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Showing most liked content on 05/31/2016 in all areas

  1. Is it possible to make it so the CTRL, ALT, and CTRL + ALT commands menu shows up instantly, like how Renegade X does it? I'm probably never going to memorise the commands so it would be great if it didn't take as long to load up the menu. Nothing major but just a small suggestion that'll greatly improve my and possibly others experience. Cheers.
  2. So add a checkbox for it in the config then? Or otherwise a F8 command toggle like with hitbeeps/hitmarks? Surely there is a solution.
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  3. I remember when I had first played I would keep a piece of notebook paper lying beside the keyboard that had my most used Alt and Ctrl radio commands written down for quick reference. Good times.
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  4. Here is a second pass on the Allied base, minus detail objects. As you can see, the base is a lot more compact, and there are elevation differences between buildings in order to eliminate the flat surfaces (The CY and WF are on a hill, the Barracks is in a lower ditch). The ore mine will be under the castle, meaning the Ore Truck(s) have to actually drive towards the action, rather than away from it.
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  5. EMP mines, set by GDI Riot Troopers. These mines disable enemy vehicles and cyborgs. Barracks: See enemy infantry roster War Factory: See enemy vehicle count Refinery: See total enemy credits Power Plant: Disable power, most noticeably the Tesla Coil if present I forget if infiltrating the Construction Yard or Radar Dome did something; I want to say disable passive base repairs and reveal enemy positions respectively, although I could be wrong.
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  6. The only weapons that can't hurt mines are pistols, snipers, redeyes, other mines, and MAD tank shockwaves. Unlike vehicles, mines are vulnerable to splash damage. Mines self-heal 20 seconds after taking damage, until they become hidden again. They cannot be repaired by any tools; if they COULD be repaired by tools, it'd be possible to increase their health far higher than the intended amount - as demonstrated during Gamma where the fools in charge decided to make mines vulnerable to the Mechanic's wrench (yeah totally not allied biased). Any mine that had been wrenched was not only able to survive a V2 landing a foot away from it, but the mine wouldn't even be revealed!
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  7. Couldn't tell Until the map comes out and Kitty gets crushed by the Soviets three times in a row, and then it's RAGE THREAD HA! 2 thing you got wrong: Ill be playing AS soviets and I'll be doing the crushing!
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  8. Couldn't tell Until the map comes out and Kitty gets crushed by the Soviets three times in a row, and then it's RAGE THREAD
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  9. Here is the current situation: Current progress based on rough estimates (updated May 27th): - Main terrain (grass, hills, mountains, water): 90% completed. - Main foliage (trees, bushes, grass, seaweed): 40% completed. [Further progress pending 3DS plugin] - Castle (balcony, ramparts, courtyard, interior): 70% completed. - Shorelines (waves, underwater, rocks): 80% completed. - Ore mines (developed as re-usable map asset): 100% completed. - Base detail (crates, barrels, containers): 20% completed. [Further progress partially pending 3DS plugin] - Core game mechanics (buildings, C&C Mode): 100% completed. - Siege mechanics (Cannons, alternate objective): 50% completed. - Miscellaneous LE tasks (music, map script zones): 50% completed. - Environmental audio pass (water, wind): 100% completed. - VIS (aids): 0.00000% The ore mine is done, and designed for optional re-use in maps via proxy placement (it's basically a building). Once Siege is completed, people can use it if they wish. It took more time to finish the mine than I anticipated since I had to make sure there were no light solve oddities. Edit: Erf, since I got nothing better to show, here is said mine: Some of the smaller details are hard to spot from these camera angles, such as electrical wiring.
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  10. Greetings, As some of you know, my current contribution task for APB is the completion of the Gamma map, Siege. More information on this map can be found in the map request thread, as well as an explanation as for why I decided to work on Siege first, instead of the Fjord remake. Siege will have an alternate victory objective, alongside the standard base destruction victory. However I've been discussing this second victory condition with GeneralCamo, and we believe that another poll might settle the matter - after all, I create this content for you, the players, and you can decide for yourselves what is fun and what is not. A quick rundown of the two options. These are the only two options, there is no third option (other than perhaps no alternative objective at all). Note that this is about an alternative victory objective, this is not a bonus objective or secondary objective, which typically do not result in a match to end. Completion of Siege's alternative objective will end the game. Option 1: Domination mode as we currently have it on maps like Rocktrap. With this option, the castle will receive a set of key locations which must be controlled. Holding a domination objective generates score ticks, and when enough ticks are collected, the game ends in victory of the team with most domination ticks. This means that players have to constantly defend those locations. Option 2: A new gameplay mode we are currently calling "King of multiple hills". The objective would be to claim ownership of ALL control points in key locations within the castle, with a capture mechanic similar to that of domination mode. The key difference here is that capturing an objective doesn't do anything on it's own besides provide a notification. Only once all objectives are held by the same team will the game enter an "alert mode" where the other team has one minute to re-claim at least one control point to end the "alert mode". The team that manages to retain ownership of all locations during the "alert mode", wins the match. The main difference between option 1 and 2 is that domination mode encourages camping the same control points where as the new gameplay mode encourages you to travel to the other control points to clean them of enemies and flip ownership, since camping a single control point doesn't progress you towards a victory at all. Both gameplay modes will benefit from vehicle and air support (besides interior control points). Worth noting is that currently both alternative objectives require some script development, option 2 more so than option 1. So that's why this poll exists, to check which option is most preferred by the players, based on what they think is more fun. My personal opinion is leaning heavily towards option 2, since I do not like domination mode as it encourages just camping the same control point the entire match. Let us know what you think!
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