Luna was pretty neat. Never mind collecting crates of dubious importance, I always found it cool to fight on the moon. I remember there was a texture mod by Threve for it that turned the whole map into cheese lol.
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  4. This isn't the RTS man. The Allies don't need to rely on numbers in an FPS game because both sides are balanced against each other. On a perfectly symmetrical map, with an equal number of players for both sides, and all players having equal skills, there'd be a tie. The Soviets rely on raw firepower and armor, and the Allies rely on ranged assaults, stealth and speed. As long as the players know what they're doing, both teams have an equal opportunity to win. And for the server, I check it almost every day, and there's usually at least a handful of people playing. Peak time seems to be between 1:00 and 4:00 PM(EST)
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  5. Okay, here's my two cents on some maps I find bad in some ways. F.o.I: I find this map to be fun quite a bit, but I'd like some variety as to what you could spawn as. Or maybe add a barracks/outpost that would be used to change classes based on what you earned. Though nothing above tech level 1. It also tends to last a little too long in my opinion. Rocktrap: This map, while nice and unique with exploding barrels, tends to drag on or seem too one sided when there are quite a few players. Not to mention that the abundant brush makes it hard to see anything without using the hit box of your target or getting the high ground, which is similar to painting a big 'SHOOT ME!' sign and holding it above your head.
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  6. Not so much funny, as it is interesting and weird (and technically not skirmish either) but a really long time ago when I first bought RA1 back in '98-ish, I was playing through the second Soviet mission and after destroying much of the Allied base the enemy ore truck moved down to my base, started to harvest ore and then...dumping it at my refinery. I was still new to the game at the time, and thought to myself "Huh? Can enemy units surrender? Don't think the manual says anything about this. Oh well, if he's going to help me then I'll leave him alone." I didn't really check see if the money actually got deposited with each trip the enemy ore truck made though. After destroying the rest of the Allies, I wondered why the mission wouldn't end, scoured the rest of the map before looking back at my base and seeing the blue ore truck there. After sending all my troops back to base and killing it, the mission ended. I have never seen this happen since...though I'm wondering if anybody else has encountered this.
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  7. Hey there, I'm really sorry to burst the bubble but this was an April Fools joke! We are still going to be making an FPS/TPS but we agree that another Dune RTS is really needed!
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