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Showing most liked content on 05/07/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 likes
  2. Just a discussion I thought I'd make for fun. For me: a.) Tiber, because the guy finds a way into your buildings through back doors I don't even know exist b.) Sith_wampa, because the guy is never on my team, and I can never kill him! Ever! c.) delta, because, IMO, he is the best player right now. Sorry, that is just my opinion! What do you all think?
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  3. Bant for 2 counts of team hampering
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  4. Silverlight was a Volkov in our missile silo, presumably with a A-Bomb flare. I tried once to go down and kill me but I was dead before the elevator doors opened, so I had to think of another... method of taking care of the problem. Mission Accomplished! RIP Repair Pad. Your sacrifice will be honored in the coming Empire. (now I realize that his death enabled him to disarm Tiber's flare. Sorry Tibs. :[ )
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  5. Hey, Raap, what about something like this?
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  6. I've got the Serenity. She's gorram shiny.
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  7. Its one of those words that gives everyone a lisp Also, I found my spaceship!
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  8. RA_apathbeyond is also a favorite of mine. It would almost need to be remade from scratch, as the version that we know is much too large. That being said, it probably wouldn't have to be shrunk too much because we have sprinting now. No comment about the ants Someone mentioned alpine lake earlier. That was also a really good one IMO, even though it had some issues. I think it could be fixed though with some love. It had lots and lots of infantry tunnels! Also, I'm going to be that guy and bring up RA_FinalBarricade! I liked that map a lot, even with all its flaws.
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